Super Energy Power

Chapter 170 Petrochemical Base

Sucheng feels bullied, but he is not angry. In life, there is nothing going well. If you are bullied, just find it back.

He first went to the county magistrate of Ru to find out the situation and told the matter without hesitation.

Ru County didn't say anything for a long time, and finally sighed, "This is what I influenced you, alas..."

"How does this say?"

County Magistrate Ru excused a few words and said inadvertently, "Secretary Qian and I have some conceptual differences. I talked about building schools and assigning teachers yesterday, I guess... hehe."

Su Cheng said "Oh" and asked, "So, unless I give him 20,000 yuan, I can only stop repairing the highway?"

County Magistrate Ru still hopes that he can build a highway. From the county to the town, it is not too far to take a detour to the provincial capital. This road is quite valuable. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Su Dong, what do you think? Regardless of the rest, I'll find some workers for you to build the road, and how much money I can save.

This means that he should pay 20,000 yuan, and then compensate him manually.

But in Su Cheng's eyes, it's more like paying bribes, and the other party gives him benefits.

He said, "It's not necessary to find workers. The villagers nearby are very helpful, and the number of engineers in the engineering team is enough. However, if you have time, please do me a favor."

"Tell me."

"Please tell me about Secretary Qian, what he likes and what he is afraid of..."

When Su Cheng said so, County Magistrate Ru understood what he was thinking.

This is obviously revenge.

County Magistrate Ru does not object to recruiting an enemy for Secretary Qian. He intends to pause for a moment as if thinking. In fact, he counted the time and said, "Let's meet and talk."

Su Cheng said, "I'm in town, and I'll be there in 2 hours."

There is no phone call in Jingshan Village. He wanted to pull a telephone line into the village, but China Telecom did not have such a service at all. 1989 was the peak period for the installation of telephones in the city. It was not possible to install telephones for a week earlier with Ashma's cigarettes, and they wanted the telecommunications to resurface the lines. That's something you don't even do when you give money.

When the two met and talked for a moment, the county magistrate Ru left happily.

Su Cheng asked about the situation. He also picked up the phone and dialed Huo Chang to bring the documents of overseas companies. Come to Ba County.

Naturally, it is not invested in Ba County.

He wants to invest in Yuan County in the same area.

Ba County and Yuan County both belong to Minhuang District. Now, the regional commissioners in Minhang District are about to leave, leaving a deputy hall-level throne, waiting for the subordinate bureaus and the leaders of the four counties to compete.

Among them, Secretary Qian of Ba County and Secretary Li of Yuan County are the most powerful competitors.

Secretary Qian doesn't care whether Sucheng has built one or two roads and several schools in Ba County, because he is about to leave, and the school and road construction are not immediate. Only foreign investment can be regarded as a large satellite.

But. If there is a foreign investment in Yuan County, all the hopes of Secretary Qian will be ruined. For County Magistrate Ru, the promotion of the secretary of money to commissioner means that he will be in the shadow of it for a long time. Therefore, when explaining, it is also very clear.

Huo Chang received a phone call and formed a foreign delegation on the same day to go directly to Yuan County in the name of the American company and the United Arab Emirates company.

Before they arrived, Secretary Qian received the message.

These years. Overseas Chinese invest the most in China, followed by Japanese and American capital, and occasionally a small number of European enterprises. Arab countries have never heard of it.

Therefore, as soon as he heard the word "UAE", Secretary Qian understood the situation. For insurance reasons, he made several more calls to Beijing to investigate the background of these companies. Sure enough, they are all petrochemical enterprises under or related to Sucheng.

This made Secretary Qian even more angry and thought, "If you had a foreign company under your umbrella, what would you have done earlier? Isn't it nice for us to have a friendly conversation?"

He didn't think of his arrogant attitude, but was even more unhappy with Su Cheng's attitude.

However, the current situation makes him see danger. After putting down the microphone, Secretary Qian fell into meditation.

Liu Fei carefully poured out the herbal tea and replaced it with hot tea.

Secretary Qian suddenly woke up, stared at Liu Fei and asked, "I remember, you are a classmate of Sucheng, right?"

"Yes, our high school is all in the county No. 1 Middle School, different classes, but we know each other." Liu Fei couldn't figure out Secretary Qian's mind, so he said something vaguely.

Secretary Qian nod his head and said, "Then go find him and find a way to persuade him to invest in his hometown."

Liu Fei was stunned and whispered, "What about the construction fund?"

Secretary Qian snorted, as if he was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Liu Fei knew that he had made a mistake, so he put down the teacup and hurried out.

Before looking for Su Cheng, Liu Fei took a lot of effort.

Instead of going directly to Sucheng, he organized a class reunion. In Ba County, he is the secretary of the county party secretary and the best among his classmates. He usually has a lot of phone calls.

Liu Fei took the initiative to hold a class reunion, and some people supported him. When he was ready to stop, he called Su Cheng and invited him.

However, unexpectedly, Su Cheng said that there was no time.

Liu Fei giggled at the phone puzzledly: "You are the chairman now. You are back to your hometown. If you don't have a class reunion, won't it be a waste?"

Su Cheng said with a smile, "The school is about to be laid. In addition, I'm going to Yuan County in the afternoon."

"Go to Yuan County? What does that do? This is the last thing Liu Fei wants to happen.

Su Cheng smiled faintly and said, "I'm going to support the original construction of a methanol production line."

Liu Fei hurriedly said, "Isn't it good to build it in Ba County?"

"Your Qian secretary said that he had no desire. I think let him go on without desire. The secretary of the county party committee of Yuan County is quite interesting. Su Cheng still hasn't said a word. Chemical factories are more or less risky. It is really unnecessary to choose such a factory to build a hometown or something.

It's useless for Liu Fei to say anything more. He went to Secretary Qian in frustration and reported it to Secretary Qian. As for the class reunion, I also completely lost interest.

The inspection of the methanol factory has not yet begun, and the three links and one level have begun.

Secretary Li of Yuan County is also a person with a way. He heard that Dahua Industry sent people all over the world to engage in petrochemical projects, so he believed that Sucheng would not deceive people and took the initiative to make room for infrastructure construction.

It turns out. This is the main reason why Sucheng's fake play is real.

Otherwise, he might have invested millions of dollars, but. A project with an annual output of 10,000 tons of methanol costs nearly 10 million US dollars.

It can be said that as long as the project is determined. Secretary Li confirmed that he could be promoted to regional commissioner.

In the era of economic leadership, there are too many examples of economic impact on politics. After Secretary Qian received the exact news, he couldn't help but go straight to Yuan County.

Unlike Ba County, Yuan County is flat, with trains and national highways passing by, and the geographical conditions are obviously superior. In recent years, Secretary Qian has a relationship with the Ministry of Beijing. It is still comparable to Secretary Li, and there is also a relationship in this regard.

Before dinner, Secretary Qian changed into a less conspicuous old * sea car to Yuan County.

The red banner on the road said "Welcome leaders to check the work" and so on, which made Secretary Qian feel much better. At the same time, he asked, "Xiao Liu, do the regional leaders want to come from the county?"

"When we came out, we hadn't heard of it yet."

"Lao Li's ability to lick the secretary's hook is quite good." Secretary Qian is a cadre who was airborne in the capital. The relationship in the region is average, and he doesn't like local cadres.

Liu Fei pretended not to hear it and asked, "Shall we find a place to live first?"

"Hmm. Just live on the side of the investigation team. Let's intercept it.

"They live in the county, and I guess they are all under martial law."

"Is it martial law? Then find the hotel in front of the county, buy a few quilts to change, and it will be a day. Secretary Qian is a fastidious person. It's better to let him sleep in the car than to use the bedding in a small hotel.

Liu Fei immediately agreed and said, "I'll inquire about the news later. I also have classmates in Yuan County."

"Hmm." Secretary Qian used him as a secretary to take a fancy to the relationship between the Liu family.

When he got to the place, Liu Fei trotted out of the car, took out the prepared bedding from the trunk, changed it in the small hotel, and then ran to make a phone call.

The next morning, the two met Su Cheng in the breakfast hall operated by the county.

"Su Dong, let's meet again." This time, Secretary Qian is much more enthusiastic. He is 42 years old. If he can't catch up again, he is likely to climb to the deputy department level before he retires. He can't care about the construction of roads and schools in Sucheng, but he can't give up his fame and fortune.

Su Cheng shook hands with him with a smile and said, "Indeed, we don't meet in life."

Rone Secretary Qian's hand and bought three or two steamed buns, an egg, and a bowl of porridge. Liu Fei rushed to pay the money.

Su Cheng didn't care. He took the food to the chair and ate it by himself.

Secretary Qian sat opposite, thought for a moment, smiled and said, "Sudong, we may have misunderstood before. In fact, everyone is working. I have asked the provincial design institute to come forward to design a high-grade highway from the county to the town. According to the forecast, this road can be repaired within the year.

"Thank you, Secretary Qian." Su Cheng didn't say anything.

Secretary Qian laughed twice, said a few more words of apology, and then said, "Su Dong, Ba County is your hometown, and it will always be your hometown. Although Yuan County and Ba County are adjacent, after all, they are hundreds of miles apart, and it is inconvenient to come and go..."

"If you want to talk about investment, it has been settled."

"Have you signed the agreement?"

"Almost the same."

"That's why you didn't sign it." Secretary Qian looked happy, made a face to Liu Fei, and said, "Susong, our Ba County is a traditional poor county. It's not easy to fly a golden phoenix. Now there is an investment opportunity. Please consider the voice of your hometown parents and give them a chance to work..."

Although he pleaded for mercy, as he spoke, the breath of the bureaucratic came out.

Su Cheng didn't like it. He pointed to the parking lot outside the window and said, "I said basically decided, which means that the whole agreement is not as simple as a methanol production line, nor is it a matter of a certain county. A petrochemical base will be built in the province. The specific county and city have not yet been determined..."

"The construction of a petrochemical base across the province..." Secretary Qian was shocked and followed Su Cheng's hand. He accidentally found a provincial government license plate hanging on a familiar Santana car.

He asked unwillingly, "The plan of the province's petrochemical base was proposed by the province, right?"

"It was proposed by Secretary Li of Yuan County and agreed after reporting to the provincial government." Su Cheng looked at Secretary Qian quietly and said, "Yuan County will launch the first batch of projects of the petrochemical base. Secretary Li and I are expected to cooperate for a long time."

Not only Secretary Qian, but even Liu Fei's face is yellow.