Super Energy Power

Chapter 602 Two Elephants

Two consecutive suggestions were not adopted by Su Cheng. Gu Haijian couldn't help examining himself and then found that the arguments were not well prepared.

The original location of the No. 503 offshore drilling platform was not based on the No. 1 oil well. Now the two occupy the same oil layer or oil field by default, which is naturally not very appropriate.

Gu Haijian was also constrained by his inherent experience. After introspection, he became much calmer.

shè hole operation is a very laborious work, which is as complicated as the ancient cannon. Li Hu and others can't get up quickly.

At this moment, the rapid response group of the Offshore Petroleum Institute also faxed the analysis report.

Gu Haijian ignored the "squeaky" noise. When he got the fax, he read it as if no one had read it. After reading it, he waited on the edge of the fax machine.

It took almost a quarter of an hour for Gu Haijian to sort out the information in it completely and composed it on the computer in person. After feeling perfect, he found Su Cheng and said, "Su Dong, I have an idea."


"We analyzed the geological conditions under the well. Combined with the potential data, I think that no reservoir has been found in the 3,300 meters of oil huā. It is very likely that the oil and gas layer is too thin, or the oil and gas reservoir with cracks, and the ** area of the oil and gas layer must be increased. Therefore, the best way is to drill another horizontal well and pass through multiple cracks. This is the analysis report made by the colleagues of the research institute. Gu Haijian put a pile of completed analysis reports in front of Su Cheng.

Su Cheng did not look through it immediately, but asked, "You mean. Give up the prediction of 2,800 meters and focus on 3,300 meters? Li Hu and others have made two shè holes for 3,300 meters.

"If it is a narrow cracked reservoir, it is better to use horizontal wells. It's normal that the success rate of shè hole is not high. Gu Haijian was slightly excited.

Sucheng looked out of the window. The blue sea has become calm, and the sun has become warm but not dazzling. It won't take long, and dusk will come.

"If a horizontal well is drilled, it will definitely not be completed today." Su Cheng expressed his concerns. I invited so many people to watch and went back with nothing. It's not a good thing.

"If the location is selected properly and the crack is not too deep, it will be very fast." Gu Haijian paused for a moment. He continued: "Oil production is not picking apples. It's not surprising that you can't see it on the same day. Although it's cool to see crude oil immediately, it's cool. I think everyone will understand."

In the drilling process of No. 503. Su Cheng and others have made several mistakes. However, as Gu Haijian said, these are nothing.

When you can't see the real situation underground, you can only rely on various specious drilling theories to guide it. However, the interior of the earth is too complicated. So far, no oil theory can perfectly cover the whole process and area of oil drilling.

So, in the drilling process. Mistakes are the norm.

make mistakes again and again, correct them again and again. Finally get the oil well, or sink in failure.

The oil industry is very similar to other industries. Everyone is qualified to make mistakes, but every mistake will make the implied pressure greater. Carrying pressure to drill wells, and then avoid making mistakes, what you get in the end is the crazy happiness of seeing crude oil.

Su Cheng was silent for a long time, and then picked up the faxed analysis report and looked through it carefully. Finally, when the drilling team failed another hole, he just nod and said, "You call Li Hu."

Gu Haijian grabbed the phone excitedly.

Su Cheng looked back slightly and whispered to Yang Ming, "Prepare dinner and supper. I'm going to stay very late today."

"Ah, won't you send everyone to land?"

"If you don't see the oil field, the futures can't be finally settled. For such a big business, I believe it's right to keep them for another night." Su Cheng said so, but he still gave a brief explanation to the senior management of the companies.

Insider trading is usually very profitable, and there are many cases of hundreds of millions of dollars back and forth. In particular, large transactions such as crude oil, due to the large volume, can often get unexpected gains.

The main purpose of the seven companies being able to gather here is for this insider transaction.

It is very necessary to see the output of Dahua Oilfield with your own eyes, no matter from which aspect.

"Just rest on the boat for one night." Finner's Giles was the first to respond, and everyone else agreed in turn.

They also go back to Baku to talk about business, but those businesses are far worse than the current opportunities.

Li Hu was also exhausted after the continuous failure of shè Kong and quickly agreed to Gu Haijian's reasonable advice.

In fact, the horizontal well is originally the extreme version of the shè hole, which is the 90-degree state of the inclined well that the deputy captain once proposed, but the position determined by Gu Haijian and the deputy captain is different.

After more than an hour of dressing, the rig rumbled again.

Outside the window, it is already hazy black.

"Come and eat some fish. We have the best local chefs." Yang Ming specially warmed the atmosphere and brought the whole plate of fresh fish to the command module.

The sailors and other staff also took turns to come to dinner.

"The environment on the boat is simple. Our main method is to roast. Different fish choose different temperatures and seasonings. A small number of fish have been boiled in water and sauces have been added. You can choose whatever you want." Yan Xuecan started the work of a logistics chef, ran around the room with a spoon, and then brought out the whole plate of sashimi.

Fresh sashimi tastes excellent. It is not only the food of rì or ancient [China] countries. With the cultural output of rì, it is very popular all over the world, especially among people who are on business trips all year round. This kind of food that sounds horrible is quite popular. Of course, there are many picky people, and a lot of Europeans and Americans don't want to eat animal entrails.

In addition to food, it is best to use alcohol as a companion. Aged pure malt whisky, Soviet-era vodka, and classic red and white wines quickly made everyone forget the noise in their ears.

Su Cheng chose a 20-year-old whisky and sipped it slowly.

After dusk, people who worked all day naturally fell silent. Several drunk guys muttered and talked, and it would become their own language.

Whether it's Spanish or French. Or Portuguese or something, Su Cheng can't understand it at all, that is, English. He can only say that he is proficient in using it. If anyone quotes a paragraph of Othello, it definitely belongs to playing the piano against the cow, but. There are always a few talented guys who can use foreign languages in four or five countries. At this time, they can play with a wine glass.

For this kind of innate world manager. Others have nothing but envy.

There are no simple guys who can achieve the senior management of the oil industry. The private conversation can show this xìng.

Gu Haijian came to Sucheng with a glass of red wine, facing the brightly lit drilling platform. He whispered, "The probability of seeing oil in the horizontal well is very high."

This sentence. It's not so much to Su Cheng, but that he is comforting himself.

Today, his two suggestions were not adopted by Su Cheng, but the third suggestion was made in the opposite direction of his first two suggestions. Although it was adopted by Su Cheng, if he failed again, Gu Haijian himself would feel embarrassed.

Subtle emotions were amplified under the effect of wine, and Gu Haijian couldn't help saying it.

Su Cheng laughed twice. He turned his glass and said, "The situation I wanted to see most was to see crude oil before noon. In this way, you can have a good banquet in the afternoon and hold a press conference as soon as you return to Baku in the evening."

Seeing Gu Haijian's strange eyes, Su Cheng shook his head and said, "Otherwise, where do you think the wine and food came from?" Unfortunately, what I hoped most did not happen. My second hope is to see crude oil today, and then I can go back to Baku to hold a press conference and hold a party at the same time. As a result, you saw"

"Su Dong."

"I don't blame you." Su Cheng waved his hand and laughed and said, "When to see crude oil, it's a political issue, a public relations issue, not a technical issue, nor a drilling priority. Oil companies, mining oil is the most important thing. Without crude oil, we are not qualified to survive. Don't pay too much attention to it.

Only then did Gu Haijian understand that Su Cheng was comforting himself.

He couldn't help but feel weird and said secretly: Why is the chairman's comfort a little strange?

"It's windy." Su Cheng's hand stretched out the railing, looked at the dark sea, and said, "It seems to be raining."

"There are often strong winds here at night. If you exceed level 5, you have to consider stopping drilling. Fortunately, there will be no storms recently." Gu Haijian also stretched out his hand as he said, felt it in the air, and suddenly said, "What a sticky rain."

As soon as he finished his voice, the rig that had just made a buzzing roar stopped.

"Is it too windy?" This is Gu Haijian's first sentence. His eyes immediately went up the flagpole.

The wind is indeed very strong, but it is impossible to exceed level five. Gu Haijian narrowed his eyes and said, " Even level four is relatively reluctant. Are you worried about the storm?"

Su Cheng put his finger to his nose without saying a word, rubbed it, and said in surprise, "Sweet."

"Sweet oil!" Gu Haijian shouted out in surprise.

For oilmen, sweet crude oil with low sulfur content is the highest pursuit.

On the deck, more than half of the people raised their heads.

In an instant, they felt the charm of sweet oil.

Because there is crude oil falling like raindrops in the sky, falling on the ship, on the clothes, on the head, and on the face

The phone in the command room not far away rang with an unwillingly "jingle bell".

Su Cheng covered his eyes with his hand and looked in the direction of the sea drilling platform.

Back to the platform of the light source, there seems to be a twisted fountain doing a low-key performance.

Below the light source, a group of drilling workers waved their clothes and shouted, "We found it!" We found it"

More and more people are shouting, and the voice is getting clearer and clearer, blowing with the wind.

Dahua's employees stayed for a while and then shouted wildly.

Su Cheng put his finger under his nose again, gently sniffing the sweet and smell. However, if you smell the same smell for a long time, you will ignore the smell and only remember the sweetness.

Gu Haijian also stayed for a while, then turned around and squeezed away from the crowd, ran into the back cabin, and carefully removed a drop of oil from his body.

There are ready-made experimental equipment in the rear cabin, which is enough for him to analyze the composition of crude oil to judge whether it is an oil well or a new oil field found by Dahua.

(To be continued)

PS: After staying up late, I can't slow down for a day or two, and the efficiency of typing during the day is very low.

Today, I also had the most horrible dream of human beings: struggle desperately, then get up, brush my teeth and wash my face, turn on the computer to open the word, and then wake up and find that I am still lying in **. It's a dream.