Super space-time businessman

Chapter 55 Defending Love

Maybe it was because he was worried about being heard by others. Sun Ning's voice was lowered. Lin Yifan patted Sun Ning on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I have my own plan for this."

After Sun Ningyi's reminder, Lin Yifan's eyes became eager. He felt that he should go to see Gu Jinsheng, but it was a little too abrupt in the past, and he would be mistaken for himself to ask for credit, which would also arouse the disgust of the Gu family.

"I don't know when the Gu family's family banquet will be held?"

Lin Yifan remembered the Gu family banquet that Gu Feng told him in front of Lin's villa that day, and he was a little more looking forward to it.

"Lin Yifan?"

Thinking that Gu Wei's voice sounded in his ear, Lin Yifan turned his head and looked at Gu Wei, who had not paid attention to him since he knew that day that he had misunderstood him and said, "What's the matter?"

Lin Yifan's attitude is not very good. The key is that this girl treats herself too much as a dish.

Gu Wei's face was expressionless: "My grandfather has recovered and will hold a family banquet the night after tomorrow. My father asked me to tell you and call Uncle Lin by the way. Don't be late."

"Mom, what do you really want to come from?"

Lin Yifan was overjoyed, but he still said lightly:

"Oh, I see. I will be there on time."

Gu Wei seemed to have nothing to say to Lin Yifan. After explaining his father's words, he turned around and left, but after taking two steps, he suddenly turned around and said, "If you have any problems in the future, you can come to me. Don't run to other classes every time, otherwise others will think that our class is not as good as other classes!"

"What did you say?"

Lin Yifan thought he had heard it wrong and was a little surprised.

I was a little confused after touching my head. Where did this girl sing today?

"I said, if you have nothing to do in the future, just stay in the class. Don't run out if you have nothing to do. If others learn from you, what else do you need class discipline?"


Lin Yifan pounded the table unpleauntly. What the hell is this? In the past, she always ignored the questions she wanted to ask for advice, but now she has found someone to make up lessons, and she is actually willing to help her make up lessons again?

"Brother Yanfu is not shallow. I didn't expect you to take Gu Wei down again so soon?"

"Get out, you boy can die if you don't say sarcastic things!"

Lin Yifan quickly pressed Sun Ning's gossipy face back to his seat and looked at Gu Wei's back with an unhappy face. He had just confirmed his relationship with Jiang Xiaowei. He wanted to live a good life in the world of two people, but he didn't expect Gu Wei to insert another step in.

No one will be happy if such a thing happened. Recalling Gu Wei's words, Lin Yifan had a bad taste in his heart. At the same time, he also had an idea. Since Gu Wei promised to tutor himself, he would harass her if he had nothing to do. When she was impatient, he could not be with him again. Has Jiang Xiaowei passed the two-person world?

Thinking of doing it is Lin Yifan's style, but soon Gu Wei disappointed him. In the morning, Gu Wei couldn't help showing any disgust. Instead, Gu Wei patiently told him for several hours. Sometimes he would tell himself several times when he encountered something difficult to understand. The attitude of the person in charge was not necessarily Jiang Xiaowei's bad at all.

"Fuck, did this girl take the wrong medicine?"

After the class, Lin Yifan muttered in his heart and looked at Gu Wei constantly cleaning up the textbook on the desk, which delayed other people's study time all morning. Lin Yifan was a little embarrassed: "Well, why don't I treat you to dinner?"

Gu Wei still had that light expression, and there was no smile on Lin Yifan's face: "No, what I promised you will naturally be done!"

Lin Yifan is completely speechless. Why on earth did this girl do this? Is it because you don't like yourself and want to break up with Jiang Xiaowei?

Soon he denied this idea and hurt others to put himself in. Will Gu Wei's cleverness do such a thing?

Lin Yifan had a headache and didn't even think about these problems. When he walked out of the classroom for dinner, he happened to meet Jiang Xiaowei with a smile on his face: "Why didn't you go to me to make up lessons? Have you learned it all?"

Lin Yifan took his head and didn't know whether to tell Jiang Xiaowei about what happened in the morning. After thinking about it, he still gritted his teeth and said what happened in the morning. Lin Yifan's habitual landlord Jiang Xiaowei's small waist didn't care about the eyes of the people around him. He whispered in Jiang Xiaowei's ear and said, "What on earth is this Gu Wei for?"

"Stop it, so many people are watching."

heavy breathing. Jiang Xiaowei's ears were itchy, and she tried several times to push Lin Yifan away, but failed: "Lin Yifan, are you really stupid or fake stupid!"

A trace of sadness flashed in Jiang Xiaowei's eyes. Women are always **, especially in emotional aspects.

Lin Yifan was even more confused: "Xiaowei, what are you talking about?"

"There is no... Nothing."

Jiang Xiaowei realized her gaffe and didn't say anything about what had just happened. Seeing that the flow of people gradually dissipated and fewer people around her, Jiang Xiaowei looked at Lin Yifan seriously, as if to say to Lin Yifan and herself, "Yifan, will you change your mind in the future?"

Lin Yifan held her face, and his eyes were full of the distressing girl: "Stupid girl, what are you talking about? I only love you in my life."

Jiang Xiaowei didn't seem to hear Lin Yifan's words and continued to mutter, "If you fall in love with others in the future, don't hide it from me, okay?"

"I said I wouldn't fall in love with others."

Lin Yifan said and hugged Jiang Xiaowei tightly in his arms for fear that she would run away.

Jiang Xiaowei seemed to be touched, pushed away Lin Yifan, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said to him, "Do you remember the first time we met?"

Lin Yifan did not interrupt, but looked at Jiang Xiaowei seriously, knowing that she had something to say, and more importantly, he couldn't guess that Jiang Xiaowei was talking about the first meeting with Lin Yifan.

Seeing Lin Yifan nodded, Jiang Xiaowei continued: "That day, I was working as a waiter in the "Spring World", and I happened to meet you who came to play with several girls drunk. You are really domineering. You just said that you would take a picture with me and then give me a tip of 10,000 yuan.

"At that time, you were really domineering and didn't allow others to say no. In the end, I took a picture with you."

Lin Yifan suddenly understood what was going on with that photo. He was also a little lucky that he believed Jiang Xiaowei, otherwise the two might have really missed it.

"I also know that I was likely to be a passer-by in your life, so I tried my best to avoid you and only saw you once in that nightclub."

Jiang Xiaowei shouted heavily and said, "But I didn't expect you to transfer to our school. First, you kicked Du and was almost expelled from the school, and then sacrificed your life to save me. From then on, I knew that there was a person I couldn't avoid in my life, because I knew that if I missed it, I would never meet anyone who would die for me.

Fate is like a river. No matter how hard you struggle and roar, you can't get rid of the shackles of the river. Since I can't avoid it, I accept my fate. Who made me fall in love with you?

Jiang Xiaowei suddenly lowered her voice and said, "I just hope that when you like someone that day, don't keep me in the dark, okay?"


Lin Yifan said that he unconsciously increased his strength to hold Jiang Xiaowei, for fear that she would run the same.

Jiang Xiaowei made up her mind to find Gu Wei or summoned up a lot of courage. This was the first time in her life that she did something so firmly:

"Don't pester him in the future, okay?"

When she said this, Jiang Xiaowei felt ridiculous in her begging tone. Somehow, she suddenly remembered what Zhang Ailing said: If you love someone, you will be humble to the earth, and then bloom a flower.

"You are too careful. I'm not interested in him."

Gu Wei's words were resolute, and Jiang Xiaowei had to say, "That's disturbing you."

Gu Wei looked at the direction of Jiang Xiaowei's disappearance, and a back appeared in her mind. Sometimes even she didn't know what she felt for Lin Yifan. Maybe she had been used to a person's existence in her life and felt unacceptable to his sudden disappearance.

When Gu Wei looked at Jiang Xiaowei, Jiang Xiaowei also looked back at Gu Wei from time to time. At a secluded alley, she suddenly saw a black car covering the photo slowly following Gu Wei until there was no one around. The door opened, and a man in black covered the unconscious Gu Wei's mouth and pulled her into the car. Inside!