Super Energy Power

Chapter 488 Kick Out

"Tone it up." The general manager seemed to have just woken up and walked to the bathroom to wash up.

Everyone has also restrained their spirits and is ready to deal with the next situation calmly. Sleepless nights are not uncommon for these department-level cadres. How to restore their spirits has their own experience.

The working hours of the sanatorium have always been very early. After a while, the requirements of drinking tea, eating breakfast, washing and bathing, doing health care exercises, etc. were all reached. Everyone at the oil company sat at the negotiating table again, waiting for Sucheng to continue to discuss the details of the next contract.

It's noon.

The person who had only slept for a few hours was sleepy. Su Cheng touched his belly and appeared in the conference room as if he was full of wine and food.

He Haitao was so angry that he didn't shout immediately. That's because his demeanor that he had raised for 50 years played a small role.

Su Cheng carefully looked at these bureau chiefs. After one night after day of tossing, these middle-aged and elderly cadres finally had a reason to stay in a nursing home. Think about it, now you can settle in directly, and you are satisfied with your physical condition.

If it's that time in the morning, you can still see a few red old faces here. Up to now, the middle-aged and elderly cadres who don't apply powder are all pale faces, as if they were pulled out of the cracks in the door - because they smoked too much, they were all white.

Lin Yonggui was also very tired. At least he said, "Su Dong is here."

"Mr. Lin, good morning, good morning, everyone." Su Cheng arched his hands and had a great New Year's posture, which was very suitable for the atmosphere of the sanatorium.

"I thought Su Dong was not coming." He Haitao said with a sneer.

"This is not coming." Su Cheng didn't seem to hear his smile, and then asked, "Does the head office of Petroleum have a new conclusion?"

"Su Dong can have a look." He Haitao pointed to the documents on the desktop. The paper piled up there was two fingers high, which was really not thin for one night.

Su Cheng sat down tepidly and began to read seriously.

The indignation of last night seems to have disappeared.

Other people couldn't figure out what he meant. They were absorbed in guard for a moment, and gradually became sleepy.

They are all old men. They slept for three or four hours in one night, and some didn't even sleep enough for three hours. It's good to be able to hold on until now.

Let's take a look and consume it.

So, those who should eat will eat, and those who should rest will continue to prepare for rest. They want to chat and chat. There are also a few old men who simply sat on the lounge chair outside the conference room, looking like basking in the sun.

However, it looks like it. Everyone has something in their heart, and no one can be down-to-earth.

He Haitao has been waiting for Su Cheng to be in trouble.

He squinted at Su Cheng and said in his heart: You can make it mysterious.

3 p.m.

The phone "jingle" in the conference room rang.

A staff member answered the phone, "Uh-huh" twice, raised his head and said, "Su Dong, I called you and said it was ready."

"All right? Then come up." Su Cheng had expected it for a long time.

The other party responded in surprise and put down the phone.

Everyone else also sat up.

Before long, I saw a team of people holding the materials and walking into the conference room.

"I'd like to introduce to you. This is Zhang Chao, Vice Minister of Dahua Industrial Strategy Department. Let him tell you about the oil pipeline. Su Cheng closed the documents on the desktop.

He Haitao sneered and said, "Dong Su was procrastinating just now? Seeing that you look so seriously, I thought you had any opinion.

"There are opinions. Zhang Chao, you say it." After Su Cheng went back, he also felt that he was shirtless and had too little buffer, so he called Zhang Chao and others over.

This is also because the requirements of the oil head office are constantly escalating, and the forced Su Cheng must be treated with a tougher attitude.

A tough attitude often means the intensification of contradictions. When Zhang Chao and others come forward, it is naturally easier to deal with the aftermath than Su Cheng himself.

Lin Yonggui was most familiar with Su Cheng. Looking at his appearance, he knew that it was difficult to do this matter. He sighed secretly and let it go. Naturally, there is nothing he can control if he wants to.

This business is really greedy for too many people, and no one will relax easily.

Zhang Chao looked around and said politely, "Guys, on behalf of Dahua Industry, I would like to make some detailed suggestions for the upcoming oil pipeline company..."

He also rushed here overnight. He arrived at the sanatorium early in the morning and began to receive new information. At this time, he didn't find out what could be used. He didn't care about it. He ordered the subordinates behind him to put down the documents and said, "First of all, it is the problem of personnel deployment. We Members to the newly established pipeline company..."

"It's not unwilling, it's our choice to provide. We can't give anyone you want. It's a matter of principle. He Haitao interrupted Zhang Chao with a word.

Zhang Chao smiled reluctantly and said, "I understand, no matter what the reason is, in short, after the careful investigation of Dahua Industry, Dahua Industry is ready to solve the deployment problem of the technical personnel of the pipeline company by itself. There is no need to worry about the gem machine."

"How to solve it?" He Haitao's eyes were wide open, and he said slowly, "Don't delay the national key projects."

This is his trick. He doesn't believe that Su Cheng can easily crack it. When it comes to key projects, He Haitao is still a little teasing.

Zhang Chao took a look at the small book at hand and said, "This is our own business."

"You dug up our people?" He Haitao's tone was sharper, and he said sarcastically, "I tell you, no matter how high the salary you drive, no one of the gem machine is allowed to leave."

"We didn't dig people." Zhang Chao's simple words, like a needle, pierced He Haitao's anger.

"No poaching? How do you solve the technology? We are at the leading level in domestic petroleum machinery. If we don't have the technology, other domestic factories have not.

Zhang Changting frowned and thought of the problems of foreign companies. He hurriedly said, "The regulations we set, the oil pipeline should first be undertaken by the domestic company. The details have not been determined, but in general, we have signed the contract..."

He remembered the general rules of the contract at this time.

It was not only Zhang Changting, but also other bigwigs remembered and said one after another.

Naturally, they don't want to spend on pipeline construction in foreign companies. Therefore, they didn't make any noise before. They would rather sign the contract, just like attracting investment from many local enterprises in China. Now that the task of "investment attraction" has been completed, they have begun to look for benefits.

In the process of looking for benefits, naturally, you can't let the wronged man run away again.

Zhang Chao waved his hand and said, "Dahua Industry is a company that abides by the contract. The current situation is that after careful research by Dahua Industry, we believe that the technicians of the gem machine do not meet the requirements of the pipeline company, so there is no need to mention the technical guidance. As for the technical indicators of each pipeline project, if the domestic company can achieve it, we will try our best to give it to the domestic company to achieve. If not, Dahua Industry is ready to adopt other ways. We have made a list of technical indicators.

"Other ways are foreign companies, right?" He Haitao felt a little guilty. With the people around him, he sneered, "As long as you can't achieve the domestic companies listed in the technical indicators, you can naturally hand it over to foreign companies. This trick..."

"Send down the watch." Su Cheng stood up at this time and interrupted He Haitao's words.

Several staff members of Dahua Industry quickly handed the prepared forms to everyone at the conference table.

He Haitao took a watch in his hand, glanced at it, and hummed, "The technical level of domestic oil pipelines at home is different from that abroad, but this does not mean that our oil pipelines cannot be used. Isn't Daqing's oil pipeline used well? I understand Su Dong's mind. As long as you draw a line between domestic and foreign technical indicators, the technology of our domestic enterprises will not meet the requirements. What can your small means explain?

"Let's talk about it later." Su Cheng stood there and didn't even look at He Haitao.

After all, He Haitao was not Ah Q, so he quickly stared at it.

The people present are all people**. The more you know the technology, the more interesting it will be. If you don't know the technology, you will understand it by looking at it.

"The heating furnace efficiency is 80, and we can almost achieve it." Someone suddenly said something.

"The working pressure is 650MPa, which is not too difficult."

"The efficiency of the oil pump is 70... Let me see, it seems to be within the range."

Recently, we are talking about the technology of oil pipelines. Who has the technology and what level can reach? Even if the leader is not learned, it should be clear after so many days.

According to the internal distribution standards of the Petroleum Corporation, petroleum machinery enterprises such as gemstone machines naturally master the most complete and professional petroleum machinery technology, but other oilfields and companies are not without petroleum machinery enterprises. In particular, old oil fields such as Yumen and Daqing, in the 1950s and 1960s were full of burdens. They had to know everything and everything. They were completely self-reliant and self-sufficient. After decades of development, factories that made great contributions to the construction of the country could not be closed because of professional large factories. Some advanced skills They not only kept it down, but also did it better than the gem machine. For example, valves are the strength of Yumen oilfield.

On the other hand, Yumen once led **, a well-like oil field, because there is less and less underground oil, it also needs to make breakthroughs in other aspects, but invest more in petroleum machinery and other aspects.

Comparing their own technology, everyone soon realized that even if the requirements of Dahua Industry exceeded their current level, they were not much higher, and it did not mean that it was necessary to buy foreign technology.

Now, everyone is starting to be strange.

Only He Haitao lowered his head and did not raise it, and there was no sense of high momentum.

Lin Yonggui's heart moved and looked down at the unfinished parts.

Tube diameter 1220mm!

Ultrasonic leak detection!

Normal transmission at minus 20 degrees Celsius!

It's all the strength of the gem machine!

Looking at He Haitao, his eyes turned red.

He didn't care about others, so he took out a pencil and underlined it one by one. If you make a cross, you can't finish it yourself. If you type the right number, you can complete it yourself, and others can complete it. If you make a circle, you can finish it yourself, and others can't finish it!

A few pages of paper, one by one, there are almost no circles, not many forks, and most of them are numbered.

Now, He Haitao fully understood.

He raised his head again, surrounded by sympathetic eyes.

He Haitao felt cold in his heart and said in a bad voice, "Su Dong is going to kick me out?"

Without Su Cheng's words, Zhang Chao's endorsement said, "From our analysis results, Mr. He's company is no longer necessary."

"With such technical indicators, do you want to make a China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline?" He Haitao suddenly laughed: "It's so ridiculous! Such a technical indicator... You have simply created an indicator!"

"Technical indicators can be revised later. However, this is the requirement at present. Su Cheng's tone was as light as white water, and he waved his hand like sweeping the dust and said, "The gem machine is out of the game and does not violate the contract. You asked for it."

The technical indicators will be revised later, but the contract details will be drawn up now.

If you are out at this time, it will be difficult to add it in the future.

He Haitao looked at the others with an extremely ugly face and said, "Without the gem machine, you can't make the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline..."

Su Cheng cut off his words and said, "The China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline may need a gem machine, but the pipeline company does not. Ten thousand steps back, if one day we need the products of the gem machine, we will place an order with the gem machine.

Without shares, there is no say, and there is a lack of political capital, coupled with future profits, which is very different from simple orders.

He Haitao said with a ferocious face, "You kicked me out and still want to place an order with the gem machine? You have a dream."

Su Cheng sighed gently and said, "I don't have to place an order with Mr. He's gem machine. Mr. Li, Mr. Wang's gem machine is the same. Do you think so?"

It took He Haitao 10 seconds to figure out Su Cheng's words. In the final analysis, the gem machine is not his. It is a national enterprise, and it is an enterprise of the oil company.

As long as the superior is willing, it is not too difficult to change a general manager.

At that time, Su Cheng will place an order with the gem machine again, and the new general manager will naturally accept it happily. Who has too many idle orders?

He Haitao looked at his colleagues around him blankly. He originally wanted to tie everyone up and put pressure on Su City. In fact, the first half is well implemented, and everyone is willing to let him come out and get more benefits.

However, it is not certain whether the benefits are really there. It is almost certain that the first bird is going to die.

"Mr. Lin..." He Haitao buzzed his lips like asking for help and looked at Lin Yonggui. At this time, Lin Yonggui was the only one who could speak.

Lin Yonggui can only turn his head.

