Super counter-time strong

309 Bloody City Final Battle 5

(Now this book can no longer bring income to the author and is ready to write a new book. It will probably appear next month, and I hope everyone can continue to support it. It must be better than this book.)

After about half an hour, the second and third silver paladins finally arrived at the site of Gaoyang marking the resurrection ceremony of the holy demon. On the ground, it is just a very ordinary building complex, and there is nothing suspicious about other buildings.

What is different is that the signal interference here is very strong, and the scientific instruments of the Paladin have suffered great obstacles in detecting life underground here. Under normal circumstances, the detection equipment can detect about one kilometer of underground organisms and classify them, but here they can only detect five meters underground, and there is no signal. It can be seen that the magic array here is very powerful, which almost completely shields the signals of human high-tech instruments. In the same way, it also shows that the magic fortifications here are very strong.

The Paladin was born a powerful warrior and a sharp knife to break the enemy's defense. Their Silver Paladin is very experienced in this situation. What they have to do now is to break the defense of the demon clan, carry out a strong attack, and destroy all the enemy's defenses. The Silver Paladin may have insufficient defense, but its attack power is extremely strong. But at this moment, there were many visions, and the whole ground began to shake constantly.

The whole ground is like a puster. Then the earth cracked. A huge palace kept breaking out of the ground. In the palace, you can faintly see a fiery red underground melting pot with black and purple heat. However, everyone knows that this gas is not a hot gas, but a black flame, a flame of pure energy. This kind of thing was once used by hell to suppress demons, throw all those powerful demons, demons, orcs, etc. into the underground furnace for refining, and turning it into the form of energy and floating in the void, so it can form an extremely powerful lethality and deter the demons. His existence stabilizes the balance of hell. .

As soon as the whole huge palace appeared in people's eyes, even the whole sky was burned red by him, as if it had been dyed red with red fuel. The rain hit the whole palace and immediately turned into hot water vapor, which was steaming. The surrounding trees, high-rise buildings, and everything else were roasted red and very bright.

As soon as the huge palace came out, a black-purple beam of light straight to the sky appeared in the night. Countless sounds, and the magic song came out from it, like a regenerated world in hell. More resentful spirits kept wandering around the world, and a powerful power of hell slowly rose from the ground. What was more terrible was the black-purple flame, which flew into the sky in the huge palace, and the flame hit thousands of meters above the sky, which could open the void and attract another heavy rain in time and space.

"Is this the legendary ghost rain? In hell, there is a vulgarity to wash away the world, let the dead souls forget their past and present lives, enter reincarnation, and open up a powerful soul-washing rain of new life?

"Ye-huh, it should be."

"This kind of thing can not only cleanse the soul, but also clean up the memory. More importantly, it can corrode the world and turn energy-out objects into wisps of pure energy gas through the unique inhalation rules of space barriers and return them to the world of energy."

"This demon magic can greatly restrain human dense beam fighters and reduce their lethality by 50%. However, this kind of rain does not have much impact on the main tank of the Tiger.

When the palace appeared in the city, the two victorious generals suddenly felt unprecedented pressure.


The second silver paladin immediately launched the first round of attack on the huge palace. As a paladin, the photon weapon used by the White Shadow Paladin is pure white, with a stronger energy density and sharper attack power, like a sharp knife, which can easily tear the enemy's defense and put the enemy to death. This attack method is much higher than the Fourth 567 column. However, the cost of this photon weapon is particularly high, and it requires users to be at least the peak strength of Wuzong, which makes this silver-grade photon weapon not widely popular. Because the Second Silver Paladin is the main attack, there are not many arms. It is mainly divided into spear cavalry, sun-shooting bow cavalry,

"The combat power is invincible, blood and red wind and clouds, blood, rain and frost, overwhelming."

The whole 200 Paladin immediately entered a state of combat. The positions of the two arms are constantly changing. With a wave of arrow rain, the long gun immediately flew out and was sufficient in the air by the magician, turning it into a powerful attack power from the array mage.

In fact, in the initial form, no matter which column it is. All the energy floats in the air, looking like a thin weapon, but in fact there is a universe inside. The blood red wind and clouds of the Second Holy Knights mainly focus on form. Each energy unit is a small diamond with a clear diamond angle. There is a very neat incision between each diamond to facilitate the overlapping combination of energy, which is more beneficial to the stability and reliability of the overall attack, thus forming a superposition and doubling effect.

As soon as the magic of war comes out, a large white fog gradually forms a very regular figure in the sky. This figure is more like a huge hammer, a giant white and silver hammer. The huge hammer was extremely large and fell into the air. Every hammer can create huge sparks on the whole huge palace. The black and purple light splashed fiercely on the huge palace, and countless ghosts shouted more fiercely. It was simply another human tragedy and a sad song of hell.

In the depths of the huge palace, a song of hell came out of it. This hell song turned into huge notes beating fast on the five-line score. The five-line spectrum is more like a river of hell, revealing the dark light in hell, and the black and purple energy fluctuates violently, with a deep breath of death.

"Okay, it's really good!"

The black song suddenly wrapped around the huge silver hammer, as if the tentacles of vines wrapped the hammer and turned into a huge mummy-like hammer, actually wanting to swallow the hammer completely.


Only heard the roar of the god of war, and the huge hammer immediately turned into a mass of white energy from the vine. Countless white silver light was like a bursting balloon, pouring fiercely on the huge palace. Countless energies collided, and the huge palace actually trembled slightly.

"The wind and clouds are changing, the blood and red wind and clouds, the thunder chariot, the siege and the fortress."

After the Second Silver Paladin ended the attack, the Third Silver Paladin also began to carry out a full attack. A wave of cavalry of the Silver Paladin immediately divided several teams to constantly organize formations in the sky. Countless arrows rain, and long guns are constantly changing positions in the air. Gradually, a huge chariot figure appeared in the air.

As soon as the huge chariot appeared, countless rain arrows shot out of the huge chariot, and a large amount of arrow rain was like locusts flying all over the sky, shooting fiercely on the palace. At this moment, the huge palace suddenly shook violently, and the ground trembled violently. A huge human horse demon clan held a long gun from inside and flew out with its wings. It turned out to be called by the star clan.

The huge man and horse waved his hand and flew the long gun out of his hand. The long gun turned into thousands of gun shadows and collided with a large amount of arrows. For a while, the sky and the sky sounded, the space fluctuated, and the ground trembled dozens of miles. The huge energy collided, and countless explosions sounded like fried beans on the ground and air. There were countless deep pits on the ground, and the ditch was blown up by the earth, which was unbearable.