Super counter-time strong

193 folk rumors about the birth of the holy demon

This person on the street with the Black Iron South is actually a human being of the True King Empire, and he is also a fellow countryman of the Black Iron South, called Li Shengtian, and the real name of the Black Iron South is Li Shengda, and the two are fellow villagers of the same clan. Li Shengtian's name in the imperial magic empire is Ku Coollun. Awang is a member of the lowest level of a large demon family. Although his status as a walking businessman in the Demon Empire is not high, he has come into contact with a profession that is widely regarded as a popular profession in the Demon Empire in remote areas.

The two just met. Awang grabbed Black Iron Danan's hand and kept talking, as if he hadn't talked to human beings for too long. Almost some normal words were not clear, but he was in a very good mood.

While leading the way to everyone, he enthusiastically introduced:

"It's very kind of people like me who have been in the Demon Empire for decades to see their fellow villagers again. If it hadn't been for the increasing chaos in the demon empire over the years, I would have even thought that I would die in my life and I would never be able to see the territory of my motherland.

With that, he grabbed a handful of black iron Danan's fertile soil carried by the real king empire and greedily breathed the fragrance of the soil on it, and said contentedly:

"Sure enough, my hometown is better. Hahahahaha!"

Seeing that some of the other team members were impatient, he laughed shyly and said:

"When people get older, they always feel nostalgic. I hope you don't be surprised. I won't say any unnecessary nonsense. Now let me tell you about this town and some of what I have learned. Of course, I have only recently learned a lot about it.

He looked at the people accompanying him and sighed slightly.

Black Iron Dayan immediately grabbed the words:

"Brother Shengtian, don't be too pessimistic. The players I brought this time are all elites of the empire. Although they are young, they are all young geniuses of the empire. They can't be underestimated by the strength of Zhanzong with the strength of the peak warriors!"


Cool. The magic energy on Wang's body kept flashing, faintly exuding a kind of black and purple brilliance in the black clothes. At a glance, he knew that it was the strength of Zhanzong. He was very surprised to look at the group of teenagers who were obviously only at the peak of the warrior to the master. After a long time, he nodded and said:

"Indeed, the future is terrible! At the beginning, when I was as old as them, I was just a martial artist. If I hadn't received special training in the military headquarters and been baptized by the Coolun family, I wouldn't have reached the current level. Now, even if I don't wear your hateful clothes, I'm a real humanoid demon.

"This time, your task should be to find a secret ritual platform for the demon people. Although this thing seems to me is just something similar to our human worshiping our ancestors, many things of the demon clan cannot be explained by our human technology, especially the imperial demon clan. They worship an extremely powerful demon. This kind of heart demon is called the heart emperor love demon. This is a very old demon clan, which belongs to the orthodox demon clan compared with some new demon clans, and the Kukulun family I belong to belongs to the mixed-blood demon clan hybridized by humans and demon clans.

"In ancient legends, the demon god sealed by God in the holy demon map is called the holy demon. In fact, the demon god is also a demon clan, which is a respectful name of the demon clan for those brave and powerful demon clans. They believe that they are all descendants of the most powerful race. They are naturally strong and invincible, so they call themselves demons.

"As a demon family who worships ancestors, it is actually nothing, as if we often put some cards in human families, especially some big families. It's just that recently, in some remote areas of the Imperial Magic Empire, especially Daziurtburg, this kind of sacrifice has become extremely different.

"Many demon sacrifices are based on each family, but they often sacrifice collectively, and even kill cattle and sheep to prevent foreigners from watching. It seems that they are carrying out some kind of ancient etiquette. It is rumored that they are summoning the holy demons sealed in this continent. It is also rumored that the imperial fantasy royal family found a large piece of holy magic map in the empire in an attempt to summon the extremely powerful holy demons in ancient times to reproduce the powerful power of the imperial fantasy family. I just don't know whether these things are true or not, and we, the intelligence personnel who have been lurking in the Demon Empire all year round, are also unclear. Many brothers tried to sneak into Daziurtburg

The secret base has been found by the demon clan before it finds anything. As a result, it is better to die than to die, and the end is extremely miserable..."

"Well, I'm really afraid that I will end up like them one day!"

That's all, Coollun. Awang's eyes are full of endless sadness and strong homesickness, and he can't get the full release of the true feelings in his heart one by one.

"I also have a list of local residents here. There are a total of 1,800 demons living in the town. They are all distributed in the residential areas of the town, and many of them live near here and are responsible for guarding the magic rice nearby. Of course, you can rest assured that this is a public area, and there will be no demons here in the heart of the magic rice. Most of them are stationed in the area near the Campster wasteland to prevent the attack of wild monsters and monsters on the wasteland.

"Your initial task is to enter the demon family to sell their own products, and carefully observe everything in the demon family. At the end of the night sale, all the information will be brought back for analysis to find clues about the rumor of the birth of the holy demon. Especially the mayor of the town and the home of the senior officials of the town guard need to be observed more carefully.

"Oh, according to you, it's a big search for us to enter the demon family, and they won't object!"

Hearing this, I couldn't help asking with the glory that had been silent.

"Ha ha, young people, don't be so excited! In fact, the sales methods of demons are relatively different from those of human beings. Demons, especially walking merchants, are very popular with demon residents. Usually, as long as they make an appointment, there will be people in their families to receive walking merchants. The sales of merchants walking here are based on the furnishings of the demon family. That is to say, you should sell according to items that are not in the demon family, or compare your new products with the old products of the demon family and list the benefits one by one. If your product deeply attracts demons, and he still has the ability to buy it. So congratulations, your sales are very successful, and he will enthusiastically introduce you to his family and friends to buy your products. In fact, it is not very difficult to sell in this way. It is difficult for them to accept your price!"

"Of course, I will explain these most basic things to you as a walking businessman!"