Super counter-time strong

233 Legion Deployment of Electromagnetic Storm Launcher

Electromagnetic Storm Launcher Deployed by the 233 Legion (Secondary Update for Collection)

(Haha, finally ushered in the prologue of the full-scale battle of the division in a long wait. Wow, as the author, I am also looking forward to it. Although I also hope that it can come earlier, the road still has to go step by step. Only by perseverance can we win, and the prologue of comprehensive development is slowly opening. In fact, as the author, I really want to know what every reader wants to read. If you see Xiaoai, if you have any comments, please leave a message in the book review area. Thank you for your collection!)

After the needle artillery column and photon artillery column entered the designated target area once, the last combat unit also entered the designated target area an hour before the needle artillery column entered the combat state. Among all columns, the electromagnetic storm column is the most effective war weapon made by human beings to restrain the demon army according to the characteristics of the demon clan. This war weapon is very harmful to demons, and is even called a demon meat grinder by many human empires.

All electromagnetic storm launchers are divided into six types. These six electromagnetic storm launchers cooperate with each other, each of which has a different role. Only joint operations can play the greatest lethality. These six types are divided into: detection and warning electromagnetic wave emitter, interference electromagnetic wave emitter, particle resonance electromagnetic emitter, rebound attraction electromagnetic emitter, space staggered electromagnetic emitter, and blasting electromagnetic wave emitter.

The launch sequence of these electromagnetic wave launchers in battle begins with the detection and alert electromagnetic wave launchers, and the blasting electromagnetic wave launcher is the last orderly launch attack.

First of all, the function of the first electromagnetic wave transmitter is to detect and alert the electromagnetic wave transmitter, but the principle is similar to that of waves. It is judged by the return value of the fluctuation. The specific principle can be described as a water wave. The first wave is emitted, constantly spreading far away, and then gradually weakening, but the second wave will then take over, thus supplementing the weakness of the first wave of energy. In this way, the latter fluctuation can always supplement the loss of the previous fluctuation until it encounters an obstacle, that is, the target object returns the fluctuation value. Return layer by layer, and finally achieve the purpose of reconnaissance. If this is a dead object, such as rockery, trees, the electromagnetic wave will gradually overcome it and move on. At the same time, at the loss position of the gap formed by the target object, other electromagnetic waves will be quickly spread for energy replenishment. His detection effect is often a hundred times more efficient than that of old-fashioned radar, and the detection effect on objects is also very good. So far, a set of holographic three-dimensional images of about 1024P can be formed, which can more accurately guide the rear long-range attack war weapons to better put into combat and shoot accurately.

Second, the second electromagnetic wave emitter, which interferes with the function of the electromagnetic wave transmitter, is to interfere with the normal operation of the brain waves of the demon family. Through a large number of scientific experiments, humans have concluded that when the demon clan releases magic and even communicates a mysterious area, their brain waves will be in an extremely strange state. Once this state is broken, their magic will be interrupted and they will be slightly dizzy. This kind of war weapon is also the most suitable for slaughtering the demon army in war, but it also has great shortcomings, that is, it is difficult to transport and the movement speed is extremely slow. Usually, they move under the transportation of large aircraft, but once they are unloaded and placed on the ground, it will take at least a day to move again. At the same time, various anti-magnetic treatments are carried out on the spacecraft to avoid its electromagnetic interference to the spacecraft. Other electromagnetic wave emitters are the same, but this kind of interference electromagnetic wave emitter is the most interference. This electromagnetic wave can not only interfere with and reduce the normal attack and defense of the demon army, but also cause a certain degree of confusion and affect the judgment of the leader of the demon army. It's just that he doesn't have a lethal effect, so he can't fight alone.

The third electromagnetic wave emitter, particle resonance electromagnetic wave emitter, is more interesting. It is similar to microwave ovens and induction cookers. According to a large number of scientific experiments by humans, the pure physical constitution of the demon clan is about a thousand times stronger than that of ordinary adult healthy residents. That is to say, an adult healthy demon clan and a thousand adult healthy human beings fight one by one. The demon clan punches human beings, and human beings punches the demon clan. After the death of the 1,000th human beings, the demon clan will be killed. Because the electromagnetic wave itself does not have a very powerful killing effect, in order to be able to fight war, human beings have invented this kind of particle resonance electromagnetic wave emitter specially designed to deal with the demon clan. The principle is to make the unique structure of the demon body resonate particles to minimize the defense of the demon. Generally, a duck matures in a few seconds, but the demon clan may take tens of thousands of seconds, but its role is not only that. It is not yet an electromagnetic wave emitter that has a real lethal effect.

When it comes to the fourth electromagnetic wave emitter, it rebounds to attract the electromagnetic emitter. This is more interesting, because the state of the particle resonance electromagnetic wave emitter is sometimes unstable, and the diffusion area of electromagnetic waves in battle is very large, so it is often difficult to concentrate firepower to achieve the effect of combat attacks. At this time, it is necessary to rebound to attract electromagnetic emitters. It can attract other electromagnetic waves to attack repeatedly within a custom target and be fully absorbed by the targeted target, so as to achieve the maximum killing effect. His role is like a jar, and the demon clan is equivalent to a fish, and the electromagnetic wave is water. The demon army appeared. They could not be killed just by splashing water. They had to be packed in jars, but you also saw that fish would not die in the water. Hahaha, what happens to everyone every day, what if you put the jar on the stove? That's the key. It is also the role of the electromagnetic wave emitter in the fifth and sixth.

The fifth electromagnetic wave emitter, the space staggered electromagnetic emitter made a grand debut. The principle of this electromagnetic wave emitter is more complicated. Think about how water kills people? Either suffothe people to death, or the waves beat people to death. This is the most common. In addition, there are many more, such as putting a light but extremely sharp knife in the water. Once the water flow accelerates, the human body will face not the rapid flow of water, but pieces of fast-flowing knives. The space staggered electromagnetic emitter is like a glass knife, which cuts graphics on the glass one by one in advance. Anyone who has used a glass knife knows that the glass cut with a glass knife will not be separated immediately, but the connection is already very fragile and can even be removed directly. In fact, the space interlaced electromagnetic wave transmitter is somewhat similar to a glass knife, which cuts the space into various space debris with sharp edges, and then waits for the last electromagnetic emitter to power.

The last most powerful electromagnetic wave emitter, the blasting electromagnetic wave emitter, was born. Its appearance is like putting a fire on the hot pot, and other electromagnetic wave emitters are either containers, seasonings, or materials, but without it, it is nothing. The effect of blasting electromagnetic breaker detonates all electromagnetic waves that exist in space, which is like *, allowing electromagnetic waves to produce qualitative change while quantitative change. Making electromagnetic waves that are not lethal have a powerful explosive power is the role of blasting electromagnetic wave emitters. If I don't have to explain, I can quote the principle of the bomb. Why did the bomb explode? Because at a certain point, a large amount of energy is quickly converted into heat, which cannot be effectively released and evacuated, thus forming a strong destructive force. It's the same principle as pouring water into a balloon that causes the balloon to explode. When the water is filled, the balloon is getting bigger and bigger, and the water flow causes too much pressure inside the balloon. When the balloon expanded to a certain extent that it could no longer withstand more water, the balloon burst with a bang. This is the basic principle of the explosion. Of course, this is dangerous. Please do not perform such dangerous operations without the supervision and guidance of adults. It's okay if you buy a balloon to blow up, hahaha! Do you understand that? Blasting electromagnetic wave launcher is a high-tech device that converts electromagnetic waves into heat.

At the same time, I also say that this is science fiction. In fact, many principles can be explained by examples in daily life.

Among all the teams responsible for escort work, the task of the fifth team is final. The same team of 10 million people should not only serve as an escort, but also play a combat role, so there are almost no aircraft in this team, all of which are ground combat formations. Among them, the strength of ten arms is equipped with a tank charge column, which is equipped with a large tiger main deformation tank, with one column; the ground-to-air needle-mang anti-aircraft gun group is equipped with a 10,000-meter range anti-aircraft artillery group, with six columns; the shark beam fighter column is equipped with dense beam deformation fighters, and the number of people is one column. Team; the logistics supply protective armored column is equipped with large armored fighting vehicles, with two columns.

All space shuttles will be escorted by the eighth and ninth team and the fourth column of the black iron horse to ensure that there is no mistake!

After entering the target location, all equipment enters the state of installation and maintenance. After two hours, all the equipment can work normally, and the electromagnetic storm column can engage in small battles in its best condition. Until all the artillery fire sounded, the war entered a state of full development.