Super counter-time strong

87 Planned Economy of Mine Mission

In general, the statistics of the amount of energy are calculated according to the energy of the system.

If you need more advanced energy, then calculate accordingly.

After intense calculation and analysis by senior engineers, the energy mineral situation here has been roughly surveyed.

The energy here is the lowest primary energy ore, with a system energy deposit of about 72 million points. There may be more advanced energy in the depths, but the amount is not clear and not too much.

The depth and breadth of these energy distribution underground cannot be estimated, but most of them are high-quality mineral deposits and are relatively easy to mine.

At present, the energy extraction here is 50,000 points per day. With the smooth progress of various work, the mining here can reach an average of 100,000 points per day.

This progress is already good.

If you want to make it into a new energy, you need to remove some impurities in the energy according to the conversion rate of 1 to 0.8.

Although it will be lost in the process of production, the quality can be greatly improved.

In this way, it can improve the service life of machinery and equipment while ensuring the efficient operation of machinery and equipment.

If it is remade into energy that can be used by the power, it will be based on a conversion rate of 1 to 0.5.

After all, the energy that the human body can accept has extremely high quality requirements. Too many impurities will hurt the human body and cause certain obstacles to the future development of the power.

In order to ensure the efficiency of energy use, these impurities will also be recycled, which is also a very good feed for cultivating orcs.

According to the mining of 100,000 points per day, the energy here is enough for the whole city to mine mineral deposits for 20 years.

At present, about 1.5 million to 2 million points of energy can be mined here every month.

If you want to increase the amount of mining, there are only two ways.

One is a series of measures such as expanding the factory area, increasing staff and equipment, and expanding mine channels.

In this way, the required cost will be greatly increased, resulting in an increase in energy costs and a decrease in profits.

Although this method can increase the energy recovery rate for a long time, the whole city is unable to afford this huge expenditure for the time being.

Especially when energy is tight throughout the city and records are needed in all aspects, it is even more difficult to implement.

The second is to increase the work efficiency of staff inside and outside the mine.

Let them work in an hour, which must be completed in half an hour now.

Or, 24 hours of shift work during the day and night to increase working hours.

Although this second method is feasible and will generate higher profits in a short period of time, the disadvantages will become more and more prominent over time.

Too strong will cause irreparable damage to people and equipment.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the extraction speed of 100,000 points of energy per day will not change much.

For the smooth implementation of the mining mission, the energy and record reserves of the whole city are now in a state of shortage.

After the smooth mining of mining, there is no need to worry about the supply of energy for the time being. As long as there is enough time, the subsequent energy supply will become more and more sufficient.

Even after satisfying self-sufficiency, you can reserve the remaining energy and replace the additional energy output with achievements, or more advanced technologies, engineering technicians, war weapons, etc., to obtain more and faster development resources.

Energy has gradually kept up, and now the most lacking is the record.

In the mysterious space, the record is the common currency of a country, that is, money.

Although the "hard currency" circulating in the large market is still energy, there are too many drawbacks in energy trading.

For example, a large number of energy transactions need to determine the average quality of energy, purity, and a series of data.

A small amount of energy transactions for energy testing will make a loss-making transaction if you are not careful; a large number of transactions for energy testing, the cost is too high, and various standards are different. Unless there is a long-term transaction, the disadvantages are always greater than the benefits.

In this way, as a common currency, its value is very large, and the whole country can be used. Once rejected, it is equivalent to challenging the whole system and even the country, and the gains outweigh the losses.

The last nineteen eighty-nine will be eliminated.

This leads to the record being omnipotent in the world.

It can be used to buy large-scale war weapons, advanced science and technology, a large number of senior technicians, different kinds of energy, production equipment for various items, various types of materials and all kinds of mass-produced materials.

What the whole recovery city now lacks is its record.

They need a large number of achievements to purchase the second batch of mining equipment and materials from some more advanced recovery cities for the mining of the second vein.

Of course, at this time, they can also ask the big family for help, but in this way, the big family will inevitably open their mouths.

They will even take the opportunity to penetrate their power into the decision-making level of the whole city and control the whole recovery city.

In this way, it is tantamount to leading the wolf into the house, and in the end, the gains will outweigh the losses.

Based on the above situation, it is decided that the recovery city must vigorously develop its economy while ensuring energy supply.

There are many ways to develop the economy.

The first method is *orcs.

This method does not require any high technical content, and the profit is extremely high3, which is the most effective way to develop the economy.

However, * orcs are also measured according to the level of orcs.

Among them, ordinary orcs are the cheapest, with a price of 100.

The price of orc farmers is 2,000.

The price of the Orc Warrior is 40,000.

The price of orc wizards is 160,000.

The price of the orc leader is 800,000.

The price of the orc priest is a million record.

The price led by the orcs is 1.6 million.

The higher the price, the higher the price.

When it comes to monsters, it will often cost tens of millions.

For example, Gaoyang sold Xuebo, with a starting price of 40 million.

If you meet a good buyer, it is possible to sell about 100 million.

Relatively speaking, the price of windbell birds that do not highlight their inheritance ability will be much worse.

After all, it takes a certain chance to inherit the master's ability.

Gao Xingchuan, as the mayor, also has his own practical and thorough plan for how to recover costs quickly and effectively after investing a lot of records.

Now with Gao Yang, the big assistant, this plan has become more complete and feasible, and it is even expected to be completed by at least more than half of the time compared with the original plan.

First of all, use the urban emergency mechanism to mobilize all idle citizens to carry out small workshop-style production.

The raw material is the skin and hair hunted by a large number of orc warriors.

These most primitive raw materials are first cleaned by orc farmers, selected and handed over to the relevant person in charge for unified storage, and then sent large transport helicopters to fly at high altitude, escorted by Eagle fighters, returned to the abandoned city, and handed over to various farmers in the abandoned city for rough processing.

These rough-processed semi-finished products are transported to the recovery city for finished products, even finishing, and then put their own labels and enter the sales system of the big family for *.

In addition to animal fur, animal bones and fresh meat can also be processed and sold.

Meat can be processed into various cold and fresh foods, or directly refrigerated and supplied to major hotels and wholesale markets in the revived city.

Bons can also be made into various decorations or directly provided as raw materials for creative processing in some factories and private enterprises.

The remaining animal blood is directly used as raw materials and blended into various new energy drinks to provide these orcs with food and evolutionary energy.

This is only the earliest plan.

Next, it is necessary to build a large new energy beverage processing plant to domesticate more orcs and gradually train their thinking ability so that they can better serve human beings.

When the third generation is completely domesticated, orcs can gradually output orcs in batches for trading.

At this time, the orcs, in terms of combat effectiveness and working ability, are more than ten times or even more than the primitive orcs.

If there is a good skill for the orcs to practice, the level of the orcs will be greatly improved, and there is even a certain chance to break through the leader and be promoted to a higher level.

Third, after the large-scale clean-up of some predators that threaten human beings, the primitive forest can be developed on a large scale.

In addition to large forests, there are many wild plants in the forest.

These plants can be used to make food, medicinal herbs, handicrafts, and even some plants can become chemical raw materials.

These are not the best resources yet.

The best resources are minerals.

The number of some iron ore, magnesium ore, and other mineral deposits is definitely thousands of times more than energy stones.

Once these resources are extracted, it will definitely be a large record income for the whole recovery city.

If the various types of production lines derived from it are added, this part of income should be at least half of the city's record income.

The benefits that can be brought are considerable in the future.

Now, with the smooth start of the mining mission, the construction of the whole city is gradually on the right track.

As long as time comes, the whole recovery city will definitely take off.

When the recovery city is promoted to a developing city, they will also have a certain position in the whole country, and they will no longer be an inconspicuous and inconspicuous small force.

At that time, they will form a small family by themselves, and it is not impossible for them to be vassals and that big family.

The more Gao Xingchuan thought about it, the more excited he became, and his motivation became more energetic.

He has experienced too many strong winds and waves before, and he may not be able to fail at the most promising time.

Thinking of this, Gao Xingchuan crushed another piece of high-quality energy and put it in his nostrils.

The energy stone slowly turned into a wisp of green gas and was sucked into his body by Gao Xingchuan, and then his complexion became better and better.