Super counter-time strong

180 Death Training of the Demon Camp

It is the best chariot of the Viper Group that carries Gao Yang and Duan Jiangnan to the Zhenjun Overlord Empire, called Poison Teeth. The front of the car is M-shaped, and behind it is a fan-shaped, which is slightly like the back of a frog squatting on the ground. But don't underestimate this poisonous tooth. He is currently the most advanced means of transportation in the whole continent. His fastest speed can reach 500,000 kilometers per hour, which is thousands of times the speed of human vehicles now. This is the advantage of particle wave superluminal transmission wave technology. It is said that the Western technology continent has also applied this technology in battle, increasing the power of their technological weapons.

At this speed, Gaoyang and Duan Jiangnan successfully arrived at a secret training base in the old forest of Huangshan, the hegemon of the real monarch. Although it is in the old forest of Huangshan Mountain, the scale of military facilities here is still extremely large. Nearly 100-storey high-rise buildings are everywhere, and even Gaoyang will feel that Tianhua City is still inferior to here.

Unlike ordinary high-rise buildings, all the high-rise buildings here are all launch pads of needle-light energy artillery. In the endless, countless needle-light energy artillery is densely assumed above thousands of high-rise buildings, completely blocking the volley of the whole base and forming a powerful firepower network.

Here, let's talk a little about the needle technology. Needle light technology is another major invention of human science and technology after nanotechnology and light spot technology. After the birth of nanotechnology, human beings found that no matter how many molecules are arranged, there seems to be a key point missing, and such molecular combinations are prone to collapse. For example, a nano-produced basin will break when used. This does not mean that nanotechnology is not good, but that many molecular structures and arrangements are not so perfect due to cost and technology in the process of mass production. Therefore, after the substantial breakthrough and development of nanotechnology, there are still many problems that need to be solved urgently in this technology. Therefore, scientists re-examined the molecular structure from the composition of matter and found that the atomic nuclei in the molecular structure can actually play a role in attracting and repelling, thus maintaining the relatively stable molecular structure inside the molecule. At the same time, the nucleus also gives electrons energy and plays the role of energy. So scientists derived light spot technology from this discovery. The so-called photoelectric technology comes from the application of light. Simply put, it is to take a luminous point as the center to release and attract energy, and bind some molecules around the light point, so as to stabilize a large number of regularly combined molecular combination structures, from allowing nanotechnology to achieve various perfect combinations in molecular arrangement, and finally produce better quality and more suitable on the cheapest basis. Wide range of products. Later, when this technology developed, light point technology began to be applied to the military, thus forming the effect of molecular explosion, which greatly strengthened the military power of various countries. Even the effect of this explosion was far more powerful than *, pyro bullets, *. Nuclear weapons only refer to the explosive power generated by using nuclear energy to carry out nuclear fission or fusion reactions, but light spot technology is the explosive power caused by completely stimulating molecules to explode into pure energy. Later, the current needle light technology is even more powerful. The most powerful structure of a molecule lies in the atom, and the atom lies in the nucleus. The nucleus is where all the energy of a molecule is located, which can provide the energy needed for daily consumption of electrons. Needlemang is supposed to stimulate the atomic nucleus to release energy in some way. At this moment, the transmission channel of energy is blocked with needlemang, resulting in the collapse and explosion of electrons, and finally becomes a pure energy situation that causes a violent energy chain reaction, which is called needlemang technology. I don't know if anyone wants to read these. These are very bold scientific assumptions. This is also the existential significance of science fiction and plays a role in guiding science to lead the development of the times. In fact, I could have written more, but the author will temporarily talk about these basic principles according to the length and theme. When the emergence of the Western continent, you can see how more powerful technological weapons can kill immortals and gods. This book is a science fiction novel, so in any case, the power of science and technology is the most powerful.

The power of high-tech war weapons is powerful. Under the dense firepower of countless needle-mang energy artillery, even king-level power masters can only be sad as if a powerful fighter may face the danger of being bombarded from the sky by dense firepower at any time. Of course, Gaoyang will not be attacked by these needle cannons.

Every chariot in this world has its own digital license plate, just like the IP address used by humans on the Internet today is unique everywhere. Therefore, Gaoyang's chariot's entry into the designated parking area of the base is not blocked, but provides it with a large degree of convenience. .

When the chariot is parked on the designated connecting arm, the three golden lights will also be lost. Gaoyang and Duan Jiangnan are connected from the interior of the car through the particle transmission channel. This channel is not long, but very stable, widely used in civil or military use, and is very suitable for short-distance transmission.

Here, the illusory task has also been completed. All he has to do is to go through a formal handover procedure with the liaison officer of the Second Legion of the True King's Overlord Empire and leave. This is the military's courtesy to the Viper Group, and it is also a routine procedure for personnel to enter and exit the military base.

Gao Yang and Duan Jiangnan were just taken to the lounge by the receptionist and saw a tall and serious man running in from the outside. Judging from his momentum and eyes, this middle-aged man is actually a powerman at the peak of Zhanzong.

"You two are Gao Yang and Duan Jiangnan. Let me introduce myself first. I am the captain in charge of your 101st group members. My name is Black Iron Danan. In private, you can also call me Brother Nan, Danan is fine. However, I am your captain in the mission. I must absolutely obey my orders and strictly abide by every discipline of the fourth column. Do you know?"

The black iron Danan didn't care whether Gao Yang and Duan Jiangnan heard it or not. After saying that, he snapped his finger outside and walked into a service soldier with only a middle-level martial arts division.

"You take them to get things quickly. Remember to be fast, and someone may come later. Can't you know sloppy?"

Black Tie Danan ordered a few words to the young middle martial artist and trotted out of the lounge.

As soon as the black iron Danan left the lounge, the young middle martial artist suddenly became lively:

"Hm, two great geniuses. My name is Hei Tie Xiaodou. I am a serviceman in the reception room. We may meet often in the future. What kind of towel, meal ticket, toothpaste and toothbrush do you get? Anyway, I don't have anything else except the photon spear you used for war.

Black Tie Xiaodou said with a proud face.

"What is a photon spear?"

Hearing the black iron bean say this, Gao Yang quickly asked.

"You asked the right person. The photon spear is the secret weapon of our fourth column. When marching and fighting, how can we human warriors simply rely on physical strength to compete with monsters equivalent to martial arts!"

But after all, we humans are much smarter than those stupid devils. The high-tech weapon used in our fourth column is the photon spear. The photon spear is a high-tech weapon that uses photon energy as energy and condenses with the energy in the body of the power. With photon weapons, you won't lose even if you are single-to-single to ordinary devils with war power..."

This black iron bean is a lively person at first glance. He suddenly explained some things about the army, and even the military discipline to Gaoyang and Duan Jiangnan in an extremely easy way. Although it can't cover everything, it can also ensure that he We don't make some low-level mistakes.

When he heard that Black Iron Bean said so much, Gao Yang asked again:

"Do you know what kind of training we those who participate in the Demon God Hunting will have after joining the army?"

"Well, it can't be said, it can't be said."

As soon as he heard the word training, Hei Tie Xiaodou's face suddenly turned pale and ran away as soon as Gao Yang and Duan Jiangnan were sent to the dormitory.

"I was talking and laughing all the way. Why did I run away as soon as I mentioned training? Is this training really so terrible?"

Gaoyang looked in the direction of the disappearance of the black iron bean and muttered to himself.