Super space-time businessman

Chapter 33 Juqi Dan

"Don't comfort me."

Jiang Xiaowei's face was gloomy. If Lin Yifan really died to save herself, she would be sorry for the rest of her life.

Brother Biao stood there awkwardly and didn't know how to comfort this little smart girl. He was thinking that there was a not too big sound outside the door, and one of those sounds was extremely familiar.

A trace of excitement flashed on Brother Biao's face and knew that he was really right today. After looking at Wang Hu, he opened the door and happened to see Lin Yifan carrying a fruit basket.

Although it has already been guessed, the excitement on his face is still clearly visible: "Lin Shao."

Although Sun Cheng's status in the Lin family is not low, few people know such a person, but that day Sun Cheng's skills were still seen by Brother Biao. After greeting Lin Yifan, he nodded respectfully to Sun Cheng.


Jiang Yong and the teenager around him looked at this scene puzzledly. Why did Brother Biao be so respectful to the teenager in front of him?

Jiang Yongzhuang boldly said to Brother Biao, "Brother Biao, what do you call him?"

Brother Biao said, "Mr. Lin."

Lin Yifan didn't expect that Brother Biao was really a kind-hearted person. If he really wanted to develop his own power in the future, maybe Brother Biao could also become his own general and joked with a smile, "Brother Biao, when did you become an adult brother-in-law?"

"Brother-in-law, what brother-in-law?"

Brother Biao's second monk was confused, but when he recalled Jiang Yong and the enthusiasm of the teenagers around him, he suddenly understood: "What are you two little bastards talking about?"

When he said this, Brother Biao felt that his balls were extremely painful, idol? Is this the fucking attitude towards idols? This mother obviously wants to kill herself.

Brother Biao had no choice but to smile at Lin Yifan with a bitter face.

"I don't think it's wrong for you to be your brother-in-law. I think they admire you very much."

Lin Yifan looked at the two people several times. Judging from their clothes, most of them were the kind of gangsters in the school who didn't like to study and thought about fighting and killing all day long: "Do you two really want to hang out with Brother Biao?"

Jiang Yong looked at Brother Biao's expression and Lin Yifan, knowing that the person in front of him who was underestimated must not be simple. He immediately nodded like pounding garlic, and his face was full of unconcealed excitement.

Only after following famous people will they have a certain position in society. At least when others fight against them, they have to think about the first* behind them.

Lin Yifan looked at the two of them, walked to Brother Biao with a bitter face, and whispered, "Take them for a few days so that they don't want to touch this industry in their lives."

After saying that, Lin Yifan walked into the ward and saw Jiang Xiaowei with a stunned face and said, "Why don't you want to see me so much?"

A trace of light finally flashed in Jiang Xiaowei's eyes, and her voice was a little low: "Thank you."

"They came to me. What happened yesterday had nothing to do with you."

Lin Yifan thought for a moment and said that the whole thing started because of him. He didn't want Jiang Xiaowei to feel that he owed him.

Jiang Xiaowei suddenly raised her head, looked at Lin Yifan, and said firmly, "It was you who saved me and saved me regardless of your life."

"You know, I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed that you died because I died!"

Jiang Xiaowei's words brought some inexplicable emotions. Lin Yifan wanted to catch it, but he couldn't catch it anyway: "Whenever I think of these, my heart is extremely painful. Why do you make your decision for others? Have you ever considered other people's feelings? If you really die, do you want me to live a lifetime of guilt?

"According to you, if you die because of me, will I feel better?"

Lin Yifan didn't know how he had an inexplicable emotion in his heart, perhaps because he met Jiang Xiaowei in the nightclub that day.

However, he finally saw Jiang Xiaowei's stubbornness and found that there seemed to be an extremely powerful thing hidden in this petite body that was untouchable.

The meeting between the two finally broke up unhappily. Lin Yifan sat in the back seat of the car a little unhappy. Sun Cheng suddenly said, "Young master, do you like the girl just now?"


Lin Yifan sneered, as if he was angry with himself: "Nothing."

Sun Cheng suddenly smiled, and his expression seemed to say that you can't lie to anyone.

In the ward of the First People's Hospital, as Lin Yifan left with a bad face, Jiang Yong quickly rushed into the ward and looked at Jiang Xiaowei, who was full of grievance and a little fog in her eyes, and said, "Sister, did he bully you? I'm going to teach him a lesson with Ling Quan now.

"Come back!"

Seeing that her younger brother was about to rush out, Jiang Xiaowei shouted, "Tell me, you are now in the third year of junior high school. Why don't you study hard and fight and kill all day long? What can you have any success when you grow up?"


Jiang Yong didn't expect that he wanted to vent his anger on his sister. Instead, he was scolded by her for not receiving support. He closed the door very unpleasantly. Jiang Xiaowei was stunned when she looked at the door that was suddenly closed.

I don't know how long it took before I withdrew my eyes and saw the basket of fruit on the ground. A voice sounded in my ear for no reason: "According to you, if you die because of me, will I feel better?"

Jiang Xiaowei panicked for no reason. She pulled up the quilt and covered her head, trying to completely isolate the sound from the outside, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not get the sound out of her mind.

Then she seemed to hear the melting sound of some of the softest places in her heart.

On the wide street outside the First People's Hospital, Wang Hu was unhappy behind Brother Biao. Brother Biao looked at Wang Hu and smiled and said, "Huzi, what's wrong? Are you depressed?"

Wang Hu looked at Brother Biao and said boldly, "Brother Biao, why did Lin Shao drink to you? It's not good for us to do this and that."

Brother Biao slapped Wang Hu on the back of the head, but fortunately, Wang Hu had been prepared and quickly dodged. Brother Biao looked at Wang Hu and said with hatred, "If he had benefited me, I might not be willing to be shouted by him! He has given us benefits, and we will do something for him, that is business.

Wang Hu looked unconvinced: "Just buy and sell. Let's get the benefits first."

When Brother Biao heard Wang Hu's words, he was not angry this time and said patiently, "Now let's do things for him. He undertakes our feelings. But with this word of love, do you think Lin Shao will not think of us if he has good deeds in the future? Besides, who is Lin Shao?"

"Isn't it Lin Tianye's son, a dboy?"

"So, people like you are fools until death."

Brother Biao said angrily, "The son of Lin Tianye, the future successor of Juye Group, can we lose our benefits after climbing this line? Besides, do you want to live in society all your life? Maybe it's okay now, but what about when you're old?"

Wang Hucan smiled and said, "Brother Biao, I will be with you for the rest of my life."

"You son of a bitch." Brother Biao laughed and scolded, "Huzi, listen to me, people should have a long-term vision. We have no diploma and no craftsmanship. If we want to be respected, we have to let people see our sincerity. It's okay for people to live and be looked down upon by one person. If everyone looks down on you, it only shows that you are in the ability.

After saying that, Brother Biao looked up at the sky and muttered, "I'm afraid that Lin Shao still looks down on us for this task."

When he returned home, Lin Yifan lay down slightly tiredly, and his eyes were completely attracted by the dark pill in his hand.

"Gas elixir?"

As a pure atheist, Lin Yifan did not believe in the existence of truth practitioners in the world, but yesterday Sun Cheng's sudden action really shocked him. At this time, looking at this thing called gas elixir in his hand, he couldn't help wondering, is this thing really useful?

According to Sun Cheng, this energy-gathering elixir is mainly for beginners. After eating it, the energy-gathering elixir will improve people's physique and expel toxins from the body. If there is a cultivation talent, a kind of thing called "qi" will be condensed in the Dantian within three days. Only by condensing out qi shows that this person has a cultivation heaven. Fu, so this air-gathering elixir is also called "enlightenment elixir".

And only by condensing and venting his anger will Sun Cheng teach himself deeper things.

"What about him? Anyway, Sun Cheng won't hurt me."

Lin Yifan muttered and threw the black pill directly into his mouth, and then felt that his blood surged into his heart. Strong sleepiness hit him, and his head fell asleep.