Super space-time businessman

Chapter 69 Brother-in-law, get dumped by my sister

Lin Yifan recognized it as an energy crystal at a glance!

It seems that this energy crystal is really a good thing. Doesn't it mean that you can control almost all the resource supply of the earth in the future?

"How can it be so easy?"

Gu Feng interrupted Jiang Xiaowei's words and was obviously not interested in talking about this topic: "Well, it's late. You two go back to rest first. Remember not to talk about tonight."

"I know the importance."

When Lin Yifan left, he found that Jiang Xiaowei had quietly put the energy crystal he had just picked up into his pocket. Lin Yifan said, "It's not a good habit to steal things."

"This is not stealing. Besides, those two aliens were killed."

After going far, Jiang Xiaowei took out the energy crystal again and put it in her hand to study it. Lin Yifan saw Jiang Xiaowei's movements: "Are you interested in this?"

Jiang Xiaowei nodded heavily: "Have you found the value of this thing? I have a hunch that if anyone can master this energy in the future, who can dominate the world. Wouldn't it be better if our China could study this thing first?"

Lin Yifan made up his mind: "I'll take you to meet someone tomorrow!"

Soon, the flying saucer appeared in Yunhai City, and some people even took a video. Although it was not very clear, the general outline of the flying saucer could be faintly seen in the hazy picture, and even several very vague figures that seemed to be several people fighting.

This video spreads quickly, and the click rate has been soaring. In less than a morning, it has been close to one million, and it is still rising.

However, near 12 noon, the video was deleted without warning, and the account that sent the video was also warned. For a while, the topic about aliens was blocked, and soon experts came out to refute the rumor. It was not a flying saucer at all. It was just a hot air balloon that landed on a main road in Yunhai City. Up.

The road surface is damaged, and the engineers are under emergency repairs, and the traffic will soon be restored.

Although many people scoffed at this explanation, their arms could not twist their thighs. Soon this wave of alien craze gradually receded from people's sight, but Lin Yifan knew that this was only the beginning!

In the laboratory of Yunhai University, Xu Shi saw Lin Yifan and said extremely unhappy, "Damnly, you didn't call me for such a good thing. Fortunately, I help you study this shit every day. It's really not enough."

Xu Shi regrets that he lost the opportunity to see the flying saucer with his own eyes or even board the flying saucer to study. For a scientific maniac like him, the flying saucer, an ultra-high-tech thing, has an unparalleled attraction to him.

"Who said I didn't think of you?"

Lin Yifan winced at Jiang Xiaowei. Although Jiang Xiaowei was puzzled, she still reluctantly took out the energy crystal and threw it to Xu Shi. Xu Shi took it in her hand and took out the energy crystal given to him last time. Compared it, her face became solemn. She knew from intuition that Jiang Xiaowei gave him the energy crystal. The conversion rate is much higher than that in your own hands.

A little surprised:

"Did your little girlfriend study it?"

Lin Yifan said, "Come out of the flying saucer. Now you know how high-tech what you study is!"

At this time, Jiang Xiaowei opened her mouth in shock and said incredulously, "So you have been studying this thing?"

Lin Yifan saw Jiang Xiaowei's exaggerated expression, and Xu Shi was already excited and said, "You mean that aliens use this thing to drive flying saucers?"

"Haha... Make a fortune, make a fortune."

Xu Shi took the energy crystal and kissed several times. If he didn't have an extreme love for science, he couldn't understand his current mood.

"But you have to speed up the patent now!"

Since Gu Feng told him yesterday that the capital would send scientists, Lin Yifan has been worried that if the top scientists in the capital find the power device of the flying saucer, he will reject his patent application and take these things for himself instead!

"Well, I can only urge me again, but don't blame my brother Lin Yifan for not reminding you. You'd better be mentally prepared. This patent may not be filed."

Judging from Xu Shi's expression, he obviously knows something: "Now the country attaches great importance to the development of science and technology, especially in terms of energy. If there is a major breakthrough, it is impossible to develop on a large scale, because it means the leakage of core technology. Do you understand the core technology? This is the key to whether a country can dominate the world in the future.

"Then I'll give up this thing?"

Lin Yifan looked resentful. He not only relied on this to make a lot of money, but also hoped to rely on these forces to develop himself and finally kill all the people who killed him 20 years later. Seeing Xu Shi, he wanted to say, "Stop talking first, fix the patent first. At that time, my buddy can't treat you badly."

"To be honest, money is really not good for me. Even if you give me a beautiful woman, I won't necessarily take a look."

Xu Shi glanced at Jiang Xiaowei and laughed: "But if there is anything high-tech in the future, remember to let your brother see it."

Lin Yifan agreed: "No problem."

"Okay, let's see how advanced the high-tech things of aliens are."

Xu Shi rubbed his hands excitedly and took out the energy converter. One end of the energy converter is followed by a high-power motor. The motor is connected to a generator. There is a power detector on the generator, which is specially used to detect the output power of the energy converter.

Jiang Xiaowei also looked curiously at the situation. Xu Shi gently put the energy crystal on it, and then gently mobilized the voltage and current output instrument on the energy converter. Soon the motor and generator quickly rotated quickly, and the power instrument kept beating, and soon jumped to 3600 watts.

"The output power of the energy converter is related to the energy conversion rate of the energy crystal. The higher the conversion rate, the greater the output power."

Xu Shi explained while operating that the voltage of the energy converter had soon been adjusted to 2,000 volts, and the output power had approached 20,000 watts.


Just as Xu Shi wanted to continue to increase the voltage, there was a sudden sound from the motor, and then a burst of smoke. Xu Shi said awkwardly, "It burned, but judging from the power just now, the conversion rate of this energy crystal is at least 20%."

"Twenty percent?"

Lin Yifan took a breath. Twenty years later, after the research of countless benevolent people, the conversion rate of energy crystals was increased to 1.25%. It can be seen that the gap between human beings and alien civilization technology is really not a little bit!

If the aliens do something to the earthlings now, they really have no power to counter it.

"Yes, but since it can drive a huge thing like a flying saucer and fly at a speed close to the speed of light, the conversion rate will certainly not be too low. It seems that the task on our shoulders is still very difficult."

Jiang Xiaowei has been watching Xu Shi's operation until the motor burned out, and then she was a little moved and said, "Can I come here in the future?"


Xu Shi looked at Jiang Xiaowei: "Are you still a high school student?"

Jiang Xiaowei's small mouth slightly upturned: "Why do you look down on high school students!"

Lin Yifan looked at their posture and quickly said, "Brother Xu, don't underestimate high school students. Maybe I can help you in the future!"

"Well, I can still say no when you say so. I think you are here for this today. Do you want your girlfriend to steal art?"

Lin Yifan knew that if he talked about his skills, he would definitely not be his opponent, and he simply did not argue with him. In fact, he brought Jiang Xiaowei here also had his own thoughts.

On the one, Jiang Xiaowei is really interested in these, and on the other, he also hopes that there are absolutely trustworthy people here who can keep abreast of information at any time.

Day by quickly. At the beginning, I occasionally saw Jiang Xiaowei when I went to Jiang's house, but later I couldn't see her directly. The girl was focused on research. Lin Yifan regretted introducing Jiang Xiaowei to the laboratory of Nanjiang University.

"Brother-in-law, have been dumped by my sister."

Jiang Yong still sat on the stone with a cigarette in his mouth and gloated.

Lin Yifan shook his hand to slap Jiang Yong, but was easily dodged by Jiang Yong: "I said, why are you so happy that your sister dumped me?"