Super Energy Power

Chapter 617 Confidentiality

In order to convince others in the seven-member committee of Pan-Asia, Kangle must meet others in person.

For avoidance of suspicion or other possible legal issues in the future, it is not easy for Kangle to go directly to the country where the company is located. He had to invite the representatives of the companies to meet in some neutral countries, which was not easy. Whether it was the president or vice president of the company, everyone was very busy. Not only that, there were many equity people behind the committee members, and their opinions represented the final vote.

Kangle needs to go through a lot of processes to convince these people and then convene a committee. Unlike Sioux City's several successes that have accumulated a reputation in the industry, the ordinary British Global Company can't really be popular all over the world.

The representative of Fina Company is Gilles. After receiving the news, he quickly called Su Cheng and asked, "Kangle has retreated?"

"The short buy of 1.1 billion US dollars not only does not generate a profit, but also has a small loss. Kangle probably can't stand it, and it's normal." Su Cheng didn't say much. Futures, stock markets and casinos are all places that test pressure and humanity. Everyone's resistance is different.

Gilles received the report of the Trans-Asian Fund every day, and said unexpectedly, "The oil price has only risen by a few cents, and it doesn't mean anything. Well, what's your plan?

"Grre back to Azerbaijan."

"Ah? When?"

"There is still an hour left, and the scheduled charter flight will take off." Su Cheng has not been alone for a long time. In addition to bodyguards and assistants, there will always be cadres from various departments around him to handle various affairs, which is also the norm for the heads of large enterprises in 1990.

"So fast? Why are you in such a hurry? What about the futures market? Gilles has three problems in a row.

"The current futures market is still relatively stable. Just build a warehouse according to the plan. Su Chengxin said that I don't know how to operate futures anyway.

After a moment, Sioux City said again, "In the City of London, if you meet anyone, you can talk about all kinds of financial means. Much better than me. It is normal that the new-faced Pan-Asia Fund will not be favored for its first day of settlement in the Financial City. In the eyes of pure financial companies, I'm afraid that Pan-Asia Fund, such a company with abundant funds, will meet one or two every year. Therefore, it's boring for me to stay in the City.

"The City is like this." Gilles laughed and said, "I go to the bar every time I go there. You will meet traders who brag about themselves, and some of them are still true.

No matter which industry leader you are, if you do it big, you will inevitably get involved in finance. Some timid steps are smaller, some bold steps are bigger; some companies make money, some companies lose money; some companies have become pure financial companies. Some companies have returned to their original fields to heal silently.

Like the oil industry, the high competitiveness of the financial sector determines that they are not afraid of any form of competition. Whether it is legitimate means, unjust means, or even war, they cannot stop capital from making profits. In the same way, it will not make capital have one more conscience.

Gilles said with a feeling: "Guys like banks are not good things. However, in the case of preparing for futures speculation, it is still inconvenient for you to go to Azerbaijan.

"Dahua Industry is not a financial company, nor is Fina Company. Nowadays, none of our seven companies have sufficient financial experience, I think. It's better to return to Azerbaijan than to stay in London.

"Hasn't it arrived in Azerbaijan?" Giles still doesn't understand.

"I will solve this financial problem by proving the super oil field." Su Cheng's tone was extremely positive.

"So it is... This is indeed something that financial companies will not consider." Gilles said with a little toothache.

Most of the financial industry is empty-to-empt, and it often doesn't care about the nature of the industry. That's why. Only financial institutions will be known as vampires.

However, with the development of the world economy, the wars between hematopoietic institutions and vampires often end with the victory of vampires. Even the British government and the four Asian dragons can't resist the invasion of financial institutions. You can imagine the arrogance of the financial system in the 1990s.

Financial companies invest in coal, they don't care about your coal company's technology; financial companies invest in real estate, they don't care about the level of construction workers; financial companies invest in manufacturing, they don't care how many workers are laid off.

Only business people like Suchen City will consider attacking the financial industry with the industry itself.

Of course, the oil industry is also large enough.

Crude oil trading alone is enough to cover the world's largest banks and financial institutions, not to mention the whole industrial chain related to it.

Compared with the British or Asian four dragons, the oil industry as a whole is larger.

But God knows who can pry it.

After a moment of hesitation, Gilles said in his high-audio tone, "Proving that the super oil field is necessary, but if you find it now, I'm afraid it won't be too late to build a warehouse."

What he didn't say is that if he builds a warehouse now, but he can't prove the existence of the super oil field for a while, or he can't find the super oil field at all, he will be blind.

Kangle considers more about risks, so if you want to suspend the investment of the Pan-Asian Fund, you would rather take the former to make less money, but Sucheng will not consider the problem of not finding a super oilfield. Now there are three oilfields producing oil. The only problem is to see more crude oil, which proves the reserves and output of the

Su Cheng meditated slightly and said, "The cohesion of Dahua Industry is very strong. I will personally be responsible for the confidentiality of the oilfield. You don't have to worry about it."

Gilles remembered what he had seen and heard, and nod at the other end of the phone and said, "I believe you, if Kangle really convenes a committee of seven, I will vote for you."

"Thank you very much." Su Cheng got an unexpected surprise. He owns 25% of the Pan-Asia Fund and is the largest shareholder of the Pan-Asia Fund. The value of one vote is almost four times that of recreation. Therefore, he does not need to strive for more than half of the seats. As long as the representatives of two more companies are inclined to himself, he will be guaranteed to get a majority of votes. Gilles' promise .


The charter flight of London Airlines landed lightly at Baku Airport dotted with colorful lights.

The staff of Azerbaijan National Petroleum Corporation are wearing large cotton-padded jackets. Jump their feet to connect them to the car. Su Cheng is also the vice president of this company, so he can naturally enjoy the corresponding treatment.

Local Dahua employees are also waiting, but the number is not as good as that of Azerbaijan National Petroleum Corporation. The member states of the former Soviet Union still maintain the pattern of distribution of treatment according to levels. Most of the staff of the National Petroleum Corporation are from the former Soviet Ministry of Petroleum, which is almost instinctive.

"Go to the dock." Su Cheng also changed into a big cotton-padded jacket. Hug Shulan to keep warm.

It was early morning, and the driver was puzzled. He looked up and asked, "Don't you want to have a rest?"

"Sleep when you get to the boat, um, Yang Ming, find a bigger boat. The cadres of various departments in Baku, except those who can't go away, all those who are on the special contribution list should come to report. Su Cheng had already considered it clearly on the plane. What is the most cohesive thing in Dahua? The dividend system represented by the special contribution list is definitely the most basic part, and the name on the special contribution list. There is no doubt that he is also the most trusted employee.

This is also the original intention of the establishment of the special contribution list. By giving the company's share dividends to employees, a good competition and distribution system can be formed, and the output cohesion is at the same time.

Su Cheng believes that only enterprises based on interests have vitality. They rely solely on corporate culture, which is just another kind of hooliganism.

Yang Ming looked at his watch. He hesitated a little and said, "Otherwise, let's make all kinds of preparations first, wait until early in the morning, and then send them on board."

"Don't wait. It doesn't matter if you sleep less than one night. They will get used to working on the drilling platform for a few days." Su Cheng asked Yang Ming to wake up the enterprise cadres in Baku in the middle of the night, not only in a hurry, but also to explain the importance of the situation.

For the current Dahua branch of Azerbaijan, nothing is more important than proving the super oil field.

Yang Ming's suggestion was not accepted. Without thinking about it, he turned around and notified the departments in Baku.

In less than two hours, nearly 50 sleepy cadres were taken to the ferry.

Su Cheng didn't say much. He waved his hand and ordered the ship to sail.

Almost at the same time. The Dahua headquarters in China also began to mobilize. A team of workers were transferred out to work directly in the local area, called the family to explain the situation, and then boarded the plane to Baku or the United Arab Emirates.

In just a few hours, four chartered planes were fully staffed, and one flew to the Setan oil field to replace the local Dahua employees again. One of them took off from the Setan oil field and went to Baku to enrich the Aqijiu oil field. There were also two domestic planes, targeting the Aqijiu oil field.

Dahua Industry is like a big gear, rotating and distributing personnel. However, most of the workers are used to this kind of life, but they are busy but not messy. After all, oil companies are supposed to constantly change their focus, and it is normal to change jobs.

Only a few employees who arrived at the offshore drilling platform realized the difference in the situation.

In the three offshore drilling platforms that are being oiled, except for a few key employees, the team of Dahua Industry has been emptied, and most of the work has been handed over to expensive and pretentious local employees. The dispatched personnel and the newly dispatched cadres have been unevenly assigned to the unfinished platform to add Fast-forward speed.

The previous two-shift work team has also been replaced by a three-shift work team, and the 16-hour working time has naturally expanded to 24 hours.

The resulting equipment aging and repair difficulties will be solved by a professional technical team.

The self-produced offshore drilling platform has the advantage of convenient maintenance. Workers from Dahua Shipping Industry can not only solve the problem of equipment, but also do not affect strict confidentiality measures.

Sucheng changed into oil production tooling and sent more than 50 cadres and new workers to various offshore drilling platforms in turn.

The new offshore drilling platform originally built slowly also stood up at an incredible speed, filling the head-headed work of the Chinese workers.

Li Shirong and his secret department officer publicized the confidentiality measures of Dahua Industry in various ways.

"Whether the drilling platform is oiled or not, whether the drilling platform is working normally or overworked, no matter how much crude oil is produced... it cannot be leaked." Su Cheng's order was very clear and his attitude was extremely serious.

Li Shirong immediately understood his solemnity, simply explained the work at hand, and simply went to the offshore drilling platform.

Dahua Industry has built a total of five drilling platforms, two of which are about to be built. There are still two drilling platforms that have just arrived and started construction, and there is also one part of a drilling platform on the way.

A total of 10 drilling platforms are concentrated or will be in the relatively narrow areas of Asari and Ziraq. As long as you take good care of them, the news will not leak out.

From the moment he received the order, Li Shirong controlled the traffic and communication. After that, he became a regular on the speedboat.

Newly joined enterprise cadres are doing the most basic oil production work on the drilling platform. Sucheng Belt and Shulan change a drilling platform every day and also do the basic work.

The whole of Dahua Industry also seems to have fallen into a quiet atmosphere. They don't care about the changes in the outside world and accumulate their own strength.

... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m. Reading.)

Ps: This is from yesterday. Let's go out at noon. It will probably be more than 12 o'clock today. RT