Super space-time businessman

Chapter 76 For the Country

When Lin Yifan woke up, he found himself lying **, the old house left by Lin Dingguo!

When I opened my eyes, I saw a man sitting on a stool not far away. Judging from his expression, it seemed that he had been waiting for me to wake up:

"Who are you?"

Lin Yifan moved his feet and found that his injury was almost healed. Although he didn't know how he came out of the Yunhai Hotel after being hit by Sun Cheng, he still subconsciously told him that he must have something to do with the person in front of him.

The man said blankly, "National Security Bureau, it's a heavy responsibility."

"National Security Bureau?"

Lin Yifan wondered that he had only seen this mysterious institution in online novels, but he did not expect it to exist in reality, but he had a relationship with this institution?

"This is an agency similar to the National Security Agency of the United States."

Ren Key didn't say much so far: "Are you wondering why I saved you?"

Seeing Lin Yifan nodding, Renzhong continued:

"We have been paying attention to you since Xu Shi applied for a patent. According to the speculation of the top scientists in China, your technology is at least 20 years ahead of this era. We are curious about how you developed this result?

"Does this have anything to do with you?"

Lin Yifan's superior attitude made Lin Yifan very unhappy.

"It's related, and it's still very big."

Ren said, "We hope you can transfer this result to the country free of charge. Of course, as compensation, we will not treat you badly."

Lin Yifan was shocked to sit up from **, worked hard for several months, and finally got this? No one would agree:


Renzhong's face changed and said with slight contempt, "Why are people so selfish now? Can't you think about the country? Do you know how much damage it will cause to the country if this technology is lost abroad?

Lin Yifan did not give in: "Then you know how much I have paid for this. Just because of your words, I will give up all this for the sake of the country. Why?"

"You are from China, and you are a descendant of Yanhuang!"

Lin Yifan was furious: "I'm not that noble, but I can assure you that this technology will never be lost abroad."

"Then I can also assure you that you will never apply for this patent."

Ren Chongzhong patted the table again, and then thought that what he said seemed to be a little heavy. He calmed down and said, "You can rest first. I'll come to see you in two days."

Lin Yifan lay with his head covered in **, and a burst of despair rose in his heart. Do he really want to hand over this technology? But when I think about it, I always feel a little unwilling.

It's really cloudy and rainy these days.

The annual Entrepreneur Association is a grand event in Yunhai City, attracting millions of attention every year, because every decision and investment intention at this association means changing the fate of countless people.

However, this year's sorority is more lively and eye-catching than in previous years, because a big event happened at this sority: Lin Tianye's son was actually pretended by others.

As soon as this explosive news came out, it spread in Yunhai City at a very fast speed, becoming people's streets and alleys, after-dinner talks, and even the confrontational conflict at the social gathering, which was rumored, as if they had seen it with their own eyes. General.

Of course, a few curses to show their contempt for Lin Yifan, but more people are studying how to pretend to be a rich young master, and some people even posted a post "become a young master in a second" on the Internet, which is very lively and lively.

However, what caused a greater shock in Yunhai City was that after Lin Tianye was arrested, the stock of Juye Group fell again and again, and the whole group was panicked and spread the news that Juye Group was about to collapse.

At the same time, Fang Manchuan and Wang Boju are also planning how to acquire Juye Group at the lowest price. At this moment, the Yunhai Municipal Government is also very concerned about this matter. You should know that Juye Group contributes nearly ten points of GDP growth to Yunhai City every year. If it collapses like this, tens of thousands of people alone The employment problem is enough for them to have a headache.

So Juye Group cannot collapse and must be taken over by capable people. At present, the most suitable one is Boming Energy.

However, as soon as this news came out, all kinds of gossip news rose with the wind. Among them, the most evil news was that in order to get the Giant Group, Boming Energy killed Lin Tianye's son, and then found someone to pretend to deliberately expose it at the entrepreneur fellowship, which triggered the domino effect and let things follow him. We have developed in an established direction.

Of course, no matter what the truth is, Boming Energy will benefit the most from this entrepreneur fellowship.

Since he woke up that day and slowly recovered, Lin Yifan has not gone out much, but when he thinks about it, he knows that things must have gone crazy, and he must have become the kind of person who spit on people, although people don't know what the truth of the matter is.


The rapid knock on the door was like raindrops hitting the glass. Lin Yifan thought it was Renzhong who quickly opened the door, but when he opened the door and saw someone coming, he was stunned: "Sun Ning?"

"How have you been recently?"

Sun Ning didn't talk nonsense. He entered the door and patted Lin Yifan on the shoulder, and his brotherhood was full of words.

"Do you think it's not good? You can eat, drink and jump."

Lin Yifan smiled bitterly, and only in the face of Sun Ning could he be so relaxed.

Sun Ning didn't answer his words: "Jiang Xiaowei and Xue Xiaoou also want to come. I know you don't want to see Jiang Xiaowei now, so I didn't bring them here."

Lin Yifan sighed, "How's Jiang Xiaowei?"

This time it's Sun Ning's turn to smile bitterly: "Okay, but her mother doesn't want her to see you, saying that your character is not good, and she is afraid that you will do something wrong to her daughter in the future.

And now the Jiang family has become a joke in the shantytown, but your brother-in-law Jiang Xiaoyong is really good. He fought with a man named Xiao Tan for this and threatened to kill anyone who dares to say that his brother-in-law is a liar in the future.

Lin Yifan smiled awkwardly. In addition to himself, only Sun Ning and Sun Cheng know that it is natural for Sun Ning to stand on his side as his best friend. Jiang Yong's ability to do such a thing really surprised him.

But I feel quite comforted, and it's not in vain that I used to be so good to him.

Sun Ning saw that Lin Yifan did not answer, and then said, "I got a piece of news from Brother Feng. Now Boming Energy has put pressure on Lin Tianye through the city, intending to take over Juye Group. Don't Lin Yifan think all this is a trap?"

Lin Yifan snorted, "Do you think they can make Lin Tianye give in?"

Thinking about what happened at Yunhai Hotel that day, Lin Yifan knew that Lin Tianye would not bow to anyone.

Sun Ning said, "Fang Manchuan said that he had evidence of Lin Tianye's illegal fund-raising and tax evasion in those years. If it really adds your incident, do you think Lin Tianye can still come out? Can Juye Group still be preserved?


Lin Yifan felt that things were getting more and more complicated. He originally thought that Fang Ming and others exposed his identity just to revenge on himself, but he didn't expect that there was such a vicious intention behind it. Obviously, the other party had already dug a hole and was waiting for himself and Lin Tianye to jump in step by step.

"What do you think I should do?"

Lin Yifan smiled bitterly. There may have been a way before, but the heavy words made his heart cold. He was too weak, and he was still too weak to treat himself as a dish.

Sun Ning said, "Why don't we call Brother Biao together and teach them a lesson?"

"What era are you still playing this game? If you beat them, you can get the company back?"

My thoughts flew over and my brain kept moving. Lin Yifan suddenly moved and sneered:

"The world is as black as a crow. Since Lin Tianye's buttocks are not clean, doesn't it mean that Fang Manchuan's buttocks are not clean? If we can find evidence of Fang Manchuan, doesn't it mean that we can eat him to death!"

"Hey... That's true, but how credible do you think this kind of evidence is from you?

Lin Yifan smiled mysteriously, and the dark clouds above his head seemed to dissipate a lot: "What if you say it from Gu Xinhua's mouth?"

Lin Yifan believes that no matter what happens, the Gu family will definitely stand on his side without hesitation.

"Oh, how can I forget this?"

Sun Ning patted her head and remembered the business she came here today. She regretted, "Gu Wei is not in good health. She has been calling your name these days. Go and see her for the last time!"


Because a thunderbolt suddenly exploded, Lin Yifan stammered a few steps and realized something.