Super Energy Power

Chapter 220 A Bad Account

Saudi Arabia National Petroleum Corporation was established in 1988, but its predecessor is Aramco, which was established in the 1930s as the world's largest oil producer. Saudi National Petroleum Corporation also deserves to have the world's largest land oil field and the world's largest offshore oil field

At the peak of 1974, Saudi Oil Company produced 500 million tons of oil per year, which is more than five times China's oil production. To a certain extent, they represent OPEC's leverage.

Because Saudi National Petroleum Corporation's crude oil storage capacity is very strong, when OPEC needs to reduce the production limit, Saudi Arabia first reduces production and stores crude oil in its large number of oil tanks. When OPEC needs to increase production, only Saudi Arabia can provide a large amount of crude oil to the market and is willing for a long time. The generosity of sacrificing has made Saudi Arabia the dominant country of OPEC

It can be said that half of the things in the Middle East are about Saudi Arabia, which is far away from the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and other countries.

Therefore, when Nasr is willing to help, the road back to China is very smooth

The chartered plane paid by Saudi National Petroleum Corporation will arrive directly to Beijing

At the moment he got off the plane, Nasr was excited like a child and asked loudly, "Where is the duty-free shop?" Airport duty-free shop"

The three Saudis who came with him put on a gold-rimmed cloak again, together with the Nasr group, and scanned everything around him with their eyes

Wang Zhou pointed to the right and said, "I don't know if it's duty-free or not. Where is the store at the airport?"

"What are you waiting for?" Nasr rushed to the airport store and couldn't stop him

Oil companies, especially officials of international oil companies, have always done a lot of things that lack fear of collusion between officials and businessmen other than profits, so they don't care much about officials and change to other Saudi enterprise employees. Not to mention going to China, even doing business with Chinese enterprises can scare them to death, but Sill just took a fancy to China's tourism resources and took advantage of the Chinese cooperative enterprises to come

Of course, it's still for wine

A lot of drinks

Nasr hugged a whole box of Erguotou. When he was ready to leave happily, he saw the imported whisky again

He immediately handed the box to the person next to him and tiptoed and shouted, "Give me whisky"

"How much do you want?" Chinese shop assistants also understand English and observe diplomatic etiquette and ask with a smile

"Three, er, 10" Nasr has begun to pull his fingers

The clerk nodded and said, "10 bottles of whisky, okay, you must pay dollars"

"No problem, it's not 10 bottles. I want 10 boxes. Give me 10 boxes." Nasr was suffocated when he was in China. The three people with him were also old alcoholics. When they were in Saudi Arabia, they all bought whiskey on the underground black market. There were even whisky specially sold on the black market, but they The feeling of buying alcohol really makes him feel great

The clerk asked the leader for his opinion and gave Nasr 10 boxes of whisky

The Saudis were still not satisfied. They asked for 10 boxes of liquor and beer, and then hugged and carried it, looking like they were full of money

When going out, a Chinese traveler who was about to go out kindly opened the door for them

Nasullian said thank you, and then stuffed a green Franklin out

When the friendly Chinese understood that it was 100 dollars, the whole person was stunned

Su Cheng stood by the car and sighed: The beautiful era of the tour guide has arrived so soon

100 US dollars can be exchanged for 800 yuan on the black market. It is the one-year income of ordinary workers, or the cash income of peasant families for two or three years. It is more than enough to make betrothal gifts in the countryside.

However, Nasr just handed out a tip casually, and there was 100 dollars. He may want to hand out a $10 or $5, or he doesn't care at all. Just like many foreigners who travel to China, they generously trained China's first generation of tour guides, and constantly urged future generations of guides. The expected value of the tour

However, tour guides who can buy a house with a month's income only exist in this era, especially after the appreciation of the RMB, there are fewer and fewer wrongs

Su Cheng waved to the lucky man and went straight to the city

Nasr and other four people, one bottle of whisky in one hand, one bottle of Erguotou, have drunk

On the way, I have declared intoxicated

Nasr muttered, holding the glass and said, "My favorite thing to do is to drink in the express car and keep drinking. It's more comfortable than the car. I'm going to the Great Wall tomorrow. What kind of wine do you drink when you go to the Great Wall? When I was in Greece, I drank Zipro, a very good liquor..."

Wang Zhou looked at these alcoholics and considered that he was their guide. He couldn't help asking for a while, "Aren't they not allowed to drink?"

"Don't take the initiative to buy them wine, but if they want to drink, don't stop them. Try to establish a certain relationship. We will have more time to deal with Saudi National Petroleum Company in the future." Su Cheng said, remembering Nasr's gesture of throwing money, and arranged two people for Wang Zhou and said, "You supervise each Governor, it is not allowed to collect tips, do you understand?

"Don't worry" Wang Zhou doesn't know the generosity of Arabs traveling abroad, holding his neck to guarantee

Su Cheng can rest assured of the rich state of some of these guys, and can abolish one capable person after another. It is the time when the trend of thought is surging, and few of them can stand the constant test of $100

Nasr and others settled them in Sucheng of Beijing International Hotel. As soon as they walked to the lobby, they met a young and proud cadre

Su Cheng saw Hou Haiqing in it at a glance, Su Dongyuan's prospective son-in-law working in the State Council with him, and Su Xing with a smile on his face

The moment he looked at Sucheng, Su Xing's smile restrained, but he soon smiled again and stretched out a finger

Su Cheng sighed secretly and stood there, waiting for them to come over

He actually doesn't want to talk to this cheap brother, but he won't see Su Xing hiding

Su Xing is a ** and dangerous government office to this point. Su Cheng also knows what he is worried about. It is nothing more than the political and economic resources of the Su family at the age of Su Xing. It will take him another 10 years to use a large amount of these resources, but Su Xing, who is promoted step by step, may be difficult to be with Conversation

Therefore, Su Xing will deliberately suppress Su City. He must ensure that he can get the most resources, preferably the only resource

Sucheng must bear his challenge whether he wants to or not

Su Xing still stood his finger, quickly walked to Su Cheng, and said stingly, "I heard that you want to buy the Jinshi General Factory? If you are allowed to acquire a vice-ministerial-level enterprise, wouldn't it be the same as the vice minister?

Before Du Lijun's loan of 100 million yuan, Su Xing would not have said so now, but he wants Su Cheng to hold this chicken rib

Tinshi General Factory has loaned 100 million yuan. After the merger, the company will have to repay it, and the whereing of the money is expected to be very doubtful. If Du Lijun buys all the useless mechanical equipment, or vehicles and other real estate, Sucheng has no way at all

For a nearly insolvent factory, the value of Jinshi General Plant has shrunk by more than 100 million yuan, perhaps the opposite of 200 million yuan. Even with the Sertan oil field, it is difficult for Sucheng to withstand the financial pressure of such a scale. The underwriting contract for natural gas is about to begin, and the production of the Set The intensity of the three-line operation

Su Xing obviously knows this and helps Jinshi General Factory borrow 100 million yuan. Even a large factory at the vice-ministerial level is not easy

Su Cheng looked at the cadre group opposite, thought about the information in Su Xing's words, and said with a smile, "Even if I can't acquire the Jinshi General Factory, I'm also a ** director of China National Petroleum Corporation, so I don't have to worry about it."

"Oh, do you really want a vice-ministerial treatment?" Su Xing laughed and turned his head back to get the support of his peers

Heo Haiqing blocked in the middle and said with a smile, "It's all a family..."

"Who is his family" Su Xing interrupted Hou Haiqing's words viciously

He Haiqing's face was a little unbearable. He smiled twice and said, "Okay, let's all eat well when we go back."

Su Xing refused to leave and said proudly, "Su Dong waited for you to buy the Jinshi General Factory. Remember to invite us to watch the ceremony and think about it. A factory that owes 300 million yuan to the bank may have bought a batch of useless things. I don't know how to rejuvenate Su Dong's hands."

This sentence shows that Su Xing is deeply involved with Jinshi General Factory

Su Cheng frowned and asked, "Did you help Jinshi General Factory with the loan?"

"If Du Lijun doesn't want to, no one can do it." Su Xing snorted and said, "It's your fault. You're too tight"

Tsuishi General Factory was defeated at the International Petroleum Exhibition. The total number of orders was less than 1 million US dollars, and they could not return the investment of the exhibition. As a result, Du Lijun also lost confidence

Su Cheng understood as soon as he thought about it and said, "Du Lijun would rather the factory lose 100 million yuan than stay in the position of factory director?" What's so proud of this?

"You are not a good vice-ministerial enterprise. You just want to take the opportunity to acquire it. I tell you, don't think about the factories that can make money, and there are a lot of messes." Su Xing said, put away his anger and laughed again: "In a word, I wish you a successful acquisition"

Su Cheng laughed and said, "I have a lot of room for manoeuvre. If I don't buy the Jinshi General Factory, I won't lose a dime. It's you. Clean up your mess first."

"Don't worry, the loan procedures are very clean. Besides, this matter has nothing to do with me." Su Xing looks leisurely

However, Hou Haiqing on the side has heard the danger, pulled Su Xing, and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense. The loan has nothing to do with you. What's clean or unclean?"

Su Xing broke free for a moment. He looked up and saw Su Cheng's smile when he left. He said an antically, "What can he do to me, a private enterprise boss?"

"Alas, what is the ** director of China National Petroleum Corporation? Jinshi General Factory is a factory of the oil system. Hou Haiqing's experience is much deeper than Su's, and his mind is full of the concept of mud

Su Xing felt a little guilty. After carefully recalling the process, he became bold again and said, "Don't worry, it's very clean"


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