Super counter-time strong

120 The Backwater Battle of the War

A perfect blood-red wings stretched behind his back, with the handsome face of the old leader when he was young, a strong body, and a demon like the birth of a demon god appeared in front of Gao Yang in a blink of an eye.

The heart demon's eyes are full of contempt, and there is a sneer at the corners of his mouth, as if he is laughing at a humble human being so boldly and dares to fight against the great demon god. It seems that this heart demon has already foreshadowed that Gao Yang is destined to be a tragic end in the future.

"I have lived for nearly ten thousand years, humble human beings, and my life is longer than your ancestors combined. Even if you kneel in front of me and call me an ancestor, I will despise you undequate."

"Humble human beings, you have blocked the unstoppable road of the great demon god and will inevitably be ground into powder."

"But the great demon god is not a small cold-blooded animal, but a supreme god. God will have mercy and sympathize with the weak!"

"There are two ways in front of you now. The first is to kneel obediently in front of the demon god and let me swallow your humble body. Perhaps the great demon god will also give you a glimmer of life, allowing you to follow the demon god to fight south and north, fight in the military career, and witness the glory of the demon god!"

"Another way, the end will be very tragic. That is to be killed by the invincible power of the demon god. After death, you will not get super life. You will always be thrown into the boundless hell by the demon god, bear the pain of burning hearts by all demons, and suffer the torture of the sea of knives and fire.

"At that time, you will live in regret all your life and suffer in boundless pain. What's the point of this?"

The heart demon put on a supreme posture and taught Gao Yang.

"Hehe, hehe. Hahahahaha..."

After listening to the words of the demon, Gao Yang looked up to the sky and roared.

"Heart demon, have you become stupid because of the burning brain of the snake reincarnation?"

Standing on the sword, Gao Yang's tears were about to laugh.

"Eh? What are you talking about!"

The demon was angered.

How can it tolerate the contempt of a human with an extremely low identity, and it is also ** naked ridicule.

It was simply unbearable, unbearable, but it still resisted.

The heart demon is originally a weak existence that likes to play with people's hearts. It likes conspiracy and power. It likes to suppress naked after breaking all the enemy's psychological defenses, so he endures and chooses to continue to listen.

In order to show his tolerance and geneacity, the demon also showed a very shameful hypocritical smile.

"I'm laughing at you. You must be dumbfounded in hell!"

"Oh, poor magic snake family. Isn't it good for you to be your own goblins?

"People are born to their mother, and demons are born to their mother."

"Everyone should be a man and be honest; if you should be a demon, you should be a demon. There is no need to make people, demons, and destroy the balance of nature. This is your fault.

The demon felt that it was reasonable to nod, and soon felt unreasonable to shake his head, and his mood was also very complicated and excited.

It has also thought about this problem, but unfortunately it has not been figured out for the time being.

Seeing that the demon was shaken, Gao Yang smiled and said:

"If you behave like a shemale, it's okay. Now, look at you, people are not human beings, demons are not demons, and even shemales are not counted. Unexpectedly, he still joined the devil's ranks.

"Didn't you lose the faces of your ancestors?"

"Now should I call you a demon, a demon, a demon, or a demon!"

"Hahahaha, ridiculous you still call yourself a demon. I'm afraid the demon god will laugh out of his teeth!"

The more the heart demon listened, the more wrong it became. Finally, he realized that Gao Yang scolded himself as a four-in-a-a-a-a-a-a-no-a-a-a-a-a-a, slander insult to himself.

As the dignity of the demon god, there is no blasphemy!


The demon finally can't stand it.

From birth to now, it has also experienced ten thousand years of training and growth, suffering endless pain and digesting endless hatred. Being able to transform to today is completely natural selection and survival of the fittest.

What can it really choose for itself?

It can only adapt to endless fighting in hell, endless darkness, endless hatred, endless torture...

All its hope is that one day it can return to the mortal world, it will destroy it for life, it will burn the sky, it will make the gods tremble, it will destroy the world, and the mortal world will become a greater hell, so as to extinguish the hatred in its heart.

The demon's eyes are getting redder and redder, which is a clear sign of demonization.

The real demon god is not powerful with a strong body and powerful magic, but with the support of endless hatred, which makes it have an extremely dark heart.

It is this heart of hatred that has led the demon god to a road full of killing, plunder and endless revenge.

"The humble human, you have touched the anger of the demon god. Next, you will bear the anger of the demon god that your ancestors can't bear!"

"Burning, depraved creatures!"

"Burn, ugly soul!"

"In the name of the demon god, slaughter all the good and beautiful things in the world and summon the destruction of the demon god!"

Under the body of the heart demon, there is a blood-red armor that is extremely powerful, and a pair of bright wings behind it seem to be able to drip blood.

Countless ghosts are wrapped around the heart demons, as if they are slaves who swear allegiance to the death. They will pull Gao Yang into the boundless hell with their teeth and claws.

After the spell was read, a black body appeared in the heart demon's hand, because of a terrible trident engraved with the devil's head.

This trident is engraved with the words of demons. According to legend, it is the most powerful curse that demons blasphemed the gods. In the era when the gods fought and demons fell 10,000 years ago, the demons killed the gods one by one by one with this evil weapon.

It's just that hundreds of millions of years have passed, and legends have gradually become myths, and finally become myths and legends in some ancient prophecies. They have been translated into various versions and have been circulating in all corners of the world. In the end, no one knows which is true and which is false.

The trident is in hand, and the fighting spirit of the demon is getting stronger and stronger. From the spell it summons, it can be seen that the name of this trident is destruction.

"Magic Light and Shadow!"

A trident of the heart demon did not hesitate in his hand and came to Gaoyang's side like a whirlwind. The huge four-meter-long trident fiercely stabbed Gao Yang's throat.

If he is stabbed, Gao Yang's head will be separated from his body, and his head will be different.

The heart demon is also a kind of demon god. Its greatest attack power is the strong body, so it does not have fancy things like human powers, but is more simple and domineering.

Countless ghosts keep winding on the trident. It seems that as long as the trident halberd pierces Gao Yang's body, they will take advantage of the opportunity to swallow Gao Yang's soul and make him fall into hell forever and unable to be super alive.

The sudden attack of the demon god Gaoyang is doomed to be unable to escape.

Judging from this speed and strength, the demon god is infinitely close to the strength of the master.

If it continues to condense the body, I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before it breaks through the peak of the warrior and reaches the master.

With two knives in his hand, looking at the trident that was about to pierce in front of him, Gao Yang clenched his teeth and blocked his chest fiercely.

More than a dozen tons of pure physical strength suddenly flew out Gao Yang, but it did not stab Gao Yang's body after all.

This thorn is enough to see the terrible power of the pure body of the demon god.

As soon as Gao Yang was about to fall from the air, he was immediately caught by the red sword. Before Gao Yang could get up and fight again, the red sword, like running for his life, rushed out with Gao Yang.

I'm afraid this speed will make the failed demon god unable to catch up with the horse at this moment.

However, there is a price for sudden acceleration. A large number of small red spots are constantly burning their fragile lives.

They told themselves that they must stick to it until they send Gao Yang to a battlefield that is more conducive to killing the demon god.

There is a real battle between Gaoyang and the heart demon.

Hahaha, the mission reward of three S is not for nothing.

Come on, I don't believe the blessing of the river god. A real river god can't destroy you, a little demon god, and it's also a legend, a kind of demon god!

Haha, it's getting better and better!