Super Energy Power

Chapter 274 Cannon Fodder

The London oil futures market will be traded until 4 a.m., and everyone will stay up until the early morning, and then rest. When it's time to go to bed, it's often morning.

The four people brought by Director Mao seemed to be all high-level cadres. At the beginning, they were still full of interest. At about two o'clock in the morning, they fell asleep on the sofa, as if they were drunk.

Director Mao didn't make an introduction, and no one ran to get to know them. They still have their own things to do. In fact, just by looking at the big necklace on their neck, fashionable semi-long hair and straight clothes, you can know their special identity.

In the early 1990s, [China] country has just begun to pay attention to fashion. Small and medium-sized cities and state-owned enterprise courtyards may still maintain the simplicity of the mid-1980s, but in Beijing, in government hostels, Pirkadan, Louis Vuitton and Amwayne are no longer new things.

Most of the big businessmen who can afford to wear them are often the second generation of businessmen or the second generation of officials who can afford to wear them. Men and women who get up early and earn the first bucket of gold are still reluctant to spend extravagance.

Because it was Director Mao who led the door, the identities of these four young people were about to come out.

At noon on January 15, people who woke up gathered again in front of the three screens.

minutes crossed 18:03. Oil prices began to rise again.

Three minutes later, Zhu Enbo made a decision: "Buy another 500,000 barrels."

The traders of the State Reserve Bureau were busy as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. They have to call the agents in the City of London and place orders through the futures trading market. The procedures are not easy, but everyone moves quickly.

After they got busy, they didn't even care about the traders of Sucheng and Dahua Industry.

is also an assistant researcher at the Policy Research Center who explained to Director Mao and the young people around him: "The current oil price is $32.2, which has returned to the price when the National Reserve Bureau entered. That is to say, the next rise is all about profits.

"How much can it be." The tall young man's eyes were still a little confused. It's not so comfortable to sleep on the sofa.

"For $32.2 of oil, as long as it rises by 40 cents, there will be more than 1% profit. If you add 10 times leverage, there will be 10% profit." The assistant researcher is like Jia Zhen, with a smile on his face.

"The increase of 40 cents is from 32.2 to 32.6 dollars, right?"


"Is this the number?" The young man walked to the screen on the left and pointed to swim and asked, "It's 32.4 now." Is it going to be 32.8?

The assistant researcher laughed and said, "No, 32.4 is because it has just risen by 20 cents."

"Just increased by 20 cents? Then make 5% of the money? How long did it take?

"A quarter of an hour." Another man in a red shirt stood in front and looked at his watch.

The tall man touched his forehead and asked, "How much is 5%?" I mean, how much money did the State Reserve make?

"Millions. Director Zhu just bought 500,000 barrels. I don't know if the transaction has succeeded. If it succeeds, it will be 100,000 dollars.

"It's 200,000 now." The red shirt stared at the screen.

The assistant researcher said naturally, "Oh, it's rising so fast. It's 32.6. Yes, the 500,000 barrels of oil I just bought made 200,000 US dollars.

He said it was very easy to watch coldly, and the traders of the State Reserve Bureau were already celebrating. $200,000 is already more than all their salaries combined. It's good to calculate it as a welfare.

In this regard, it is not surprising that the National Reserve Bureau will suffer a fiasco in the futures market in the futures market. If they really have the ability to make miracles, how can they play with the National Reserve Bureau? Of course, the state does not require the State Reserve Regulation Center to make money in the futures market, but there are always some people who want to use the country's capital to make their own cakes bigger, so there will be all kinds of losses.

The four young people unconsciously walked to the front of the screen, and the tall man muttered to himself, "So, if we buy 500,000 barrels of oil, we can also make 200,000 dollars?"

The assistant researcher smiled and said, "The price of $32.26 per barrel, 500,000 barrels costs $16.3 million, and at least 1.6 million should be prepared. 3 million is safer."

"You calculate quite quickly.

" The red shirt said in a tone of praise. After the [luck] era of students, the level of mathematics is similar to that of American students, and the ability of mental arithmetic and multiplication is a proud skill.

The four young people discussed it in a low voice.

At this time, the voice of Su Cheng came from the side: "One million barrels, buy out."

"Buying short is buying down, right?" The tall young man grabbed the assistant researcher, and he had done some homework before he came.

The assistant researcher whispered "yes" and then explained, "Buying short is to make money if it falls, and loses money if it rises. Dahua bought 1 million barrels of crude oil, up 0.2 dollars, and he will lose $100,000.

The tall man said at a loss, "This thing will also lose money."

Director Mao couldn't help coughing twice and said, "The risk in the futures market is very high. It often loses millions of dollars. Just have a look."

The four of them said hello with a smile. The red shirt came to Sucheng again and asked strangely, "The oil price is obviously rising. How can you buy it down?"

"It's almost time." Su Cheng smiled and said.

"What's almost done?"

"The price, if it rises here, it is the limit." It is impossible for Su Cheng to remember the exact figure of oil price, but in his impression, the pre-war oil price was about $32. At this time, it has reached 32.6 or even 32.7 dollars, which is indeed the limit.

He is not worried about telling others, because the other party has to believe you to buy ups and downs with you, just like gambling in a casino, and there will be some followers behind the winner. But no one will follow a stranger.

January 15, 1991, the deadline for the United Nations resolution on Iraq. At this time, there are not 10 million or 8 million people in the world talking about the rise and fall of oil prices. I believe who is a more difficult topic than the oil price itself.

The red shirt just asked curiously, "How do you know that the oil price will not rise again?"


"Just a guess?"

"There is also analysis." Su Cheng spread out his hand.

The red shirt frowned and said, "You know that if you continue to raise the price, you will lose money."

Su Cheng laughed and said, "If the price falls, I will make money."

"If I were you, I would wait until it really fell."

"One million barrels of crude oil can't be bought for a while.

" Su Cheng said this and turned around to listen to the feedback from the traders.

The red shirt shouted in the back: "Will the oil price fall?"

Su Cheng nodded and did not explain. In fact, not to mention them, even in the strategic business department of Dahua Group, oil prices are much more bullish than bearish. Even under the pressure of the chairman, Su Cheng can't fully convince them. As for persuading the State Reserve Bureau, it is even more impossible now. Maybe they can suffer a little loss so that they can have the patience to listen to the reason.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the prediction of future generations, Su Cheng would not have believed that a major war in the Middle East had no real impact on oil prices.

Did the Soviet Union really let the United States show its muscles? The multinational troops of 38 countries did not make a pot of porridge by themselves? The world's fourth-largeh Iraqi army was beaten without the power to fight back! The Iraqi ground forces with Soviet tanks failed to complete any strategic tasks! The famous Scud tank can't even handle the Saudi oil field! The Persian Gulf is at war, and the Middle Eastern countries not only maintained their pre-war oil production, but also made up for the lack of Iraq and Kuwait? The oil companies in the Western world really obeyed the orders of the White House without raising prices?

If you want to give a summary sentence "What's wrong with the world" in 1991, it would be the best annotation.

If you have to explain this incredible ending with some reason, you can only say: the Cold War is over and the United States has won.

However, for the Chinese people, this reason is more unbelievable than the ending.

Su Cheng was absolutely not interested in discussing the world situation. The researchers in the Policy Research Office behind him discussed enough.

However, although he did not participate in the discussion, his behavior and his firm short-selling behavior have long proved his tendency.

The assistant researcher couldn't help but persuade him, "Don't listen to him. Today is the deadline for Iraq's withdrawal. There is no movement at all. We analyze that there will be a war within a week. At that time, I don't know how oil prices will soar."

"Do you mean the analysis of the Policy Research Center of the State Council?" The red shirt asked carefully.


"Well, what do you say?" The red shirt turned to the other three people.

They lay together and discussed for a while, and finally made a decision: it's better to be insured by state organs.

So, as a representative, the red shirt went to Director Huang and asked the State Reserve Bureau if it could help them buy some oil futures for them?

Director Huang agreed and promised, "I'll build a separate warehouse for you. When you want to buy it, let you buy it first, and let you sell it first when you want to sell it..."

Su Cheng couldn't help turning his head and said, according to Director Huang, this is a rat barn.

Unexpectedly, this kind of issue was discussed in public.

However, the four people, including the red shirt, as well as Director Huang and Director Mao, all took it for granted.

Only then did Su Cheng wake up. The domestic fund market has not yet been developed, and the rat warehouse is a strange thing to the public.

Even for the State Reserve Bureau, it is nothing.

Su Cheng's lips moved, but he didn't say anything in the end. In front of the world's largest material trading market, any state organ is cannon fodder.

Once oil prices start to fall, mouse warehouses can't keep them.

In that case, let them go.

Su Cheng shook his hand and said in a casual tone, "Buy another 1 million barrels of oil."