Super Energy Power

Chapter 383 Copy Data

Dahua Strategic Division has investigated and sorted out the expert technology of the former Soviet Union as early as a few years ago. However, when it comes to the collapse of the Soviet Union, there are still many difficulties for experts who want to come by train and pack a car.

First of all, the will of the Soviet experts themselves. The moon in the west is more round than that in the east. It is not only the narrow thought of the Chinese people, but also the former Soviets, and it will only be stronger.

The peaceful evolution is not a joke. If it hadn't been for the love of American life, the Soviet masses and party members would not have accompanied Gorbachev to play any shock therapy. Therefore, whenever there is a little opportunity, the former Soviets will go to the United States and Europe. Some Soviets who have made a lot of money through disintegration would rather give up Russian industry than go to the United States, which can be seen from resolutely.

As a last resort, no Soviet will choose the [China] country as the destination.

In 1992, although the city has solved the problem of food and clothing, the quality of life is still not enough. Compared with the United States and Europe, urban construction does not have much advantage over Moscow, which is completely in line with the pursuit of the Soviet people.

In terms of annual salary, public scientists in the United States are paid tens of thousands of dollars, and corporate researchers are paid tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. The average annual salary and benefits of Chinese enterprises are less than 1,000 US dollars.

Even Dahua Industry can't rush to take out an annual salary of $100,000 to compete with European and American enterprises because someone's country is the former Soviet Union. If you do that, do you want to raise the salary of the [China] researcher of Dahua Laboratory? If the human cost of [China] is raised to the level of the United States, Dahua Industry will only wait to die unless it finds another 10 billion tons of oil field.

On the other hand, not every Soviet expert is a real expert. In a project team, there are often only one or two valuable roles. The remaining researchers are just laboratory workers who know technology. If you bring them back to China, plus one who doesn't speak the language, the effect may not be as good as that of a [Zhongzhong] graduate student.

As for the famous Soviet experts, they were on the list of European and American countries long before the Dahua Strategic Division made the list. Bell Labs, Intel, Texas Instruments, or Harvard, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, they went to Moscow to rob people openly. Under Gorbachev's idea of betraying the country, there are many Soviet experts who are "in exile" overseas in the name of academic exchanges.

Dahua Industry really has no chance to compete for the car and horse.

It is at this time that Sucheng can realize the mood of national leaders inviting overseas Chinese all over the world when the new [China] country is established. If it is not the same bloodline of the same origin, who will accompany you to play the game of waste waiting for fun? Look at the black African countries and you will know that because there is no accumulation in the colonial era, it is said that there are only two engineers in the country, and there are really only two engineers. In this situation, it is not easy to make leapfrog development.

Su Cheng gave Liu Minghao's list, so he deliberately avoided well-known Soviet experts and targeted the researchers of the National Energy Institute of the Soviet Union. To be more precise, his target was the data of the institute, not the people of the institute.

"Surrender with a gun" is a fine tradition that existed in the period of the people's [revolution] life in the 1990s, and it can't be said to abandon it.

The National Energy Research Institute of the Soviet Union studies all energy technologies, including oil and natural gas, as well as new energy technologies such as solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy, which has always had considerable accumulation. If you read the Chinese-related materials of the 1980s and 1990s, you can still see the shadow of the National Energy Research Institute of the Soviet Union. There are even some translation works of the former Soviet Union that were still on the desk of energy-related staff until the 21st century.

According to the requirements of Sucheng, it is not only the people of the research institute but also the relatives of the staff of the research institute. If you can bring the information, you can get US dollars and in-kind remuneration. If you reach a certain quantity and quality, you can also enjoy the policy of family immigration. With the current level of technical management of the Soviet Union, there are many people who are willing and able to easily escape from the fire pit.

The only thing to worry about is that this kind of behavior is a bit of a commercial spy. Sucheng did not implement it before, not only because he was worried about leaking secrets, but also because his subordinates did not have a suitable candidate.

It's naturally better to ask Liu Minghao to do this kind of thing.

Even Cui Guoping passed the news to Liu Minghao. Liu Minghao himself felt that Su Cheng's selection was too good.

He did not bother to report frankly to the country, got a fund for the activity from Su Cheng, and began to pull people.

Sucheng gave Shamir more than one million yuan worth of oil well equipment.

With this batch of equipment, the $100,000 in cash prepared by Liu Minghao is finally a little useful and not ugly - in Li Lin's words: this box of chocolate is a snack for Mr. Maxim.

After Mr. Maxim ate dinner and snacks, how to repay Liu Minghao? Su Cheng didn't care at all. He calculated the number of gun soldiers and information dug by Liu Minghao, and then converted it into oil well equipment and gave it to Shamir.

It is very troublesome to talk about the arms production line, not only the price of the production line, but also the authorization, purchase price and so on. In contrast, the researchers of the Soviet Union were much more happy.

Although the National Energy Research Institute is a key unit of the Russian Federation, the slightly famous KGB either resigned or basked in the sun in the yard, sending up to two people to the research institute to patrol.

It is not easy for researchers to take out the information directly, so they copy the information in the institute.

Liu Minghao sent two Russians to drive a truck directly and wait at the door of the National Energy Research Institute. When the researchers came to work, they took a pile of copy paper from the car, entered the research institute to make a ox, turned the copy paper into materials, and some carefully numbered it, and then threw it back into the truck at the door Without saying a word, he took a green US banknote and more copy paper from someone's hand.

In a few days, one truck was forced to become a shift system for two trucks. Liu Minghao also bought several copiers to solve the bottleneck of insufficient copiers in the Energy Research Institute.

The copier was placed in a small store nearby, and the researchers of the Energy Research Institute came out with a pile of materials. After copying on the spot, they could take a bottle of vodka and the original information back, which was very convenient. After the new director sent from Moscow was defeated by the silver bomb offensive, it would be easier for the Energy Research Institute to copy materials.

Their director has been to Austria for a long time. Several deputy directors have either gone to Moscow to seek official offices or to the member republic, and the rest are also making preparations for the country. They have no intention to manage and copy research materials at all.

If it is a large amount of theft of research materials, they still have to worry about responsibility. Now it's just a copy, but it's a trouble-nothing situation... For many former Soviets, the Soviet Union is no longer there. What's the point of the existence of some research materials?

In addition to written materials, electronic materials and physical materials are also in Liu Minghao's vision. Many precious geological fragments were pasted with Russian numbers the day before, and the next day they were changed to Chinese numbers and sent to the train.

Before Putin took office as the president of the Russian Federation. Russia is an undefended mining area, and everyone can extract something from it.

Some European and American countries and companies with strong backgrounds and funds choose experts and technicians in mining. They don't need the research materials of the Soviet Union, because the energy industry in developed countries in Europe and the United States is self-contained, which is not similar to the technical routines of the Huayue countries. Moreover, developed countries have strict patent protection, and they are often not interested in commercial technologies with weak patent barriers or weak foundation. They hired Soviet experts and technicians to supplement their own system, not to make changes.

There is no such worry about [China] a national company like Dahua Industry. 〖 China's oil and gas industry has a deep Soviet shadow. It is natural to read and refer to their materials.

As for the patent barrier, it is not in the consideration of Suzhou City.

What are you choosing something that is almost free?

At the suggestion of a boring researcher in Dahua Laboratory, Liu Minghao specially formulated a detailed score table. While giving the researchers money back, he also gave them points: a set of 600 points for international advanced technology data, a set of Huayue advanced technology data 200 points, and a set of general technology data. 50 points, 500 points for the design drawings of a set of large-scale equipment, 20 points for a rock... and so on.

At the same time, Liu Minghao himself formulated the score table of the immigration plan: 20,000 points to the United States, 500,000 points for immigration to the United States, 40,000 points to the United Kingdom, 1 million points for immigration to the United Kingdom, 10,000 points to [China] country, 2 million points for immigration to [China]...

Although in Sucheng's view, such an immigration score sheet is the same as credit card points. However, since someone can really exchange credit card points for a car to go home, there are always some former Soviet researchers who will spend millions of points for the whole family with fearless courage and fearless patience...

In this process, it was Su Cheng who paid and Liu Minghao who contributed. Sucheng got the benefits, Liu Minghao completed the task, and the researchers in the former Soviet Union did not suffer losses. They exchanged their past achievements and their colleagues for future life. Most of them do not choose to go to [China] countries, but choose to go to countries such as Finland and Poland... For ordinary researchers, if Dahua Industry does not pay for it and Liu Minghao's efforts, this dream is often difficult to achieve.

Only the researchers and technical workers of oil and gas pipelines were strongly invited by Sucheng to go to [China]. Dahua Gas Company has gained a firm foothold in several major cities and continues to develop, and the gap in personnel and technology will increase day by day. In addition, the West-East Gas Transmission Project, which will arrive in a few years, also needs to be prepared in advance.