Super Energy Power

Chapter 376 Substitute Spray Method

In the Chinese headquarters of the temporary camp, the lights are bright.

Qin Shiwei, Nian Zhongxue, Ran Zi'an and other drilling and oil extraction experts looked at the exploration map day and night, constantly comparing all kinds of information sent by the exploration team.

They haven't slept for two days, but no one has thought about it. Because by tomorrow, the No. 3 well of Dahua Industry will be drilled to 2,500 meters. At that time, whether to finish drilling or continue drilling, you have to make a decision, and you can't delay the drilling team.

Xinma Group chose to drill to 3,500 meters, which will delay them for about a week. If the oil layer is indeed within 2,500 meters, Dahua Industry will undoubtedly have a great advantage.

However, in terms of the oil test of the first few wells, the probability of the oil layer within 2,500 meters does not seem to be very high. If Dahua Industry continues to choose 2,500 meters, and there is no oil layer within 2,500 meters, it will fail no matter how hard it tries.

Ran Zi'an and Nian Zhongxue studied for two days, and they couldn't say that he was ugly.

Drilling to 3,500 meters seems to be the safest thing. However, the technology of Xinma Group and Ito Trading Co., Ltd. is advanced, and the speed will not be much slower than that of the [China] national drilling team, and it is likely to test the oil in advance...

Qin Shiwei rubbed his eyebrows and looked at Su Cheng, who closed his eyes and rested. He doubted whether he was asleep.

After waiting for a few seconds, he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Our first drilling is too eager to achieve. It's my fault. At that time, if I had strictly followed the requirements, drilled to 4,000 meters, and then tested the oil with multi-oil layers, the second well would have been able to know. It seems a little too late to increase the depth of drilling now.

Nian Zhongxue said: "With the geological conditions of the Qiuming oilfield, it is indeed possible for the oilfield to go deep to 2 meters. The trouble now is that we are all exploring in an oil field in Kuwak. The geological conditions are not much different. We all start to test oil from 3 meters, and it is easy to be robbed by others.

When Nian Zhongxue was talking, he also looked at Su Cheng.

According to the current information, it is really difficult for them to give an affirmative [answer] case.

It really takes too many resources to understand the oil buried thousands of meters underground. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic maps, magnetic force, gravity and other test methods, combined with hundreds of theoretical books, are still only estimates.

Even after another 7 years, people still can't accurately predict the situation below.

Su Cheng thought silently and didn't say anything.

What he is thinking about in his head is not a technical problem, but a business problem.

The goal of racing exploration has always been to attract orders from other Russian oil dealers. Therefore, it is necessary to win, and winning beautifully is also an important additional condition.

Xinma Group decided to finish drilling by 3 meters. After Dahua Industry hesitated, if it also chose 33 meters, it would not be beautiful to win, and it would be even more ugly if it failed.

So, increase the depth to 2 meters?

The time spent is more on the one hand, and Sucheng is also not optimistic about this depth.

In his impression, there are very few oil fields in the Tyumen oil field that are more than 4,000 meters deep. All the impressions are that the notes from college played a role. The depth described in the book is very easy to remember: less than 10,000 feet.

10,000 feet is exactly 3 meters past, and it is extremely easy to remember.

So, drilling to 3,500 meters is a wrong decision in Sucheng's view. But 2,500 meters is not a safe decision. It is difficult to judge whether 3,000 meters is necessary.

Thinking about it, Su Cheng looked up at Qin Shiwei and asked, "President Qin, what is the last situation of the second well?"

Qin Shiwei participated in the oil test of the second well from beginning to end. With his understanding ability, he should be able to make good suggestions.

Qin Shiwei's expression opposite was a little awkward. The second well smells more or less like Waterloo to him. In fact, Qin Shiwei's suggestions are somewhat omitted in the racing exploration process of the entire Kuwak oilfield, but this is inevitable in the process of oilfield development. Exploration oil fields themselves have the component of guessing. The more experience you have, the higher the accuracy of guessing, but it does not mean that you can guess 100%.

A few seconds later, Qin Shiwei adjusted his mood and said, "After the second well cementing operation was completed, I immediately presided over the test. All technical indicators met the requirements. After electrical testing, the quality was qualified. At that time, I was in a very good mood..."

paused for a moment, he half recalled and half reported and continued: "On the 5th, we began to shoot for the first time, and first replaced the mud in the wellbore with water. Then, in the case of a clear water well, we first fired three thin oil layers from 2100 meters to 2400 meters, with a thickness of about 18 meters. After the hole, there was no display at the wellhead, and there was even a drop. After that, we carried out the salvage and spray. In the fished water, we found the smell of oil and oil huā, but we didn't see the crude oil after all. Starting from the 7th, we still didn't find any further holes..."

Su Cheng listened to his introduction and nodded slowly. If the oil well is not dug, the oil will be ejected. Of course, there is indeed such a phenomenon in the early land oil and today's offshore oil, which usually represents large oil fields and large oil pressures, but this is not necessarily the case. The Kuwak oil field is obviously a small oil field, and may even be an oil sand field, and the lack of underground pressure is what they expected. Otherwise, the former Soviet Union would not have let it go in the initial survey.

Qin Shiwei's main work in well No. 2 is to adopt various methods of lubricating to dredge the oil layer, so that the crude oil has the power to eject.

If there is an industrial flow of more than several tons per day, it means that the drilling position is correct and that the oil field is valuable.

If there is no industrial flow, either the drilling position is wrong or the oil field is worthless.

Of course, there is a third possibility, which is that the method of inducing spraying is wrong.

However, Qin Shiwei has a number of drilling and oil production experts. In addition to the drilling and oil production research institutes of Daqing Oilfield and Shengli Oilfield, the research institutes of other administrations are only weak or strong. There are also several expert top students in [Zhongzhong] and Petroleum University, but their experience is not as good as those of these Naturally, there are many foreign monks outside, but most of them have more equipment and obtain more auxiliary materials. Since Dahua Industry can't provide so much equipment, it is useless to find foreign monks.

For example, Ran Zi'an has not played much role since exploration, and his future development is more reflected in research.

Su Cheng was silent for a moment and said, "We can't follow the buttocks of Xinma Group. Even if we win, there is no guarantee that we will get a large number of contracts and orders. It's okay to deepen the oil well to 3 meters, but what else can you do?

Nian Zhongxue frowned imperceptibly and said, "The drilling to 30 meters is only 3 meters more than 2,500 meters. It's hard to say whether you can touch the visible oil layer within these 3 meters."

He has been working in the research department of state-owned enterprises all year round. He doesn't know anything about business. Out of pure competition, he tends to follow the strategy.

Qin Shiwei more or less understood what Su Cheng meant. He avoided the depth of the well and whispered, "In fact, there is another way not to try the second oil well."


"Spraying method, use crude oil to spray. However, in this way, the oil layer was polluted. At that time, I considered that the No. 2 well was still an exploration well, and there was no oil and gas reaction, so I didn't do so. There is a series of sequences for the spray method. First of all, replace the heavy mud with light mud. If you don't spray it, replace the light mud with water, and if you don't spray it, replace it with crude oil with clear water.

Once crude oil is used, the original data underground is definitely inaccurate. When Qin Shiwei operated the No. 2 well, he hesitated. At this time, the situation was urgent and he could not waste a well.

Su Cheng had a good understanding of the technology of Daerhua. He nod and said, "It's good to use crude oil instead of spraying. In this way, the No. 3 well will reach 3 meters. If there is still no oil, we will use the crude oil instead of spraying method."

"After the replacement, if the No. 3 well does not have oil, it will be wasted." Nian Zhongxue reminded me.

Su Cheng nodded and said, "If there is no more oil, the exploration cost of our entire oilfield will be wasted. Just spray it with crude oil.

Qin Shiwei confirmed Su Cheng's idea and prepared at night. The next morning, at the beginning of dawn, he got on the helicopter and went straight there.

At a depth of 3 meters, it will take a day or two, and you can start the oil test operation in almost another day.

Li Zhengfu and others also paid attention to the movement of Dahua Industry. Hearing the sound of the helicopter, Li Zhengfu went out of the warm room, said hello to Su Cheng, who was sending him off, and asked with a smile, "Su Dong should have decided the drilling depth, right? Do you want to test the oil today?"

The camping house behind him is very different from before. The wooden villa made of thick logs occupies a corner of the temporary camp. The upper and lower floors are five or six hundred square meters, including all the employees of Xinma Group. Ito Trading Company has also built similar wooden villas, which are only slightly smaller, leaving only Dahua Industrial and Alixe, still using the previous temporary board house.

Su Cheng was trying to get the order, and his subordinates did not have the establishment of the construction team. Looking at the way Li Zhengfu had just come out of the greenhouse, he curled his lips and said, "Mr. Li, don't be nervous. We only drilled to 70 meters. You still have a chance of 3 meters.

"It should be that Su Dong still has a chance of 3 meters."

In the gap between the two small confrontations, more people walked out of the room.

Li Zhengfu smiled and said a few greetings, and left with his head down. His nervousness is no less than that of Sioux City.

Because they are familiar with the local geological conditions, the speed of the two drilling teams is extremely fast.

In just over a week, the third exploration well of Dahua Industry reached a depth of 3 meters, and the average daily speed exceeded that of Xinma Group.

When they were cementing the well, the Norwegian drilling team invited by the New Malaysia Group was still struggling for 2 meters.

This time, the initiative is once again in the hands of Dahua Industry.

As long as the No. 3 well can see the industrial flow, it will be a complete victory.

May 28th.

Since the morning, Su Cheng has put the satellite phone in front of him and waited for the phone.

... (To be continued