Super counter-time strong

104 In the curse of the disaster of the python

"The cave is bottomless, like an endless journey of death, which makes people nervous. Even my subordinates, who have always had courage, are a little timid and withdrawn."

"If I hadn't occupied an extremely important position in their hearts, I'm afraid they would have fled this dangerous place, but I mistakenly thought it was the beginning of our family's prosperity."

"The deeper you go into the cave, the more gloomy and cold it will be. A lot of ice and white frost hang on the soil around the cave, forming white spots."

"This is the beginning. The deeper it goes, the colder it gets. Gradually, the inner layer of the whole cave is wrapped in white frost. If we hadn't worn thick hunter boots, I'm afraid we would have stopped here.

"Even so, we are still a little cold in thin animal skins, and it is difficult to continue to move forward in this cave."

"The cold moment is threatening us, so that we can't reach the end of this cave, and we will return to no success."

"Just at this moment, the obsession in my heart is becoming more and more greedy, and I have begun to desperately want to go deep into one of them. Now that I think about it, that's the most wrong decision in my life.

Speaking of which, cocoa tea. With a deep sigh, his fist waved heavily from his chest, and there was a fierce light in his eyes, but he did not really hit it down. The moment he touched the table, he immediately withdrew all his strength and slowly put his hand on the table, as if a kind of bitter hatred had been breeding in his heart for a long time.

Gao Yang stood up and came to the old man Cocoa. Next to the sound, he gently held his big hand full of scars and callus, the old man Cocoa. The sound shook all over, took a few deep breaths, and finally stabilized his mood.

After a moment of hesitation, the old man Cocoa drank all the animal milk and moistened his throat, so he didn't feel how fishy and hot his throat was.

Seeing Gao Yang sitting back in his seat, he continued to say:

"The further we go, the colder the road of no return, but fortunately, these are within the tolerance of our body, and I vaguely feel that there is a force protecting us."

"Only this kind of protection seems to be the culprit who pushed us into an abyss of death. This is a huge conspiracy!"

"I don't know how long it took, and we finally came to an end. There was a bigger cave in front of us. There is a large red light flashing in the cave.

"How enchanting and gorgeous the red light is, giving people an indescribable and fatal feeling."

"I instinctively stopped my two subordinates and didn't let them follow me into the cave, but entered that strange place alone."

"Fortunately, my impulsive brain at that time was not completely blinded by greed, otherwise I could have cut off my sinful life by myself at that time, so as not to cause greater and irreparable serious consequences."

"I didn't carry a torch. Because we are exploring in the forest, our whole team only brought a torch and naturally stayed outside, otherwise they may be in danger if they stay outside.

"When I first walked into this huge cave, I heard an extremely evil voice echoed in my ear. Every word of it evokes infinite desire and killing in my heart. It seems that it is an endless ocean, a world watered with blood.



"Or death!"

"Create endless killing and create boundless death!"



"Or death!"

"Create endless killing and create boundless death!"

"The voice circulated endlessly, making my body tremble and fear, and finally turned into excitement. My eyes were full of killing and destruction. I wish I could kill all the people around me immediately."

"There are countless phantoms around me, all of my relatives, friends, brothers and sisters, and some people I have only met once, all of whom have been brutally 'killed' by me in my killing."

"The more I kill, the more indulge. It seems that the desire in my heart has been suppressed for too long is like an unstoppable fire burning."

"I roared desperately and shook the whole cave a little."

"In the dark cave, two huge red eyes suddenly appeared. It seemed that the devil in the dark felt my crazy murderous intention and slowly opened its extremely evil eyes."

"The devil said; humble human, you disturbed my sleep. I could have sent you to hell immediately and suffered endless pain, but your grief and indignation made me feel pity. If you are willing to be my servant, I can fulfill all your wishes.

"The devil's words make me fall into meditation."

"Maybe I've been depressed for too long, and my heart is full of hatred that I can't vent, but I'm still rational."

"After the crazy vent, I finally calmed down a little."

"I keep telling myself that I am already the leader of a small tribe of more than 40 people, and I will be responsible for the original residents of my tribe!"

"I bit the tip of my tongue fiercely and finally stabilized my mood and suppressed the murderous intention that had been slightly relaxed."

"In order not to anger this devil, I can only lie to the snake and say flatteringly: Supreme God, I am the leader of a very small tribe around here. We just entered here curiously, hoping that the great gods can forgive our ignorance and offense.

I have to say, cocoa tea. Although the voice is very talkative, he is indeed good at clapping horses, especially for this devil who is estimated to have not seen a living person for thousands of years, which is even more effective.

"Ye! Humble human beings, you are still insightful.

"The devil's vanity was greatly satisfied in an instant, and he was in a good mood, so he said lazily: Originally, someone woke me up to sleep, and I wanted to sacrifice blood, but in your ignorance and childishness, I will forgive you."

"Let's talk about the transaction between us first! The devil said to me in an irresistible tone.

"Mys... At that time, I felt cold all over, as if I had fallen into the bottomless abyss. Now I'm still afraid, but in the face of a devil, I can't compete at all."

"I chose to retreat, otherwise my two subordinates would probably lose their lives. In this way, our whole tribe will be slowly annexed and even destroyed.

"This is what I don't want to see, and that devil is right in my psychology that wants to speak to me."

"As a result, I was so easily fooled! Hey..."

Say here, the old man Cocoa. The sound was almost tragic as if it was about to cry.

Such a strong man, such an old man who has experienced vicissitudes, is going to cry.

It's ridiculous to say, but if a whole family has to face being killed, or even after death, they can't be born, and enter the boundless hell and suffers, which one can still keep his mind!

Gaoyang was deeply shocked. He knew that Cocoa must have encountered some huge crisis this time, and even a disaster that the whole tribe could not compete with.

"The horror of the devil is that it can understand people's hearts and understand the weaknesses of human nature, so as to manipulate you, make you willing to become its slave, and finally take you to the boundless hell."

"I can't refuse his request, I can only fight for greater interests."

Old man Cocoa. The sound seemed to be stuck in something in the throat, and the sound was very hoarse and unpleasant.

He finally couldn't help pouring another glass of animal milk and drank it in one breath.

"The devil seems to fully understand my inner thoughts and said to me: Your tribe is facing a great crisis now. It was you who were ignorant who brought them to this desolate place full of crisis. Now you can't bring them any guarantee of survival, which will only make them suffer endless pain.

"You will always lose their trust in you and will always push them into the abyss of pain. From then on, there will be endless troubles in your heart, and there will be more complaints in your ears, which will make you fall into endless self-reproach..."

"All the current situation has been guessed by the devil, and my psychological defense was suddenly destroyed. Without the slightest resistance, I was allowed to be slaughtered by the devil."

"When I was unable to resist but unwilling to be led by the devil's nose, the devil's evil voice echoed again throughout the cave."

"The devil said to me in an extremely gentle tone: As an extremely great demon god in the whole forest, I am bound to protect every slave who is loyal to me. It is naturally a supreme honor for you to be my servant. From then on, you and your people will live a worry-free, rich and happy life..."

"You are a smart person, and I think you will make a wise choice."

"I knew that this was the devil testing me. My trembling body finally knelt in front of the devil uncontrollably and kept kowtowed. That's extreme fear and deep submission.

"Then an irresistible consciousness entered my mind and let me cut a long opening in my wrist with the hunting knife I was carrying, allowing blood to flow to the ground. In a language I can't understand, chanting something like a spell.

"I only feel that my body is slowly aging. My whole body seems to have been firmly locked by a chain stretched out from hell. The blood is constantly being taken away from my body, and even my soul is much weaker."

"Then an evil force poured into my body, making me feel stronger than ever before, but at the same time, my heart is also full of anger, hatred, killing, jealousy, greed and other evil thoughts."

"I'm so scared. This power is simply an existence that I can't control.

"Fortunately, after I made a poisonous oath, the devil finally closed his eyes slowly, and the whole cave fell into unprecedented silence."

"I know, I picked up a life for the time being!"