Super counter-time strong

170 Black Iron Horse Column of True King Overlord

In just a few hours, his death instilled many courses on the internal situation of the True King Empire and the whole True King Empire, making Gao Yang's understanding of the whole China, even the Chinese Empire, and even the True King's hegemon Empire become clearer. At this time, he found that he used to be just a rich man living in a remote country, and he just owned a slightly larger company that was richer than ordinary people, not even aristocrats.

In comparison, the Pan family is already an aristocratic class, and the Gongsun family should be the most well-known leader among the aristocracy, but it is only limited to a small circle. Not to mention the whole true king overlord empire, even the whole Chinese empire, the Gongsun family is just a slightly more inflowing small family. There is not even a king-level strong man in the family who can only be trampled in the empire and ask for the protection of the big family. A family like the Gongsun family can only run rampant in the lowest affiliated country like China for a while.

Looking at the whole True King Overlord Empire, the affiliated empire of the whole True King Overlord Empire has five affiliated empires, including the Chinese Empire. Among them are the Chinese Empire, the Red Moon Empire, the Fierce General Empire, the Guyong Empire and the Hammer Empire. Among them, the Chinese Empire was able to rank second among these five empires, and fiercely occupied the empire to first. The remaining three empires are just three empires with ordinary strength. It can be seen that the true king overlord empire is only the hegemonic empire on the edge of the whole continent, belonging to the first-class existence at the last level. Those truly powerful hegemons, saints, overlords, emperors and even empires are all concentrated in the southeast of the whole continent, near the triangle of the whole planet.

Of course, the whole world is too big. As a top management of the Viper Group, the information he knows is also limited, and there are some top-secret information that he will not tell Gao Yang. At the same time, when he told Gao Yang this information, he also repeatedly told Gao Yang not to tell others this information that can be classified as top secret. If this content is spread and has a bad impact, I'm afraid that the True King Empire will thoroughly investigate the matter, and the Viper Group will not be able to take it. This is somewhat similar to a centralized system and authoritarian management.

Among the five empires that participated in the demon hunt, the fierce general empire has 15 places, China has 12 places, and the other three empires have 10 places. As for those who participate in the demon hunting operation, they are required to be under 20 years old and can participate at the level of warriors or above. If the interns who participate in the demon god hunting operation have made contributions, the real king overlord will also give corresponding rewards, which are very generous.

This time they went to the real king overlord to participate in the demon god hunting operation. First of all, they had to hold a meeting in the second world of the real king overlord empire. In the regular meeting, the person in charge of the operation of the True King Overlord Empire will explain some brief answers to them, and also ask the person in charge of the operation to have a simple first meeting with these young masters and soldiers. After all, marching and fighting is not a child's play, and this demon god hunting operation is an important town of the imperial magic god empire. Among them, a large number of demon troops are stationed, and even the demon leader equivalent to the holy level of the power will be stationed there.

This time, the army sent by the True King Empire to fight against the Emperor Magic Empire is an old division-level imperial column. All soldiers from the lowest level are at the level of division, and they are above the strength of the middle division. Among the soldiers, they are also divided into first-class elite soldiers and second-class elite soldiers. The first-class elite soldiers are the strength of Zhanzong, and the second-class elite soldiers are the strength of Wuzong, with Zhanzong as the strength. The next level is the captain who leads the ten-person group, which is the strength of the king. At the same time, there is at least a two-professional warrior-level sorcerer in each group.

The sorcerer is a special group of existence, especially in the great empire. Compared with the array mages, their existence is used for specific tactical deployments to fight. They can coordinate the order of attacks between troops, supplemented by secret arts to achieve a more powerful combat effect, and also have a certain degree of auxiliary support effect. The array mage belongs to the role of marching and overall planning. This kind of arms will only be valued by the army if they reach a high level. Compared with magicians, they are more sought after by some small empires.

The leader of a team of more than 100 people is called the commander and the deputy commander. The rank of the deputy commander is in the strength of the king, while the rank of the commander is in the king of the land. In the 100-person Bayern team, in addition to the basic magicians, there needs to be array mages. The level requirements for mage are relatively high, at least at the level of human king. Their status in the army often has the same power as that of the first-level commander, while the sorcerer is equivalent to the deputy captain. Their existence restricts the balance of power distribution within the army.

The leader of a team of more than 1,000 people is called the captain and vice captain. The deputy captain is at the level of King Wu, while the captain is at the emperor level. Similarly, in a team of more than 1,000 people, there should be a martial arts mage and a slightly lower level of sorcerer.

When it reaches a higher column of more than 10,000 people, it is called the captain and deputy captain, or the column leader and deputy column captain. For the captain's strength at the saint level, the deputy captain is the war emperor level. At the same time, there should also be a war emperor-level array mage and a slightly lower-level sorcerer in a team of more than 10,000 people.

In each team, the mage is equivalent to logistics, and the sorcerer is equivalent to the staff officer of the modern army. The existence of each of these two plays a vital role in whether the whole army can exert maximum attack power in battle, and even multiply its combat effectiveness. Even in many major battles, powerful array mages and sorcerers often play the role of defeating the weak and strong in battle, which causes many powerful array mages and sorcerers to often play a decisive factor in normal battles in the army.

According to Bai Shi has obtained reliable information, it is said that the captain of the old division column has reached the level of the Great Sage, and even the demonst at the column level is also at the saint level, and the real person in charge of this operation is said to have surpassed the holy level and reached a new level that Gao Yang has never heard of. Bai Shi did not tell Gao Yang about this, but let him know the real situation himself.

After talking about the establishment of the army, let's talk about the arms of the army in addition to management. The column participating in the demon hunting operation this time is called the fourth column of the blackest iron horse. It is said that there are ten such columns in the whole True King Empire, each of which is mainly cavalry and equipped with black iron horses. Cavalry also includes many arms, such as bow riding, long gun riding, * riding, continuous bow riding, etc.

In addition to the black iron cavalry, there are also simple archers, gunmen, knife and shield soldiers, hook and sickle gunmen and so on in the army. In the columns of the Imperial Magic Empire on this expedition, none of them were black iron cavalry. The main reason for such military equipment is that the movement speed of the demon clan is too fast, and the division of arms is not very clear. It is purely based on brute force, so in terms of tactics, the real king overlord still mainly uses cavalry with greater mobility.

At the same time, in order to better allow these young master soldiers to participate in the battle, he was also required to participate in a month-long military training before the march. This kind of military training is not the kind of ordinary college students' standing in a team. The training of military posture is more about the cooperation of formation and the mobilization of military personnel. Of course, these contents will not be handed over to them in the army. They are all what they must know before participating in the demon hunt.

After telling Gao Yang about these contents, he also meaningfully gave Gao Yang some complicated interests in the empire of the true king and hegemony. After all, talented students like Gao Yang are not only in the Chinese Empire, but also in the whole hegemonic empire. Bai died and didn't want Gao Yang to be involved in the contradictions and disputes within the great empire at a young age. Although the Viper Group is not necessarily afraid of some great nobles and even royal families of the real king hegemony empire, the losses will be huge once Gao Yang participates in the group. When there is no substantive conflict of interest, the decision-making level of the group does not allow this to happen. Now several bigwigs of the Viper Group are still in a wait-and-see state. They need to wait for an opportunity. Perhaps Gaoyang is the place of this opportunity in their eyes.

In the end, the task of leading Gao Yang and Duan Jiangnan to the second world of the hegemony was still implemented on Bai You. After all, such a person who died there is just a medium-strength existence, not popular, and will be greatly restricted, so he decided not to go. It must be relatively more comfortable to stay in his own territory.

Before leaving, he gave Gao Yang three magic weapons.

One is the Tencel silk jacket, which can be worn on the outermost layer of the body and can resist deadly assassination. The second is a set of bracelets, which can increase the powerful physical strength of the power as long as the power is entered. In the end, this magic weapon is more powerful. If you are seen by Bai You, you will definitely be jealous to death. This is a spiritual weapon. Compared with the previous two weapons, I don't know how many times more expensive it is.

The biggest advantage of the spiritual weapon is that it can quickly improve the strength of the holy power. As long as your power level is high enough and the energy in your body is large enough, you can drive this spiritual weapon. When fighting with the enemy, you can also have a certain intelligence in your moves, so that you can have more horrible combat power. Finally, Bai Shi gave Gao Yang a human-level skill, the dragon formula. I don't know how many times more powerful this dragon formula is than the dragon formula.

Today, Gaoyang's combat effectiveness has doubled after getting these magic weapons and skills and being promoted to the peak warrior, which is almost geometrically multiplied. He now asks himself that even if he encounters illusions again, he can have the power to fight.

I'm about to go to the Magic Empire, and I'm also extremely excited. Hahahaha!