Super Energy Power

Chapter 498 Unpaid Intern

"Group 4, the 27th experiment. Raw material: ethylene cracking tar. Process: constant decompression flash steam, air lifting, short-range distillation. Control point: reaction temperature and pressure..." The assistant researcher read out the elements of the new experiment like a film record. At the same time, he and other researchers were busy preparing.

"Let's get started." If Wang Yun had nothing to say, he looked down at his book and stared at the assistant researchers and began to work.

Although the repeated experiments in the past few days have obtained exhilarating data, continuous repetition is always the easiest thing to kill interest.

Just an experiment of ethylene cracking tar, Wang Yun arranged two groups. It was really not easy to do one item. Fortunately, the staff of the Carbon Fiber Research Institute increased quickly, so he reluctantly persisted.

A good team, in addition to the main researchers, there must be a large number of unknown researchers to make contributions. They should pay attention to every detailed point in the experiment, complete all the preparatory work and most of the experimental work, as well as the essential experimental records.

In order to carry out array experiments at the same time, in addition to the researchers recruited by Dahua Laboratory, Wang Yun also had to recruit a group of unpaid internship assistants from major universities and only gave them a subsidy of dozens of yuan. With such a method, Wang Yun could get a team of hundreds of people with limited funds.

In large-scale experiments such as carbon fiber, boring repetitions take up more than 90 hours, and most of these 90 boring repetitions are undertaken by assistant researchers. As Edison said in the story of the invention of the light bulb, Edison tried 6,000 kinds in just 13 months. The material has been tested 7,000 times... With a little calculation, it can be found that the total time of 13 months is only 9,360 hours.

Without a large number of assistants, even if Mr. Edison doesn't eat or drink, he will have to do an experiment in almost an hour, not to mention a large number of experimental records and experimental analysis. As for the most time-consuming thing like 6,000 materials, I don't have time to do it at all.

In fact, Edison not only had assistants, but also had the largest number of assistants in the world at that time.

It can be said that the work of scientists is sometimes manual labor, perhaps high-end manual labor, but in the final analysis, it is piled up by people.

China has rich experience in this field. If the country really needs some kind of technology, a quickly established project team will first choose a good-level chief researcher, and then equip him with assistants and equipment, and then start using people.

A large number of assistants can significantly affect the experimental process of 90. Put in the Carbon Fiber Research Institute, these researchers who keep joining in have ensured the needs of four groups of experiments at the same time.

Wang Yun can therefore spend a lot of time on experimental analysis to determine the production process and raw material selection of the next batch.

As far as the current level of supercomputers in China, the materials are probably tried.

Some foreign companies can even tolerate it. It takes ten or even twenty years to do experiments. Dahua Industry can also tolerate it, but it is unwilling to give up its own advantages.

With the current reputation of Dahua Laboratory in China, as long as recruitment and internship are linked, students from major colleges and universities will naturally flock to it.

This method will not affect the recruitment plan of Dahua Industry. On the contrary, after internships, researchers can obviously expose more advantages and disadvantages, which increases the accuracy of Dahua Personnel Department.

Wang Yun didn't know that he had opened a small Chinese magic box, and his whole energy was focused on carbon fiber.

He looked at the normal temperature flash steam tower, decompression flash steam tower, air lifting tower, vacuum pump, short-range distiller and other machines, watching the ethylene cracking oil after preheating, it was pumped into the atmospheric pressure flash tower...

In the end, before the short-range distillation tower, Wang Yun made a decision and said, "The softening point is adjusted to 260 degrees to 270 degrees."

"260 degrees to 270 degrees." The researcher who made the record shouted, and his face looked a little strange.

In order to complete the experiment with as few experiments as possible, each test is confirmed. Wang Yun suddenly changed, which is naturally a little strange.

The spun asphalt that lost the shape of asphalt slowly appeared at the discharge port.

"I'll do it." Wang Yun was reluctant to let others do it. He picked up the asphalt and started the spinning machine to test it.



Sucheng is leisurely like on a vacation. As early as the beginning of his business with Nazarbayev, he negotiated the details of the contract one after another.

When the Petroleum Corporation first arrived, he wanted to talk about it again for himself. Although Chen Lizheng and others were busy, Sucheng, as a middleman, did not have to think too much. He took the initiative to ask Nazarbayev to arrange the Dahua industrial people to the villa area. Except for working in the morning, most of them were idle in

The villa area in Almaty has a long history and is a high welfare product of the Soviet era. According to the regulations of the former Soviet Union, each worker can travel with his family at least once a year, resulting in a large number of sanatoriums and villas.

Among them, the better ones will inevitably be taken away by the new dignitaries who have just came to power.

The villa in Sioux City is one of the properties of the Nazarbayev family.

This three-storey building not only has a front yard and a backyard, but also a standard swimming pool, which is extremely beautiful. When Su Cheng was too lazy to go out, he went swimming in the pool.

Even the food and drinks are also served by the Harbin government, just like the Soviet Union in the 1970s, and the Soviet city is quite unhappy.

Until there are people living in the villa next door.

A housekeeper-like Englishman soon came to the villa where Sioux City lived and gave him a note, asking him not to make a loud noise, no parties and parties...

The standard London-like British housekeeper is a rare figure in Central Asia. He is neither humble nor arrogant. He can do anything.

However, Su Cheng's mind was full of inexplicable reason: "Am I no longer a guest?"

Even this problem doesn't have much time to think about.

In the evening, in the villa next door, the drums are loud.

A large group of young people were led in by a batch of British housekeepers, singing and screaming by the pool.

Su Cheng hugged Shu Lan, looked at the window from afar, and said with tears and laughter, "I thought they wanted to be quiet, but I didn't expect that I was afraid that I would preempt them to hold a party and party. This is not like the style of a real power figure in Kazakhstan.

"Maybe a member of Nazarbayev's family." Shu Lan smiled, pointed to the front and said, "I heard that Nazarbayev has a beautiful daughter, who is about the same age as these people."

Su Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "Let's change back to the city tomorrow."

As he was talking, someone was sent to send an invitation next door, which was only put on the shelf by Su Cheng. RS