Super Energy Power

Chapter 158 Final Price

"I won't quit." Su Cheng didn't even think about it, so he gave the [answer] case.

Liu Bing appreciated his persistence, but he had no choice but to say, "I won't give you any help in China." Our country is still a resource export-oriented country. In the opinion of some comrades, we should practice our internal skills first, wait until the country has a demand for crude oil, and then carry out international bidding at a high price..."

Su Cheng said disappointedly, "Although there is no expectation that there will be domestic financial subsidies like [Japan] South Korea, but... when we need crude oil, how can the Middle East have crude oil left for us? The Middle East is already engaged in shallow sea oil fields. In another 20 years, it will be difficult to get unprofitable deep-sea oil fields.

Liu Bing whispered, "I agree with you. This is a rare opportunity for us to enter the Middle East oil circle. However, the country has given up. If you continue to persevere, there will be great resistance. You need to be mentally prepared. Lao Lin can still withstand Sinopec's natural gas project, so you don't have to think about it.

"They don't want to import liquefied natural gas from the United Arab Emirates?"

"The natural gas of the Soviet Union is closer to [China], and Sinopec gives priority to natural gas in Central Asia. There is nothing I can do about this." Liu Bing is the deputy general manager of the Petroleum Corporation and has only indirect influence on Sinopec.

It seemed that he also felt too much pressure on Sucheng. Liu Bing lowered his voice and said, "It's a major decision to sell liquefied natural gas. You must calculate it. If it really doesn't work, just quit."

Even Liu Bing doesn't think that Sucheng can sell 1,800 tons of liquefied natural gas, which is 10 billion cubic meters. Until 1988, only the United States in the world had this consumption capacity.

"I can still hold on."

Su Cheng put down the phone, but his fingers trembled slightly. He is still strong enough. If it were someone else, he might have collapsed.

For individuals, enterprises, and countries, bidding for oil fields in the Middle East is like a fate-determined imperial examination.

The winner is Phoenix Nirvana, and the loser hides in the ashes.

Compared with enterprises in other countries, Sucheng, who understands history, has a sense of mission: this is the moment that determines the fate of the country's energy. The supplement of 1 billion barrels of high-quality crude oil and tens of millions of tons of liquefied natural gas can double the engine made in China.

"Even if you lose your family, what does it matter?" Su Cheng smiled sadly, fell heavily on **, and fell asleep with his head covered.

A little later, Formosa Plastics Group and Evergreen Group also learned the news that the [China] delegation withdrew from the competition. Although they were not surprised, it still increased the weight of Dahua Industry in their minds.

After all night of communication. The next morning, the two expressed to Su Cheng that they would unconditionally increase the loan.

Su Cheng's response was very flat.

His thoughts have been occupied by another thing: the bidding price of other companies.

41.2 million US dollars was news two weeks ago, and 45.5 million was the psychological battle of Takanobu Ito. What will the final bidding price be? Sucheng has no idea at all.

Zhang Rongsheng could understand his nervousness and took the time to give him a note and said, "According to our news, I got the oil concession."

Taishang Plastics Group and Evergreen Group have branches overseas. On the one hand, they have the task of sales and maintenance, and on the other hand, they also have the task of collecting intelligence. For Taiwanese enterprises, collecting information from East Asian countries such as [Japan] is the top priority. Su Cheng was not surprised to say, "The yen is rising. There is no reason for Ito Trading Company to be short of money."

"I'm afraid they will bid too hard." Wang Sheng whispered, "The oil management department of this paper encourages enterprises to bid for foreign oil fields. Ito Trading Co., Ltd. can get a subsidy of no less than 5 million US dollars. In this case, it is not surprising to bid for 45 million US dollars. Mobil seems to be still bidding for Norway's oil fields. I guess they can pay up to $43 million, and Shell's price should be less..."

Wang Sheng spoke very fast, and he introduced various enterprises for a while. Obviously, he had done his homework.

He finished talking excitedly, but saw that Su Cheng's expression was still flat.

Wang Sheng asked impatiently, "Su Dong, what do you think? How much is the bid?

"I'll wait for the news."

"Wait like this?"

"Hmm." Su Cheng thought: No matter how accurate the analysis is, it is to scratch it. When there is news, it will be too late to analyze it.

That's what he thought and did, but, unexpectedly, Diab's news never came.

On January 22, only three days before the bidding, the location of the oil field was also publicly released, but Diab seemed to have evaporated from the world.

Everyone can't sit still.

Su Cheng is also anxious, and three months of hard work and dedication will be reflected on the day of bidding. Everyone tries their best to find intelligence and support. If Diab and the crown prince behind him go back on their word, the losses will be huge.

Wang Sheng looked at the bubble in his mouth and knew that Su Cheng did not get any information. With this thought, he couldn't sleep well and couldn't stand to turn around the room.

Zhang Rongsheng has been practicing qi for 40 years. At dinner time, he couldn't help asking, "Will the other party really call?"


"The 25th is the bidding day. He should at least give us an approximate number." Wang Sheng drank a large glass of water and said, "Go down to eat."

Su Cheng grabbed him and said, "Call room service. From today on, the three of us can't leave the room.

"Don't go out to see anyone else?"

"I've done what I can do." Su Cheng took a deep breath and stayed in front of the phone.

Three people were in front of the phone, foolishly waiting for the news. When they were tired, they slept for a while. When they were hungry, they ordered food. There was almost no entertainment, and everyone was not in the mood at all.

In the early morning of January 23.

The phone suddenly rang.

Su Cheng jumped up, took it in his hand, and gently said "feed".

The other party also said in Chinese, "I'm looking for Mr. Wang."

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment before he realized Wang Sheng. He handed it to him angrily and said, "Say it quickly."

Wang Sheng picked up the phone with embarrassment. After listening for a moment, he hung up solemnly and said, "The latest news, Ito Trading Company's bid is $53 million."

"How can it be." Zhang Rongsheng jumped up first.

"Our Formosa Plastics still has something to do with it. In order to get this news, we have paid a lot of price. Mr. Su Cheng, there are still two days before the bidding, and Ito Trading Company may increase the bidding fee. We must prepare early."

"53 million dollars?" Su Cheng shook his head and said, "It's more than 20 million yuan. It's impossible for small and medium-sized enterprises to die..."

"Compared with the profits generated by oil, $53 million is not much..."

"As long as there is no oil, these are all painting cakes. With so much investment in the early stage, who can stand it?" Su Cheng shook his head, and the phone was on the phone again.

He jumped over as a hungry tiger and picked up the phone, but it was Lin Yonggui's. In and out of his words, he was also in a comforting tone. At the end, he said, "Qianhai oil drilling technology has not been transferred to Ito Trading Company, which has caused some losses to the oilfield. Liu [Shu] Be mentally prepared."

On that day's oil drilling technology, Ito Trading Co., Ltd. offered a high price of $28 million, and was finally rejected by the head office, and the head of the delegation was adjusted to an unqualification position. However, now the three central enterprise consortiums have withdrawn from the bidding, and they refused to sell "shallow sea oil drilling technology" on the same day, which is short-sighted...

After waiting for Su Cheng to digest the news, Lin Yonggui said, "You must strive to win the bid. If not, you should also try to let Ito Trading Company not win the bid."

"Don't let Ito Trading Company win the bid?"

"You can help other enterprises, or jointly bid." Lin Yonggui's voice changed a little in the cross-ocean phone, but he could still hear it clearly and said, "If I finally won the bid, think about it, how many strange statements will come out?" For example, this was originally an opportunity for [China] China's oil drilling technology to break into the Middle East oil circle and let the world know?

Su Cheng's eyes widened and said, "That's okay."

"Of course, the withdrawal of the three major oil companies from the bidding has cut off your way out. In recent days, there has been news in this regard in newspapers and magazines. The wind is very bad. You must make a decision early." Lin Yonggui paused for a moment and said seriously, "You should remember that if other countries win the bid, you will not have direct pressure, and you must not let Ito Group bid successfully!"

"I'll try my best." Su Cheng thought: [Day] If my bidding amount really exceeds 50 million US dollars, I will probably win the bid. This is a stupid offer. This is shallow sea oil, not land oil. Moreover, Ito Trading Co., Ltd. was also forced to buy more expensive technology, European technology. It is estimated that the quotation will not be less than 50 million US dollars, which is 100 million US dollars...

Thinking of this, Su Cheng couldn't help frowning and thinking: Do you really want to cooperate with other countries? It's too late to look for cooperation now.

Wang Sheng and Zhang Rongsheng watched him put down the phone, didn't ask much, and did their own things.

They have all participated in different types of international bidding and know the pressures.

On this day, Su Cheng spent the day repeatedly until he was woken up by the fierce ringing of the phone.

Su Cheng picked up the phone and spoke English in it.

He was stunned for a moment before he realized something. He quickly took out the paper and pen he had prepared and recorded the words.

On the phone, only the heavy man was reading Shakespeare, which was so bad that there was almost no pause.

Wang Sheng and Zhang Rongsheng, who were resting in the guest room, couldn't sleep soundly. They both came out with their clothes on. Seeing Su Cheng's desperate record, they didn't dare to quarrel and just sat quietly on the side.

About 3 minutes after Shakespeare finished reading on the phone, Sioux City hesitated for a moment and hung up the phone.

"Is that the phone number?" Wang Sheng asked in a low voice.

Su Cheng nod his head, pulled out Shakespeare from the bookshelf as a password book, found the words, recorded the page number and line number respectively, and then calculated the final [answer] case, which made him hesitate.

"How much?" Wang Sheng stared.

'48.9 million."

Wang Sheng was stunned and said, "You can't make a mistake, right? Isn't it [day] Ito Trading Company hasn't bid yet?

"Six enterprises have handed in the tenders, and the book has indeed not been handed out." Zhang Rongsheng said calmly, "The problem now is that Ito's business society will not really reach $53 million."