Super Energy Power

Chapter 172 There is no doubt about the mountains and rivers

According to the habit of Sucheng, it is necessary to attract partners to solve problems together.

After thinking for a moment, he smiled at Governor Wan and said, "In the words of the State Planning Commission, I may find someone. Can the Ministry of Railways ask the province to come forward and coordinate?" We can sign a long-term transportation agreement, and we won't let them lose money.

He thought of Director Ding of the Sports Reform Commission. After a come and go, the two of them are familiar with each other.

Governor Wan listened to his words, eyelids, turned his eyes and said with a smile, "Okay, then let's solve the problems separately according to this distribution method. However, the Ministry of Railways has not yet had a train to transport liquefied petroleum gas. In this regard, it is estimated that it will take a certain amount of time.

Su Cheng nodded slightly, but he didn't take it seriously. In his thought, the Ministry of Railways has a lot of construction projects in the west of the mountain, and it needs the coordination of the government everywhere. This is the capital negotiated by Governor Wan. Although the liquefied natural gas train is expensive, it has five years of long-term agreement support

Huo Chang moved his body, attached to Su Cheng's ear, and said, "Coal mine."

Su Cheng shook his head slightly with some hesitation and didn't say it right away. If you have money in a coal mine, you can buy it. If you have empty gloves and white wolves, it will look a little ugly.

If he doesn't say it, Governor Wan will naturally not force him to ask.

The two sides talked about some more details, agreed on the time for the next discussion, and then turned around separately.

Huo Chang was slightly disappointed and asked, "Dong Su, if we don't open our mouths before the petrochemical base is built, I don't think they will sell the coal mine to us cheaply."

"The price of the coal mine is unstable, and I'm not in a hurry to take action." This is the result of Su Cheng's long thinking, and it is also the conclusion from memory. He stopped for a moment and said, "The top priority now is to ship all three sets of air head methanol equipment dismantled from Brazil back to China and strive to complete these purchases in the first half of the year."

It is now February, which is four months away from the end of the first half of the year. Huo Chang felt that time was running out and said, "We haven't talked about the several sets of equipment we bought in the Americas and New Zealand. We shipped them back to China in the first half of the year. The time is too tight, and the cost is high."

"It's normal to bear more burden at this time." Su Cheng thought that in the second half of the year, the country would be blocked by various countries again, which would be his own time. So he added: "Now there is more money, and there will be less money in the future."

Huo Chang didn't know why, but he still did it as usual.

A few days before the Spring Festival. Su Cheng, Governor Wan and others went to Beijing to pay a New Year call. They chatted and joked all the way, hoping to get the approval as soon as possible.

However, when it comes to the capital, this is not the case at all.

Governor Wan's visit to the Ministry of Railways was basically denied, and the Planning Commission also clearly told Su Cheng that even if the petrochemical base approves, it will only allow export and domestic sales. That is to say, the methanol produced by the petrochemical base established in Shanxi can only be sold abroad...

This is the killer of the Planning Commission. With the current production form of [China], domestic sales are easy and export is difficult. If all 500,000 tons of methanol are exported, it is equivalent to letting the petrochemical base in Shanxi die. From the west of the mountain, it can be sold all over the country. If the sales area is placed overseas, the transportation cost will erode more than half of the profit.

This is tantamount to an objection. In fact, what the Planning Commission can decide is the domestic market. If there is an enterprise that is export-oriented and only sells to foreign markets, the Planning Commission can't control it at all. Maybe there will be a number of preferential policies.

On the 29th day of the lunar calendar, the New Year's greeting project is basically over.

Su Cheng and Governor Wan met with a face full of frustration.

"In this way, the loan may not be approved." Governor Wan sighed and said, "I've been guarding for a few days. The Ministry of Railways means that even if it is a organic car, it will take about 5 years to arrange freight transportation. Let's estimate the production situation..."

"We can build the petrochemical base in two years at most, and products will go in and out in one year." Su Cheng was very disappointed.

This is a huge setback for him. Moreover, the petrochemical base and the oil field in Abu Dhabi are actually linked. If the petrochemical base cannot be completed on schedule, it will cause a chain reaction.

Unable to complete the tight spell of the contract, it was tightened in an instant.

Su Cheng asked again, "Taiwan Plastics will also participate in this investment. Has the Ministry of Railways considered this?"

Governor Wan shook his head and said, "They just say that the transportation capacity is tight and they do not have the ability to increase the traffic volume. That is to say, the number of liquefied petroleum gas vehicles will not increase at all, and even the transportation conditions of millions of tons per year cannot be met."

The Ministry of Railways is one of the few economic ministries that have not been abolished. Its combat effectiveness is similar between 30 years ago and 30 years later.

Su Cheng sighed and said, "I don't know anyone from the Ministry of Railways anymore. Do you have any other way?"

"Qiao [Book] visited the relevant leaders of the State Council yesterday. There was no conclusion. It was mainly for us to discuss with the relevant ministries and commissions." Governor Wan's mood was heavier than his. He sat down and said, "Su Dong, can you consider changing the raw materials for methanol production to coal? In this way, it is not only close to the origin of raw materials, but also convenient for sales, and reduces the cost pressure.

Su Cheng thought that coal head petrochemical is naturally good for your province, but for me, it is thankless.

He knows that in up to five years, that is, the end of 1994, the global price of methanol will reach a peak of $500 per ton. Coupled with the integration of the RMB against the US dollar, 500 US dollars can be exchanged for 4,400 yuan, which can be said to be the highest price in history, twice the price after 2010.

The excess profit is enough to make up for all losses. The cost advantage of coal head relative to gas head is basically disappearing. On the contrary, due to the simple production process of gas head methanol, once the production is stable, it is very easy to increase production. Compared with the investment of more than 1 billion yuan in coal head natural gas, the one-time investment of the gas head is also low.

However, the foundation of everything is that the petrochemical base can be built.

This is not a simple facility that can solve the problem. The area of a petrochemical base is much larger than that of a county, and there is no problem with a self-contained city.

"Air-head methanol and synthetic ammonia are the production methods determined by Dahua Industry." Su Cheng showed an expression of apology and answered it in an instant. He said, "In any case, our petrochemical base will be built. If it really doesn't work, we will introduce Formosa Plastics Group to invest in your province."

This is the first time that Su Cheng has shown the intention of retreating, and his heart is also helpless.

Governor Wan can understand Sucheng's choice. If the railway can't be done, the gas head methanol can't go on. However, he also wanted to continue to work hard and gritted his teeth and said, "If the coal head methanol invested by Dahua Industry, we can borrow a few coal mines."


"Dahua can get a coal mine immediately, whether it is organizing production and sales or hoarding goods. And there is no need to pay first. After the coal head methanol is put into production and the profit is generated, then use this profit to pay for the coal mine.

This is equivalent to giving Sucheng a few coal mines for nothing. In terms of price, it is at least tens of millions of yuan.

Su Cheng hesitated again and apologized, "Coal head methanol is really not the technology we want to do."

He invested in the west of the mountain, and to a large extent, he valued the coal resources of the west of the mountain. In terms of time, as long as you give him 2 years to solve the problem of natural gas underwriting, you can immediately take the momentum of victory and visit the mountains and rivers in the west. At that time, you can naturally get which coal mine you want.

This kind of political commerce in China is actually the political commerce that foreigners follow. It's the same with taking risks first and then getting rich profits. The coal in the west of the mountain has been mined for hundreds of years, and people have been rich for generations. They are very clear about the value of the land under their feet. Even in the era of low coal prices, it is very difficult to obtain those coal mines with more than 100 million reserves. In the legendary story of getting rich overnight, in addition to the officials and eunuchs, even the best time, the coal mine that can be obtained cheaply is only 10 million tons of mining for 20 to 30 years, with a total price of hundreds of millions of yuan.

If you want to get a good coal mine, you must first carry out in-depth cooperation with the government.

However, Governor Wan's requirements are obviously impossible for Sucheng to meet.

After shaking a few shots, Governor Wan left.

The two of them took advantage of the fun and returned in failure, and they were not in a good mood.

Sucheng has scheduled a plane for the evening and is ready to leave today. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and I can't do anything if I stay in Beijing.

He turned his mind and drank Maotai by himself. At the usual banquet, he drank three or four taels of wine at most, but today he couldn't help pouring it in.

He filled up another glass. When he was about to drink, the glass was covered.

"Su Dong, why do you drink alone?" The person who came turned out to be Wang Sheng.

Su Cheng said with a big tongue, "Why are you here? Don't you go home for the Spring Festival?"

"I'll pick up my wife and children to Beijing" to play in Beijing. This year, I will celebrate the New Year in the mainland." Wang Sheng smiled and asked, "Isn't the conversation going well?"

Su Cheng shook his head.

"It's not as difficult as Abu Dhabi."

"Abu Dhabi, I know the result. This time, I don't know." Su Cheng was a little dizzy and said it. He shivered in an instant and was a little sober.

Wang Sheng thought he was talking about the crown prince, so he laughed and said, "In the mainland, you can also find the upper class. What the Ministry of Railways can't solve, when it comes to the top, it may be a small problem."

Su Cheng nodded clearly, but said with a smile, "They have found the relevant leader. It's too small, so they still called back."

Wang Sheng saw Su Cheng like this, and there was no unexpected expression at all. Instead, he smiled happily and said mysteriously, "Su Dong, we have a big plan, which is estimated to be implemented in the second half of the year. At that time, as long as it passes, there will be no disadvantage. Your current preferential conditions are nothing at all..."

Su Cheng was half dizzy. He looked at the old Taiwanese man in front of him with a delicate Taiwanese Mandarin and grinned. He almost stretched out a Lanhu finger. Suddenly, he was shocked and suddenly thought of their boss. Wang Yongqing said a sentence: In the past, the strength of the country depends on her steel production. But today's situation is different. It has changed to the output of the petrochemical industry, and the whole world is developing in this regard!

He suddenly woke up most of the time. Taiwan Plastics will cooperate with him. There is definitely a big event. He can't handle a petrochemical base in the west of the mountain, but they used to easily let the central leader draw a circle in Xiamen...

Su Cheng endured the cold and smirkled back. He reached out and held Wang Sheng and said, "Come on, have a few drinks with me."