Super Energy Power

Chapter 92 Startup

Wearing the halo of the National Technology Research Plan, there is no obstacle for Dahua Industry to merge Jinan Power Mill.

Since it is already insolvent, Su Cheng only needs to agree to bear the debt, and then he can pocket it.

The Ministry of Petroleum sent a commissioner to be in charge of this matter. He is an unknown deputy director surnamed Wang, who is probably the deputy of Director Mu. At the age of forty-five or sixty-six, he was short and had a big nose. When he saw the list of more than 2,000 employees and hundreds of retired employees, he suddenly felt numb.

In most of the industry, there are as many deputy positions as cattle, and the deputy director is not necessarily more valuable than the director of Jinan Power Factory. Su Cheng also took the same price. He took the initiative to say, "The employees of Jinan Power Machine Factory owe wages. I suggest that the department should solve part of it, and we can solve part of it. I hope the department can coordinate and waive part of the amount. In addition, retired employees have to return it to the department. This burden is too heavy for us to bear.

It is the mainstream for retirees to enter the social security system. Director Wang has no objection, and the focus is still on unpaid wages and interest.

After talking for two days, it was finally decided that the ministry should bear 30% of the salary arrears, and the bank interest was exempted from 60%, which was a draw.

The final signing ceremony was held in the factory area of Jinan Power Factory. Local reporters came to take photos, and the atmosphere was relatively casual.

After writing and exchanging the contract agreement, Deputy Director Wang posed for the reporter to take a picture. He rubbed his wrist and smiled and said, "The director of the Su factory has a lot of business, and it's still very easy to talk."

"Shang Wang's work is neat, and I can't get entangled."

As soon as Su Cheng's voice fell, there was a sudden crackling sound of firecrackers outside.

Both of them looked strangely. When they looked at the window, they saw that there were firecrackers set off by employees outside, and there were a lot of people. I'm afraid that there are more than 2,000 people, and many of them are family members of employees.

Director Wang took a look at Su Cheng. He said with a strange expression, "There are a lot of people."

He thought to himself: buy his old factory. It's a little too much to take yourself seriously by organizing employees to set off firecrackers in the factory.

Su Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "A total of five of us came here and were not ready to celebrate. Director Yang. Go and ask."

Director Yang said "um" and ran down. After a while, he came back and said, "It's the employee of the power engine factory, self-issued firecrackers."

Director Wang is a little curious. Listen to what he said. Put on a heavy coat and walk down.

When he got into the crowd, he asked a few people, which was indeed a spontaneous celebration ceremony.

He really took this young factory director seriously! Director Wang was surprised and said, "I've been doing it for so many years, and I've been shut down and turned around. It has also been the transformation of the joint-stock system and the overall sale, which is supported by the employees. It's the first time I've seen you.

Su Cheng smiled and didn't say anything.

However, when he walked into the crowd, he was immediately surrounded, like a drop of water falling into the oil, surrounded by crackling voices.

"Factory Director Su, we will be your people in the future."

"Factory Director Su, let's start."

The sound of shouting "beg to work" is obviously much higher.

Workers rely on work to eat. Without work, they can't eat well. Even if the officials assured them countless times that the construction will start after the acquisition is completed and the machine does not ring, it is still not reassuring.

Another string of firecrackers sounded, and the person who raised the firecrackers slowly moved to the workshop.

Su Cheng looked at Director Wang, who nodded and smiled, "My main work has been completed. Don't worry about me."

So, a group of people hugged them and went straight to the machining workshop.

This is the workshop that Su Cheng and Shu Lan saw for the first time.

When I opened the door of the old workshop, I saw more than 60 machines, and more than a hundred workers were dressed in washed white overalls and stood neatly at the operating table, just like the glorious period of the factory, under the inspection of the leaders.

Looking at these workers who have been working for 20, 30 or even 40 years, Su Cheng knows that they are not waiting for the review. They are reviewing themselves, their own lives, and the life of the factory.

The workers behind stood quietly in the corner of the workshop to avoid interfering with the machine.

After a short silence, Su Cheng whispered, "Start it up."

The worker holding firecrackers waved a small red flag.

The substation buzzed. The worker leaned over and turned on the machine, one, two, three... All the machines started and chirped cheerfully.

A small workpiece was installed on the lathe. After the master carefully looked at the knife, he slowly approached the knife.

With a "ci", the scraped iron crumbs curled crazily, and the master's eyes were covered with white fog.

A fist-sized connector was cut out quickly and incoherently.

"Second, it's your turn." The master unloaded the workpiece.

His apprentice is at least 30 years old. He carefully holds the workpiece and gives it to the worker who operates the drilling lathe.

A few minutes later.

The workpiece is handed over to the next master again.

Liu Qiu stood behind and whispered, "These machines have been used by the masters for generations, and they have feelings. The 90-liter diesel engine is produced with these machines, and 190-liter diesel engine will be produced in the future.

Su Cheng looked at the workpieces in transit and the backward old machines, and was speechless.

Just like every [Chinese] old factory, the Soviet machine in the 1950s and the Northeast machine in the 1960s will always survive quietly in the corner of the factory. It is said that it has been used for a generation, and it is really modest. Many machines have been opened by the master, and the apprentice has been opened by the apprentice, and the apprentice is still open. Several generations have thought about a machine as transparent as a glass jar, and even the change of the gasket of the screw is like the palm of the hand. With the technology

[China] The country is a backward country. If you use machines like Americans and Germans, you can't earn money to support yourself, let alone industrialization.

Until the 21st century, [China] has become the world's factory. The machines in its factory will still have machines with nameplates hanging in the 1960s and 1980s in the second spring, the third spring... In the chemical industry, the longest cotton polyester and the most polyester are produced with machines decades ago.

When Jinan Power Factory bought the machine, the first thing they considered was how to extend the life of the machine.

"The machine bought with precious foreign exchange and national construction funds will take at least 50 years!" Every factory director who buys a machine will talk about this topic countless times.

They did it.

This is not just the fastest text update of a certain worker // book fan building no pop-up window no advertisement // human behavior, this is tens of thousands of workers, inheriting the common spirit of four generations.

Xu Fuyou thought that he could rebuild a large heavy industry factory by replacing it with a new machine and taking away hundreds of senior workers, which was simply bullshit.

Even if Su Cheng didn't stop him, the new factory would eventually close down.

The factory is a collaborative whole, not a stage for eighth-level workers and technicians to play solo. The workers in the auxiliary workshop may not have much professional qualifications, but good workers often have their own methods to provide better and more suitable tools, and send different cylinders with processing accuracy to different masters, so that they can give full play to their strengths. There are many things that can't be written in the book, and even the workers in the same workshop don't know. It was not until a teacher in an auxiliary workshop retired that the workshop director suddenly found that the yield rate had dropped by 5 points.

Looking at the workers who didn't say a word, but cooperated with each other, Su Cheng secretly said: I have taken on millions of debts, but I have left the soul of this factory. Even if I don't need 45 million to buy new machines, the factory can still produce world-class diesel engines.

"Wait and put it in the honor room of the factory." Su Cheng took a deep look at the workpiece in transit and walked out of the workshop.

Director Wang was also deeply shocked. Before leaving, he said, "Selling the Jinan Power Factory as a whole may be the most correct decision we have made."

"There is no doubt." Su Cheng shook hands with him heavily.