Super Energy Power

Chapter 161 Contact

In the editorial department of Yangcheng Evening News, there is chaos.

I cherish the incomparable books and newspapers on weekdays, and at this time, it is spread on the ground indiscriminately. Several young interns, like ants, crawled in the posture and looked for it. From time to time, they recorded the main points, ran back to their desks and handed them to the text reporter.

The text reporter was so busy that he couldn't even say "thank you". He stared at the pestle on the table and kept writing, for fear that he would not be able to catch up with the time.

In the center of the editorial department, the distance between the red line and the minute hand representing the deadline is only a quarter of the dial.

"There is still one hour to occupy the minute, a little faster." The deputy editor-in-chief had a fluffy head, like a lion roaring.

The painful moan of "Oh" came from below.

The deputy editor-in-chief jumped on the table and encouraged morale, "I know, everyone is tired!" And I'm hungry. However, we don't have time to eat. The morning newspaper has always been time-sensitive, but the news that Dahua Industry won the bid for the Middle East oil field was released at 8 a.m. Today's newspaper has been put on the shelves. Now, it's going to be published by our evening newspaper!"

He waved his arm, like a horse, beating rhythmically on the table, and shouted, "The typesetting master's shed is ready, and the bicycle team is also ready. The deadline is at 2 p.m., it can be printed at 3 p.m., and it can be sent to the newspaper sales point at 4 p.m. Our Pengyangcheng Evening News will be the first newspaper to comprehensively report that Chinese enterprises have won bids for foreign oil fields. What an honor it is!"

An editor quietly ran to his lap and asked in a low voice, "Can the introduction of the Middle East war we wrote before work now?"

"Crection! I want a brand-new report. The editor-in-chief of Lion's Head shouted in a high tone, "Is it bitter or not? Think about the Red Army's 25,000. Dahua Industry can take down foreign oil fields. How much sweat, how much persistence, and how much hard work? Everyone thinks it's tiring to check the information. Can you be more tired than the comrades of Dahua Industry? We should report the deeds of his shed as soon as possible, and let the people of the whole country know how much great Dahua Industry has done!"

He was as passionate as a speech, shouting: "Napol, China is a sleeping lion. Now, the waking lion opened his eyes and let out his first roar. Moreover, this roar is a private enterprise. I believe that the future news yearbook will list the January Yangcheng Evening News. Let's hold on and think about it again. When the task is completed, the newspaper will invite everyone to drink sugar water!"

I have been sleepless and prepared for a day and night for the text reporter and editor's shed, only hoping that Mei will continue to quench his thirst.

At 4 p.m., the first batch of Yangcheng Evening News met with the citizens.

At the same time, well-known newspapers such as Beijing Evening News and Chongbo Evening News were also published. However, due to different investments, people's reports on the Middle East, especially the United Arab Emirates, are also different.

What's more special is that in the past, government staff who liked a cup of tea in the morning and a newspaper in the morning naturally walked out of the office building and took the initiative to go to the newsstand and commissary to buy one or even several newspapers.

Su Zhenguo naturally didn't have to buy newspapers, but the office director who thought about his mind had already sent someone to wait at the newsstand. As long as a newspaper was delivered, it would take less than five minutes for someone to run to Su Zhenguo's office.

The content of several newspapers at the beginning is relatively reliable. The worst thing is to use Xinhua News Agency reports or do some personnel introductions.

However, the newspaper delivered around 6 o'clock slowly began to be unreliable.

When Director Zhao found the problem, the newspaper had arrived at Su Zhenguo's office. Just as he was uneasy, a burst of cheerful laughter suddenly came from the suite.

The director was stunned for a moment and quietly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the second edition of the Xiangye Evening News sent later and wrote: It is said that when Su Cheng was in school, he was brave and diligent in learning. He insisted on reading books for more than 8 hours every day, and mainly based on petroleum technology. He once told people that Oil...

Director Zhao Guan Er made a cup of tea for himself and thought: The talented Peking University has become a bad job. So are the newspapers now. What's the hurry? I can't collect the information before writing.


The door shaft of the suite rang gently, and Director Zhao subconsciously straightened his back, raised his chin slightly, and waited for a second before looking in the direction of the door. The whole office is all about one action.

Su Zhenguo stepped out of the office, searched for a few new newspapers, and ordered, "Xiao Zhao, go and learn about the situation of Dahua Industry and the Ministry of Energy. Don't disturb others."


"What is Su Cheng doing?"

Xiao Zhao said quickly, "I haven't heard the exact news. We have a time difference of a few hours with the United Arab Emirates, and they are still celebrating now."

"Well, call the embassy and ask about it." Su Zhenguo left the office and went for a walk. This is his daily routine.

The secretary immediately picked up the microphone, asked the embassy, and then asked the car to prepare the car and go to the Ministry of Energy.

The reform of ministries and commissions in the first distillation year transformed the Ministry of Petroleum into the China National Petroleum Corporation and handed over the administrative responsibilities to the newly established Ministry of Energy. Although the main weak ministers are strong, the execution ability is almost zero. However, for central cadres like Director Zhao, it is a formal channel to find the Ministry of Energy first.

When he arrived at the ministry, Secretary Zhao immediately felt a completely different atmosphere.

If other departments are curious and excited, the Ministry of Energy is simply full of mourning. Dozens of cadres passing by did not have a smile on their faces, and they did not talk to each other. It feels more like a prison.

Yes, it's like a prisoner waiting for a verdict.

Only then did Secretary Zhao realize how much damage Dahua Industry's winning bid had on the Ministry of Energy.

The Chinese delegation composed of three stones was led by the Ministry of Energy, commanded by the Ministry of Energy, and ordered by the Ministry of Energy to withdraw.

If Dahua Industry also fails to bid, the mistakes and sewage can be splashed on Dahua Industry, and the virtual "infighting and internal consumption" alone can break it into the abyss of eternal disaster.

However, Dahua Industry actually won the bid!

The three stones, which have not even obtained the right to bid, suddenly became a negative model, and it is a national negative model...

All the dirty water and mistakes fell on his shed.

Even the director had a secret headache for him. He thought: It is the department-level cadres who are responsible for the work of the delegation. They must not be qualified to carry the bag. It seems that someone will be unlucky.

He thought so and knocked on the door of Minister Guo's office.

The door opens.

A head came out and whispered, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"I'm Zhao Zijun from the Su Office. If you have something to do, please contact Minister Guo."

"Hon, Director Zhao." The other party immediately recognized him and said with embarrassment, "Please wait a moment. You can have a cup of tea first.

Director Zhao often goes to the ministries to convey information, but there is not much time to wait. However, he was not in a hurry to take the opportunity to observe the newspaper in the secretary's office.

More than half of them are newly bought evening newspapers, which are different details from usual. As a result, Secretary Zhao is sure.


Hearing the sound of smashing the cup across the door, Minister Guo's secretary smiled awkwardly.

There was a faint scolding in it. Secretary Zhao was surprised and thought: As Minister Guo, it was at least the department-level cadres who were scolded. At such a high position, even the superiors and subordinates had to save enough face. He forced Minister Guo to swear loudly, and he was afraid he was angry. In this way, the main person in charge set by the Ministry of Energy is Minister Guo. Minister Guo's secretary lowered his head. In desperation, he called the inside and said, "Secretary Zhao of the Su Office has arrived."

The scolding inside stopped.

After a while, the two palace officials lowered their heads in disgrace and hurriedly left the office and office, and had no face to say hello. Secretary Zhao recalled that both of them were officials of the oil system for many years. They were trained like grandchildren. It was indeed better to pretend that they didn't know each other. He cleaned up his mood and entered the door with a smile, "Minister Guo, Mr. Su wants to know the situation about Dahua Industry's winning the bid overseas."

"Well, I just received the news from the newspaper." Minister Guo blushed and couldn't see whether he was ashamed or angry. He thought for a moment and said roughly, "Dahua's industrial power is small, and it is the most appropriate to develop with CNOOC. My opinion is to discuss a suitable proportion with Dahua Industry. CNOOC can pay more funds and send more people to fight against the Setan oil field.

"Oh." Secretary Zhao just didn't listen.

Minister Guo had to ask, "What does Mr. Su mean?"

"Su Lao just knew the situation and didn't make a decision." I understand. If there is any progress, I will contact you at any time.

"Is there no progress now?"

"I haven't contacted Sucheng yet." When Minister Guo said this, he was still a little embarrassed.

"I called the embassy before, but he didn't see Su Cheng on his side."

Minister Guo turned his mind and said in surprise, "The total assets of Dahua Industry are only tens of millions of yuan, and the patents are all under his name. Now if you don't answer the phone and don't go to the embassy, will you go to any country without permission?"

"This is unlikely." Secretary Zhao was a little funny and had to say, "At most, hide and don't see idle people." Minister Guo, who was classified as an idle human, smiled twice and knew that he was in a hurry. He really wants Sucheng to defect and not come back. At that time, all kinds of praise in the newspaper will become a joke, and he can also criticize the unruly rules of private enterprises with a prophetic tone...

Of course, all this is just like his fantasy. After a gentle temptation, Minister Guo smiled and said, "I'll ask the head office to continue to contact him. Su Cheng is a cadre from the head office. He is bold and capable. I guess he doesn't want to see my shed."

In fact, Minister Guo doesn't like the oil company that can't be lost. This fashion said helplessly: "This is the first project to go out in our country's oil industry, which is very important. However, it is really sad that some leading cadres ignore the interests of the country and the people for their own sake..."

"Minister Guo, Dahua Industry, which has successfully bid, is a private enterprise, right?" Director Zhao smiled softly.

"Private enterprises are also Chinese enterprises. Under the guidance of the Ministry of Energy of China..." Minister Guo Yi said, and then he woke up. The other party was Director Zhao of the Su Office. If he did it, he would enter Mr. An's ears.

Minister Guo quickly remedied: "Overall, Comrade Su Cheng is still good. His current problems are mainly focused on separation from the organization and the masses. If the embassy and the ministry lose his message, it will be misunderstood. What are you doing hiding from my shed? My shed is not a man-eating wolf. Am I right?" Director Zhao nod and smiled in his heart. You wolf is probably going to be hanged. If you can't find anyone, who will go to the oil war?

Minister Guo also knew this and said with a wry smile, "Comrade Su Cheng's selfishness is a little heavier. Otherwise, we will organize several large enterprises to develop the Setan oil field together, which is good for both sides..."

Director Zhao smiled and said nothing.

Minister Guo had to continue: "We don't have to have the shares of Setan oilfield, nor do we want to pursue the benefits of overseas oilfields, but purely to help domestic enterprises... Now, the main problem is that Sucheng does not contact my shed, which is more serious..."

"Bun Bang." His secretary knocked gently on the door.

"What's going on?" Minister Guo raised his face and said, "I have something to do."

"The news is about Su City." The secretary is instructed to inform him as soon as possible.

As soon as Su Cheng didn't contact him, he contacted him at this moment. Minister Guo's old face, which had just turned white, had a tendency to turn red again. He hummed and asked, "Where did he go?"

"According to the irrigation, I got on the plane, and the destination was Shan, Dongdong, Ying."

"Shengli Oilfield?" Minister Guo's eyes were stunned. Director Zhao asked, "Is there no flight from the United Arab Emirates to the camp?" Minister Guo understood in an instant and hurriedly said, "Yes, he wants to transfer from the capital, go and stop him."

"According to the private jet, the Civil Aviation Administration has approved it." In the era of few private cars, his secretary did not understand the concept of private jets very well, so he could only: "It seems that he doesn't pass through Beijing."

Minister Guo stayed for a moment and decided, "In this case, we will also go to Shengli Oilfield. He is hiding from us. We can't hide from him, Director Zhao..." Director Zhao thought for a moment and said with a smile, "I'll be with you - get up and see if he is a deserter or something else!"

With such a strong joke, Minister Guo was expected to be able to smell it with his nose in the past. But he is so nervous now that he just nod, put on his clothes and walked out.

The importance of Middle East oil, there is no one who does energy understand. Minister Guo's withdrawal from the Chinese delegation is a wise way to protect himself without seeing hope. Now, he is in a dilemma because of this decision, and the only way to solve it is to receive the Setan oil field from Sucheng. Director Zhao has been immersed in the officialdom for decades. How can he not see Minister Guo's Xiao Jiujiu? But he didn't get the authorization, so he just followed and was ready to report to his boss at any time. A few hours later.

Minister Guo, Director Zhao and Lin Yonggui, who were waiting at the airport, saw Su Cheng who got off the plane. He was wearing a windbreaker, and only a few people followed him. There was no pause, no sadness. Under the warm smile, he hid his resolute eyes.

Looking at this outstanding young man, Director Zhao, who originally had a protective mentality, suddenly realized that the characters who could walk out of the corpse-crossed international oil battlefield needed his own protection. Those Arab crocodiles who eat people and do not spit bones, and those international oil dealers who rely on arms trade and politics to survive, don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. In contrast, Minister Guo, who stamped his feet to keep warm, is simply an insignificant little man.

Somehow, Director Zhao looked at Su Cheng with a smile on his face and thought of Chen Yi's "Three Chapters of Meiling": Let's go to Quantai to recruit the old department, and kill Yan Luo with 100,000 banners. ......