Super Energy Power

Chapter 288 Equipment Company

General Manager Xuan and Wen Zhaohong don't want to see Dahua Industry expand its advantages. Formosa Plastics can do Haicang plan, Sinopec can do Haicang plan, and Haicang plan can't do it, but private enterprises or private enterprises can do it.

This kind of thinking is consistent. Before 1998, due to the weak strength of three barrels of oil, domestic profits were relatively small, and some joint ventures and private enterprises took advantage of it. After 1998, with the reorganization of the oil system and the listing of Hong Kong, the oil companies that no longer lacked funds immediately surrounded the [China] country with a fence, only to jump high. Opportunity for enterprises.

This is the strength of central enterprises. On the one hand, PetroChina and other companies are oil companies, and on the other hand, they are also the makers of China's oil policy. In the United States, they are equivalent to the Senate Energy Committee and ExxonMobil's Board of Directors and the New York Times Energy Edition... Unless the State Department intervenes, they will be on one mu of oil. They are the authorities. They can produce any document they want, and 5 yuan of printing paper can eliminate a competitor.

Only foreign-funded enterprises that are also supported by foreign governments have the ability to enter the [China] market. Of course, it's not easy.

In 1991, there was still a little gap in the oil system. In order to make up for it, General Manager Xuan and Wen Zhaohong visited several places in one day, and finally persuaded Director Mao to advance Wang Yongqing's meeting to February 2.

In this report, [China] The central government will reply to the requirements put forward by Formosa Plastics. If Formosa Plastics also agrees, the two sides can sign an agreement and put the Haicang Plan into practice. If Formosa Plastics does not agree, it is also a conclusion that Sinopec can decide to give up or enter the state of preparation.

The meeting is still going on at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Su Cheng settled in one day in advance, which was still the last small building. Chen Zunian, Huo Chang, Liu Qiu and others also lived in and kept falling into heated discussions.

"I suggest Casali. We are already producing 100,000 tons of methanol. In addition, among the two 100,000-ton methanol equipment under construction, Casali has the best working condition and the lowest unit cost. The energy consumption is the lowest, and the maintenance requirements are slightly higher, but our workers can meet it. Huo Chang pointed to the 700,000 tons of ethylene equipment model on the table. It was sent by the Swiss company Casali.

Next to this ethylene equipment is the 800,000-ton ethylene model of BASF in Germany. Liu Qiu looked around it several times and then said, "BASF's technology is still good. Look at these normal temperature tubing and low temperature tanks..."

"The price is also expensive. It's 10,000 yuan more per ton." Huo Chang hates things that exceed the budget. In the case of abundant funds, the total price of ethylene equipment is meaningless, only the unit price and the cost of production. Because ethylene is produced and sold, there is no sales pressure, but in the production process. The larger the unit price and cost of ethylene equipment, the lower it is, so chemical products such as ethylene methanol will become bigger and bigger. Otherwise, economic supremacy capitalism will not make 800,000 tons of ethylene. They will make 80 10,000 tons of ethylene. Then find a cheap place to put them together.

Liu Qiu was a technician born under the banner of socialism, and he sneered at Huo Chang's cares. He said, "If we want to choose a learning object, we have to choose a better one. BASF's equipment is the most advanced in the world. Get some technology from him, and what we learn is also more advanced, right?"

"Do you want BASF to transfer technology? It's impossible!" Zhang Chao joined the regiment and said, "BASF is the world's largest chemical consortium. In their German, it is called Kang Caien. Their headquarters is the same as our state-owned enterprises. There are hundreds of kilometers of railways, thousands of buildings, hundreds of kilometers of roads, their own hospitals and schools, and branches in more than 100 countries around the world, which is equivalent to how many PetroChina. Think about it, can PetroChina transfer technology to you?

Liu Qiu didn't think about the problem like Zhang Chao. He rubbed his messy hair and looked at Su Cheng with a smile and said, "If we can eat BASF's technology, maybe we can make big ethylene in a few years."

Su Cheng asked with a smile, "How many years?"

"Pure large ethylene, 5 years." Liu Qiu thought about it carefully.

"This five-year-old product is a set of large ethylene equipment, which is not cost-effective, Su Dong." Zhang Chao quickly stopped and said, "How much demand for large ethylene can the world have in a year? On average, the annual output value is more than 10 billion. Unlike enterprises like BASF, we have the things we have accumulated before. We have to buy all the houses. It's too expensive. The cost can't be recovered for 10 years.

Liu Qiu retorted, "This is the economic account. We have to calculate the technical account."

"Even if it is a technical account, can the cost of making large ethylene be lower than the purchase cost? Another thing, if you make 600,000 tons of ethylene, can you continue to make 1 million tons?

Liu Qiu's face collapsed and said, "I didn't say to make 600,000 tons first. There are only so many people in our Dahua Laboratory who have to accumulate from scratch. Do 300,000 tons first?"

"The 300,000 tons of ethylene of Sinopec are about to be completed, and what else is 300,000 tons to do? If you want to transfer technology, it's much easier to find Daqing or something than to find BASF. Zhang Chao is talking about the Yangtze ethylene project introduced by China. This project code-named 877 is the first major event after the establishment of Sinopec. It is known as the second largest project since the Gezhouba Water Conservancy Hub, with a cost of 7 billion yuan. At this time, it is in the final construction period.

Normally, 300,000 tons of ethylene in the 877 project can be completed within the year. Sinopec's rejection of the Haicang plan is also here. They have to make sure that they can make 300,000 tons of ethylene before they dare to undertake the 700,000 tons of ethylene project in the Haicang plan.

This kind of large-scale project can no longer be done by leveling the land and building blocks. For example, the Yangtze Ethylene Project was a project established in the 1970s. It was built in 1979 and stopped halfway due to the adjustment of the national economy. It was not until 1983 that Sinopec was established to resume construction. The media described it as a "magnificent and versatile project". Yangtze Petrochemical shouted the slogan "All for 877, all services 877" for 8 years. It was not until 1991 that it faintly saw the progress of the test.

From the beginning, it took nearly 20 years for the country to install this set of ethylene equipment. From the start of Sinopec's takeover, it has also experienced 8 years of hardship.

The Anti-Japanese War lasted only 8 years. For many people at Sinopec, the painful memory of the large ethylene project is still fresh, and then take over the baton of the Haicang Project to make 700,000 tons of ethylene for 8 years? Many people at Sinopec can't accept it emotionally.

These 8 years are 8 years of pure expenditure without income.

At this time, Su Cheng also realized the difficulty of making the big ethylene. In addition to the technical pressure, construction and collection are also extremely difficult. The [luck] movement that once happened in the country, the ongoing political adjustment in Taiwan, or the changes in the situation such as the Gulf War, will affect the construction and collection of the big ethylene.

A company like BASF has a background from the 1970s to the 1990s, how can Dahua Industry have such strength?

[China] In that year, China introduced four sets of 300,000 tons of large ethylene at the same time, and changed to an unknown ordinary company. 20 years was enough to delay them to death.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng shook his head and said, "It's too far from the topic. Today, we will discuss the problem of equipment first, and then consider the digestion technology."

"Yes." Zhang Chao replied happily. He works in the supply chain in the Strategy Department and has always advocated austerity. He believes that the current stall of Dahua Industry is too large to sell or divide some enterprises. Therefore, when he heard that Liu Qiu wanted to do big ethylene, he was the first to jump out against it.

Liu Qiu made the last attempt and said, "The equipment needs to be connected with the technology to be easy to talk about. For example, in terms of maintenance, if we don't talk about transferring technology, BASF probably won't let us repair the core components. Only by talking about transferring technology can we repair the components by ourselves, which can save a lot of money.

Hearing what he said, Huo Chang agreed: "It's good to transfer technology to make a chip. Foreign countries also know that our country has such a habit of purchasing equipment."

"Yes, transfer and maintenance can be discussed, but Dahua's capital is small. First of all, we should consider the rapid commissioning of the equipment." In fact, Su Cheng still likes technology, but his strength does not allow it.

Liu Qiule said, "Is that BASF?"

"I think Casali is more convenient." Huo Chang went back to the previous question.

Zhang Chao had another idea and said, "I think we should use any company with great influence. Maybe it's better to find an American or British company. There are many problems with large-scale projects. Formosa Plastics is a Taiwanese-funded enterprise and one of the top 500 enterprises in the world. It is even more difficult for us to do so many things in Haicang Plan and Six Light. Equipment companies and banks with loans must be able to hold on.

"Not bad. This is a problem. Our small body is too thin. We should find someone with a big face. Su Cheng quickly made a decision and said, "Li Lin, you will immediately ask Kasali and BASF about the government relationship. Yan Xuecan, you can ask Jason if there are any American companies interested in it."

Just like Formosa Plastics and Evergreen Group helped Dahua Industry in the bidding for the Setan Oilfield, the multi-billion-dollar project is enough to make BASF or Kasali resist the government departments of any country.

No ministerial institution in any country can be worth $1 billion.

However, among the enterprises in China, only Dahua Industry can adopt various strategies so flexibly. If the huge Sinopec wants to purchase equipment, the focus of the purchasing manager's consideration must be different from that of Dahua.

The people in the room are all busy.

Su Cheng also returned to his room and wrote a sick book. Tomorrow's meeting will be decisive for the Haicang plan. Any effort can only be of maximum effect before the senior management makes a decision