Super space-time businessman

Chapter 21 Magical Encounter

Sun Ning rubbed his eyes hard and confirmed that he was not dazzled. He was a little worried and said, "Are you a ghost?"

Lin Yifan was looking at the things in a daze. Suddenly, a cold voice startled him and almost threw out the things in his hand. It was only when he saw Sun Ning and Jiang Xiaowei that he was relieved, put away the things in his hand and smiled, "Sun Ning, what the hell are you talking about? I'm alive and good. Why did a person become a ghost!"

Although Lin Yifan wondered how the two got together, he still walked towards them step by step, but when he took a step forward, the two took a step back, and Jiang Xiaowei, who hid behind Sun Ning, still seemed to be scared.


Lin Yifan was made big by the two of them. He carefully looked at his whole body and found that there was no problem before he said, "Sun Ning, what the hell are you doing? Can't you say anything directly? It makes me feel hairy."

Seeing that the words of "Lin Yifan" in front of him were no different from usual, Sun Ning said boldly, "Aren't you dead?"

"You're just dead!"

When the words blurted out of his mouth, Lin Yifan suddenly realized that a lot of things must have happened during this period of disappearance. He subconsciously asked, "Do you think Lin Yifan is dead?"

As soon as Lin Yifan's words came out, the atmosphere that had eased suddenly became tense, especially Jiang Xiaowei, who was not bold and cried out because she was scared by Lin Yifan.

Only then did Lin Yifan know that he had made a mistake. Who knows that there is another Lin Yifan besides himself? Looking at Sun Ning, who was a little more vigilant, take a few steps back, Lin Yifan was quite helpless: "Sun Ning, I'm Lin Yifan. I'm still alive. If you don't believe it, come and have a look?"


Sun Ning looked at Lin Yifan suspiciously. In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he still hoped that his brother was alive, so after hearing Lin Yifan's words, he planned to come forward to confirm whether it was true or false, but before he stepped out, he felt a strong force coming from his clothes. He turned around and saw Jiang Xiaowei holding Sun Ning's clothes desperately. , shook his head desperately.

She has killed Lin Yifan and doesn't want to kill Sun Ning again!

Lin Yifan looked at Jiang Xiaowei's little girl's behavior and couldn't help laughing, but at present, the most important thing is to make them believe in themselves.

As far as Sun Ning and Jiang Xiaowei are concerned, Sun Ning is a little bolder. In order to ease the atmosphere, Lin Yifan looked at Sun Ning's face beaten into a pig's head and joked, "Sun Ning, how did you become this pig's head?"

"It's not all for you."

I remember that who was bullied by others in the past, they would always laugh at each other, and then they went to revenge. Hearing Lin Yifan's words, Sun Ning suddenly found the original feeling, broke away from Jiang Xiaowei's hand holding his clothes and carefully walked to Lin Yifan.

When there was still a meter away from the two, Sun Ning suddenly stopped. Seeing that Lin Yifan stood there without moving, he became bold and slowly stretched out his hand. When the feeling of reality came into his mind along his arm, Sun Ning's whole body was short-circuited in an instant.

Then Sun Ning rushed over at an incredible speed. Lin Yifan was hugged by his bear before he could hide. Then he heard Sun Ning extremely excited and said, "My mother knew you didn't die so easily.

I fucking knew you didn't die so easily!"

Lin Yifan believes that he is not a too emotional person, but Sun Ning's behavior undoubtedly stimulated him a lot, but there is still a woman in front of him. He doesn't want Jiang Xiaowei to think that there is something wrong with his sexual orientation.


Lin Yifan coughed twice. Sun Ning reacted. After leaving Lin Yifan for two meters, he looked at him carefully again. Then he seemed to realize something and asked, "Since you are living well, who is the one who died?"

Hearing Sun Ning's words, Lin Yifan knew that he had to take this problem seriously, which was absolutely inevitable. Seeing that Jiang Xiaowei had returned to normal, he came to smile at him, but somehow Lin Yifan always felt that the smile was a little unnatural.

"Let's go and have dinner together. I'll tell you then."

"Go and eat. I won't go. I have an exam in the afternoon."

After saying that, Jiang Xiaowei, who didn't know how to face Lin Yifan, hurriedly said hello and left. As for the truth, she was not interested in knowing that Lin Yifan was still alive.

Lin Yifan did not dissuade him. Seeing that Jiang Xiaowei's figure gradually disappeared from sight, the two also took a car and left. After a while, they appeared in a private room of a hotel.

After ordering a few dishes and two bottles of wine, Lin Yifan locked the door of the private room, straightened out his thoughts, and slowly told what happened in the past few days.

Sun Ning echoed a few sentences at first, but later, the more strange he listened to it as a story. It was not until Lin Yifan finished speaking that Sun Ning slowly recovered from the shock: "Is the person who died by this the son of Lin Tianye?"

"Not bad."

"And Jiang Xiaowei also mistakenly regarded you as that "Lin Yifan" when she asked you for help that day."

Obviously, Sun Ning has not completely digested what Lin Yifan said. At this time, he felt that he was going crazy: "So what are you going to do in the future? Now there is a lot of rumors in the school that you are dead?

"At present, we can only take one step." Lin Yifan took a sip of wine and continued, "If that "Lin Yifan" is not dead, everything can be done. Now that he is dead, I'm afraid I must live in this world with his identity in the future."

"Living as "Lin Yifan"?"

Looking at Sun Ning's expression, Lin Yifan said with a wry smile, "Yes, I'm afraid it's impossible to live that kind of peaceful life in the future. Lin Tianye's enemies have stared at me. Now that "Lin Yifan" is dead, even if I clarify my relationship with Lin Tianye, they will only regard it as Lin Tianye's plan and will not let me go. What's more, if Lin Tianye knows the truth, he may not blame his son's death on me. At that time... Hey hey, I'm afraid he will die without a burial place.

"It seems that this matter is quite complicated." Sun Ning took two sips of wine and said, "Then you'd better go back to school to report Lin Tianye's safety first."

"Let's go back to school." Lin Yifan said awkwardly, "The relationship between father and son is not good. According to Lin Yifan's nature, I'm afraid he will not take the initiative to contact Lin Tianye."

Sun Ning smiled bitterly: "It seems that you are going to cause a sensation in our school again."

As Sun Ning said, Lin Yifan's return to school did cause a lot of sensation, and it was bigger than he thought. Even on the street, the two felt abnormality.

Several times, he and Sun Ning didn't get a taxi. Originally, after seeing the driver who waved to stop the car and saw Lin Yifan standing next to Sun Ning, they quickly started the car and ran away.

When pedestrians on the road saw the two people, they also looked sideways. Even some people looked at Lin Yifan and couldn't help but give him an illusion that if there was Zhong Kui in the world, they would definitely attract them to accept themselves.

In desperation, Lin Yifan had to walk back to school. After seeing Lin Yifan, the school security guard first rubbed his eyes, and then ran directly into the duty room and wiped the sweat on his forehead while making a phone call. He was really afraid that the ghost would rush directly into the security room: Yesterday's news really reported that Lin Yifan Dead!

In this way, in the strange eyes of others, Lin Yifan walked into the classroom and saw Lin Yifan coming back. The noisy classroom suddenly became quiet and was silent for half a minute.

After that, the students in the class seemed to react. The timid girls fled with a "buzz" and some ran to the corner of the classroom. Perhaps the curiosity in their hearts overcame fear and did not forget to look in the direction of Lin Yifan.

When some boys saw Sun Ning following Lin Yifan, they couldn't help but fight a little. After looking at Lin Yifan for a while, several boldly walked to Lin Yifan. After confirming that the person in front of them was not a ghost, they carefully asked, "Aren't you dead? Who is the person on TV?"

Lin Yifan had already expected that his appearance would arouse the strong curiosity of his classmates. He smiled and did not answer, but sat straight in his seat.