Super counter-time strong

262 I'm the magician conspiracy of the lurker

(Now that the original novel has reached a small **, Gao Yang will perform a more dangerous task as a more dangerous task lurking deeper into the demon clan. Now it is just part of the task. Because the layout of this book is really too big, and what is really good is the space-time theater written in the future. There is a TV version and a movie version. It is specially written for readers, and now this book is completely designed to construct a world. Maybe it's not wonderful, but it's a practice and growth for every reader. Thank you for your collection!)

Gao Yang stood in front of the demons carelessly. He knew that it was time to kill the chicken and show it to the monkey. The so-called new official took office three fires, isn't that all!

Hahahaha, in a word, killing these demons who do not regard human beings as life will not have any psychological burden at all, but has done a good thing. He looked at the cruel and incomplete human limbs, and his heart was full of murder. If it weren't for the task, he wouldn't mind killing all these demons.

You should know that these human limbs are not enjoyed by the foreman alone, but will be given to any demon here. They are given to every resident of the demon clan who works hard, so every demon here must die.

The blood debt must be repaid with blood, so what Gao Yang now needs to do is to get as much information as possible, then kill all the demons in this magic array, and eradicate the future trouble forever.

"All ten team leaders will come to me immediately to report the latest work status!"

Gao Yang ignored the eyes of the people and roared at other team leaders who were doing nothing. Although he is the big foreman here, it seems that other team leaders do not buy him, and the resistance is still very high.

Under his roar, only a few fore men who were better than the tall and thin foreman followed the tall and thin foreman to come to Gaoyang, and the remaining six fore men were still eating all kinds of delicious food unscrupulously in their work area and enjoying the service of some low-class maids.

"I'll give you three times to count. Within these three numbers, you must appear in front of me, otherwise there is only one word, die! I think you also know that the former foreman has been killed by me!"

"Yes, the stupid pig didn't know what to do before. He didn't know that the adults had a great opportunity to be promoted to a king-level master in this human attack. You deserve to die, just to make room for adults! I witnessed with my own eyes that the adult had a life-and-death battle with the stupid pig and was killed by the adult, and there was no suspense!"

When Gao Yang said this, the tall and thin foreman immediately ran out and told him with the facts he saw with his own eyes. After being said by him, four foremans came over reluctantly.

"Hmm, it's really looking for death!"

No one saw clearly how Gao Yang disappeared. He suddenly appeared in front of a foreman. As soon as he stretched out his hand and pierced it straight into the foreman's chest, the foreman's body was immediately pulled out of a big hole, which was almost half the size of his chest, and blood flowed. Then he appeared in front of another foreman. This time, he hated that all the foreman's internal organs were taken out by him, and his body was blown into pieces like mud.

After killing the two recalcitrant fore men, Gao Yang returned to his original position again. The whole process took less than half a minute. All the demons intuitively flashed in front of their eyes and saw two tragedies happen. Before they turned around, they found that Gao Yang had returned to his original position again, as if nothing had happened. This time, all the demons were shocked by him, and there was almost no suspense.

"Your Excellency, you are really the reincarnation of the demon god of our demon clan. You are invincible!"

All the foreman shouted in unison and praised the divine power.

"Okay. Since I become your foreman, I won't treat you badly. Have you seen those delicious food? As long as you work hard, it will be yours. However, I still have a task for you now. I don't know who is willing to find the rest of the magician in charge of us!"

Gao Yang has long been used to slapping the beards of these demons, and just said with a sneer.

"This... Lord, those magicians are arrogant and are not under our jurisdiction in the first place, and may not give you face."

When a foreman saw Gao Yang's vicious method, he was afraid in his heart. At this moment, Gao Yang solicited opinions and hurriedly said to please him.

"Oh, what's the best way in your opinion?"

Gaoyang doesn't know his tricks. This is deliberately to show off his skills. However, Gao Yang now lacks such a demon clan to run errands for him, and he doesn't mind his deliberate show off.

"Your excellency, I think it must have something to do with Magic Crystal to advance so soon. Those arrogant magicians are most popular with items such as magic crystals. If adults can take out such items, maybe the villain can serve adults.

The slightly old foreman immediately knelt on the ground and shouted.

"Not bad! I have just become a foreman, and there are still many things to rely on you. Wait a minute, when those arrogant magicians come, you still have to support the scene for me, so as not to let the villain win the ambition!"

"Take it! Remember to make things look better!"

Gao Yang took out a magic crystal from his pocket and handed it to the old foreman. His eyes radiated golden and showed an extremely greedy look, and the other foreers also looked very enjoyable. Gao Yang didn't care. This is the true face of the demon clan. They are all extremely greedy guys.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the old foreman to bring the ten magic magicians. I don't know what he said to these magicians, which made these magicians behave decently and even surprised the former foreman.

Gaoyang saw their conspiracy in an instant. But it doesn't matter. He also needs the opportunity they offer him to achieve his goals. Invading the demon clan this time, Gaoyang brought a set of the most advanced memory search equipment and the most advanced transformation and conversion equipment. In this way, he can maximize the memory in the brain of the demon clan and blend into the demon clan to find the place where the demon clan will resurrect the holy demon map.

"Your Excellency, we have heard a little about everything about you. As magicians, we know everything here. You just took office, and I think there must be a lot of things you don't know. I hope I can show you around this magic array!"

One of the seemingly high-ident middle-level demon mage said.


Gao Yang thought for a while and nodded.

"I think this must have been arranged by the chief foreman."

Gao Yang smiled and said gratefully.


The middle-level magician was a little stunned and then said.

02345, you are responsible for organizing the labor of the two dead foreman into your group and filling the rest. Maintain such a system until the new workforce arrives. I'll make arrangements later when I come back!"

Gao Yang turned around and said to the other foreman.

"Thank you!"

Several foreman replied together.

Gao Yang ignored them and walked with ten magicians.

This is a long tunnel, and I don't know where it will extend. The leading magician saw the doubts on Gao Yang's face and hurriedly answered:

"This is the way to the center of the magic array. I'm going to take you to know the center of the magic circle.

"Oh, does a big foreman need to know this? It won't be a trap!"

Gao Yang sneered and asked faintly.

"Hahahaha! You are too suspicious. These are the general foreman who saw that you can explore the potential in you, so he arranged for you to go there to observe. I hope you can get some experience.

The mage smiled awkwardly.

"Real. Then I don't think so!"

I guess it was almost halfway through. Gao Yang immediately stopped and had no intention of moving forward.


The leading magician changed his face and roared coldly.

"I think it's better for you to cooperate with us. Otherwise, you will suffer now!"

Ten demon mages suddenly surrounded Gao Yang in the center, as if they were well prepared.

"Hahaha, that's ridiculous! You were the stupid pig sent to take me to a place you calculated to subdue me. If I give in, let me survive. If I don't give in, kill me completely. Isn't that right?

Gaoyang stood in the middle of ten demon mages and didn't care about what they wanted to do. Although these demon mages are all king-level masters, they are not enough for him!

Is that right? You have a big tone! A human bastard also deserves to let ten intermediary mages go out together. I really don't know what that dead pig thinks.

"Oh, I forgot, that's the chief foreman. It's all your damn bastard, which has infected me with the bad disease of human selfishness. In order to improve myself, I always want to suppress others. It seems that the lower others are, the higher they are. Isn't that right, you human bastard?"

The leading demon mage did not panic at all. It seemed that Gao Yang had already been their prey to death, and there was no possibility of fight back.

Gao Yang didn't care either. He knew that these ten magicians were procrastinating and arranging the magic array. He could clearly feel the magic power floating from these ten demon mages, as if there was a huge figure in the air that could not be seen by the naked eye. However, Gao Yang doesn't want to break their magic arrangement. Because this is exactly what he needs.

Finally, a conspiracy and conspiracy battle unfolded quietly between people and demons.