Super counter-time strong

81 Martial Arts Promotion

The division of powers is normally as follows:

Before intermediary powers, each level was divided according to the junior high school and senior level, and after the intermediate level, it was divided according to the junior high level.

Normally, starting from high-level middle-level martial arts, once you understand martial arts, you are qualified to be promoted to martial arts. However, at this time, if you advance to martial arts, there will be a certain degree of failure rate. The more martial arts you understand, the greater the success rate of promotion to martial arts in the future.

The ability can be fully integrated into the body of the power as the sign of promotion. The more thorough the integration, the greater the future achievements.

After becoming a martial artist, you can soften your own martial arts and change your free moves. This is the so-called martial arts Xiaocheng.

Of course, there will be some special cases. Some talented teenagers can also create their own moves in the martial arts stage. Generally, moves can only be created when you are a master, otherwise it is easy to be devoured by power.

When you reach the middle-level martial arts, the power can release the power in the body. The stronger the accumulation of power in the body, the farther the power will be, and the stronger the power of the moves.

If the power does not reach the middle-level martial artist, using the blade of light can also achieve the purpose of external release of the power.

The sign of high-level middle-level martial artists is that the power can be completely integrated with the body. At this time, the capacity of both martial arts and physical powers has reached a new level.

This is like the human body is water and the power is oil.

At first, oil can only be partially dissolved in water, and there is a phenomenon of rejection, and the martial arts spirit is the medium that guides the power to integrate into the body of the power, and finally completely integrates.

At this time, the power is the dye, and the body of the power is water. The two are no longer separated from each other and are completely integrated.

As long as the power is strong enough, the greater the density of power that the body can accommodate, and the greater the capacity of power in the body.

Gaoyang is completely a special case. As soon as he was promoted to a martial arts division, he had a tendency to be promoted to a warrior division, which is also the reason why those staff cheered.

Although they don't know what the phenomenon in Gao Yang means, it is also a vision they have never seen before.

Gao Xing's test and power injection are very successful. He has fully integrated 20,000 points of energy into his body, and the capacity in his body is equivalent to the capacity of two newly promoted ordinary middle-level martial artists.

Because he was the first middle-level martial artist to be successfully promoted, he attracted much attention as soon as he came out of the injection cabin.

Gao Xing wore dazzling gold all over his body, and he ignored other people's eyes. He rushed to the martial arts practice field and practiced his own magic formula.

That is the skill that the system automatically generates in his brain when he upgrades, but the combat skills in it are not called the light of hope, but the dazzling dance.

The Light of Hope is not Gao Xing's own combat skill, but he changed the name of the dazzling dance.

The dazzling dance after integrating into martial arts is naturally more like the light of hope.

Gao Xing practiced the magic formula over and over again, and everyone saw that his whole body could vaguely form four or five figures and gathered around him for a long time.

If this skill is small and successful, you can confuse the enemy with his split, so that the enemy can't distinguish his true body.

Phantom accompanes with infinite power.


Gao Yang shouted, and his whole body also jumped over with Gao Xing.

The two performed martial arts separately and launched an extremely fierce martial arts competition in the martial arts practice field.

The second one to enter the test is Gao Fei, the boss of the five-person group.

If Gao Yang expected, Gao Fei also successfully integrated 17,000 energy and was successfully promoted to martial arts.

After he left the injection cabin, he was full of heavy black powers, and his whole body suddenly became much taller. Originally a little more than 1.7 meters tall, but now he has grown to 1.94 meters.

After his promotion to martial arts, his movement speed was not as fast as Gao Xing, but ran slightly slowly to the martial arts field, but everyone felt that each step of his was very powerful, as if the ground followed his pace and trembled.

The skill practiced by Gao Fei is called Kaishanpo, which means that the power is infinite.

In the past, Gao Fei was relatively thin and weak, and this set of skills could not be used well. Now the body has obviously mutated, and it has become like a tiger with wings.

Gao Fei was originally very dissatisfied with Gao Xing. This time he was promoted to the martial arts, he was even more confident. As soon as he came up, he rushed between Gao Yang and Gao Xing and joined the melee.

Then, Gaoxing 2, Gaoxing 3, Gaoxing 4, Gaoxing 5, Gaofei 2, Gaofei 3, Gaofei 4, Gaofei 5 have also completed their middle-level martial arts promotion.

The martial arts spirit and understanding from Gao Xing's side are completely the same as Gao Xing's, but the combat power is high and low, but Gao Fei's side is completely different.

Gao Fei 2 understood the way of the orangutan. After he came out of the injection module, his body was shrouded in brown powers, and people saw him lifting the weight lightly.

The skill he practiced is spiritual ape fighting.

Although Gaofei 2 still shows infinite popularity like Gaofei, in contrast, his movement speed is much faster than Gaofei.

Like an ape crawling and jumping on a tree, his body is more flexible and flexible.

Gao Fei 3 understands the way of shadow. She obviously belongs to the speed flow, even faster than Gao Xing.

The name of the skill she practiced is Mystery Shadow.

As soon as she came out of the injection cabin, her whole body loomed with the change of power, like a confused shadow, and her body was even more magical, like leaves blown by the wind, making light and beautiful fluttering in mid-air.

She did not immediately join the battle, but kept moving around the battlefield, and finally lurked in the dark, preparing for a must-kill attack that could occur at any time.

The martial arts understood by Gao Fei 4 are obviously more cute, and it is known as the king's way of iron armor and small strength.

He seldom shows off his skills to others, because the name of this skill is too difficult to say, and it is called Wang Baquan.

This set of skills has no rules at all, and even gives people a suspicion of mental confusion, but it is extremely violent.

In particular, the unique tortoise shell combat skill has raised its defense to a perverted level.

He is the only one in this, and his combat skills are the middle-level warriors of defense.

What's more lovely is the way he appeared.

After coming out of the injection cabin, the thick green power covered his whole body like fluff all over his body. He shrank into a ball, rolling like a ball, and rolled to the battlefield.

People are trying their best to take action, but he doesn't!

He hit someone's fist desperately and was beaten like a ball.

His tactic is that as long as you can't kill me, I will kill you alive.

You can call this one, Brother Wang in the future.

Gaofei 5 is a cute girl. The martial arts she understands are relatively different. It is the way of piglets, also known as greedy tips.

Although she looks the most inconspicuous of all the powerless warriors, she absorbs the most energy, up to 30,000.

After she came out of the injection cabin, she went straight to the battlefield, and she went straight to find a place to sleep and did not participate in the battle at all.

The power in her body is lovely pink.

What's more surprising is that she was still a slim girl before she was promoted. Although she was not good-looking, she was not ugly.

But after the promotion, she became more than a pig. Her whole body gained several laps in an instant, and her waist circumference increased greatly, which was a good example for those who were eager to gain weight.

The last one came out was Gao Yue. She practiced fish play, and her body was extremely light, like fish playing in the water.

Once you become a middle-level martial artist, you will be weak flying feathers and weak silk, and your temperament will become extremely pure and beautiful, like a pure jade, blooming a cool and pure soft light in the sun.

At this moment, all the middle-level warriors have successfully completed their promotion. Except for some lazy and slippery people, they have already performed the essence of martial arts that they have learned in the martial arts practice.

Gaoyang is like a majestic dragon. Surrounded by everyone, he killed seven in and seven out. Under his seemingly fierce moves, they were cracked one by one, and some were even lightly counterattacked by Gao Yang, causing a certain degree of minor injuries.

However, each of them is full of fighting spirit, because they know that the more fierce the battle now, the easier it is to combine with the body, and the smaller the obstacles will be when they hit a higher level in the future, and even when they are a warrior.

Compared with their promotion to the middle-level martial arts, what surprised them was that Gaoyang fought against ten of them alone without any fatigue. In the extremely chaotic battle, he seemed extremely relaxed and comfortable.

Gradually, Gaoyang actually had a kind of enlightenment of promotion.