Super Energy Power

Chapter 83 Foreign Requirements

In the 1980s, Beijing International Hotel and Great Wall Hotel were well-deserved high-end hotels. The best buildings in China, mixed with the sincere service of simplicity and innocence and rigorous training, the trendy restaurants joined by international famous chefs, and the prices far beyond enjoyment, are all places they are all talked about.

In international restaurants, ordinary rooms are often full. Especially when foreign officials go to Beijing, they always find a way to stay for a day or two. However, the executive suite from the 23rd floor is often empty, because the price far exceeds the travel expenses of department-level officials, and the more senior cadres have excellent hospitality, so it is rare to live here.

Therefore, the service on the 23rd floor is meticulous, the environment is very quiet, and with convenient transportation and delicious and convenient food, which makes Sucheng feel lingering.

Huo Chang was somewhat frightened. He is the deputy director of the department, and the living area of the family is not as large as one-third of the hotel room. The little girl who comes to help make the bed and stack the newspapers every day also makes Deputy Director Huo, who is almost 50, very uncomfortable. In addition, the food is expensive and heartbreaking!

"The flower hand is too big." Huo Chang sighed to himself. He sat on the balcony of the living room, overlooking the whole area of Chang'an Street. In the era when the height of buildings in the city was low, the balcony scenery was invincible.

Although he felt it was a waste, Huo Chang couldn't help humming a song in the case of tasting tea and enjoying the scenery.

After a while, when he heard the sound of Su Cheng walking out of the door, he suddenly put it away and shouted, "Factory Director Su, where are we going today?"

"Secretary Lin introduced Minister Song to us. If he has time, he will have a meal, otherwise he will have a glass of wine and a familiar face." What Su Cheng said was very natural.

"It's really difficult to do something now." During Huo Chang's adolescence, people all over the country were still wearing urea trousers. Nowadays, I'm naturally not used to eating and drinking.

Su Cheng thinks it's normal. The thickness of the skin is equivalent to the abundance of profits. Inward is equivalent to the thickness of a firewall. Among the countries in East Asia. Japan is the most thick-skinned, but it is also Japan with the best development. European and American countries are advanced countries, and they are qualified to show their faces. Asia, Africa and Latin America are backward countries. It is necessary to cultivate thick-skinned skin and put it on the enterprise. Dahua Industry's assets are only tens of millions. Shengli Oilfield dares to spend 100 million yuan on a bridge, and Daqing Oilfield pays hundreds of billions of yuan in profits and taxes. Oilfields and machinery factories under the Ministry of Petroleum. It is worth thousands of trillions of yuan. It's normal for a deputy minister here to be bullish.

The important thing is to turn his bullishness into his own resources, not his own enemies.

Su Cheng packed up, called the fat man and Qin Yun respectively, and was ready to go out.

Huo Chang suddenly said, "Let's either invite outside. In this hotel, a plate of crystal shrimp costs 28 yuan. Let's grab it tomorrow."

Xiao Pang just came out and shouted when he heard it: "That's authentic Gaoyou Lake shrimp. It's delivered by express train. You can only live half of it. It's not easy."

Su Cheng also nod and said with a smile, "In another 20 years, you may not have what you want to eat."

Huo Chang just shook his head: "That doesn't work either. It's too luxurious."

"Isn't it our treat? Didn't you see that Director Han was happy yesterday? In a word, he can allocate 300,000 yuan of technical reform funds to the oil field. Although we don't wear hats, we can find people from the oil field again. Su Cheng explained patiently.

"If you want to talk about luxury, Director Huo, the tea you drink is also Longjing, estimated to be 10 to 15 yuan." Xiao Pang laughed straight.

Huo Chang looked bluntly at the hot teacup on the balcony and said, "I took it out of the small kitchen."

Little fat is the key point.

Huo Chang suddenly regretted and said, "Oh, it's my fault. Thinking about the things in the hotel, it's useless. Now it's good. There's no tea money for a year."

"I can drink it as soon as I drink it. I can't afford a cup of tea. I can only say that our company has failed." Su Cheng waved his hand and said, "When we come out this time, we will be generous. If you let people see Dahua Industry live in Datongpu, which costs 1 yuan, and eats noodles with soybean paste every day, no matter how good the product and design are, they will not be recognized.

Huo Chang thought about it, and it was the same. He could only stop talking again.

The four of them went down to the restaurant, confirmed the box, and saw Lin Yonggui's secretary coming.

The latter smiled at Su Cheng and checked again before saying, "Minister Song gets off work at 12 o'clock, arrive at about 12:30, sit for about 30 minutes, and there may be other banquets in the middle. Pay attention to the time."

Huo Chang was astonishing. He has been promoted from a technician to a deputy factory director step by step. Although he also invited guests to give gifts, he has never seen such a scene. He said secretly: It only takes 30 minutes to eat. How can I eat well?

After the banquet, he knew that he didn't eat at all.

Lin Yonggui attended the meeting, and Su Cheng accompanied him, Huo Chang, Xiao Pang and Qin Yun didn't even have a chance to say a word.

Most of the time, Minister Song chatted with Bo Rong. Su Cheng casually interrupted a few words, and the others didn't ask or say anything.

Without waiting for 30 minutes, Minister Song got up and said goodbye. Lin Yonggui told Su Cheng a few words, and then withdrew. He also had other banquets and entertainment. Shengli Oilfield has a big career. There are many people who want to be a mother-in-law, and no one can offend their role.

At this time, the wine and dishes at the banquet were hardly moved.

"No wonder the central government ordered three times and five times to put an end to eating and drinking. A few hundred yuan for this meal, is it such a waste? Huo Chang sighed and said for the second time, "Do something, why is it so difficult?"

Qin Yun disapproved and said, "So the south is developed and the north is backward. When the sky is high and the emperor is far away, they have developed by themselves. The more officials there are, the economy will only get worse.

Su Cheng was used to her strange talk. He sat down carelessly and recalled the conversation just now.

This is a habit that he only developed when he came to Beijing, which can be said to be a new skill given to him by experience.

Cadres at the level like Minister Song have a very high level of policy. Maybe it is really an inadvertent sentence that can also remind themselves.

While thinking about it, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

"Haha, Director Su is really here." Xu Fuyou's voice is a little sharp, especially harsh in the box.

Qin Yun quickly blocked the front and frowned, "Mr. Xu, Director Su is going out. If you have anything to do, you'd better talk to me."

"What's there to talk about with you?" Xu Fuyou stood there and said in a loud voice, "Factory Director Su. I'm not here to talk to you about the power factory.

Su Cheng sat and said nothing. Since he left the matter to Qin Yun. Then I don't want to come forward.

That disdainful attitude immediately damaged Xu Fuyou's self-esteem.

He stared at Su Cheng's face, his teeth rubbed twice, and his voice slowed down, "I heard. Dahua Industry is applying for the Science and Technology Achievement Award and the national technology research plan. I know several experts, and I am responsible for reviewing them several times. So, I thought about it. Director Su met with them. It will improve the success rate.

He wanted to get stuck in the application of Dahua Industry. However, in addition to completely offending Su Cheng, there is no other benefit - after all, once the result is settled, it will be next year's sake of awarding.

The so-called handle is to hold it in your own hands.

Xu Fuyou came to see Su Cheng. It is in a threatening way. In his thought, there are many state-owned enterprises that can be restructured in the world. You are a rich man, so why do you talk to the factory that a poor official like?

"Science and Technology Achievement Award" and "National Technology Plan" are both important awards. In particular, the latter belongs to the content of the state's efforts to do great things. Once selected, it can not only get funds and policy preferences, but also access all the country's research materials in this regard, and even seconded researchers. If the technical research is completed, fame and fortune will be won, and if it is not completed, there will be no punishment. It is the most important project actively strived for by domestic scientific research institutions.

For enterprises like Dahua, the "Science and Technology Achievement Award" is a prerequisite for the "National Technology Plan".

Xu Fuyou has no ability to influence the latter, but he has the ability to hinder the former. He thought to himself: Not to mention the benefits of millions, as long as this Sucheng is not a fool, he should take his prize and leave it alone the affairs of the power factory.

Qin Yun looked back at Su Cheng.

The latter nodded slightly and said, "Then let's go and see."

Xu Fuyou was suddenly overjoyed and immediately thought: Why am I so happy?

So, the smile on his face was taken away again, showing a shadow.

After a few steps, it was Xu Fuyou's box. There were three people sitting in it, which seemed to be the so-called expert jury.

Unlike later generations, there were more unspoken rules for expert review in the 1980s, and few clear rules. Because they are all departmental organizations applying for awards, and everyone is an official. Naturally, the Eight Immortals cross the sea to show their magic.

Generally speaking, when top-level experts don't speak, other experts rely on their voice and face to determine the award. The three people found by Xu Fuyou may not be able to get the award, but it is possible to abolish the award.

"This is Professor Huang, this is Professor Wang, and this is Professor Sun." Xu Fuyou introduced one by one, and his face was full of pride.

Professor Huang sat in his left hand with white hair. Professor Wang in the middle had white hair in his black hair. Professor Sun seemed to have dyed his hair, but it was dark.

Sucheng arched his hand at will.

Huo Chang had probably met three people. He smiled and handed over the cigarette and said, "Professor Huang, Professor Wang, Professor Sun, please pay more attention to the application of our double donkey head pumping machine and anti-abrasive system."

Although it is a patent of Sucheng, it does not pay attention to individual applications now, so it is still applied in the name of Dahua Industry, which is also good for the development of the enterprise.

"There is a limit to what we can do." Professor Huang did not receive Huo Chang's smoke, but sipped a little wine and said, "You should be able to understand that the selection requirements of the Science and Technology Achievement Award are very strict. The requirements are to reach or close to the domestic advanced level, exceeding the highest level of the major, and there must be certain economic and social benefits. Your benefits are good, but they are close to the advanced level in China. I don't think so.

"The double donkey head pumping machine has reached the international level, how can it not reach the domestic advanced level..." Director Huo is the management technology, arguing.

"International level? Humph, it doesn't count if you say it. Professor Huang shook his head proudly and said, "The international level is very good. Don't sit in the well and watch the sky..."

Huo Chang hummed angrily and said, "Our double donkey head pumping machine has been tested several times a long time..."

"This kind of test is greatly affected by the environment... Besides, your anti-wear system. All kinds of anti-wear pumping pipes are anti-wear. Their level is that your simple anti-wear system can't reach..."

"Our anti-wear system can load various types of pumping pipes, significantly improving anti-wear and..."

Su Cheng listened quietly. He looked very calm on the surface. In fact, he was thinking about countermeasures. Since these three people were found by Xu Fuyou, they naturally listened to him. However, the other two people didn't say anything from beginning to end. It seemed that they were the people who pushed the boat along the water, but Professor Huang was a little too active...

Xu Fuyou finally knocked on his long-lost legs, glanced at Su Cheng, and thought: I'll see how long you can pretend.

Soon, Huo Chang's volume was raised, and Professor Huang did not dare to show weakness.

The other two professors had to stand up and persuade.

At the most intense time. The door of the box was knocked twice. It was knocked.

The waiter who came in handed Su Cheng an envelope and said, "Mr. Su Cheng, I have your telegram."

Su Cheng signed the name, pulled out his eyes, and his eyebrows moved slightly.

He took a deep look at Xu Fuyou, but turned his hand and handed the letter to Huo Chang.

This is a telegram forwarded by Dahua Industry, which says: Foreign parties require to buy another 1,000 sets of double donkey head patents.

Huo Chang immediately laughed, looked at Professor Huang disdainfully, shook his hand and threw the envelope over, and said, "Well, China is advanced. Let's have a look. Our double donkey head pumping machine has been sold abroad for a long time."

Professor Huang hurriedly picked up the envelope. When he saw the word "outside", his eyes had changed, but he said, "Who knows if you are doing a play."

"Foreign exchange income, you can't fake it." Huo Chang sneered and said, "Our big-talking double donkey head pumping machine has received a patent fee of $1.29 million."

Professor Huang immediately blocked his words and couldn't help looking at both sides.

The two professors, Sun Wang, immediately turned their faces away. They were originally made with soy sauce, and Xu Fuyou didn't give a penny. He just invited him to a meal at the Beijing International Hotel.

Nowadays, intellectuals have a difficult life, and there are few opportunities to eat and drink. They are cordially invited to the Beijing International Hotel. Naturally, there is no refusal.

However, it's not worth their reputation.

Professor Sun looked at Professor Huang with pity and thought to himself: What today's events may be like.

Professor Huang was obviously nervous. He drank all the wine in the cup and insisted, "Even foreigners have times when they make a blind eye..."

"I've seen it wrong, and I'll buy it twice?" Director Huo waved his hand and said with a smile, "This is the second order."

"That doesn't mean how high your skills are." Professor Huang suddenly came with a little spirit and said, "We have a lot of skills, which have not reached the level of our foreign counterparts. It's just because of the low price that we were bought by the other party. Many mechanical products and petroleum machinery are sold like this, right?

He sought foreign aid again.

King Sun and the two of them didn't say a word.

Su Cheng's mouth moved slightly and asked, "Professor Huang, do you know Halliburton?"

Professor Huang suddenly surged up with a very bad feeling. He held the table and thought to himself: It can't be Halliburton, it can't be Halliburton.
