Super Energy Power

Chapter 88 Export to domestic sales

Hearing Su Cheng's words, Du Lijun's face changed slightly and he secretly said that the orders received by Dahua Industry were not as many as in the legend?

The production line used by Dahua Industry is manufactured by Jinshi General Factory. Its production capacity is clear, with a normal speed of 20,000 sets in 4 years and 7,000 sets per year at full capacity. As long as Sucheng signs more than 3,000 orders a year, it will have to reorder the production line from Jinshi General Factory to meet it. Otherwise, the penalty for delayed delivery can make the small Dahua close down.

Du Lijun plotted himself and thought that the news he got should be accurate. So he ignored the threat of Sucheng and said, "If our Jinshi General Factory has a bad New Year, the workers will naturally not have the spirit to produce. At that time, if you want the production line or something, I'm afraid we will be powerless."

"What Director Du means is that you don't have the ability to make a production line?"

"We can still do it, but our production tasks are also very tight. In terms of delivery time, I'm afraid we can't satisfy Director Su." Du Lijun said, "Oh" again and laughed, "We have been doing a lot of work recently. Can the accessories be delivered later?"

After saying that, Du Lijun couldn't help laughing.

Su Cheng did not feel helpless, but felt that Du Li's army was abominable. Jinshi General Factory is a heavy equipment enterprise, with a production line of tens of millions of yuan, which can't be made a few in a year, but it should be the most profitable product. As a factory director, giving up orders on his own selfishness, and even using it to blackmail other factories is even more abominable than openly soliciting bribes.

Su Cheng was too lazy to talk about it. He spread out his hand and said, "It's one thing for Director Du to be willing to sell the production line. It's another thing whether we should buy the production line or not. As for accessories, delivery cannot be delayed.

Du Lijun was stunned and looked at the expressions of the people around him. I felt that I had been fooled and turned my head. He said angrily, "Don't think you can rely on the ministry to suppress me. Our Jinshi General Factory said that if we don't give you the production line, we won't give you the production line. I'd like to have a look. How do you finish next year's order?

He threw his hand away.

Su Cheng was dumbfounded and speechless to Du Lijun's self-talk. Secretly: When did I think about using ministries to suppress people? There are not many factories that can hand over the production line in a few months, but it is not only the Jinshi General Factory that has a production line, Jason. Isn't there still one left?

He looked around. Then he went to the place where foreigners gathered. Most of the people invited to this embassy dinner are political dignitaries. According to the specifications, the spare deputy ministerial-level officials can't get in. However, [China] officials are not used to attending such dinners, and all kinds of political trial explanations are also very annoying. Therefore, it is common for young people of their nephews to shuttle back and forth and have a good time.

People who really talk about things. They basically gathered in several corners.

Su Cheng looked around for a long time before he saw Jason's profile. He was about to go there, but he was stopped again.

"Factory Director Su." Li Linqiao smiled and took Su Cheng's arm and said, "You still don't have a female companion."

Sucheng snacks were shocked and asked, "How did you get in?"

"You are not the only one who doesn't have a female companion. I'm only waiting at the door. When I see a single person, just ask someone to take me for a ride.

"It's not that easy."

"If you do the review in advance, it will be easy to come in." Li Lin giggled and said, "A little girl came here to see the exquisite dress of the dinner party. Seeing that I sneaked in, I also wanted to sneak in. Unfortunately, I didn't do a review, so I can only regret it."

"The level is good." Su Cheng raised his thumb. This kind of dinner party is tried to sneak in every year, and there are very many successful people. Although Li Lin is from the south of the country, she is more and more proficient in Beijing.

"Don't underestimate me." Li Lin turned around with a smile and asked, "How about the skirt I borrowed?"

The long skirt is close to the floor, with excellent drooping, which can perfectly show the body curve. Li Lin's S-shaped figure has attracted the attention of many foreigners for her.

Su Cheng moved his mind and said, "You go up with me and act according to the opportunity."

Li Lin's eyes flowed and didn't say anything. She just continued to hug Su Cheng and leaned against him with her crisp chest.

There are a small number of tables and chairs upstairs for people to rest, but most people are still standing.

Jason chatted with several foreigners of the same age and greeted those who passed by from time to time.

Su Cheng pretended to rest upstairs and hugged Li Lin. When he got to Jason, he said hello in surprise.

Li Lin didn't know a foreign language and stood on the side with a smile, which immediately made the atmosphere much more relaxed.

After a few chats, Su Cheng seemed to provoke a topic and asked curiously, "Jensen, you mentioned before that the production line was ready to move to Mumbai. How about the production cost there?"

"Manual labor is only a little more expensive than [China], but the price of hydropower plants is slightly higher. It is not cost-effective to be managed by the United States and build a new factory. Jason said easily, "Now lay off the factories and workers over there, and you can save more than 100,000 dollars a month. It's a good choice."

"What about the production line? Have you sealed it?

"I'll think about it again. A director suggested the sale, but it hasn't been implemented yet." Sealing is a relatively troublesome thing. In addition to cleaning, polishing and other measures such as oil seals, there must be a long-term storage warehouse environment. The Soviet Union sealed its unusable weapons in the culvert, waiting for the day of the outbreak of World War III. The cost of sealing a company in Halliburton is much higher, and if it is dug out decades later, I'm afraid it will be worthless.

As long as Su Cheng knows that the things are still in Halliburton's hands, he can rest assured and kindly solve the problem for the other party. "Actually, what you need is an oil extractor to sell the production line to other enterprises for modification. It's better to sell it back to us. The increase in our production will also help you buy cheaper and better oil production engines.

Jensen was very clever. Seeing that Su Cheng was interested, he immediately changed his words and said, "This set of equipment has only produced 1,000 sets of oil producers, with a depreciation of less than 10% and a depreciation of 20%. If it is sold, I can suggest to the headquarters..."

"$100,000 in cash, or 250 sets of pumping machine barter trade." Judging from the current production cost of Dahua Industry, the value of $100,000 in cash is far more than 250 sets of pumping units.

But from Halliard's point of view, $100,000 is too little. The 250 sets of pumping units are worth $750,000, which is about the same as Jensen's depreciation price.

"The barter is a little troublesome."

"My people will take care of it." Su Cheng promised, "We often have this kind of transaction with the Soviet Union, and the process is very familiar."

Dahua Industry has never traded with the Soviets. However, barter trading is what Chinese people often do during this period. Bank endorsement is very convenient.

Jason believed it. Perhaps in his eyes, the red country is like a brother.

He thought for a moment and didn't bargain. He just said, "I'll report it to Mr. Hudson."

"If possible. We will sign the contract today. Su Cheng said sincerely, "We plan to increase production after New Year's Day and buy ready-made production lines. It's easier than reordering from domestic manufacturers.

"I see. This is a good win-win situation, and I will try my best to promote it." Jason didn't expect it at all. Unexpectedly, there are too many company orders to be completed. I didn't expect that there would be a company that would rather not make money than take orders...

Although they lost $1 million in the production line, it would not be a loss if they could exchange it for a $750,000 oil extractor.

If it is calculated based on the patent price when purchasing the oil extractor, it will show the gap between the front and back.

Jenson went to report very positively.

Li Lin and others left with a smile. Ask, "Are you calculating the foreigner?"

"What do you say?"

"When you calculate people, your eyes are so attractive." Li Lin posted it as she said it.

There is a column behind Su City. It's not good to push with your hands, it's not to push, and it suddenly fell into the beast paradox.

This scene happened to be seen by the Du Lijun downstairs.

Li Lin's hot figure wrapped in the evening dress ignited the raging anger of Du Lijun. He thought to himself: Is there any other way to hide in this Su City? How can it be so easy?

However, even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't think of it. If he sold it to a foreign country on the same day, he would "export to domestic sales".

Not long after, Jason invited Su Cheng to the inner room to sign the contract.

After all, this is the embassy's Christmas party, not Halliburton's Christmas party. The $750,000 barter contract is not worth publicizing.

A few names were signed, and the big problem of the production line was lifted. Su Cheng was relieved and thought: I can't follow the bureaucrats' wishes in the future. Even if I have to do it, I have to open the back door for myself. I can't let a company like Jinshi General Factory control my pulse. When I go back A production line, a double donkey head oil harvester, is estimated to have more than ten years of life.

The rest of the night has become a pure social activity. Li (Bookstore, the fastest update Lin followed Su Cheng conscientiously, made gimmicks, and worked part-time to block the wine, gathering a lot of attention on her body, let Chu Su Cheng, who learned this, breathed a sigh of relief.

It was already early in the morning when he got out of the embassy. Su Cheng took Li Lin to the taxi, paid the fare, and promised a tweed coat before he escaped from the clutches. Before he could recall, he rushed to the hotel, pulled Huo Chang up and told Du Lijun's words.

Huo Changben was in a trance. After listening to Su Cheng's description, he suddenly woke up and said angrily, "He is an accessory factory and provoked us. He also thought that if it hadn't been for the leader's speech at that time, would their Jinshi General Factory have been able to get the current order for accessories?

"It's normal to take up a bowl to eat meat, put down your chopsticks and scold your mother." Sioux tapped the table with his finger and said, "If there hadn't been a production line in Halliburton, we would have been pinched by him for seven inches." At that time, we will not only have to beg him, but I'm afraid we have to pay him back obediently. If he is more ruthless, he can also ask for all the accessories to be traded in cash.

The complete assembly manufacturer has a great advantage over the accessories factory. It can not only card quality, card time, and card money back. Especially the latter, whether it is monthly, quarterly or semi-annual, it is stuck in the neck of downstream manufacturers, forcing them to make compromises in terms of quality and speed.

Once there is a dispute between the two sides, because the money is in the hands of the whole assembly manufacturer, the accessories factory will naturally not be hardened, and often suffer losses and have to calm down. Many business people have to sit in other factories all day long and beg for mercy to get the money back.

Dahua Industry is also suppressing the return of Jinshi General Factory. Due to the near end of the year, there is not only a quarterly payment, but also a deposit for previous repairs and a deposit for the whole year, amounting more than 10 million...

This includes profits and production costs, which is equivalent to the advance capital of Jinshi General Factory for Dahua Industrial Production.

If you can't get this money, the Jinshi General Factory will have a bad New Year at all.

Du Lijun also thought that he had settled Su City, so he was so arrogant. Of course, whether the factory has money or not, his New Year's bonus will certainly be less than one point.

Su Cheng smiled and looked at Director Huo and said, "Lao Huo, we have to let Director Du have a good year."

Huo Chang figured out the joints. When he saw Su Cheng's smile, he still didn't understand. He gritted his back teeth and said, "I'll call the factory now and ask them to stop the return of Jinshi General Factory. Don't give a penny. No one says it's it's not good..."