Super space-time businessman

Chapter 44 Blue Blood

Lin Yifan came out of Jiang Xiaowei's house and did not go back to school directly. He stood on the bridge and looked at the dark shantytown in the distance that was completely out of line with the city's bright neon, and fell into a burst of meditation.

I don't know how long it took, and a chill surged. Lin Yifan tightened his clothes, turned around, and only heard a black shadow flying in front of Lin Yifan at a very fast speed.


Lin Yifan is now also half a true practicer, and it is obvious that the strength of the other party far exceeds that of him.

Lin Yifan just wanted to fight against the enemy. A chill came from his shoulder and a sharp pain came from the wrists of his hands. At this moment, Lin Yifan's arm was cut back behind his back.

These two are indeed practitioners!

"Mom, don't those grandchildren give up?"

Lin Yifan thought about it and suddenly felt that there was something wrong. His shoulders were obviously clasped by two people. Why did it come from a chill?

"Fuck, did you meet a ghost?"

Lin Yifan subconsciously turned around and found that both of them were dressed in nocturnal clothes, with their heads and faces wrapped in black cloth, revealing only their green eyes in the night.

Lin Yifan shivered and wanted to hit the bracelet on his arm with his right hand, but found that he could not touch the bracelet except for the burst of severe pain.

Looking back, he found that the man seemed to know his intention. A skinny hand clasped Lin Yifan's right hand, and the huge pain had to make Lin Yifan open his five fingers.

"Who the hell are you? No, are you demons or monsters? No, brother, are you my brother?"

Lin Yifan said that both of them were indifferent to what he said, and simply played tricks to try to distract the two people who didn't know whether they were ghosts.

However, it was obvious that Lin Yifan's words did not have any effect. When he stared into the eyes of his right hand and found that the man suddenly grabbed the bracelet with his shoulder, Lin Yifan broke out in a cold sweat.

Paralyzed, they actually came for the bracelet!

Who are they? How do you know the bracelet in your hand?

A series of question marks appeared in Lin Yifan's mind. At the same time, his almost exhausted strength could not break away from their hands. Seeing that the dry hand was getting closer and closer to him, Lin Yifan finally gave up struggling:

"Fuck you!"

It's just that no matter how Lin Yifan scolds, both of them turn a deaf ear, because they don't understand.

"Don't move, let go of the hostages, we may let you live, don't make a meaningless struggle!"

The sudden strong light made Lin Yifan almost unable to open his eyes, and faintly saw a group of people standing behind the strong light.

The relatively official opening remarks did not cause Lin Yifan's disgust, but made him ecstatic. From the voice, it was heard that it was Gu Feng.

"Wow, wow..."

"Wow, wow..."

Seeing Gu Feng appear, the two strange people stagnated for a while. After communicating with Lin Yifan's words that he didn't understand at all, the stopped hand suddenly moved again.

"Brother Feng, shoot quickly!"

Lin Yifan was in a hurry and shouted to Gu Feng.

"Lin Yifan, what did you say? Don't worry, we'll be safe. You saved it!"

Looking at the getting closer and closer withered hand, Lin Yifan was almost desperate and had an extremely strong belief in his subconscious that this bracelet must not be taken away from their own hands!

"Brother Feng, what the hell are you doing? I'd rather die at your hands than at the hands of these bastards."

Gu Feng was stunned. In his impression, Lin Yifan was a little impulsive, but he was not enough to joke about his life.

The coolness on his wrist made Lin Yifan realize that if he didn't shoot again, the bracelet would really be lost. He almost roared with his last strength:

"If it's a man, shoot quickly!"


I don't know who fired the first shot, and then the dense gunfire suddenly sounded. Gu Feng scolded angrily: "Who the hell fired the gun!"

But his voice was soon drowned in the sound of gunfire.

While the gunshot sounded, Lin Yifan was happy and felt that his arm was loosened. His whole body was filled with his right palm and finally buckled three times on the bracelet.

" hiss!"

There was a sharp pain on his left shoulder. Lin Yifan knew that he had been shot, but when he felt the darkness in front of him, he still breathed a sigh of relief and was finally safe.

"He... Why did they all suddenly disappear?"

Gu Feng looked at the soldiers with a black face and went to the place where Lin Yifan and the three disappeared. He found that in addition to a pool of bright red blood, there were also two stalls of blue blood stains that were much larger than the red blood stains!

Blue blood? Wesley's blue-blooded man?

Gu Feng carefully collected the blood and then removed those unreliable ideas from his mind. He was not Xu Shi. He liked to think nonsense and looked at the soldiers behind him looking at each other. Gu Feng ordered:

"Today's matter is not allowed to be mentioned outside, and they are all injured and should not be far away. You can quickly find me and take over the shooting without my order today, otherwise you will look good."

When Lin Yifan woke up, he found that his back was against the wall, and there was blood flowing from his left shoulder, which was much slower than when he was shot.

"Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would be beaten into a sieve."

Lin Yifan smiled bitterly and lay against the wall for a while. The brain kept running and could never come up with a reason.

In the end, he simply stood up against the wall and found that his future self was lying on the table. It was the first time he saw him sleeping in this grocery store.

"This guy doesn't know what good to think in his dream!"

Lin Yifan shook his head and smiled. Escape from death obviously made him feel much better. The wall slowly moved in the direction of his future. If he had such a good opportunity in the past, he would have sneaked out to see the world, but now Lin Yifan needs to take himself to the hospital in the future.

"Hey, wake up."

Finally approaching his future self, Lin Yifan couldn't wait to pat him on the shoulder without any reaction.

"Damn it, you won't hold grudges. I promise to have a better attitude towards you in the future."

Lin Yifan is a little painful. You can joke at any time. The key is that now is the time to save his life!

Lin Yifan suddenly increased his strength and said in a threatening tone, "If I die, do you think you can still live well here?"

The strength of his hands is getting stronger and stronger, and Lin Yifan's body will swing more and more in the future, but there is still no response.

The next moment, he seemed to realize something and found that the body was somewhat similar to those strange species with blue eyes, which was cold!

Lin Yifan staggered back two steps, and a burst of despair rose in his heart. His body slid down the wall and said painfully with his head in his arms, "Why, why!"

If you die in the future, doesn't that mean that you died before the age of 40?

I don't know how long it took, Lin Yifan finally let go of his hands holding his head and his eyes became extremely sharp:

"Fuck, I'm not reconciled. I don't believe that I can't live to 40 years old with this thing that can travel to 20 years later!"

"If heaven wants to destroy me, I will fight with heaven!"

Lin Yifan stood up against the wall with firm eyes. Going out of this grocery store is his only chance to live. If he goes out of this space, I'm afraid that his body will cool down when he is found the next day.

Only these few steps of distance almost exhausted all the strength in Lin Yifan's body. The wound was bleeding again because it was affected. He had to press the wound and walk out. However, just as he was about to step out of the door of the grocery store, three figures appeared in his sight. Lin Yifan was stunned:

"It's you!"

These three are Sun Ning, Gu Feng and Xu Shi.

Although his appearance is much older than in another world, Lin Yifan can still clearly recognize him, because Sun Ning is his only brother!

What shocked Lin Yifan was that the three were not surprised to see themselves. Suddenly, a bold and incredible idea appeared in Lin Yifan's mind. They all knew it and had always known it!

Sun Ning said calmly, "We will take you to the hospital first."

There is a cold murderous intention in the words.

Lin Yifan looked at the three people incredulously and wanted to say something. He only felt that the blood in his body rolled, and a mouthful of blood spewed out and fainted.