Super Energy Power

Chapter 521 Raise the bet

Aliyev's emotional venting lasted for a long time, and the tears were stained with the back of his hands and sleeves. If it were changed to a young man, he might feel that a leader like Aliyev was too weak. It would be good to nod secretly in his heart and cry. The situation in Azerbaijan was like a pot of bubbles. Three days and three nights of instant noodles, no matter how good the chopsticks are, you can't pick up the whole iron fist leader. In this situation, there is no need for Aliyev to come to the stage. How can he rely on the vertical and horizontal? On the one hand, the lower body is also very important. Compared with the newly established Republic of Azerbaijan, Sucheng can be said to be rich and rich. In order to reserve billions of tons of Aqijiu oil field, it takes out three to five hundred million dollars, and he will not blink his body. It's not what he can help. It's about Yev's biggest weight recalled the leaders who could cry and cry in Chinese history, and slowly said, "I am a Chinese. I remember the strength of the Soviet Union. In my opinion, the collapse of the Soviet Union was not caused by a strong central government. On the contrary, the collapse of the Soviet Union was because of its strength. Caused by the decentralization of the central government... Can the liberal democracy of the West make Azerbaijan rich and strong? I don't know, but I know that the leader of a country must need experience and wisdom, His Excellency Aliyev. You have rich governance and diplomatic experience, are familiar with the situation of the countries around Azerbaijan, have good relations with the republics of the former Soviet Union, and respect that Asian and European countries are the most suitable presidents of Azerbaijan. I support you in order to do the right thing." One of Sucheng's hands was clenched by Aliyev, and he couldn't even pull it out, so he also held Aliyev's big hand like a dead wood. It was grandiose with his grandiose words, but the content was definitely after careful consideration that he said that he had funds. Aliyev's More, political thinking once again dominated. Hearing this, he nodded repeatedly and said, "Azerbaijan's small and weak country is like a small country in Europe. What is most needed now is rest and recuperation. Learning the skills of survival in the cracks. Elic's policy effect is poor and the cost is large. He says that he wants to solve border He intervened by force, but he did not trust the army and abolished military cadres at will..." Speaking of the current president, Aliyev was indeed full of complaints, and he could only say his words to his supporters, agreeing: "Elicibeyi is a scholar who can enlighten the people and can't manage the people. If he refused to shake hands with Khrushchev, he knew that he was not a politician, actor and sacrifices. On the contrary, Mr. Aliyev's work and political achievements are real..." The handshake took place in 1963 when Elchibei was 26 years old and worked as a translator in Egypt. It happened that Khrushchev In the city of Tsaluxor, Elicibei and a group of Soviet experts were received by General Secretary of the Soviet Union Khrushchev, President Nasser of Egypt, President Arif of Iraq, Alihanov, President of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan and President Benbella of Algeria, a total of five top leaders of the country. However, when they were received When the joint experts shook hands with the leaders, Ellicibeyi refused him to shake hands only with Algerian President Ben Bella and another singer to express his protest and opposition to the policies of the leaders of these countries. It takes a great heart to do such a way to offend people and impolite things! Such a dangerous expression can only be chosen by irrational people! Su Cheng himself would definitely not do such a thing. Even if he knew that the Soviet Union was going to end, he would not do it. That was in 1963, nearly 30 years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and he could live to the decline of the iron fist power. No matter how lucky it is that normal people will not do such a thing. It is estimated that only Madness may succeed in various fields, but he can't be a politician who doesn't know how to be guided by the situation. As a politician, there are ten ** is also an annoying role. Of course, since 1963, Ellicibeyi has been popular. It can be said that it is the most famous ** flag of Azerbaijan. After a period of time, he After brushing his reputation, he kept promoting his ideas, and wrote more than 50 papers. In the end, Elicbeyi finally waited for the bell of the decline of the Soviet Union. In 1989, the Azerbaijan People's Front was established. With the fall of the Soviet Union and the political elections in Azerbaijan, Elicbei undoubtedly appeared on the national stage. If the experience is compared with Chinese history, half of them can find a shadow in Sun Yat-sen and Sun Cannon. He has done better than Sun Yat-sen. He has been in power for at least two years and has put into practiced his own political ideas. At the same time, it proves that those seemingly beautiful things are all unrealistic and partisan. About the level of Wang Jingwei. Before coming to power, there was a lot of applause, and he was still a representative who was not afraid of the powerful. After coming to power, he was notorious. It not only divided the people's front, but also finally scattered into a piece. In the view of Sioux City, Elchibei was a sacrifice and was worshipped Only old bureaucrats like Aliyev can Azerbaijan have a mature civilian system. If they come to power, the country may have been trained for too long. Aliyev's confidence is not enough. Listening to the words of the Soviet city, he can't help sighing: "Erichbeyi's reputation is too high. After the handshake incident, He became the most famous rebel in Azerbaijan. He publicly publicized against the 'totalitarian system and the imperial system', and was finally convicted of slandering the real life of the Soviets. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the harm he suffered and the risks he took were all turned into medals..." "The Azerbaijanis chose him for him. Medals, but life can't rely on medals alone." Sucheng comforted Aliyev and said, "At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the republicans must be full of boredom from the Soviet Union. Naturally, they will not choose you after the disintegration. However, after Ellicibeyi carried out government affairs, I'm afraid everyone will see Can the leader continue to be in power? "I don't believe it." Su Cheng laughed, patted the bonds piled up like waste newspapers in front of him, and said, "For this judgment, I have bet 150 million dollars." Aliyev laughed and said, "In a year, you will be proud of your judgment." Su Cheng smiled and said, "You also "I will be happy with my choice." Aliyev had no choice, but he still felt very comfortable to hear Sucheng say this. He took the initiative to ask, "What do you think we should do?" How to spend this money? He didn't have to ask for Sucheng's opinion. Sucheng is just an investor like a shareholder. In addition to giving money and waiting for returns, he doesn't have to participate in real decisions. Moreover, Sucheng is a little too young. But this time, Sucheng's help in the snow, especially his pride of coming in person, moved Aliyev in this In oil countries, there is always an endless stream of foreign supporters, but capitalists like Su Cheng who take risks are less and less for most of the time. They are the deputies of the deputy. The deputies of the deputy are slightly excited in front of the Azerbaijanis. After thinking about it, they did not give advice directly, but said: " Let me tell you two people, both of whom are important figures in modern Chinese history. One is Yuan Shikai and the other is Chiang Kai-shek... Yuan Shikai is in a very similar situation to yours. He is an old bureaucrat and once held power. After being brought down by the previous generation of government, he did not cut off contact with the old ministry. On He gave the money without hesitation... Chiang Kai-shek started from a corner, and walked to the national stage with a big stick and a sweet date. To put it bluntly, it is very simple, that is, you have a division, I will give you 1 million yuan a month, you have two divisions, and I will give you 2 million a month. You earn more than yourself, so you will be willing to give up control of the place, but you can't give up your soldiers with money. If you don't give up, the warlord next door will destroy you in order to get more establishment. However, when you get used to this way, you want to be independent from Chiang Kai-shek. It's difficult..." What he said is so simple that Aliyev naturally won't understand. He touched his soft chin and thought, "There are many military factions in Azerbaijan. If you use this method of sending money, 50 million dollars will soon run out. After all, Elchibei is the head of the central government... "Elici Beyi will definitely step down either by politics or by force. All we have to do is to prepare for a rainy day." In a short sentence, Su Cheng said a long list in English, and finally thought: English is really a time-consuming foreign language. As for his English level, Su Cheng did not consider Aliyev. In fact, I want to use this 50 million US dollars to maintain the current situation, and then wait for the development of the situation, but the concept put forward by Su Cheng also makes him excited. Of course, positive means can get a greater return than negative means, but the cost is higher. Aliyev thought for a long time and slowly said, "If you sprinkle dollars all over, 5,000 I'm afraid that the million dollar can only last for about a month. "Give it first, and I'll let someone bring the money." Aliev was surprised by the words of Su City. Aliyev couldn't help repeating: "50 million US dollars a month, 600 million US dollars a year, at least 500 million US dollars!" 600 million US dollars a year, it's not a problem for me to hold on for two or three years." Su Cheng showed his white teeth and felt a little sharp that Ellicibe's regime was unstable, but God knows how long it can last. Aliyev is full of money, and the cost will not be less. Only Su Cheng knows that by the end of the year If it can't be used for two months, the situation in Azerbaijan will become clear. In history, Aliyev's rise to power has both the element of luck and his own level. In order to take this ride, Sucheng has invested 150 million US dollars and another 100 million US dollars. It doesn't count at all, but he has spent this money. Get rid of the interference of bad luck as much as possible, and at the same time show your perception of Aliyev as much as possible. This is a bottomless pit! He asked for the third time, "Are you really willing to support me $50 million a month?" If it's not enough, I can add more every year." Su Cheng said, which was extremely refreshing. Aliyev's eyes instantly showed a breathtaking brilliance and said, "I understand that from today on, we will adopt a new strategy." Su Cheng nodded and said, "I suggest that first convert the bonds into U.S. dollars, or bank promissory notes It's more convenient to come, and it's convenient for people to use, but I can only bring bonds here to avoid being tracked to the account." Aliyev agreed: "Everyone likes cash like this. Let's exchange some cash and cash notes, and we can also exchange some gold and arms back. I asked Ilham to send it in person. Ilham is my Son, you will like him... Well, I'll ask him to come back to meet now. "Great" Sucheng remembers very clearly that Aliyev has only one son and the next president of Azerbaijan... (To be continued...) RT