Super Energy Power

Chapter 550 Block Messages

What changed the thinking of foreign companies is a piece of news from TASS: Chinese Su Cheng became the vice president of National Petroleum Corporation.

Large oil companies, like Dahua Industry, have their own information bureaus. Although it is not necessary to train spies to do illegal things, it is normal to collect public information or hire some information staff who are familiar with the local area.

For national news agencies such as TASS, Reuters and the Associated Press, their news is basically provided in full public. Companies or individuals who need it can easily get round-the-clock information scrolling. However, it is not so easy to keep receiving messages and analyzing. In a small way, it requires at least one office staff and funds.

Smaller companies tend to save this money. Only when large companies, or high-profit companies like Dahua Industry, attach great importance to information, will they pay their own money to collect and analyze information.

Therefore, it is not just an ordinary TASS news, but companies that can easily get news are often not simple.

Following the foreign company behind the large Michelin, there are still some rotten animals. They get messages from their peers, or just stare at other people's movements, and also increase the funds of the Dahua Poverty Alleviation Fund.

Su Cheng picked up several important companies and signed the contract on the spot to calm people's hearts. However, he signed either downstream companies or small and medium-sized equipment manufacturing companies, which are all suppliers needed by Dahua Industry. None of the most heart-mickling oil cooperation contracts have been signed.

A group of people surrounded him and knocked sideways. Speaking of the story, another Frenchman directly asked in Beijing Chinese: "Chairman Sucheng, would Dahua Industry be willing to cooperate in oil production?"

Su Cheng sat in the middle of the corridor, leaning his back against the pole, smiled like a student on an outing, and said, "There is no oil field, and there is no way to talk about cooperative oil production."

"Azerbaijan will definitely open up the oil industry. At that time, Dahua Industry will definitely enter as soon as possible. We also hope to enter the Azerbaijani oil industry as soon as possible, and cooperation can give us greater benefits. The French who speak Chinese bit his tongue in half of the Chinese, and the rest simply said in English: "Our Saiwanante company has eight refineries, dozens of charter ships, and tens of thousands of gas stations around the world. We can send petroleum products to Europe as soon as possible..."

He seems to be very good at what he said, and as far as the region is concerned, he is really good. But tens of thousands of gas stations, dozens of chartered boats and eight oil refineries can only be said to be average worldwide. Not counting the production capacity of the refinery, the main value of the gas station is still on the license plate. As for its distribution capacity, the larger the upstream oil merchants, the less they care.

At the current scale of Dahua Industry, Saiwanante is an ordinary medium-sized company, which is not excellent.

Naturally, they are not competitive in the eyes of Sucheng.

In fact, the company that comes to see Sucheng now is already a company that has slowed down two beats.

It is also a French company, and the largest Total disdain to pass through the Soviet City at all. Whether the president of Azerbaijan is Ellici Bey or Aliyev, they will publicize through their own channels.

Fena Company, the second-level company, found Sucheng as early as Aliyev was in the early stage. It can be thought that they will also find Husseinov and Mamedorf. Although this strategy of casting a net is expensive, it is better than safety, and it will never lose the contract because of government relations.

At this so-called Saiwanante company, they have actually entered the state of "going with fate". Find a Frenchman who understands Chinese and try to impress Sucheng with words... In the final analysis, it is to follow the fate. They estimate that they do this in oil fields all over the country. If they can take a little advantage, they can take advantage of it, but they don't have the confidence and persistence to pay a lot in an oilfield.

In a small oil field, Su Cheng may have said a few words with him, but now he has no interest at all. He said to the Frenchman lightly, "Oil refining and sales channels are not what we need to consider now. If your company is really interested, you can contact us after we get the oil field and extract the oil.

The Frenchman hurriedly said, "We also have mining capacity."

"Dahua Industry also has it." Su Cheng sneered in his heart: Do you want to enjoy the contract of the century without bloodshed? This kind of thing can't even be thought of by the world's top 500. BP also knows how to send some girls to Azerbaijan for public relations...

The French obviously didn't guess that Su Cheng's heart was so big, and they talked about the European market with a smile.

Su Cheng simply turned his face impatiently. In a few years, the energy market will be a pure seller's market. Europe should consider where to import oil, rather than thinking about which company to exclude from us.

Iran, the axis of evil in later generations, has not been truly blocked by Europe and the United States. It is very easy for Dahua Industry to enter the European market to sell oil.

Sucheng does not disdain a medium-sized and unknown regional company at all.

Several similar small companies had no choice but to stand aside.

Like Chinese people, foreigners also like to take advantage of them. Nowadays, there are so few opportunities to take advantage of them, so naturally they can't be happy.

Lin Yonggui has been an official in China for a long time. He pays attention to harmony and is more willing to unite foreigners. Seeing this scene, Lin Yonggui came up with a smile and said with a smile, "We've been talking for a long time. Why don't we go to dinner? If you have anything, let's talk about it after

Xiao Pang looked up at the sky. It was only four or five o'clock, and it was a little early for dinner. However, he never objected to eating early, so he happily agreed, "I'll inform the hotel, let's go there, or let them deliver it?"

"It's good to go there, so as not to mess up and ruin the nursery that has just been made." Lin Yonggui patted Xiao Pang and said with a smile, "I heard that you designed the house? Well done."

"I'm mainly a supervisor." Xiao Pang was proud of his refusal. Although all kinds of high-tech used in this house were realized with the help of Dahua Laboratory, it is also a kind of talent to make use of them.

Generally speaking, Xiaopang's talent is about to focus on spending money. In China in the early 1990s, it was not easy to cultivate this ability.

Su Cheng was also tired of continuous entertainment. He got up with a smile and said, "Let's arrange dinner at Dahua Hotel, which is a dinner of our Dawn Council. Well, before the Council is officially run, I will pay the money."

Foreign charitable foundations often spend more than 50 donations on fundraising and management. What domestic foundations do is one thing, and how they behave is another.

No matter who paid, Xiaopang stood up and hurriedly greeted everyone to the hotel.

After a while, several Dahua's management also appeared in the yard, not only to greet everyone, but also to talk about more details of cooperation.

Not everyone is qualified to get involved in oil development, but there is still a lot of related work under oil development. Dahua can't eat such a big plate, nor does it look down on the meager profit, but other companies may not.

At dinner time, everyone continued to talk about oil and cooperation, most of which were cooperation with Dahua Industry. Some companies also talked about cooperation with each other, which made the role of the Dawn Council play a little.

The next day was also the tea party of the Dawn Council.

It was not until the third day that the experts of Shengli Oilfield came to the capital.

They came here in a sleeper, which was almost the best way to travel at this time. Despite this, the two experts from the Drilling and Oil Extraction Research Institute were still very tired.

Yang Ming arranged them in the guest house of Dahua Laboratory. Due to historical reasons, there are many researchers from Shengli Oilfield in Dahua Industry, and the two of them had a good time.

However, when Lin Yonggui told them that the trip was to evaluate the three oil production technology of Dahua Industry, the expressions of the two researchers were extremely wonderful.

"President Qin and Director Yao used to be the masters of our drilling and oil production research institute. They have done research for so many years, and Dahua Laboratory must have mastered a lot." Experts can only explain their abilities in this way.

"How many are there?" Although Lin Yonggui has been focusing on production for many years, it is difficult for him to have an emotional understanding of the level of the research institute. With the thinking mode of the Chinese people at this time, mastering the top technology must be the national team, or it should be the national team. Shengli Oilfield, Daqing and Changqing are basically the troika of the Petroleum Corporation. The level of the three is the same. Maybe Daqing is slightly stronger, but in terms of oil production technology, Shengli Oilfield has always developed the fastest because of its complex reservoir situation.

This time, Lin Yonggui hopes that two experts will prove the strength of Shengli Oilfield to Sucheng. Without too much interest entanglement, it is a spiritual need.

Anyway, he is also a vice-ministerial official and needs to prove himself.

Unfortunately, the two experts could not cooperate with him. The older researcher struggled for a moment and said, "I heard that Dahua Industry is ready to develop the old oil field in Baku, which shows that the level of their three oil productions has reached the practical stage, and we are not good enough."

Now, Lin Yonggui understood and said in surprise, "Our three oil production technology can't be used yet? What about other oil fields?

"Our three-time oil recovery technology is the best." The expert whispered and said, "Our three oil production stations have cooperated with the three oil production centers of Dahua Industry before. Some of the researchers who quit later are all in our research institute. The three oil productions of several other oilfields have just begun.

"But it's still not practical?"

"It's not cost-effective. We have calculated that with the current technology, the cost of a ton of heavy oil alone is more than 1,000 yuan, and the cost of equipment and labor has not been calculated yet. The older researcher explained in this way.

The technology of three oil production is basically to force something into the reservoir in exchange for crude oil. The initial tertiary oil recovery technology used more steam, but its cost and energy cost were closely related, so there were later technologies such as polymer drive and carbon dioxide drive.

But no matter what kind of technology, the amount required is quite large, and the cost will increase with the difficulty of three oil production.

The younger researcher is also 40 years old. He continued, "Actually, the crude oil we produced with three oil production technology is still profitable. Because the cost of oil production is mainly RMB, the crude oil obtained can be settled in US dollars, which is still cost-effective.

When Lin Yonggui heard this, he finally cheered up and asked, "Why don't you use it?"

"For industrial production, the cost of one investment is still considerable. Moreover, it's better to keep the crude oil and wait until the technology is mature. The older researcher was not so eager and dripped some cold water.

Lin Yonggui pondered and asked, "So, what Dahua Industry did in Baku is to make money at a loss?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe... the technology of Dahua Industry will be better.

"How low can you reduce the cost?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe... reduce it by 20?"

Lin Yonggui frowned. This time, he didn't look good for his face, but instead worried about Su Cheng.

The cost of oil extraction cannot be calculated by simple production costs.

The cost of oil exploitation in the Middle East is the lowest, with an average of less than $2, and simply less than $1 in many places. It can be said that if you dig a hoe, the oil will be sprayed out by itself, which is comparable to China's mountains and bending down to pick up coal. But if the cost of oil in the Middle East is $2, that's definitely wrong.

Comprehensive calculation, for oil companies in the Middle East, the average cost per barrel of crude oil must exceed $8, and it is not surprising that by 1945, it will exceed $10. If it is a foreign company with a higher tax rate, or a company that adopts a share agreement, it is normal for the cost to reach $20.

The cost gap between national oil companies and private oil companies is getting bigger and bigger over time. There is no need to be reborn and travel through time. As long as you know it in the industry, you can see it clearly.

That is to say, as a private company, the non-extraction cost of going to Azerbaijan to exploit oil fields is not low.

Sucheng started with the old Baku oil field. Even if it can save some expenses for a short time, the high mining cost is not a good thing.

Foreignity is not as good as domestic. Just thinking about so many polymers, the transportation from home to Azerbaijan is a big expense.

In the end, it would be a shame if the value of the extracted oil is about the same as the cost of exploitation.

Not only is it embarrassing, but it may also cause criticism.

This presidential election in Azerbaijan has attracted the attention of many domestic high-level officials, and the focus of attention is Dahua Industry.

In 1993, China was already a net importer of crude oil, and China has always had a strong sense of crisis. Many people are optimistic about Sucheng, which can obtain crude oil for China.

Lin Yonggui knows the preciousness of this kind of "be optimistic". It would be a pity if it was lost because of the old oil field in Baku.

This idea cannot be made public. Lin Yonggui's eyes condensed and said, "You are not allowed to mention the three oil production three times, and you are not allowed to mention the matter of Dahua. In the past two days, you can have a good time in the capital. When you go back, you say that you came to consult me, and you are not allowed to say anything else."

The older expert was very embarrassed and said, "We have studied oil production three times. This time, many people know it."

"Write down the names of the people you know, and I'll let people know one by one." Lin Yonggui, who has experienced the sports era, knows how to deal with this kind of thing. He is not only ready to block the news on his side, but also to help Su City block other news.

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