Super Energy Power

Chapter 613 Chu Ge on All Sides

greeting with more than a dozen people at the same time, which not only consumes saliva, but also consumes physical strength. However, in the financial market, companies above the scale are qualified to enter the core circle, and no one can exclude anyone.

Even Sucheng himself only prepared more than 3 billion US dollars and set up a $17.5 billion offshore fund to leverage the $200 billion futures market. It can be said that as long as there are like-minded friends, any enterprise is qualified to be on an equal footing with bp and Industrial Bank.

Therefore, even if you stand in the center of the banquet, there are always executives who come to say hello and join the "new friends" of the dialogue.

Su Cheng also did not want his short life in the City to be full of confrontation. He had to try his best to participate in the chat and deepen his understanding with others in the process of exchanging information.

When he was about to enter the late-night rhythm, Parkson of the Parkson Fund turned back, with a beautiful woman with chestnut hair around him, and said with an exaggerated smile, "Oh, my God, you stood and talked for two hours like this? That's awesome. Didn't you find that the women nearby are about to disappear?"

He drank all the champagne in his hand, then took two more cups from the passing waiter's tray and handed them to Su Cheng. He put one arm on his shoulder and pretended to be familiar. He smiled and said, "If you are drunk, you can't hear the old man's nagging. If you don't drink two bottles of champagne Jumped down."

Su Cheng took it over funny and drank half a cup in one gulp.

This half is with his humor, and the other half is really boring.

If it is in China, or a relatively familiar Asian region. Su Cheng will not play chat games with a group of old men. However, after all, the City of London is a daunting place for many financial companies here. Or the executives of financial companies can be traced back to a hundred years ago. Whether it is its size, contacts or skills in the financial market, it is far from comparable to Dahua. The legendary Rothschild family, or the modern Morgan and Rockefeller families, regard the City of London as an important foundation.

If the size of the Pan Asia Fund is barely enough to be a giant. In terms of predatory skills, both Lehman Brothers and Industrial Bank can be called a technology giant. As for those legendary existences, they can be called prehistoric giant crocodiles that can chew any self-righteous giant crocodiles with their teeth.

With Sioux's cautious character, he will not make enemies in the City of London for no reason.

Although he is indeed ready to hunt here. But before I look at the food. Suchong maintains a traditional Asian style.

Therefore, when everyone chats, he will chat with the stream, he will exchange information with the stream, and he will exchange information until the Parkson of the fund company named after himself comes back.

In the circle, a tall white man with a thick face also drank up Bourbon in his hand and smiled, "Can the old man stand for two hours? Although the doctor said that I was not in good health. It won't last long, but. With the current medical technology, it is still no problem for me to see the 2050 calendar. How can it be regarded as an old man?

"It's Mr. Lagaard." Paxon seemed to be familiar with the president of Enron's European region. He laughed and said, "If you want to see the 2050 calendar, I can give you one tomorrow."

"Ah, do you want my place?" Lagaard's skeptical performance made everyone laugh.

Parkson hugged the beautiful woman tightly and said with a smile, "When I become a major shareholder of Enron, I will definitely also serve as the president of the European region. Don't worry, Enron's stock price will go up at that time."

If it's good, it will immediately become full of gunpowder.

Lagaard's smile turned extremely fake and said, "How many Enron shares can be acquired with the current Parkson Fund?" Be careful not to make a malicious acquisition, but to be swallowed up.

"Of course, such an inflated price is not enough now. I will wait for Enron's stock price to return to its real value." Parkson was tit-for-tat, his face was full of provocation, as if he were a high school athlete.

Su Cheng looked at this grumpy guy with great interest. It takes courage to predict Enron's inflated value in 1994. Of course, it doesn't take as much courage as around 1998, but it is still a strong prediction.

After all, in the mid-to-late 1990s, Enron was almost a model of financial success. Their methods and strategies have made investment institutions in the United States, or financial institutions in half of the world, have been recommended and highly evaluated. It is very difficult to find a financial institution that has not invested in Enron, at least much more difficult than finding a tea shop in Black Africa.

If it hadn't been for the financial crisis and the coincidence of the accountants to find out, it is difficult to say whether Enron would eventually fail. Even if it was just satire, it was estimated that it would not be aimless. Anyway, he was also the chairman of the fund with billions of dollars in assets, and he would not joke about a completely

Lagaard's face turned pale, as if he had changed from an Englishman to a Peruvian.

When the atmosphere was stiff, the British governor of Societe Generale clapped his hands, took over the topic, and directly asked Su Cheng, "How long will the short-selling of the Pan-Asian Fund last?"

This is a topic that everyone is concerned about. In an instant, the eyes of Lagaard and others gathered.

Su Cheng didn't expect the topic to return to him. He frowned and asked, "Is Industrial Bank still ambitious for oil futures?"

"Didn't Dahua Industry also join it?"

"We have made the decision after preparing for a long time. What about Xingye?"

"Industry has been one of Total's shareholders for a long time. The financial market is inseparable from oil, and the oil market is also inseparable from the financial market. If the futures market changes too much, it can't be said to be good news for major companies." When the British president of Industrial Bank said this, he stared at Su Cheng and said, "Dahua Industry is an oil enterprise. The continuous short-selling has exceeded the requirements of hedging."

For oil companies, their hedging is originally a short futures market. If the annual output is 1 million barrels of crude oil, they can buy 1 million barrels short in the futures market. In this way, if the price of crude oil rises, the inventory will be profitable, the futures will be lost, and the income will remain unchanged. If the price of crude oil falls, inventory losses, futures profits, and income remains unchanged.

In this way, production enterprises can produce risk-free and focus on it.

However, there are always some hedged enterprises that can't stand loneliness and will bet more and more in the financial market. In the eyes of bankers with strict risk control, Dahua Industry is such an enterprise.

In fact, the huge losses that often occur in the financial industry are indeed easy to happen to such half-baked enterprises, just like half-baked collectors are easy to be picked up, and half-baked financial enterprises are sometimes heard of bankruptcy.

Su Cheng moaned and didn't say anything. If there is no nervousness at all, it is impossible. Unlike the previous futures trading, this time, he can't rely on the power of much foresight, but more by himself.

Just the explosion of the production capacity of Aqijiu Oilfield does not guarantee a rich profit. Maybe it's okay to make a profit, but after preparing for so long, Su Cheng is unwilling to make a little profit.

Lagaard saw something from Sucheng's attitude and said in surprise, "Dahua Industry really wants to be a big short in the market?"

"The financial behavior of the Pan-Asian Fund has nothing to do with Dahua Industry." Su Cheng first put aside his powers and responsibilities, and then said, "As I said before, I'm not optimistic about the price of crude oil."

Lagaard's face gradually became solemn and said, "So, Dahua Industry... Well, the goal of the Pan-Asian Fund is limited to oil futures?"

Su Cheng thought for a moment and gave an affirmative answer: "That's right."

Several people in the circle looked at each other with the expression of a wolf.

The concept of $17.5 billion fund, diversification and centralized investment is completely different. In popular terms, desperate gamblers are always aggressive before the opening of the cards.

Lagaard repeated: "It seems that Pan-Asia is really going to be a big short."

"Does Enron want to share it?" The interrogative style used by Sucheng.

If there are a large number of shorts, even if only financial means are used, the price of crude oil can be suppressed a lot.

However, the amount of funds needed in this way is huge, unlike that the spot crude oil spot can hit the spot market. Futures trading, which accounts for 90% of the global trading volume, requires more than ten times the resources of spot trading.

However, Lagaard obviously won't lead Sucheng's love. He smiled in a hoarse voice and said, "We prefer low-risk projects. Now we bet on the decline of crude oil prices. It's too risky."

Su Cheng turned his eyes to others.

Speaking of this, it is naturally important to recruit allies.

In those years, Soros stirred up the pound and the Southeast Asian money market, followed by a super floating capital army of 10 trillion yuan, and Sucheng did not want to be alone.

He looked at it one by one from left to right.

The enthusiastic man of Lehman Brothers shook his head slightly, not to mention the sarcastic face of the British governor of Industrial Bank. Although the executives of bp and Aruba Investment Company were smiling, they did not say anything...

Parkson, who gave Sucheng's business card, also hesitated at this time.

He is really interested in the short-selling of the Pan-Asian Fund, but he still needs to think about it.

Next to

, Masao Ito, who has not spoken to Ito Trading Co., Ltd., smiled and said in skilled Chinese: "The crude oil market is calm. Whether it is Dahua Industry or Pan Asia Fund, it is more difficult to stir him than to stir up the lake. Chairman Sucheng should not deceive people here. If there is any conspiracy, please put it away.

"Conspiracy?" Su Cheng stared at this guy.

"Here, there is news everywhere. If you want to trust everyone, Chairman Sucheng needs to prepare more." Masao Ito smiled like an old cat.

Su Cheng quietly picked up the glass and silently felt the besieged on all sides... The schedule is in chaos, and he will apply for a holiday tomorrow.
