Super Energy Power

Chapter 463 Return to no success

The negotiation of the Sino-Russian oil pipeline is not only difficult, but also can be described as a marathon on the tip of a knife.

Russia is a fragile energy country. It has a vast territory and abundant resources, but all over Russia, the only thing that can really serve as an international currency is energy, or more accurately, oil. Even expensive diamonds and caviar cannot be compared with the oil currency in terms of total amount. The Soviet Union in Stalin's era was the same, and so was the Soviet Union after World War II. There was no difference between Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev or Yeltsin and Putin's Russia.

Russia or the Soviet Union needs a lot of things... Grain and machinery are the goods they buy in bulk. In fact, if you don't buy a lot of grain, the Soviet Union will starve people to death every year. In the 1960s, the Soviet Union purchased grain in large quantities for the first time, spending one-third of the country's gold reserves. Khrushchev said: For a big country like us, it is inconceivable to buy food with gold, and we need to reverse this phenomenon.

When Khrushchev said this, he was full of ambition, but it didn't make any sense. What really prevented the Soviets from starving to death was still the new technologies and discoveries of the oil industry, not their terrible agricultural technology.

Since then, the Soviet Union has imported more and more grains. The only thing that supports all this is oil, and only oil...

The history of nearly 100 years has made it difficult for Russia's politics and economy to be entangled in the oil giants. What do you rely on to eat? Oil; what does it depend on to maintain the centritic force of member states? Cheap oil; where does the budget for military competition come from? It can only be oil.

After the disintegration of Russia, it seems to be a waste, but what really attracts foreign investors is still oil.

Such a country, on the surface, opens its mind and welcomes investors from all over the world. Any energy investor, like Zhang Changting, who represents Daqing Petroleum Company, will be treated solemnly and warmly when he first arrives in Russia.

However, once things progressed to a substantial level, Russian politicians, officials and people began to worry endlessly.

Foreign investors exploit oil in Russia. In the eyes of the Russians, it is as if their own blood has been taken away.

That's right. If oil is regarded as Russia's blood, then this country is a country that relies on selling blood to survive. They are as worried about selling oil as they are selling their own blood.

If someone wants to make a lot of money from Russia's energy trade, the Russians will be as angry as blood sellers who have been stolen.

In desperation, the Russians can only continue to sell its oil. However, this does not mean that they like this way, just like any blood seller, who is willing to choose another life whenever they are given a little opportunity.

Zhang Changting walked on the past territory of the Soviet big brother. What he breathed in his nose was the smell of the death of the Soviet big brother. What he saw in his eyes was the unyielding cell wall of the big brother of the Soviet Union. His palm touched the soul of the big brother of the Soviet Union **, and nothing could be handled smoothly

proposed the Russian Yukos company of Anda Line, which had no intention of urging the Russian government at all. The main goal of Jewish boss Khodorkovsky is to increase production of his own oil companies. For him, selling oil to China is a long-term and meaningful goal. However, the task of increasing production of our own company is the most important.

Zhang Changting visited several times, but finally did not see Khodorkovsky. The answer from Yukos was a "waiting" that could not reassure him.

After Zhang Changting stayed a little longer, he gradually realized the situation of Yukos Company. With one company to promote the oil pipeline between the two countries, the company must be extremely strong.

Unlike the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline, the huge Russian Federation, in addition to its desire for Europe, is full of contempt for China and the members of the former Soviet Union. In terms of reason, they can see the prospects of the Chinese market and the scale of oil consumption. However, no matter in terms of first-come, first-served or important, the Russian Federation will wait until the Russian-European oil pipeline has some clues before it can get involved in the Sino-Russian oil pipeline.

If it is replaced by Yukos, which is strong enough to challenge Putin 10 years later, they have the ability to independently promote the Anda Line. If the weak Russia is replaced by the weaker Kazakhstan, the Daqing Oilfield, together with the background of China National Petroleum Corporation, is also eligible to continue the security line.

However, when these two independent conditions are not met, the Anda Line can only wait for a suitable opportunity.

In Russia in 1993, there may be one or two suitable opportunities. Zhang Changting himself had no information to support, and he hurried to Moscow and hesitated for a month. After all, he had no choice but to book the return ticket.

The general manager is a human-shaped stamp most of the time, but it won't work without it.

Avening at the airport, Zhang Changting was not in a good mood. He threw his briefcase to his secretary and sat at the window, looking at the white plane's buttocks in a daze.

"Mr. Zhang is in a good mood." A young man "pupped" and sat next to him.

The young man had a new high-end suit and a valuable diamond-inlaid watch. In addition, he was a Chinese at Moscow Airport. Although Zhang Changting was in a bad mood, he just looked at him without saying a word.

The young man crossed his legs and said, "Mr. Zhang may not have seen me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Su Xing, representing the Su family and the Wang family.

"The Su family and the Wang family?" Zhang Changting thought quickly.

"That's right, the Su family and the Wang family."

"Which Su family is it?"

Su Xing raised his finger and said, "That's the Su family."

"Oh..." Zhang Changting was awe and asked, "What do you mean by representative?"

"I can help you get the Russian promise." It's not like Su Cheng. When Su Xing speaks, he always has the taste of being the first in the world.

Zhang Changting smiled reluctantly and said, "How can I help?"

Looking at Su Xing's age and style, Zhang Changting is full of distrust.

Su Xing smiled carelessly, waved back and said, "I'll find someone to tell you."

Zhang Changting's eyebrows are about to be twisted into Sichuan characters.

After a while, Su Yaping, who was big-eared, appeared in front of Zhang Changting.

Su Xingle said happily, "I told you earlier to determine how difficult it is to cooperate."

Su Yaping looked at him helplessly, turned his head and smiled at Zhang Changting and said, "Mr. Zhang, I'm Su Yaping, the current chairman of Nanqing Group. We are also deeply honored to cooperate with Daqing Oilfield."

"Wait, what kind of cooperation?" Zhang Changting was completely confused.

Su Yaping's expression changed slightly, and his head turned to Su Xing.

Su Xing said carelessly, "Look at his appearance, he obviously agrees to cooperate. Didn't we say that? Can you talk about the details?"

Su Yaping's heart was full of fire, and it was not easy to show. He originally trusted his nephew. He only heard that after he was double-opened, he became more and more out of tune. He didn't realize that he didn't adjust to such a level. If I had known this, why should I have given him the opportunity to practice...

Standing in front of Zhang Changting, he didn't say much. He covered it up and asked, "What did you just talk about?"

"That's all. I'll leave the details to you." Su Xing shook his hand, looking like a young master.

Zhang Changting twisted his nose and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Su Yaping endured it before it broke out. He said, "I'm sorry, we want to help you."


"We will help you make a commitment to the Russian government on the Sino-Russian oil pipeline..."

"I've said this part." Su Xing interrupted Su Yaping's words, and he was quite dissatisfied.

Su Yaping could only be more dissatisfied and meditated on the Buddhist scriptures several times before he stopped.

At this time, Zhang Changting was already quite impatient.

Su Yaping said quickly, "Let me say it directly. As far as we know, Yukos has found a high-yield oil field expert called Sharinov. His task is to assist Yukos to solve the problem of oil production. Not only Yukos, but also many Russian oil merchants are looking for high-yield ways to oil fields. Therefore, if Daqing Oilfield can help the Russians, it will not be so difficult to ask them to agree to the Anda Line.

Oil companies always need to increase production, especially for the emerging Russian Federation. During his stay in Moscow, Zhang Changting was able to experience the shortage of materials in Russia. Without oil exports, Russia, which is based on the collapsed heritage of the Soviet Union, can only wait for a new round of collapse.

Restoring the troubled Russian oil industry to the level of the Soviet era is the highlight of at least the past two years.

Zhang Changting thought about it for a moment and asked, "How to solve the oil production?"

"We can do an aid construction project from Daqing Oilfield to work in Russia." Su Yaping said excitedly and said, "You don't have to worry about the aid project. We have done a good job here. To solve the problem of oil production, if you have new technology, you can try it. In addition, it can make a good feeling to help Russians make more wells.

"Where do I have any new technology? Moreover, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to send people to explore oil wells. What can I do if I assist their two drilling teams? Zhang Changting has no confidence at all.

Zhang Changting shook his head and said, "It's not two drilling teams, it's 100. Moreover, it provides its own equipment and logistics.

Zhang Changting's eyes widened, and he smiled angrily, "Do you know how much 100 drilling teams cost?"

"No matter how much money you make, the more money you make for the Russians, the more willing they are to help."

Zhang Changting hesitated for a moment and said, "Sending a drilling team will affect Daqing's own work. How much can they pay?"

Su Xing smiled sarcastically on his face: "How much does it cost? Of course it's free. That's it. We have to help you think of another way.
