Super Energy Power

Chapter 605 Celebration

The big Chinese on the No. 503 drilling platform soon received the news of the production of the third oil well. They couldn't help shouting and high-fives to celebrate. The dry mud mixed with oil fell on the ground, making the yellow, black and white ground look like a group passing through the grassland.

The dry mud was poured out by the mud that was split on the face when drilling yesterday. Due to the excessive pressure under the well, the whole drilling team was busy subduing the black dragon, and there was not even time to rest. Until now, the two shifts of drilling workers were busy on the deck, and no one had the time to take a serious shower The faucet rushed, and the small pieces of mud that were hidden and stuck were not falling out little by little until the sun dried it.

Su Cheng also rushed into the team of workers, took the phone, learned the details, and then cheered with everyone.

The daily output of the first oil well is 70,000 barrels of crude oil, and the daily output of the second well is no less than 50,000 barrels of crude oil. Now there is a third self-blown well.

For gentlemen who are familiar with the oil industry, as long as it is a self-blown well, it means that 90% is a good thing. No matter which oil field it belongs to, it means that abundant oil is about to guise out.

Oilfields that produce more than 100,000 barrels a day, half of which are sweet crude oil, and no long-term oil contracts have been signed. So much crude oil enters the spot market, and it is impossible not to cause an impact. If the output is more, the impact will be more obvious.

When oil is scarce, refineries cannot stop work, so they must buy crude oil suitable for their refineries at high prices, thus driving oil prices to rise. Similarly, in the case of oversupply. Oil fields cannot be shut down, so they must sell their own crude oil at a reduced price.

The market needs time to bridge the price difference, the post-oil crisis era. The means of bridging is usually to increase demand. After all, there are too many places that need oil. Nevertheless, for a period of time, especially when the supply of new oilfields is unstable, the fluctuation of oil prices is inevitable.

The heads of several other companies are in the mood to make additional investments, however. Su Cheng, who was busy with the celebration, didn't seem to have time to pay attention to them. He hugged the uncle and patted the uncle on the shoulder. It's like a young man attending a concert, completely without the previous stability.

"Su Dong, let's discuss the additional investment." Kangle owns most of the equity of British Global Oil Company and has the ability to make a decision in a word.

"What did you say?" Su Cheng put one hand on his ear. I can't hear him clearly.

Kangle roared again with a broken voice.

Su Cheng nodded: "Okay. Shall we talk about it here?"

"Please come out." The recreation was crowded in the crowd, and the heat was full of sweat.

Su Cheng had a smile on his face and was about to move when Li Hu's roar suddenly came from the front: "Brothers, let's sing a song. I'll start, we workers have strength... One, two, three..."

"We workers have strength, hey! We workers have strength! I am busy with work every day. Hey! I am busy with work every day and have built high-rise buildings. The railway coal mine has been built, and the world has changed..." Nearly a hundred drilling workers sang songs, which also made the drilling platform no longer tolerate a little noise.

Or, it's all the noise of a broken gong's voice.

When drilling workers work normally every day, they are always prone to fall into silence and talk. After working on a basketball court-like drilling platform for half a year, it is normal for people to change their temperament.

Singing is the best way to relieve depression.

After many days of pressure, the rigs on platform 503 really need a release channel.

Don't worry about whether you can find the oil layer, don't worry about whether the drilling hole will collapse, don't worry about whether the rig is stable, don't worry about whether the progress is completed...

Su Cheng waved his arms rhythmically and was in high spirits.

One song, another song, one song after another, making the atmosphere on the drilling platform like the New Year.

Kangle easily waited for the song to stop. He grabbed Su Cheng's arm and shouted, "Sudong, please let us invest more."

"All right, let's sing together." Su Cheng didn't know whether he understood or not. He beat twice, then hooked Kangle's shoulder and roared again.

From the perspective of the drilling platform, it looks like a karaoke room standing on the sea, without soundproofing equipment and sofas.

The advantage of

is that there is a lot of space.

And in such a singing room, it is almost impossible to discuss things.

After about two hours, the crazy celebration gradually ended.

Su Cheng and Kangle and others were also surrounded by enthusiastic drilling workers in the middle of the crowd.

Li Hu gasped, his face was shining, and he stood in front of the derrick and asked Dahua's accompanying reporter to take a picture of him.

Soon, everyone huddled together and asked to take a family photo.

Su City was pulled to the front. He half squatted on the ground, covered with black mud, leaving an indistinguishable group photo.

Li Hu was very happy. He rubbed his head with his dirty hands and said with a smile, "I'm going back to show my wife and children the photos of me and the chairman of the group. We workers have strength, haha!"

"In my opinion, workers are always the most important." Su Cheng put his arm around his shoulder and asked the accompanying reporter to take the second photo.

He is not open-minded. Judging from the experience of later generations, workers have always been the engine of China's economy. Made in China and the Chinese economy sat on the workers of state-owned enterprises in the first 40 years, and then on hundreds of millions of migrant workers. The so-called demographic dividend and the so-called urbanization all come from the release of labor.

With the example of Li Hu, everyone lined up to take pictures with Su Cheng.

Sucheng also refused to come. He is not a national leader. If everyone wants such a photo, he will provide such a photo.

The workers seem to be unaware of it, but in the view of Sioux City, the workers on the five drilling platforms in Azerbaijan that are currently in operation are almost the most valuable workers in Dahua Industry.

If it hadn't been for the peak of technology, physical strength and experience, Dahua would not have seen three oil wells so quickly.

No matter how good the idea is, it needs to be implemented with strength in the end.

Finally. The background and strength of a company also depend on the savings of grassroots strength.

Gilles watched Su Cheng pose there in a daze, and saw that he really wanted to take pictures with everyone. He can't help saying, "He is really patient."

Kangle couldn't stand it and asked, "What do you think?"

Jerstein's additional investment was successful. He smiled and said, "It's not going to kick Universal out of the team now. What are you afraid of?"

Kangle coughed twice, bowed his head and said, "It's not easy to meet a big oil field. Such an opportunity cannot be wasted.

A few people next to him couldn't help laughing.

Before it was uncertain that A Qijiu was a super oil field, Kangle preferred media and public relations publicity, that is, to obtain benefits through hype.

But. With the prototype of the "great oil field" said by Sucheng becoming more and more mature, the return expectations brought by the insider exchange are also slowly increasing.

If the oil price may have fluctuated by 1% in the past, but now it has reached 1.5%. That is, the profit increased by 50%. In fact, Kangle believes that there will be more increases.

So, when the third oil well appeared, Su Cheng was not in a hurry, and it was Kangle's turn to be in a hurry.

He rubbed his face in the sea breeze, and came to Su City again.

"Su Dong..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, there was another joy in his ear.

"What's going on? Is it possible that there is oil coming out of the oil well again? The recreation is a little nervous.

"Holiday. It's a holiday." The supervisor on the ship could understand English and kindly explained a sentence to Kangle.

Kangle is like a drowning person. He quickly grabbed him and said, "Say something more, what holiday?"

"We're going to have a holiday." The supervisor can't wait to dance and sing.

"No oil production?"

"There will be a new oil production team to replace us." The supervisor said happily, "I've been out for half a year, and I can finally go back at ease."

"Working continuously for half a year? Do you have a half-year holiday?

The supervisor shook his head and smiled, "Everyone is reluctant to go back. Besides, there are only a few well teams that can do the work of exploration and drilling. We go back, and the drilling platform is not going to be shut down."

"Isn't there a hired worker?" Kangle has seen a lot of British hired workers. The mid-1990s is the most comfortable era in Europe and the United States. It is still necessary for poor Chinese people to go out to make a living. Compared with domestic recruitment requirements, foreign oil fields have much lower quality requirements for European and American workers, which always means a little care.

The supervisor smiled twice and said disdainfully, "The hired workers don't want to do it for three hours a day. They shout that the food is not good, the salary is not enough, and they don't worry about it. They can do whatever they want. If they hire five workers, they have to be assigned a nanny."

After talking for a while, the supervisor suddenly noticed that there was a foreigner in front of him. He quickly stopped and smiled and said, "No, in a few days, we will go back. My wife, children, parents and brothers, have not seen each other for a while... Well, we will return to Baku in batches tomorrow. If you want to leave Together with our ship, the big ship resists the wind and waves, and the bumps are small.

Kangle nodded blankly. The amount of information given to him by the supervision was so large that it was a little difficult to understand. As one of the most serious countries in Europe, British workers are dedicated, much more diligent than Spain and France. However, after listening to the description of the Chinese, the recreation has become confused.

"American workers, are you willing to work day and night now?" Kangle pulls Jestan not far away. His Sig company does technical services all year round and usually recruits people at the workplace.

Jerstein didn't understand why Kangle asked this, but replied, "If the well blows out, you must work day and night."

"What about usual?"

Jenstein shook his head: "Whoever dares to work day and night, I will drive him. I can't afford to pay for overtime."

"Then we can only hire a few more people."

"Where is there so much money to hire people, the labor remuneration is determined." Jestan looked like you didn't understand the national situation and said with a smile, "The workload of American workers is about to be determined. If you want to work overtime, you have to find foreign workers. However, those guys are becoming more and more difficult to serve. What's the matter? Why do you ask these questions?

"I always feel that such a Chinese company will come to Beihai to extract oil one day and drive us all away." Kangle said and smiled, "Maybe I'm thinking nonsense."

Jestin smiled twice, and then fell silent in the sky full of celebration.
