Super Energy Power

Chapter 597 Witnesses

CNOOC is the company with the highest technical content in the three barrels of oil. Because their business is limited to offshore oil, the reality forces them to strengthen their technical strength. However, CNOOC was only established for 12 years in 1994. Except for some political products, they have not accumulated much technology at all.

is the introduced technology. It is very difficult to figure it out. With foreign experience, it takes at least four or five years for a technician who has just begun to come into contact with marine petroleum equipment to complete all the courses equivalent to master's and doctoral students to have the foundation to be a research assistant. In China in 1982, It's not easy to find an undergraduate-level technician.

Although the business people in this era are very hardworking, the 70s and 80 years of Chinese education can be regarded as a tragedy. In addition, the lack of knowledge sources has also hindered everyone's self-study. Non-core technicians such as Shi Wanke, in addition to the technology mastered by CNOOC, it is difficult to get in touch with the world's leading technology.

This is 1994.

In this era, countless central enterprises have asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to make a backward design drawing of foreign countries. When some high-level military factories transform into refrigerators to make color TVs, they can only design according to the appearance of foreign pictorials, or simply make stupid rectangles, and occasionally find a good foreign product. I didn't dare to open it rashly. I was afraid that I couldn't install it back after removing it. I was satisfied to copy the figure of a handle on the spot.

Tracking research on heavy equipment is even more difficult. The prevention of Western countries and companies is on the one hand, and the funds that Chinese companies can raise is on the other hand. In this era, the annual expenditure of many research institutes is only one million yuan. After spending labor and basic maintenance costs, the remaining money is not enough for theoretical research. For slightly more expensive experiments, you have to apply for queuing and wait...

Of course, it is more difficult to raise foreign exchange. Although in 1994, foreign exchange is not as rare as it was in the 1980s, it is still very nervous. The central government will not grant such important resources to research institutions. Therefore, even the research institute directly under the central government may not be able to buy foreign journals.

Yes, many department-level research institutes can't even afford foreign journals within the professional scope. If you order a journal for a few dollars, it will cost dozens of dollars a year. If you book a famous one, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, not to mention that if you want to read journals, you have to do experimental verification.

Because China's science and technology level in the 1990s lagged behind the world in an all-round way, the more cutting-edge technical experiments, the more it is necessary it is to use foreign exchange to purchase materials and equipment from abroad. Even if it spends a lot of money to purchase materials and equipment, the research conclusions obtained are only to verify the papers of It's just a product, and it's basically impossible to get a direct return.

And it doesn't make sense to buy only periodicals without verification. After a while, a few large-scale research institutes with conditions will also reduce their investment in this area. With this money, they are more willing to invest in innovative theoretical projects.

CNOOC has income from the export of crude oil, and it is naturally more abundant on hand. It has also made a lot of things, such as offshore drilling platforms. In the 1980s, they easily made two generations. However, the oil system is a super expensive and fast-growing project. CNOOC has not continued the three generations of offshore drilling platform. The cost of doing four generations is higher than that of Dahua and foreign companies in the same period, as well as the time and manpower requirements.

Schwanke has participated in the research and development of offshore drilling platforms, but it is only limited to the second generation of products. He has been to the updated drilling platforms, but foreign companies do not let him look carefully at all, and even below the deck may not allow it.

Standing on Dahua's drilling platform, Shi Wan didn't want a negative answer, but he really took a look. Shi Wanke knew in his heart that this might be the best opportunity.

Next time, even if CNOOC sends people to study, he may not be able to line up. However, if you can be one step ahead, you may become an "authority" in the relevant field.

There are many academic authorities in the 1990s. If any scholar knows a foreign language, he can get a few more foreign journals and do a few tracking experiments, and he can almost publish them in national journals, and there will be a lot of citations.

If you want to talk about value, you can't say that their academic authority is not authoritative. At least, they are people who have read the original papers in foreign language.

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, looked at his watch again, and finally nodded. The drilling platform of Dahua Industry is still far from the world's first-class level. Especially the deep-water drilling platform used now is only a usable level, and we don't have to worry about being stolen.

If there is no accident, Dahua Industry and CNOOC should continue the state that the well water does not violate the river.

Shi Wan Coke clenched Yang Ming's hand, pinched out a few marks, and then said hello to the other four people. He went down to the deck. Wang Dehuang looked at it and smiled, "Well, let's not rest. Let's all go down to visit. Director Yang, can we all go down?"

"You can't take photos, try not to interfere with everyone's work, and do whatever else."

"Let us know when Su Dong arrives." Wang Dehuang still remembered his work and told him to follow Shi Wanke.

Yang Ming called the supervisor of the platform and asked him to follow a few people, not only to be a guide, but also to prevent them from doing something inappropriate.

It is crowded under the drilling platform, with narrow stairs and narrow passages throughout. Except for the penetrating sunlight, it is like in a submarine.

In fact, the design ideas are similar. The drilling platform of pure steel structure is expensive. The heavier the building on the sea, the higher the requirements for the bracket under the sea. In order to release as much oil production and drilling equipment as possible, the living area and channel can only be stitched. Even so, the cost of the drilling platform is considerable. In the case of more than 70 localization, Dahua Industry still has to prepare tens of millions of dollars for each drilling platform.

The obtious space always seems to be full of noise. People were talking and roaring all the time. The five people from PetroChina and CNOOC went inside and felt uncomfortable all over.

Shi Wanke is very happy. He really does marine oil research. Although he has done a lot of administrative work now, in China, administration and academics do not have to be separated. It is common for a good academic level to promote the rise of administrative level. When he enters the drilling platform, he naturally remembers and thinks.

The other four people don't have this kind of awareness. Needless to say, the three people of PetroChina think that they want to wander on land all their lives. The other guy from CNOOC is a pure administrative official and lacks the basic concept of the offshore drilling platform. Therefore, when Shi Wanke carefully looked at the layout of the equipment, others were It is observing the workers in the drilling platform.

Due to the broken derricks of oil, there are currently more than 80 workers on the platform, more than 50 workers originally belonging to China, and more than 20 former Soviet or European workers hired from the vicinity of Baku. Most of them are busy in the dark, and only a few are taking a few. Workers can sit in the rickety middle junction and drink a cup of coffee or tea with a little leisurely.

From the steel skeleton, the endless blue sea can also be called the invincible sea view.

Wang Dehuang looked at them inquiringly.

Sitting at the coffee table, there are Russians, Azerbaijanis and Kazakhs, as well as South Americans and Western Europeans.

Oil workers are the profession of running around. They go wherever there is oil. When the British North Sea was mining oil, many oil towns in the Middle East went empty, and in the post-Norwegian period, British workers ran there one after another. PetroChina also experienced the process from Yu*men to Da*Qing, from Daqing to Dongying, and then to Si*chuan and Xinjiang. Iron Man Wang Jinxi is a native of Yumen, but after 2010, Yumen, which has been mined out of the oil field, has become a ghost city, and a large number of courtyards are overgrown with weeds.

Baku was originally an oil city. With the arrival of a large number of foreign companies, it inevitably attracted oil workers from eastern and western Europe.

These foreign workers are temporary workers in Dahua Industry, but their level is good. They are responsible for the task of repairing and maintaining offshore drilling platforms.

This single well with a daily output of 70,000 barrels has exceeded the capacity of Dahua's drilling platform, and there are countless places to be repaired every day.

After drinking coffee for a while, several South Americans around the table spoke their hometown dialect and went back to work. After a while, a few British people came to drink black tea and eat muffins.

Wang Dehuang and others stayed under the drilling platform for two hours. It was not until Su Cheng came back that he asked in shock, "Why don't I seem to see Chinese workers?" Is there a special place to rest?

The supervisor resting against the steel frame smiled: "How can there be a special place to rest on such a small drilling platform?"

"Is that a part-time break?"

"The rest is indeed a time-sharing break, but now it is relatively busy and there is not enough manpower, so our workers carry forward the style and reduce the rest." The supervisor said that he was worried that they would misunderstand, and said, "It is the workers' spontaneous to reduce the rest of the work, and they will also pay overtime."

Wang Dehuang looked serious and said, "It's hard work to open up a new oil field. You can't stick to it without the preparation for hardship. What a good equipment, people are indispensable in the end.

"Yes, although it is our own drilling platform, the daily rent still needs to be included in the cost. Everyone wants to find the oil field earlier. It's much better now. Everyone is relieved to see the crude oil. When the supervisor said this, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

For oilmen, the best reward is crude oil.

Wang Dehuang and others also came from the era of the oil conference war. The former ** was vivid in their mind, and they couldn't help but feel it. They blurted out, "I heard that you have explored a super oil field. Is there such a thing?"

This is the goal of his trip to judge the scale of the oil field of Dahua Industry.

The supervisor is a grass-roots cadre, and he doesn't have too many thoughts in his heart. He smiled and said, "I'm not sure how big it is. I'm sure. I have worked in Setan, and all the indicators are much worse than we are now.

Wang Dehuang climbed slowly along the stairs with only a wide person, and said with a conscious smile, "Your single well output is 10,000 tons, with a production of at least 3 million tons a year. It is not difficult to imagine that the Bisertan oil field is big. The key is how big it can be. By the way, there are many people on the drilling platform here. What about the other drilling platforms?

At this time, there are five offshore drilling platforms in the oil area controlled by Dahua, and three are still under construction.

The supervisor followed up the stairs, raised his head and said, "Another group of people have been transferred from Sertan, and then the foreign temporary workers you have seen. There are more people than before.

"more than before?"

"Isn't there a lot of people who haven't come home for the Spring Festival? Now it's time to go back to China for a rest. Setan and the newly recruited people have arrived, and many people don't want to leave immediately, saying that they want to stay until the oil comes out, and the number of people will be more. The supervisor said that he was a little proud here. He was in his 30s, spitting and splashing on the face of the people under the ladder.

Despite the different progress, both the workers in charge of construction and the workers in charge of oil production came to Azerbaijan at the latest when they won the bidding. During this period, even during the Spring Festival, few people returned to China.

It's not that you can't go back to China, but to catch up with the progress. Everyone can't find time to go back to China.

The construction and use of offshore drilling platforms are quite complicated. Moreover, the earlier the drilling platform is, the more complex it is, and the higher the failure rate will be. In the case of the Setan oil field, it took Dahua five or six years to train hundreds of qualified personnel. Now, in the case of maintaining the Setan oil field The manpower cannot be said to be sufficient.

After all, the sea surface of the Aqijiu oilfield is deeper than that of the Setan oilfield, and the difficulty of construction and use has increased accordingly. Most of the workers who are qualified to work here are at the top of the "special contribution list". The profits and dividends they have created for Dahua Industry exceed those of local employees.

Correspondingly, Dahua employees who are easily ranked at the top of the special contribution list will also maintain their position as much as possible.

Adequate economic stimulus, coupled with a little bit of China's unique political work, is a good way to ensure the continuous work of China's offshore drilling platforms.

Employed British, Danish and other European workers are not so talkative. Shorter working hours and higher wages, not to mention the bimonthly family visit leave alone is embarrassing. Several European oil companies that have been drilled nearby are all anxious. Their European employees are too large. They go home frequently. It takes almost two sets of teams to maintain basic operations, and more than half of the energy and transportation resources of the two sets of teams are spent on ensuring rest time and welfare. The whole is China. Super enhanced version of the enterprise.

With these European oil workers as a comparison, American workers who take 45 days off every six months have become much cuter.

The so-called European debt crisis is not formed in a day or two. When Europeans want to enjoy life, life is bound to fool them.

In the real world, there has never been room to "enjoy".

Wang Dehuang looked up and found that he was about to reach the deck. He hurriedly asked, "Where's the ruler? Has the ruler of several drilling platforms been increased?"

It is not fundamental to have a large number of people. The increase in the yardstick shows that the workload has increased.

The supervisor nodded naturally and said, "Of course it has increased."

Wang Dehuang raised his eyebrows and thought: Is the geological report of Dahua Industry very good? Otherwise, why are you in such a hurry to drill well?

If the other four drilling platforms reduce the workload, Wang Dehuang will not be too surprised, but if the manpower is increased, it can only be said that Dahua is actively expanding its scale.

It is speculated that at least it shows that Dahua Industry is really optimistic about the oil field.

Of course, the supervisor told the truth. Wang Dehuang soon decided to go to several other drilling platforms to have a look.

At the same time, Shi Wanke was in a trance until he saw Su Cheng on the deck and didn't wake up.

On the platform deck, there were also representatives of several invited foreign oil companies. A group of people talked and laughed almost unscrupulously about oil futures and spot trading.

Su Cheng smiled and faced Wang Dehuang and others, but because of the initial success of the dark box operation.

gathered six oil companies in one go, which is the fascinating role of inside trading, and there are inevitably factors for the rise of Dahua's industrial position.

"You are here to visit the oil field, right? Maybe you can witness the birth of this super oil field." Su Cheng's tone was very loud. Hearing it in Wang Dehuang's ears, he couldn't help but feel that it was normal.

In a loom, this also seems to be an aura.
