Super space-time businessman

Chapter 31 Father and Son

Lin Yifan looked at the face of the person in front of him and finally knew that he was so badly beaten in the future. After mastering such a good resource, he not only did not help him but also made sarcastic remarks. If it hadn't been for the person in front of him who could not be beaten and scolded, Lin Yifan would have beaten him long ago.

Seeing that the future found a lot of tools that I had never seen before, I finally opened the head of my hand for a while. Lin Yifan moved his strangled red wrist and said, "If you get me something high-tech, will I still be chased and killed, will I be so embarrassed?"

In the future, Lin Yifan gave him a lot of glances, then frowned and said something that the donkey's lips are not right: "Have you written an online novel?"

"Write about your sister!"

Lin Yifan finally couldn't help scolding. He was fucking dying. This guy is still thinking about online novels. Even if he is popular, he can make some stinky money!

He couldn't help scolding. Lin Yifan has read countless online novels. He has seen the protagonists selling drugs and making money, making money in the arms business, and even relying on future information to make money from fortune-telling and magic sticks, but he can't get any resources as hard as him. He still has to write online novels to accumulate the first bucket of gold. One!

Lin Yifan shook his head and said, "Our interests are the same. Do you think I will harm you?"

Lin Yifan was not happy: "You only have yourself in your heart."

In the future, Lin Yifan suddenly laughed and said, "You don't know, Yunhai City will promulgate a document to promote the active cultural market. Now the publication of paper media is so sluggish, and there is an urgent need to develop new cultural communication models. If you can make a certain tribute to the online cultural communication in Yunhai City at this time. Xian, what do you think of the leaders in the city will think of you?

"Lin Yifan's expression was a little loose when he saw Lin Yifan's expression and said mysteriously, "As far as I know, the mayor of Yunhai City quite likes to read online novels, er... That's the one I gave you."


Lin Yifan was suddenly choked by his words: "What did you say?"

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

In the future, Lin Yifan glanced at him and said, "Look at your fuss. Although the mayor of Yunhai City seems to be superior, he is still a person in the final analysis, isn't he? Since a person has his own way of entertainment, it is not surprising that he likes to read novels. Besides, you still need money to develop your own power now. You won't ask Lin Tianye for it, will you?

"Okay, I'll write it. I'll write it when I go back at night."

Lin Yifan no longer wants to hear endless nagging, and the truth of what he said in the future, if he doesn't want to develop with the help of Lin Tianye now, there is really no good way but this.

However, the reason why he agreed so quickly has another purpose: "I said... Well, can you give me something high-tech to protect myself? I really don't want to live this kind of life of being chased and killed every day!"

Lin Yifan has never been so angry. He is really annoyed by the black panther people, and what bothers him more is that these people can't help but attack themselves, and even the people around them don't let go. If they have Sun Cheng's strength or high-tech things around him, they are still afraid of him.

In the future, Lin Yifan showed a rare smile on his face: "It's rare, will you also ask for help?"

Lin Yifan seemed to have already expected the latter's reaction and spread out his hands and said, "If you continue to do this, I don't think we have anything to talk about. When I go back, I will be lazy and implement my policy of not getting married for the rest of my life, which will consume you, an old virgin!"

"Are you really willing?"

In the future, Lin Yifan laughed and said, "There is a ready-made helper in front of you. Why come to me from here!"

As soon as his voice fell in the future, Lin Yifan suddenly remembered that there was an absolute master Sun Cheng around him! If he went to find him by himself, Sun Cheng would be very happy, at least he would not ridicule himself like this stingy guy in front of him.

To solve these things, Lin Yifan is no longer in the mood to stay with his future self. Now he feels that talking to him is purely unhappy for himself. He put his right hand on the bracelet and was about to knock a few times, as if he remembered something. Suddenly, he asked, "Where will I appear when I go out?"

"Where you used to be!"

"In that car?"

Lin Yifan hit a thrill. It's okay if his sudden appearance can scare the panther. If he can't scare him, he will probably die, and the probability of the second situation is obviously much higher than the former.

Thinking of this, Lin Yifan was secretly happy, but fortunately he asked this question more.

"To be precise, at the original coordinate point, if the car is still parked where it is, you will appear in the car. Do you understand what I say?"

Lin Yifan nodded when he heard the words and thought that the Panther could not continue to stay in place, otherwise there was only one result waiting for him: death!

Thinking of this, Lin Yifan gently tapped the bracelet three times without any hesitation.

When Lin Yifan appeared in the real world again, the East had already exposed his belly white. When he thought about why it had passed less than a quarter of an hour in that world but after a night in reality, he suddenly found that he had stepped on a car wreckage that had been burned dark, leaving only a skeleton.

"Is this the one the Panther drove yesterday?"

Lin Yifan pinched his nose and glanced at it. He found the body of the panther not far away. Needless to think about it, he must have chased the panther directly after hearing the gunshot.

"Sun Cheng's method is really unusual. Not to mention his martial arts skills, he is not procrastinating at all."

Lin Yifan thought of a chill behind him and stopped looking at the leopard's body. After walking nearly two kilometers, he finally walked on the provincial road and directly stopped a taxi home!

In a ward on the seventh floor of Yunhai First People's Hospital, a pale girl lay quietly on the disease**. If you look carefully, you will find that there are bursts of fear on her face.

With the passage of time, the fear on her face became more and more frequent, and finally the girl's body trembled involuntarily.



The girl suddenly held her head hysterically and shouted a few times, and her body suddenly started from the disease**. She kept shaking her head and said in a low voice with a little pain: "Don't... Don't..."

With the girl's few painful shouts, a plainly dressed woman with a slightly vicissitudes of life quickly ran into the ward and held the girl in her arms and said, "Xiaowei, with a mother, don't be afraid!"

The woman looked at her daughter pitifully. She didn't know how many times she woke up from her dream!

The girl suddenly threw herself into his arms and cried, "Mom, I dreamed that he was dead. They... Those people are so cruel... He is dead... He died to save me."


Lin Yifan, who just got out of the taxi, suddenly sneezed, and then a smaller figure and the often cold smile appeared in his mind. I don't know how Jiang Xiaowei is?

Thinking of this, he felt a little confused, so he forcibly threw the figure out of his mind and walked into the villa belonging to the Lin family.

The lights in the villa were on, there were no servants, and Sun Cheng was no longer there. Lin Yifan only saw Lin Tianye's arm pestle on the table, holding his head in his hand. He has never paid attention to Lin Tianye from such a perspective.

I saw him with a tired face and kept calling the name "Lin Yifan" in his mouth.

Is this the head of the Juye Group, the person who plays a role in billions of property?

Lin Yifan looked at the man in front of him, but there was no connection with what he had thought before. At this time, Lin Tianye was just a father who was worried about his son's safety.

Poor parents all over the world!

Somehow, Lin Yifan suddenly felt that his nose was sour, if... Will this man go crazy if he knows that his son is dead?

Lin Yifan took a gentle step and slowly approached the man.

The distance was getting closer and closer. Just as Lin Yifan was only two meters away from him, Lin Tianye suddenly opened his eagle-like eyes, but when he saw that it was Lin Yifan, his eyes instantly softened, and there was an unconcealable excitement in his voice: "Xiaofan, you're back!"

Lin Yifan's heart moved: "Why didn't you go to rest?"