Super Energy Power

Chapter 191 Reception

When the bus drove into the new factory area of COSCO Shipping, the first thing they saw was an ocean of red scarves. At least five or six hundred primary school students, wearing brand-new clothes, shaking small flags, lined up in the parking lot.

In front of the primary school students, there are more than a dozen middle school girls in beautiful school uniforms. They wear plaid skirts on their stockings, which is a bit like the style of female students in the Republic of China. Although they do not reveal their skin, they also light up the environment.

This time, there was no need for Su Cheng to say anything more. Several young foreigners ran to the door and waited to go down to see the scenery.

Jason has been in China for a long time and hurriedly said, "Remember your training before you arrived in China. You should respect Chinese cultural traditions and beliefs. After getting out of the car, don't do unnecessary actions. This is China, and there is no place to hire a lawyer!"

Only the deterrent of the last sentence is enough. The engineer in front of the door smiled and said, "We know, let's see."

Su Cheng took a deep breath, waited for the door to open, and went down first.

"Factory Director Su." He Yuwei arrived a little early and was stunned when she saw Su Cheng.

He Chengjun's Taoist behavior was much higher than her, and there was no change in his face. He greeted Su Cheng with his eyes. On the surface, it was just a handshake, and people who didn't know thought that they didn't know each other.

This is also a skill. If everyone knows that they are familiar with it, the work will be difficult to carry out.

Su Cheng continued to walk down with a smile. COSCO Shipping and the leaders of the Tian*jin Municipal Government lined up in a long line, and they had to shake hands one by one.

Therefore, Su Cheng shook hands with the mayor first, and then with the deputy general manager. Shake hands with the deputy mayor, shake hands with the second deputy general manager, and shake hands with the second deputy mayor...

walked over step by step and shook hands for 20 or 30 times before it was over.

Subsequently, leaders at all levels received experts in the order that had already been designed. He Yuwei accompanied Su Cheng, and He Chengjun and others all went to the foreign experts. English-speaking people speak half-baked English. If you can't speak English, you can say it through translation. All kinds of greetings and compliments are like superiors coming to visit.

These engineers have never experienced such treatment. It took a long time for a puppet to speak smoothly. However, people's learning and enjoyment is still very fast. Especially for the long-trained flattery, although it is used in English, it has become a little smelly, but the flattery is still flattery. After a while, the hair of 11 engineers will be smoothed up.

Su Cheng was speechless for a while, and he was also a little impressed. As the same controller, Su Cheng used the method of coercion on the bus. Although the foreign engineer gave in, he probably felt uncomfortable. At this moment. COSCO Shipping uses the way of flattery. Although it requires a little psychological construction, the cost is extremely low. Foreign engineers give in like this, and they are still comfortable...

This method. Su Cheng thought he could think of it, but he couldn't do it.

The only thing that makes him a little unhappy is the welcome team of primary and secondary school students. Su Cheng saw that some children were already trapped, and he couldn't help whispering to He Yuwei, "Let all the children in these schools go back. No wonder it's ugly."

He Yuwei knew what he thought at a glance. He defended: "This is not our COSCO shipping business. It was sent by the municipal government. Well, the leaders of the local education bureau are all there. In order to attract our joint venture project of COSCO Shipping, the municipal government is also pouring out, which is also a regular welcome.

Su Cheng said "um" and didn't say much. In fact, including the mayor, none of these officials at the main and deputy departments are willing to bow their heads. It is better to serve foreign experts in the factory than the superiors who serve in the official position. It can only be said that it is a malpractice to let primary school students line up to welcome them.

He Yuwei obeyed her orders. She couldn't force orders and had to use all kinds of explanations. Su Cheng didn't bother to pay attention to it. Looking back, all the foreign experts also got on the bus.

The one-color Audi 100, two experts took a car, which was surprisingly loose. In 1989, this kind of show was much more beautiful and decent than BMW Brilliance, and there were naturally many difficulties. Su Cheng also knew with his chin that it was impossible for COSCO Shipping, which had just started to build a new factory, to buy a lot of Audi, which can only be borrowed by the government...

"It's not easy!" Su Cheng thought of the investment policy in the late 1990s and looked sympathetically at the officials of the municipal government. They had to stay for another 20 years to see the dawn of civil servants. Nowadays, municipal government officials not only have less wealth than individual associations, but also have less social status than state-owned enterprises. The work intensity and work pressure are naturally greater.

He Chengjun's secretary came and called Su Cheng to the last Audi 100, then ran to the co-pilot's seat and motioned to drive. Other COSCO shipping officials and government personnel are not treated like this. Models such as Santana and Volvo have exceeded the scope of mid-range cars, and a large number of Eastern European cars and imported cars in the 1960s are the mainstream.

With the start of the convoy, the welcome group of primary and middle school students withdrew one after another. Su Cheng breathed gently through the window. He was unable to change the situation and could only influence the people around him as much as possible.

"Don't get used to it?" He Chengjun suddenly said that he was a very discerning person. His 30-year career in a state-owned enterprise erased his technical cells and exercised his political vision.

Su Cheng said simply, "I just don't think it's necessary. Although several American engineers are valuable, they are not so valuable."

"In Su Dong's eyes, these foreign engineers may be small people. However, our COSCO shipping business is blind to offshore oil equipment. Whether the joint venture factory can be completed and whether the technology can be obtained depends on these engineers in the end. As He Chengjun said, he sighed and said, "I heard that Changning Infrastructure has signed a contract with Japan's Ito Trading Company. If it hadn't been for Director Su's help, our COSCO shipping business would have been doomed this time.

"I haven't officially signed the contract yet, and there is still a chance."

"I also want to ask Su Dong to continue to bother." He Chengjun bent down in the car to salute.

Su Cheng hurriedly held him up with his hand and said, "Our Dahua Industry and COSCO Shipping are a partnership and prosperous. The improvement of the engineering level of COSCO shipping is also of great benefit to us, so. You don't have to say thank you."

"You can't just say thank you. What I promised will definitely be completed. We will start the battle of the offshore drilling platform when we go back. The offshore drilling platform of the island oilfield is also our priority work. When He Chengjun said this, he calmed down and said, "I saw the telegram yesterday. It is said that there are 12 engineers, but it seems that I only saw 11 just now.

Actually, he just asked casually.

Sioux City didn't take it seriously. He said lightly, "Well, one of them was fired by me."

However, this sentence fell into He Chengjun's ears. Just like thunder, he immediately sat up straight and said in disbelief, "What! I'm fired!"

"Well, I was drunk during working hours. I not only fired him, but also asked Halliburton to dismiss him."

"This...this...this..." He Chengjun's eyebrows trembled. If it hadn't been for Su Cheng, he would have started swearing now.

Su Cheng then explained it from the beginning.

Even so, He Chengjun was not satisfied. He hated iron and said, "He wants to drink. Just let him drink and tell the truth after drinking, right? We didn't let him be a worker. He just sat in the office and filled a box of Maotai a day. As long as you can write me a copy of the experimental parameters, I will buy it for him at my own expense. Su Dong, think about it, how difficult it is for us to talk about technology with Halliburton. They want money and patents. If we want to share technology, we also need to let the market pay US dollars... However, as long as we serve these foreign experts, we will save all this effort.

"Foreign experts can't say everything. Some patented technologies and so on must be clear before Halliburton comes." Su Cheng reluctantly defended himself.

He Chengjun shook his head again and said bitterly, "They have discipline. It doesn't matter. There are always times when they are not disciplined. Let me tell you, in those years, we engaged in technology with the Soviet Union, and the one we served was good. Su Xiu's discipline was much better than that of the United States. If two bottles of Erguotou were poured down, there would always be two sentences..."

Su Cheng had nothing to say and bowed his head and said, "I was wrong. I'm going to get the drunkard back."

"No, don't startle the snake." He Chengjun really regarded it as a war and said seriously, "Didn't you just say that there were two foreign experts drinking? You point out another one to me, and we will focus on breaking through.

Su Cheng told him and said, "In fact, there is nothing complicated about FPSO. The difficulties are all in engineering. You don't have to spoil them too much. Halliburton invested half of the money. If he didn't get the result, Halliburton would be anxious.

"It's a little bit to learn a little bit." He Chengjun suddenly showed his appearance as a small farmer.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

After a few words and saw that the car was about to arrive at the new factory, He Chengjun whispered, "We asked some people why Ito Trading Co., Ltd. can build a joint venture with Changning Infrastructure."


"Ito Trading Co., Ltd. is building a joint venture air conditioning factory in the Long March factory in China. Changning Infrastructure has forced the Long March Factory to make concessions. The equity alone has given up 10%. The production line with an annual output of 150,000 air conditioners is equivalent to a profit of 15,000 pieces, and it is the end of the year They all blushed.

"How about breaking into the media?"

"What can I say if there is no evidence for such a big thing? It won't be published in the newspaper.

Su Cheng shook the faces of Su Dongyuan and Su Zhenguo in front of him. This matter is led by Su Xing. His energy is definitely not enough to complete such a big deal, but it is unlikely that Su Zhenguo will participate. After all, it is his son's in-laws.

Su Cheng continued to think deeply and thought: It is definitely not possible to attack the joint venture, and it is easy to implicate COSCO's shipping. It is not appropriate to attack Ito Trading Company, which directly violates national policies. There is no evidence for hidden trading... Then, we can only do it indirectly...

Thinking of this, Su Cheng asked softly, "Is there any inappropriate place in the Long March Factory?"

He Chengjun was shocked and said, "Let's not have an infighting."

"Don't be so hard, just delay them for a period of time with some detailed issues that affect the joint venture. For example, the placement and diversion of personnel, the ownership of brands, etc., we will discuss it in the newspaper to create some trouble for the merger of Ito Trading Company.

He Chengjun hesitated and said, "What's the use of delaying for a month or two?"

"It's good to find a way then." Su Cheng won't tell the truth this time.

... (To be continued...)

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