Super Energy Power

Chapter 222 The Road to Failure

In the dock, it has long been a hot scene.

The all-metal drilling platform dozens of meters high has been dismantled at this moment, and the electric gun has started to work everywhere, spilling a clump of fire from the sky.

The riveting workers are not idle, hanging in the air, or acting collectively under the traction of the protective rope. These are all workers who have assembled Hua 105 and Hua 106. They move skillfully and quickly. I have never seen many Saudis in industrial production.

From their point of view, these workers seem to be juggling at an altitude of dozens of meters.

Wang Zhou distributed the parts to different departments or warehouses. Looking back, he called Nasr and others and said, "Su Dong is still in a meeting. It will take about half an hour. You can sit down and rest for a while."

"Can you show us around?" Nasr was curious, so he took the initiative.

Saudi Arabia's industry is underdeveloped, with both human factors and environmental factors. There is no place where there is no water. How to start a large-scale industry? The basic industry that produces these things has a greater demand for water. In Saudi Arabia, although residents' water is very cheap, industrial water is not. Nasr and others rarely see industrial production except when studying abroad.

Naturally, Wang Zhou would not stop it and said quickly, "Our main work now is two parts. The first is to repair the platform structure, and the second is to replace parts. The maintenance of parts is carried out in another workshop..."

"It depends on the platform repair. Can we get closer to it?" Nasr actually wanted to talk about it. Later, he saw that the platform was crooked, and many steel structures were removed and changed.

Wang Zhou said that there was no problem. He gave each of them a helmet, looked at several people's leather shoes, and took them in. As he walked, he introduced, "What we are doing now is material replacement. Our replacement materials are different from other companies. This platform manufacturing company is unwilling to tell us specific parameters such as external loads. In the end, it is all calculated by ourselves. Now you see, it is all replaced and constructed according to the results of field measurements, which is safe and easy to use.

"Have you calculated the external load?" Nasr knew this because he had to go through this when he was looking for a maintenance company. However, the manufacturing company regards it as its own business secret and is unwilling to give it. There is no support for finding a contract. It is also one of the reasons why other companies are unwilling to take over.

Wang Zhou looked up proudly and said with a smile, "Our team and all the engineers are very powerful. Look at the maintenance done now. It's not just a cat-to-trut, but a lot of structures or materials from the early 1980s. We have replaced them with the latest materials and structures. If you see our purchase order, you can find that we buy special steel from American Steel Company, and we also use high-end products processed in our own country. When it is inspected, you will know that you will take advantage of it.

In fact, the replacement of materials is not only better to update, but also to make it cheaper. "Sea Diamond No. 6" is also a big guy of 7,000 tons. The amount of steel used is amazing. Although it will not be completely replaced, it is always necessary to replace hundreds of tons of metal. If it is done according to the design of the 1980s, 3 million dollars cannot be guaranteed.

Nasr also knew this truth and only told: "I am the senior director of the maintenance department of the Saudi Arabian National Petroleum Corporation. If the platform you make can pass the third-party test. I will also send you the order."

"Then thank you in advance." Wang Zhou was so playful and smiled that he couldn't see the appearance of sweating and moving goods just now.

Nasr circled around the platform and went to the temporary workshop inside. It is also a scene of enthusiastic production, with neither a coffee machine nor a tea room on the side. Only a large bucket of pure water was put on the high table and poured by the workers themselves.

Wang Zhou ran to find Su Cheng. Nasr and others stared for a long time, but did not see any [China] national workers who stopped their work and came to pour a glass of water.

All the workers are there to weld and weld, cars and cars, and operate the tools at hand, and there is no need to rest at all.

I don't know when Wang Zhou came back and said, "I didn't find Su Dong." Nasr's men grabbed him first and asked, "You don't have a rest room next to the workshop, and you don't have chairs and tables to rest. What if you want to rest?"

"Go home and have a rest." On the contrary, Wang Zhou looked strange.

"Wouldn't everyone ** with such a high-pressure policy?"

"Is this still high pressure? There is no easier job than this. Do you know what it's like when we are in a hurry? Wang Zhou looked at a few Saudis with the eyes of a fool and said pitifully, "You don't understand if you don't do industry. Industrial production is a whole. You have a rest here. Do the workers on the other side of the assembly line rest? If he doesn't want to rest, you will become a bottleneck here. It will affect the overall efficiency. In order to rest alone and affect everyone's rest, isn't this bullshit?

"Other people always have time to rest, and they can store a little goods in each process. Don't be so nervous. Save a little in each position, so that the people who rest will not affect the people behind." The Saudis are talking about their way.

"This is equivalent to an artificial increase in inventory. Isn't it necessary to increase inventory by 20% to 30% under an assembly line?" Wang Zhou laughed and said, "Toyota has been working on zero inventory for a long time. You should know this. For industrial industry, the less inventory, the better. Our Dahua Industry is also learning various ways to reduce inventory. How can we increase inventory in turn..."

Secretly, Wang Zhou thought to himself: No wonder your industrial products are all from Europe and the United States, which is fundamentally against the development of the world's factories. Now, not to mention [day], American workers and Australian workers can't be like you. Take a break if you want.

In the [China] country in the 1980s, the students who can speak English are all elites. When it comes to reason, it is also one set.

Nasr nodded, but objected when he spoke, "You put too much pressure on the workers like this. It's better to do it from a little bit. However, all the workers in your country can carry out such high-intensity work?

"Of course, our company also has a corresponding labor security system, which will not damage everyone's health. Sometimes the work is intense, and it will really be harder.

"Oh, when your drilling platform is repaired, you can send some workers to Saudi Arabia. Our salary will definitely satisfy you." Nasr began to ** naked pulling people. Among the workers working in Saudi Arabia, the most are Indians and Filipinos, because the former knows more English and has a better living environment than the latter.

But. Whether they are Indians or Filipinos, their diligence is also relative to the Saudis, and there is no comparison with the workers in China. Saudi Arabia is used to using foreign workers, and Nasr said this when he saw that the Chinese people also spoke in English.

Wang Zhou smiled and said, "I don't have the right to decide" and ordered people to look for Su City everywhere.

The people sent out shouted. At this time, someone in the workshop looked up. Lift the mask. He shouted, "What can I do for you?"

Wang Zhou stagnate and pointed to the front and said, "Oh, Su Dong is there."

Several people didn't find out until they arrived. Not only is Su Cheng burning electric welding, but several engineers are burning electric welding while recording. There is also a senior worker in front of him, who is burning in a different way.

When Wang Zhou saw Nasr's gold-rimmed cloak, he stood up with a smile, twisted his neck, and said with a smile, "We are doing experiments. Sea Diamond No. 6 is very rusty. Some key parts need to be replaced, and non-critical parts are ready to be re-welded. After polishing and repainting, you can rest assured that it will be the same as the new one.

"Seeing your work scene, I believe it." Nasr said it sincerely, and then squatted on the side and asked, "Can I try it?"


"Yes. I have also been in the factory for many years, and I haven't tried it. Looking at Su Dong's proficiency in operation, I think that executives should have such an experience. Nasr hit a ha ha. He complimented Su Cheng lightly.

"Then let's burn one." Su Cheng pulled out two welding rods and taught him how to use masks and welding guns. While lighting the welding gun, he demonstrated, "In fact, there are not many skills to burn this thing. If you burn more, you can do it. In our words, good welders are piled up with welding rods, just like sharpshooters are fed by bullets.

Nasr's chicken nodded like a pecking rice and said, "I have seen the level of workers in China. Most of the workers in our country are in terms of maintenance. I don't know if Dahua is interested in exporting labor? There are some preferential policies, and the profits are also good.

"We, Dahua's own workers, can't use it." Su Cheng gently refused, and then burned a straight weld with a welding gun. He smiled and said, "Worker, if you do more work, his level will go up. In our country, factories with sufficient orders and high technology content are easy to produce senior workers. If it is just a pure repair, the level of workers will decline in a few years. ."

"If the welding rod burns less, it won't work?" Nasr crookedly burned one-third of the length of the weld, and the welding gun went out.

"That's what it means." Su Cheng smiled gently and instructed Nasr to burn a welding wire.

He will not send the workers of Dahua Industry to Saudi Arabia. This is like a bottomless hole. Many industrial workers with unique skills are mechanic at best. It is suitable for collecting money for the elderly, but it is not a place to do business.

Before leaving, Nasr said the recruitment price of a foreign worker and guaranteed a 30% intermediary fee. Su Cheng still refused. If he could recruit workers, he would use it for himself.

It was Su Cheng's refusal, which made Nasr nod secretly with regret and couldn't help but have a new evaluation of Dahua Industry.

The two sides were talking happily and were interrupted by Huo Chang's running sound.

The deputy factory director in his 50s ran like a running cow and handed Su Cheng a telegram out of breath.

The Saudis are also serious, in case there is something wrong with the platform maintenance.

Su Cheng waved his hand to them and stared at the line on the telegram, "Jinshi General Factory borrowed 100 million yuan from the bank" and asked, "When did it happen?"

Huo Chang supported the man and gasped, "This morning, the damn Du Lijun acted secretly and loaned the money silently. I don't know how much it took..."

"It's reasonable, unexpected." Su Cheng quickly adjusted his mood and said, "Help me book today's tickets."

Nasr, who is with him, has already invited the translator of [China] China. At this time, listening to the synchronous explanation, he can't help asking, "Mr. Sucheng, the ticket from Kyrgyzstan to [China] can't be bought immediately. However, our Saudi National Petroleum Company has its own airline. If you need it, I ."

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment and said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome." Nasr's eyes turned, but he smiled and said, "Can I go to [China] with you?"