Super counter-time strong

311 Bloody Devil City Battle 7

A black-purple phantom scorpion tail with huge needles stabbed out of the palace fiercely. The needle pierced like a sharp dagger and pierced the silver paladin fiercely. The needle is stained with countless strangely shining venoms, which are very strange and terrible. It seems that as long as it is stained a little, even the bones will be half melted by its corrosion.

As soon as the poisonous phantom scorpion tail really came out, the Silver God Knights immediately stabbed the air and dodged. Because there is no space confinement effect of the moth defense magic array, the thorn operation of the Paladin has become extremely easy, and it can be easily used almost every minute, making the poisonous tail of the phantom scorpion really stab empty.

Then, dozens of scorpions rushed straight from the ground to the sky, and countless highly poisonous needles were fired from the tail of the scorpion, as if they were piercing the impending position of the Silver Paladin with a huge rotating force. At the same time, dozens of winged flying phantom scorpions flew up from the ground to the sky.

"Humph, is this the elite army of human beings?"

Imperial fantasy. Extinction wind looked very contemptuously at the battle between the Silver Knights and the demons, with an unspeakable anger in his eyes. Although this army, which he seems to be very rookie, can actually make his demon army fight, which makes him very reluctant.

"Hmm, human beings must die!"

From the emperor's fantasy. In the memory of ancient posture, the imperial fantasy and extinction wind clearly know the importance of this army to mankind. If this army can be killed. Then it will be a very important breakthrough for the demons to occupy the southeast corner of the whole power continent in the future.

"The underground palace, all the formations, completely open!"

Imperial fantasy. The extinction wind suddenly floated in the center of the whole power supply, and an extremely powerful magic energy flowed out from every cell, every inch of muscle and every blood vessel of his whole body, turning into a long river of energy and began to irrigate the magic array of the whole palace. At the same time, more magic crystals are also as laborious as the ocean from warehouse-like magic pockets. Extinct wind body.

Under the moisture of countless magic energies, the whole palace burst into an unprecedented explosive energy. Countless black and purple light burst out of the palace, dragging the whole palace into the air. A 20-meter-high demon giant flew out of the palace. The palace began to become smaller in front of him and gradually shrank into a small palace in his hand.

This underground palace is said to have been the treasure of a demon clan tens of millions of years ago. Now that no one can stimulate it for a long time. It can only be buried into a worthless palace. Of course, the palace is unusually strong, and it naturally turns into the shell of the underground furnace. Now, this underground palace is delusioned by the emperor. Although the extinction wind cannot fully stimulate its original effect, at least some powerful effects have been activated.

The huge palace is delusioned by the emperor. The extinction wind was held in his hand, like a big seal smashing into the Second White Shadow Paladins. As soon as the big seal came out, dark clouds rolled, forming a huge vortex, which seemed to be the result of a strong suction formed by this huge seal.

"Hmm. This is just a small skill of carving insects.

The Second Silver Paladin did not directly collide with the overturning seal, but chose to dodge in the air. Then the Second Silver Knight suddenly appeared in the imperial fantasy. In front of the extinction wind. The combat effectiveness of 10,000 silver paladins can be said to be extremely powerful, and almost people can transform the emperor. The extinction wind crushed me to death.

"Feihong snow field, blood and red wind and clouds, stormy waves beating on the shore, strong wind. Chaos sea dragon, flying dragon in the sky, dragon wind and dragon rain, thousands of divine dragons.

This time, the Silver Knights really met a strong enemy. Countless silver paladins are constantly changing positions again. One by one, the formation technology is constantly evolving in the sky. Countless energies were also emitted from the photon weapons of each silver paladin, gradually forming a magnificent picture of the sea. There are countless dragons flying on the sea, jumping, one dragon spitting flames, and the sea fighting with each other. It seems to be a battle between dragons and flying dragons. However, in the center of the battle, there is a place where water and fire blend. That was the origin, which kept the whole battle in a strange balance. This balance is actually close to the legendary blend of water and fire.

The picture suddenly turned out to be the emperor's illusion. The extinction wind mask is in it again. Emperor Fantasy. The extinction wind hand held the underground palace, like a powerful demon god on the sea, allowing the dragon and the flying dragon to bombard him. The underground palace in his hand is like a huge protective layer that firmly covers him. He seems to be thinking about something and looking for something.

"The dragon becomes a lock, traps the dead, heaven and underground, and there is no escape!"

With the shouting of the command, the picture of energy suddenly changed, and the dragons turned into white chains, entangling God. Extinction wind. The flying dragons turned into golden chains, fiercely to the emperor. The extinction wind stabbed in the body.

"Hmm, it's just a small skill! The emperor's magic is unique, the emperor's magic is ten thousand heavens, and the earth collapses!"

Imperial fantasy. The extinction wind swallowed the underground palace and danced its hands into thousands of shadows. This hand shadow is row by row, a wave, and the waves are stronger than the sea. Like the same wave of waves is enough to sweep all obstacles and turn them into ashes. Everything seemed to hear a loud noise, as if the sky collapsed and the whole world was about to collapse.

Countless hand shadows are like long eyes, pinching chains in their hands and crushing them fiercely. Follow the emperor's illusion. The extinction wind fiercely threw the underground palace in his hand to smash a loophole into a ruin.

"The sea is full of sand, the ancient wind, the red dust is rolling, and the waves are stormy. Shrinking for me!"

Just as the underground palace was about to hit the edge of the whole picture, the whole picture immediately shrank and turned into a huge ball. The extermination wind is fiercely locked in it, and it will be strangled, trapped and sealed. This huge picture is the emperor's illusion. After the extinction wind seal, countless white lights flashed in it, like the whole universe bursting again. The heaven and earth were vibrating, and the stars on the sky fell like snowflakes. Subsequently, the round ball was sealed, shrinking smaller and smaller, almost transforming the emperor. The extinction wind blew into meat mud, but suddenly saw a black and purple light bursting out of the ball, like an explosion*, blowing the demon clans several kilometers into powder, and the buildings were razed to the ground, and even the ground was blown into deep holes.

The god of war skill just used by the Second Silver Paladin is a peerless array formed by imitating some array structures of the Holy Magic Map. Although the power is much worse than the Holy Magic Map, it is similar. At the moment when the first chapter of the picture failed, another huge picture turned into a prisoner. The extinction wind was firmly trapped in it, followed by the Golden Paladins who also appeared together. The pictures are like huge sealed balls, layer by layer. The extinction wind is trapped in it, and countless energies explode at any time.

I don't know how long these energies have exploded. In short, it took at least a full day for the energy fluctuation in the sealed ball to stop, and it seems that it has become the emperor. The extinction wind has been eliminated. However, the whole war is not over, and the army of the true king and hegemony is still cleaning up the demon cities throughout the city. However, after killing the holy demon, the rest of the demon army will be easily solved.

Finally, after a week, the real king overlord's first and most important battle with the human emperor's magic demon clan, he won with an absolute advantage, but for human beings, the threat of the demon clan is still there.