Super Energy Power

Chapter 127 Well Surge

The colored drill pipe rotates quickly, making the bone-like derrick less lonely.

In the purification pool very close to the board house, a stream of muddy water flows out.

Through the glass of the board room, Sha Mingyan looked at Su Cheng worriedly and said, "Su Dong, there is no sign of oil and gas."

"Can you do stratigraphic testing?" Su Cheng asked expectantly.

"The current situation is meaningless." Sha Mingyan shook his head heavily. Formation test, also known as midway test, is sampled by the drill pipe tester at the end of the drill pipe in the middle, which can detect oil and gas in advance. However, the 12 wells do not even have a basic gas layer, and it is impossible to get good feedback from the midway test.

Su Cheng wiped his chin and felt extremely tricky.

He didn't expect that oil well exploration would be so difficult. Well No. 7 failed, No. 8 well failed, No. 9 well was abandoned, No. 10 well failed... At the same time, the No. 11 and No. 12 wells drilled are not optimistic. As far as the current situation is concerned, the probability of oil is still very low.

In just two months, the cost of six wells exceeded 20 million yuan. Because of Sucheng's policy of "not dripping oil into the sea", the environmental management fee of nearly one million yuan has been oversed.

That's it. The fishermen in front of him have also come to make trouble. Some think that he destroys the fishery, some are worried that he will destroy the fishery, and some think that he destroys feng shui. In some cases, it is inevitable to use property to send it.

Officials and corporate figures such as Director He are also like walking around, starting from their own interests, or engaging in sales, or making profits...

Conflict. It's just a small thing.

What really makes Sucheng anxious is that the oil field has not been seen. Not to mention crude oil, even the gas was not seen. This made him wonder whether his memory was correct. Is there a certain degree of misunderstanding?

However, nothing can be confirmed before the oil comes out.

In terms of time, two or three months are only the beginning of exploration. However, due to Su Cheng's full confidence and eagerness to achieve success, the drilling progress of the three exploration teams is very fast, and each well has increased the depth of drilling... In this way. The cost is soaring quickly.

Thanks to the cheap cost of well drilling in China, Sucheng uses its own exploration team from Shengli Oilfield. If it is still in the Middle East between Iran and Iraq, six wells will have to spend hundreds of millions of yuan. Even so, under the overall weakness of the domestic economic environment. Shengli Oilfield also has extremely strict control over cash flow. Su Cheng guessed that Lin Yonggui would not be able to hold it.

No. 12 well, maybe it is the last well he can withstand.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng took his eyes back. He asked, "Lao Sha, has the exploration team of No. 10 well been cleaned up?"

"I'm ready..."

"Let them move faster. Go to the No. 12 well and drill immediately.

"Do you really keep fighting? Move and prepare. It's a lot of money again." Although it is marked with the name of No. 1 and No. 10 of the island. However, on more than 4,000 square kilometers of land, the distance of each exploration well is not close, and where there is no road, it is very troublesome to transport.

Su Cheng shook his head and said, "We must fight."

Sha Mingyan sighed heavily, and he also knew that there was only one way to continue to fight.

If you continue, as long as the oil goes out, the previous efforts will be rewarded.

If it stops, the previous investment will become a pure loss. A loss of 20 million yuan? That's something that Lin Yonggui dared not cover up.

Therefore, Su Cheng must continue to fight until he can no longer raise a penny of money.

This may be the largest kind of gambling in the world. Before the bottom card is revealed, you can only keep betting. The bet will get bigger and bigger, and there is no end of the trend...

Many people are dragged to death during the continuous betting period before they can't see the bottom cards.

Even in the Middle East, which is the most densely oil field in the world, there will be cases where oil can not be dug for several years, from an exploration well to 20 exploration wells... If you can't hold on the day when the oil is released, no matter how many reservoirs there are in the ground, they are just flowers in the mirror ,

Sha Mingyan has been an exploration captain for so many years, and it is not the first time that he has encountered such pressure. Watching the cement pouring down, watching the drill bits change one after another, watching the money go out... However, no matter how many times it happens, this feeling of sitting in the mountains and eating, and fighting for gold at sunrise is still frightening.

Sha Mingyan admired Su Cheng's persistence, but he couldn't say any words of comfort.

"If you don't have a big heart, don't get involved in the oil extraction industry." Su Cheng couldn't help but say such a sentence to relieve the pressure, and then kept silent. In his heart, he is grateful for the good times. Although Shengli Oilfield limits costs, after all, it can continue to provide funds for him to continue to dig wells. As a last resort, it can also borrow money from the state and banks. If it is changed to a private mining company, there will be no oil in 6 oil wells, and it will be more comfortable to jump off the building directly.

"I'm going to..."

In the middle of Su Cheng's words, the ground shook violently.

From the board room, you can hear a "p" sound, like a fart on the beach.

Sha Mingyan rushed to the glass at the first time and saw the mud rising from the sky.

Su Cheng took a step slower, and only the workers shouted "The well is surging" in his ears!

Within a few seconds, there was a cry and shouted "blowout".

(Bookstore The fastest update is blasting!

Su Cheng's head "buzzed" and was blindfolded.

In oil exploitation, the most terrible safety accident is the blowout. When drilling, the pressure on the ground is high and the pressure on the ground is small, so it is necessary to inject mud into the wellbore to balance the pressure. However, if the underground density changes, or the mud density is too small, a blowout will occur.

A large amount of underground toxic gas, uncontrolled ejection of the well, if there are workers nearby, it is almost a death.

If there is another Mars, it will also cause a fire.

The gray-white mud, like an ugly fountain, washed the derrick upside down.

Fortunately, I didn't see the flame.

"What do you want!" Su Cheng grabbed Sha Mingyan's arm. He has never dealt with the blowout, and now he can only count on Sha Mingyan.

Sha Mingyan also looked shocked. He clenched his fist and said, "We need heavy mud, barecrystalline powder, and a lot of heavy mud. I'll go out to command."

"Be careful." Su Cheng only shouted. Start making phone calls. He doesn't know how much heavy mud and bare crystal powder the exploration team has prepared, but when he doesn't know the scale of the blowout, no matter how much heavy mud it should be.

In 1966, the former Soviets used a nuclear bomb of 300,000 equivalents to block oil and gas wells in Uzbekistan. Because of the use of other methods, they all failed.

If it hadn't been for the excessive harm of the blowout, they would not have used nuclear weapons easily.

Wang Jinxi's iron man's name also comes from Jing Chung, which is the state of a blowout. In the case of insufficient baric powder and no mixer, he was forced to block the wellhead with cement and stir the cement powder with his body...

Su Cheng picked up the phone. First, call Wei Kong. He is the deputy director of the office, and there are three production companies below, so he can get a large amount of barge crystal powder and cement casually.

Wei Kong was told not to leak the "blowout" news, and Su Cheng took out his phone book and called several shipyards and shipping companies along the coast. Due to the relationship of Jinan Power Factory, he has contact with these units, and it is more convenient to transport materials by their ships.

Su Cheng didn't want to cover up the news. He just wanted to delay for a few hours. It would be best to stop the blowout. If it doesn't work, find out the situation and countermeasures. There will be fewer attacks.

In just ten minutes, Su Cheng's forehead was full of sweat. I put down the phone and rushed out of the board room.

The beach is full of splashing mud and cement, and there is still mud falling from the sky. An explorers lost his helmet and hurried to the front.

"Are there any casualties?" Su Cheng struggled to walk to Sha Mingyan.

"What are you doing here!" Sha Mingyan stamped his foot and shouted, "There are only three injured. One was broken in the rib and carried to the back, and the other two were bruised."

He pointed twice randomly and shouted, "You go back first."

"I want to stay." Su Cheng shook his head stubbornly and said, "In two hours at most, the barge crystal powder and cement can be delivered. Can you hold on?"

Shamingyan did not answer. The blowout is like an artificial small volcanic eruption. In many cases, it depends on the following situation, not the above situation.

For half a day and a night, everyone couldn't sleep.

The next morning, Su Cheng saw officials from the Administration Bureau, two department-level cadres, and more than 20 workers who came to help.

The leading Director Tang Yang was polite on the surface, but said in a very stiff tone, "Sudong, please go back to the administration first, and we will take over the scene."

"I'll stay." Su Cheng knew that he couldn't go back. If you go back, the blowout will only have "responsibility". It is absolutely impossible to take over the exploration work.

Six wells were drilled, but there was no oil yet. At this time, Su Cheng was unwilling to give up. Moreover, I know with my knees that the successor will no longer drill wells on the island, and even in the next 10 or 20 years, no one will drill a well on the island of exploration.

In that case, not only is the exploration and discovery of the Daodao oilfield delayed indefinitely, but the exploration in other regions is just a fearless waste of money.

With this idea, Sucheng's left-behind attitude is extremely resolute.

Tang Yang persuaded a few more words, but it didn't work. Director Lan, who came with him, stood up and said, "Sudong, we have an order to go back to the administration for investigation."

"Whose order?"

"It's Secretary Tao's order."

Secretary Tao is the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and is also responsible for the safety of oil fields. Su Cheng hesitated for a moment and asked, "Where are the documents?"

Director Lan was stunned. He thought that everything would be fine if he said the "order". At this time, he couldn't help saying, "It's urgent. It's the password."

Su Cheng took a gentle breath, turned his eyes to the suppressed oil well, and said, "The password is not good. I'm an independent director of China National Petroleum Corporation, and the two directors want to remove me from my position? I want to see the written documents."

Tang Lan and the other two can't force him. Moreover, if you think about it carefully, the hall-level cadres in the whole building will not come, but they will send their two department-level cadres without giving written documents, which itself can show their attitude.

Director Lan gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go back and get it."

"Just take Director Tang to get it. You and the workers stay and are ready to change posts. Everyone here has to go to the front line."

Tang Yang is obviously smoother than the blue department. Su Cheng believes that with the help of Lin Yonggui, Wei Kong and others, he should be able to delay a little more time.

After he forcibly left Director Lan, he hurriedly found Sha Mingyan and said solemnly, "Adjust the muddy water as soon as possible and restore the cycle."

"Do you want to continue?" Sha Yanming was shocked.

"There is a blowout, which means that there is a gas layer and the water layer is abundant. As long as the blowout is cured, it is not an ordinary oil well. Su Cheng has no time to choose the next oil well. He does not remember that the Tingdao oilfield is the first exploration well to produce oil, but there are only 15 pre-set exploration wells in the Tingdao oilfield. At this moment, since the No. 12 well has oil and gas signs, it can only continue to fight.

Sha Yanming calculated and said, "Give me two days..."

"Two days and one night, 36 hours, Lao Sha, please." After Su Cheng finished speaking, he turned around and went to the well platform.