Super counter-time strong

186 The actual demon clan of the True King Devil Camp

The location is still in the mysterious space, but tens of thousands of people participated in the formation training this time. All the trainees, including the soldiers at the bottom, are the strength of the warriors, and even some masters and the elite soldiers of Wuzong are not many.

These people are all wearing black iron armor with a dark body and silver brilliance. **'s BMW is also a mixed-race horse and black-blooded dragon horse cultivated by crossbreeding. It is said that this kind of war horse only needs one to defeat a group of wild wolves. Even if it is a pair of lions on the grassland, the tigers in the forest are not afraid at all. They are the king of horses.

It can be said that all the elite personnel of the fourth column are all concentrated here. Ten groups of people form a small square team, with a total of 100 teams of black iron cavalry riding on the black-blooded dragon horse, aggressively, holding a variety of different weapons in their hands. All arms include archers, gunmen, short knives and shields, long gun shooters, sawtooth soldiers, speed soldiers, tactical soldiers, death squads, and death squads. Each of these nine arms shoulders its own sacred responsibilities, and each of its own expertise, especially with the combined combat strength is extremely powerful.

In addition to the tens of thousands of troops on the ground, there are hundreds of more powerful teams flying in the sky at the same time. In addition to powerful array mages and magicians, they also have powerful holy masters among them, and even Gao Yang saw a more powerful existence than holy masters. I heard that that is the legendary master of people who surpass the holy level. Legend has it that the body of a master has exceeded the limit of the human body and can change manyly, large or small, and its combat effectiveness is even more amazing. It is said that the man was the instructor of the Black Tiger Column who called all their personnel to a meeting before the special training.

Looking carefully from the sky, the man was nearly ten meters tall. All the array mages and sorcerers were surrounded by him. Obviously, he was constantly conducting various tactical drills centered on him, and at the same time fed back his calculated data to this master for more accurate proofreading. During this period, all the land fighters were ordered to stand by no difference, otherwise they would be disposed of by military law.

In such a large situation, even members of the royal family dare not deviate at all. You should know that this master, even in front of the emperor of the empire, the emperor, has the power to see the king not to kneel. In front of him, anyone who violates military discipline will be severely punished, and the royal family will be punished more severely, especially this black iron and black tiger is famous for his brutality. This time, he led the team to attack the Imperial Magic Empire. I don't know whether it was a blessing or bad luck for all the entourage.

After a long time, the formation drill was finally over, and all the grassroots officers had received the preparatory orders before the battle and began to proofread various data. After completing the data proofreading, the combat drill can be officially carried out.

At this time, the whole vast playground suddenly changed. Countless winged demon gods came from the distant sky like an army of locusts. At this time, most of the personnel had not completed the data proofreading, and all the low-level officers had to prepare for rapid emergency.

"Enter the fast proofreading mode, turn on the combat mode at the same time, and wait for the combat instructions at any time!"

Seeing the black iron big south shouting, the whole person immediately merged with the war horse and entered the first-level battle preparation. This is the unity of people and horses in the battle mode.

When it comes to the combination of people and horses, let's talk about the weapons and equipment on the war horse. Because the black-blooded dragon horse is a variant of ancient alien beasts, it can even be said to be a genetically modified god horse, especially after genetic recombination, its combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, and tens of thousands of tons of equipment can still go through the air, which is the basis of the logistics supply of the Black Iron Army.

In the face of the irresistible offensive of the demon army, the senior management of the army has always been as stable as Mount Tai. First of all, the jagged soldiers of the first team opened the way, followed by the short knife shield soldiers, followed by the long-gun flying shooters and archers, and finally the gunmen, the tactical soldiers, the death squad and the speed soldiers protected the last line of defense behind.

In an instant, countless golden spears flew up in the air. Each spear was more than three meters long, and the long spearhead was extremely sharp, like the teeth of ancient giant beasts, crushing and biting these demon gods who dared to invade the territory of the empire.

The first golden spears rose into mid-air and were suddenly guided by a mysterious force and began to make a rapid combination. Countless smaller but denser golden spears were condensed and shot directly into the demon flying army.

This group of golden spears are like a golden shark rushing into the fish, and the vanguards of thousands of demon armies are swallowed up, and they are shot into the depths of the demon army with a sharp offensive. Suddenly, a black sword light like a black meteor collided with the golden spear in the air and suddenly crushed the golden spear. Countless demons and gods marched forward again.

After the first batch of golden spears were fired, the second batch of golden arrows followed. A thousand golden bows and arrows rose to the sky at the same time, then turned into a tomahawk, and were raised by a mysterious big hand and cut into countless armies of gods and demons again. As soon as the tomahawk came out, the world changed color, and countless golden edges rushed to the army of demons like bloodthirsty piranhas, destroying thousands of demon pioneers again.

However, the number of the army of demons and gods is still endless, as if it will never be finished and can't be killed. While fighting in the air, the sawtooth cavalry on the ground also met the demon army. Countless gears connected at the beginning and end, like a huge meat grinder suddenly met the army of the demon god. Large pieces of blood suddenly dyed the whole continent red, as if a huge meat grinder hanged a pig alive. The miserable screams of countless demon gods were very tragic and overwhelming. Buddha went to hell.

However, the pure physical speed of the demon god is extremely fast. As soon as the first wave of demon gods are destroyed, the second wave of demon gods will be added. The whole sky and the ground is like dense black spots, all of which are the army of demon gods, which is ten thousand times more terrible than the overwhelming locusts.

"Prepare for the array, covering the world!"

With the order of the big man, the two hundred long-gun shooters and archers began to make various arrangements on the ground quickly. Every time they change their formation, they will shoot a batch of bows and spears. As soon as these long guns and bows and arrows rise into the air, they are torn apart and turned into thin fog, but if you have excellent eyesight, you will find that the smallest particles that make up the mist still maintain the original long guns or bow and arrow shape, as if they were carved by craftsmen with the smallest tools.

At the same time, the following seven large teams are also constantly supporting the front team. The continuous providers have great energy support. After dozens of formations, the fog in the sky is getting thicker and thicker, and finally the magic army has come to the city.

The long gun in the big man's hand pointed to the sky, and the large thin golden fog suddenly caught countless flying demons in the sky like a big hand. A golden light in the whole sky almost covered the sky. Everyone only saw a golden day bursting out tens of thousands of golden lights in the sky. In an instant, more than 10,000 demon vanguards in the whole sky were killed, and more than half of them died. At the same time, the big day was still moving forward at a rapid speed, and the demon army was shot into blood fog and shattered to pieces.

At this time, the master of the demon family finally touched, and another big man with a big knife more than ten meters in the sky came from a distance. The big knife is red, like a round of blood-colored crescent moon. It is the treasure of the demon family, called the half-moon machete, also known as the blood moon sword.

The sword in the big man's hand suddenly hit the golden sun. The golden light shined everywhere, the red light rushed violently, and the two forces clashed. The whole sky was stabbed into a big hole like a collapse. Finally, the blood moon still bombarded the golden sun into countless golden powders, and then disappeared without a trace.


The big man looked up to the sky and seemed to be extremely angry at the death of countless people.