Super Energy Power

Chapter 372 Drilling

Xinma Group put the pre-explored well in a heavy magnetic depression and sent out the best-equipped Norwegian exploration team.

Pre-explored wells are a kind of wells with large investment risk. In most cases, pre-explored wells are drilled to obtain the geological structure of the area. For the small Kuwak oil field, it is not worth paying millions of dollars for this.

But under the pressure of competition, Nobushige Ito still made such a decision.

If the racing exploration fails, it will be his serious mistake.

If you succeed, you will have a chance to cover up the past.

Ito Nobuyoshi has no hesitation. In less than two months of racing exploration, Ito Trading Co., Ltd. and Singapore Group have spent more than 20 million US dollars respectively, which does not count all kinds of hidden investments.

For Nobushige Ito, as long as he fails, it is a fiasco. He doesn't care whether there will be another serious mistake.

He only cares about speed.

However, the Norwegian exploration team did not set out on time on the order of Nobushige Ito.

Seeing that it was afternoon, the Norwegian exploration team was still tidying up. Nobushige Ito finally couldn't help sending someone out to ask. He said to Li Zhengfu in the office, "The national exploration team said to set out. These so-called professional exploration teams actually took a day to pack."

Li Zhengfu expected that he didn't say anything.

After a while, the person who went to inquire came back and reported, "Their captain said that the road was too bumpy, and many instruments had to wait for helicopters to transport. In addition, trucks equipped with heavy equipment such as derricks were in poor condition and needed a day or two to repair."

"A day or two?" Nobushige Ito's leisure time for the Nordics is really unbearable.

The person who asked explained in a low voice: "There is really something wrong with their heavy trucks. The Soviets did not maintain the truck for a long time, and we only did simple maintenance after leasing it. Some parts have been bought for a long time, but they haven't been delivered for half a month. If it breaks down halfway, it will be troublesome.

"How can Dahua's heavy truck be used? Is the truck they rented better?

[China] Chinese people are familiar with Soviet trucks, and... their own cars are also quite broken, so they are good at repairing and don't have to replace parts. The Norwegians insisted on replacing the intact parts and checking that they were correct before leaving. Persuasion doesn't work either."

Ito Nobu was speechless for a while. Is it good news to drive a broken car often?

He has indeed seen the self-made parts of [China] Chinese workers, and even seen homemade flanges in [China]. At that time, he thought it was funny. Now when he takes them out, [China] Chinese workers are obviously much cuter than Norwegian workers.

Nordic people have always talked a lot of nonsense, a lot of trouble, and less work... It doesn't matter if they look at a relatively high level of professional ability in ordinary years. But in today's chaotic Russia, it is indeed more difficult to buy accessories for the equipment of the former Soviet Union.

He scolded "Baga" angrily but had to solve the problem: "Let them make a list of the accessories they need, and I asked them to go to Moscow to find a way. Why didn't you report the vehicle problem earlier?"

"The amount may be relatively small, and the logistics department first considers the needs of the exploration department..." The subordinates explained as much as possible and apologized at the same time.

Ito Nobushige "hummed". He ordered drilling a week in advance, which was indeed a little unexpected, but this was not an excuse for logistical inaction. He said coldly, "Tell the logistics personnel that I don't want to hear such a thing again. Next time, the person responsible will go back to China for retirement."

His men had a wry smile on their faces and had to remind: "Half of the employees are applying for transfer back to China. Returning to China for retirement may not be a punishment.

Nobushige Ito was stunned for a long time and finally couldn't speak angrily.

Large companies like them all implement the annual work sequence, and they will not fire employees easily, just like state-owned enterprises and public institutions in China. Sitting on the bench is the biggest punishment. The difference is that the salary of the employees of the company who implement the annual work order, whether they work hard or not, the salary is basically the same. People at the age of 30 take the salary of 30 and the salary of 40 the salary of the age of 40, which is almost the same.

This kind of egalitarianism in China will not have much impact. Workers in Hokkaido will not be upset because they have the same salary as those in Osaka. But abroad, the difference between Siberia and Tokyo is too big.

No matter how well you work in Siberia, employees will not have a sense of honor. Stay away from family and friends, and make their hard work a little worthless.

There doesn't seem to be much difference between going back home and sitting on a cold bench or being reused in Siberia.

If time is delayed, there will be more people who would rather sit on the bench.

Li Zhengfu coughed gently, relieved Ito Nobushige's embarrassment, and whispered, "I'm going to solve the helicopter problem. Try to find the parts in one day.

Ito Nobushige said "um" and asked his men to urge the Norwegian exploration team again.

The outsourcing company only works for money, and he has no right to reprimand without violating the contract. Moreover, Nordic companies are very paranoid and dare to violate the contract if they say they don't work. Nobushige Ito, who often does international business, is unwilling to take such a risk. He didn't show up, leaving room for speech.

The next day.

After busy coordination, the Norwegian exploration team finally set off. Many of their equipment needs to be transported by helicopters, but not all the equipment can be handed over to helicopters. Not only is it expensive, but the number of helicopters is also limited, especially for high-power heavy transport helicopters. You have to find a way to find the Russian military.

Looking at the mountain of equipment outside, Ito Nobushige discussed with Li Zhengfu, "Su Cheng seems to have drilled the well in person. In this way, their speed is definitely not slow. We should also consider sending personnel to supervise it to speed up as much as possible."

Li Zhengfu heard that he meant that he wanted to let himself go, and immediately said, "The Norwegian exploration team is advanced in technology, and the speed of the pace will definitely exceed that of the [China] national drilling team. If you want them to speed up, it's better to give them a bonus."

"The bonus is OK, but field supervision is also necessary. This is the core link of this racing exploration, and there can be no mistakes. Ito Nobushige is staring at Li Zhengfu. His Ito Trading Company is one of the world's top 500 enterprises. The scale is far higher than that of the new Malaysia Group. The company's hidden strength determines the status of senior officials on both sides.

"I recommend Shao Sihan, Deputy Director of Technology of Xinma Group." Li Zhengfu gritted his teeth and sold the good man Shao Sihan.

In the temporary camp, there are not many executives suitable for the well area. Ito Nobushige didn't expect another one, and he said indifferently, "Then send him." The speed of the first pre-exploration well must be fast. If you are lucky, you may see the oil after finishing the well. The exploration map can be completed in a week at most, and then we will decide on the second drilling team. If the results of the pre-exploration well are good, we can catch up with the speed of Dahua through the second analysis.

Li Zhengfu didn't say much. He turned around and went to Shao Sihan.

As a trade union representative, the labor protection required by Shao Sihan almost exceeded the logistics limit of the Xinma Group. The exploration team invited with world-class equipment and tens of millions of dollars in commission was actually a week slower than the sea of people tactics of Dahua Industry, which included Shao Sihan's reason.

Li Zhengfu feels that such a Taoist friend is not worth saving. Let him go to the well area of Siberia to talk about labor protection.

At the same time, 1105 finally struggled to reach the predetermined position.

Many KC drilling rigs are immediately divided into teams according to the plan without rest time.

Captain Li Renjun drilled out of the heavy truck with a beard and said loudly, "Everyone is close to building a house, which is the first task. Lao Wang, you can find two people to boil the water and boil the hot water.

While commanding, he explained to Su Cheng, "It was the same when we were in the northeast. When we were outdoors at minus 30 degrees, we would freeze people to death. You can't live in the car all the time and have a good rest, and diesel is not difficult to get.

"You have experience, I'll listen to you. I'm your little soldier." Su Cheng smiled warmly. After being a boss for more than 4 years, if he hadn't shown the etiquette of the virtuous sergeant, he would have been eliminated by the society long ago.

In two days, Li Renjun was also familiar with Su Cheng's style and said a few polite words, so he let go of his arms and began to work.

Physical work is always easy to make people think that the style of the army and factory is not innate, but the working environment is long-standing. Unlike people who work in the city, exploration and drilling workers have always had good decision-making power.

The ink of mother-in-law is difficult to work in the wild environment.

Although he was in a hurry to drill, Su Cheng still suppressed the impulse to "point the country" and regarded himself as a small worker without saying a word, working with the first team.

It's easy to make suggestions, but it's too difficult to do things.

Tradition is often not the best method, but it is likely to be the least bad method.

In places like Siberia, it is normal for the night temperature to drop to minus 30 degrees, and minus 40 degrees is not rare. This temperature may not be able to drip urine into ice, but if you want to go to the toilet outdoors, it is still a great test of skill and courage.

Drilling without a house feels like it saves time, but the risk is very high. In the absence of accurate satellite image support, sleeping in the car for a long time is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous.

After the first three houses were built, Li Renjun immediately organized manpower to start digging wells.

Su Cheng suppressed his strong curiosity. Together with a few other people, he dug open the frozen soil with semi-mechanical and half manpower, sweating tiredly.

After digging three or four meters, the rock drill in Su Cheng's hand was suddenly loosened, and the sound was very different.

Hearing the sound, Li Renjun immediately ran to see it, pinched it with his hand, and said with a smile, "It's okay. It's a little deeper than the frozen layer in our northeast, and it's okay.

Su Cheng couldn't help asking, "What is this for?"

"Made a well."

"A well? Won't it freeze?"

"There is a saying in the fellow villagers in Northeast China, which is called frozen but not frozen. That is to say, it won't freeze below eight feet. We tried it before when drilling. We dug 3 meters underground and covered it with a thermal insulation cover. The well is basically not frozen. If necessary, we can also get a heating pipe. Li Renjun was a little happy in his words. Drilling needs water support. Without water, the drilling can't be opened.

Su Cheng nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Captain Li has a universe in his stomach."

Li Renjun touched his head with embarrassment and said, "I'm just experience. I have been working since I was 5 years old, and I have been 30 years younger. When I was young, I liked to ask old workers and technicians. In the future, I will be in the well team all year round. When I come out this time, I can't go home for half a year. If I can't see my wife and children, then think about drilling. It's not good to think nonsense in this wilderness. You have to be a

Su Cheng felt that he should laugh, but he couldn't laugh inexplicably.