Super counter-time strong

99 The Road to the Alternate List

"Although your growth rate is already amazing, it is still far from the Gongsun family."

"However, it's not that there is no way to compete."

"The way is to unite some families in the south, such as the Zhao family, which has always been the same as the Gongsun family."

"Of course, these are all things you need to consider in the future, but I don't want you to contact the Zhao family too early."

"One is that you are still too weak now, and the interests of the group do not allow you to do so. If the Zhao family takes the initiative to find you, forget it.

"In the killer group, loyalty is the most important, and it is a rule that killers must abide by."

Listening to the words of the red spider, Gao Yang couldn't help nodding.

It is true that a powerful killer can bring huge benefits to the group, but at the same time, the losses caused by a killer who is not loyal to the group are often several times more than the benefits he brings to the group.

A bad one will also cause irreparable major losses and huge crises to the development of the group, and even the group may pay the fatal price of being annexed and destroyed.

The Red Spider said this to make Gao Yang understand the importance of loyalty to the group. Otherwise, no matter how talented he is, he will inevitably be hit by thunder and even erased by the senior management of the group.

"This is natural. The group gave me a chance, and I will return it to the group as well."

"People are emotional and betrayed, and I will never do it. Please rest assured of this.

"Originally, I was just a little beggar on the street, and I'm afraid I'm doomed not to turn over in my life. Since the organization returned me and gave me this opportunity, the queen valued me so much. Naturally, I will do my best to complete my mission."

Gao Yang's words are extremely sincere, with a trace of humility, which makes people extremely comfortable after listening to it, and even has a feeling of teaching by example.

All three of them are Gao Yang's instructors. Naturally, it is extremely gratifying to hear that their students have such a thorough understanding of their teachings.

The most important thing as a killer is loyalty.

Gao Yang's words completely dispelled the concerns in their hearts and made them feel much more relaxed, and the whole room suddenly had a little more relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

"Ye�. If you can think like this, it won't be a waste for the Queen to cultivate you.

"But what exactly do you plan to do in the future?"

"You know, you are now a celebrity in the whole sixth training camp, and I'm afraid you are no longer suitable to stay in the intensive center. But you can rest assured that your relatives and friends will naturally not be affected. All the old people still understand the rules in the training camp.

At this time, the bee spider interrupted with a slight smile.

She can see that if Gao Yang's concern for his relatives and friends is avoided, his future achievements will be more unlimited.

After thinking about it, Gao Yang replied seriously:

"I have also thought about this matter. Now my strength is still too weak, and now the qualifying competition of the alternate list is about to begin, so I need to know more about my own shortcomings. Know yourself and know your enemy and you can win every battle!"

Gao Yang nodded, looked at the three instructors with great respect, and said gratefully:

"Actually, if you don't come to me today, I will also visit the three instructors. It's just that I spent money on you today, which makes me feel a little embarrassed.

"However, it's still too early to say these words of thanks. Since we are all on the same front, there is no need for too much polite."

"My personality is obvious, and there is no need to say more."

"What I want to know now is the distribution of higher-level students in this training camp and how I can improve my strength as quickly as possible."

Gao Yang first expressed his gratitude to several instructors, which made the relationship between several people unconsciously closer and showed a modest side.

After all, no matter what dazzling new star position these three instructors put him in, he thinks that he has not reached that level, so he should humbly ask for advice and act like a student, so that these three instructors are more willing to teach each other.

After all, more people in this world are still very emotional. Even a killer is a living person before becoming a good killer.

There was not enough time, and Gao Yang said his ideas directly.

The red spider paused for a moment, and it was the turn of the poisonous spider to speak.

She is the youngest, and her strength has a tendency to surpass the red spider in the short term. Naturally, she has the most say in how to improve her strength.

"The fastest way to improve actual combat is to fight with more masters in the shortest time, and if it is much stronger than you, it is not enough to kill you in an instant."


Hearing this, Gao Yang seemed to feel that the poisonous spider was confident, or the queen had arranged the relevant special training content for her.

Sure enough, the poisonous spider continued:

"You don't need to worry about this. The Queen has arranged a special training plan for you. This is specially designed for you."

"But don't worry for now. Next, let me tell you some specific contents about the list of alternate warriors and the development of becoming the top two students in recent years."

"In the future, whether you continue to be in the training camp or go to six appointments, you can make choices that are more suitable for your development, instead of regretting afterwards."

"First of all, you have to understand that in the group, the status of killers is higher than that of students, and even some senior killers have greater authority, which prompts some students who still have great development potential to leave the training camp early."

"This group of people prefer killing and hope to get greater promotion in actual combat. More strong people in the group are also cultivated and grow rapidly."

Compared with killers with real positions, students should be more protected and trained by the group. The longer they stay in the group training camp, the less they have contact with the outside world, the less likely they are to betray the group, and the higher their loyalty+.

"I want to tell you that getting the corresponding results on the alternate ranking list during the student period will be more reward than during the killer's tenure."

"The greater the development potential of students, the more rewards they will receive."

"It's just that in the past thousand years, no newcomers have been able to achieve good results in the top two of the alternate division qualifying."

"Because of this, many old people's attitude towards newcomers is getting worse and worse, and there will even be interception. Of course, they will not kill the newcomers, but humiliate them severely.

I'm afraid it's more painful than killing them. But any newcomer who can withstand the blow and stand out is very promising.

"What we are worried about is that you are growing up too smoothly now, which will make you unconsciously develop some arrogant and arrogant bad habits."

"You know, the growth path of a killer is paved with blood."

"There is too much enemy blood in it, and there will also be more blood of teammates!"

"If you are too arrogant, you are likely to lose your feet and become eternal hatred!"

Looking at Gao Yang, the poisonous spider is also full of expectations.

Compared with many excellent children, she is actually not smart.

The poisonous spider barely reached the first intermediate martial arts at the age of nine, and began to understand martial arts at the age of ten.

In fact, she can continue to stay in the training camp, but she doesn't.

Her personality likes to fight for victory, so she chose to be a first-class killer.

She has come into contact with too many tasks, but she has survived and is growing little by little.

At that time, she had not yet developed and looked like a boy.

When she first came to the training camp, she met the bee spider. The relationship between the two was very good and soon became friends. Naturally, she also had contact with the red spider.

With the growth of the poisonous spider, her development is getting better and better, which has caused some people to peep, and there are some troubles in carrying out tasks, but in the end, some people have not been successful.

The bee spider is one of the students who can get close to the queen. She just briefly talked about the poisonous spider and was trained by the military department.

The reason is very simple. The poisonous spider is the queen's cronies and her direct line.

The queen is famous and still has a high status in the military department. In particular, she once became famous in World War I, destroyed a large family and made great achievements for the military department.

Under the deliberate cultivation of the military, the poisonous spider finally lived up to the trust and successfully promoted to the middle-level martial artist. She was recalled by the Spider Queen to help her train students.

The poisonous spider has always been grateful for this, so for Gao Yang's strength, the poisonous spider has no dissatisfaction, but also likes it.

That's why she looked like a big sister when she educated Gaoyang, even higher than the real old man in the training camp, the red spider, but her intentions are the same as the other two instructors.

The poisonous spider seemed to remember its painful experience, with a slight bitterness on its face, and then slowly said:

"I originally wanted to find a few middle-level soldiers to compete with you, but when I thought that you were the queen's secret weapon, I gave up this plan. So we are going to arrange for you to enter early. Only middle-level warriors are qualified to enter the highly poisonous forest!"

"Time is until the beginning of the alternate division qualifying match."

Visonous forest?

Gao Yang knows that the highly poisonous forest is a unique space-time battlefield in the sixth training camp, where there is an unknown and possible attitude.

That is a place that can really hone people's will.