Super space-time businessman

Chapter 110 Pit him to death

"hehe... Rob, how can it be so efficient and safe to rob?

The two gangsters grinned and didn't care at all. They decided to eat Lin Yifan and others.

Lin Yifan looked at the broken red wine bottle on the ground. Although he didn't study much about this, he knew that the price would never exceed 3,000 yuan. However, after his eyes stopped on the two hoodlums for a moment, he said, "Okay, I'll give it."

You have to pay for it.

"Brother, I can't give it!"

Jiang Yong doesn't want Lin Yifan to be the wrongdoer. More than 10,000 is not a small amount. For him, that's a few love kidney 5!

Jiang Xiaowei looked at Lin Yifan puzzledly. In her heart, Lin Yifan was not a weak person. Lin Yifan stopped Jiang Yong who was about to stand in front of him and handed the money out, but stopped a few centimeters away from the two gangsters. The two gangsters were about to reach out to grab it, and Lin Yifan quickly pulled back.

The two hoodlums couldn't stand it on their faces: "You fucking play us, don't you?"

The two still maintained the posture of reaching out to grab money.

"I didn't mean to brush the two big brothers. I just want to know something from the two big brothers. I will naturally give you the money when I get the answer."

Lin Yifan shook the 20,000 yuan again, and the two strong men spatted: "You are still the first person who dares to make conditions to our brother, but we still put up with it for the sake of money."

"Well, brother-in-law, I look down on you."

Lin Yifan's image in Jiang Yong's heart collapsed. In Jiang Yong's view, men can have no money and lie, but they can't have no backbone. Now Lin Yifan has no backbone in his opinion.

Lin Yifan ignored Jiang Yong and heard the slightly funny words of the two, "Do you know Brother Guang?"

"Do you know Brother Guang?"

said with a little more pride on the face of the gangster: "Brother Guang is our boss."

This is also the capital they dare to run rampant in Yunhai Hotel.

After the gangster finished speaking, Lin Yifan handed the money to the two gangsters: "Can you take me to see Brother Guang?"

The mixed couple put the money in their hands and looked down on Lin Yifan, but looking at the money they got so quickly, they didn't mind talking to Lin Yifan more. It's really hard to find such a rich and stupid person as him this year:

"Kid, it's not that you don't know what Brother Guang is. They are so busy. Do you think anyone can see him?"

"Then do you think anyone can take my money?"


The two hoodlums didn't expect Lin Yifan to suddenly become hard and looked surprised. However, when he saw Manager Yang coming in with a group of security guards, he suddenly understood that these security guards must be his confidence, but they didn't pay attention to it and said to Manager Yang with a smile:

"Yang Laosan, are you going to hold a welcome ceremony for our brother?"

The two gangsters laughed. The two gangsters often used Brother Guang's name to make trouble at the Yunhai Hotel. Manager Yang knew that Brother Guang's back was Tang Mingjun, so he couldn't afford to turn a blind eye. They wanted to make trouble with them, as long as it didn't affect their daily business.

But he couldn't ignore Lin Yifan's accident. He walked to Lin Yifan and stood there, ready to follow his orders at any time.

looked at the hoodlums and didn't answer. The two hoodlums felt a little strange and suddenly stopped laughing: "Yang Laosan, are you really going to fight for this boy and Brother Guang?"

No one answered, which made the two hoodlums feel very faceless. Lin Yifan said coldly, "I want to see a bald head."

"See you. Mom. Head, if you dare to fight against our brothers today, believe it or not, we will smash your hotel now?


Lin Yifan gave a big mouth to one of the two hoodlums without hesitation. The two were stunned, and then said to Manager Yang, "Manager Yang, go and move a few stools. My friends and I are sitting here watching them smashing."

Manager Yang wiped the sweat on his forehead. He saw a lot of the second generation, but it was the first time he saw the second generation like Lin Yifan. Anyway, this hotel was not his own, and it was not his turn to feel sad. He hurriedly ordered his security guard to move a few chairs for Lin Yifan.

This time it's the turn of two fools. Force, Lin Yifan's routine of playing cards was completely beyond their imagination. He didn't expect him to do this, but he was slapped in the face and is still hot and painful. If he wants to do it, he is not the opponent of the bodyguards around him:

"Fuck, smash it, smash it, every bastard under Brother Guang."


It's so much...

Saying that, the two hoodlums began to smash hard, and many customers who were eating were shocked and ran aside to watch the two keep smashing.

Jiang Yong looked excited: "I'm so fucked, you really don't care?"

The security guards around heard Jiang Yong's words. Look at me and I look at you. Manager Yang is also a little confused: "Lin... Lin Shao, do you really want them to smash down?

Lin Yifan said, "Manager Yang, I didn't let you watch the bustle. You can estimate how much loss they have caused to Yunhai Hotel."

Manager Yang frowned: "But they can't afford it?"

"You don't have to worry about this, you just need to estimate the loss."

Lin Yifan said lightly, looking at the busy figure of the two hoodlums, and suddenly smiled.

After excitement, Jiang Yong was completely confused: "Brother, I heard that this hotel is yours. Isn't it sad that they smash you like this?"

Seeing that Lin Yifan ignored him, he turned to Jiang Xiaowei and said, "Sister..."

Jiang Xiaowei didn't give him a good face: "What do you want to say?"

Jiang Yong said, "You are your future husband's family business, so you let your brother-in-law lose your family?"

"Ouch... It hurts... Sister, can't I do it wrong?"

As soon as Jiang Yong's words were finished, he was severely pinched by Jiang Xiaowei. He kept shouting in pain. After a while, Jiang Xiaowei's anger was completely out, and then she let go of Jiang Yong's jade hand.

And Jiang Yong kept rubbing. He rubbed the red and swollen place pinched by Jiang Xiaowei and kept breathing in the cold air.

After a while, the two gangsters were tired before they stopped. Xue Xiaoou looked excited: "It's been filmed. It's been filmed. If this shocking scene is put on the Internet, the click rate will be at least one million."

Jiang Yong looked annoyan: "You don't feel sorry for things that are not yours at all."

"I'm willing, do you care?"

Lin Yifan didn't have time to appreciate the broken mouths of the two. Seeing the two tired and panting gangsters smashing, he wanted to leave. Lin Yifan suddenly said, "Do you want to leave when you smash it?"

The gangster said, "What do you want?"

Lin Yifan smiled and said, "Manager Yang, settle accounts for them."

"In addition to the smashed lights, tables and chairs, vases and customers who were run away, the preliminary estimate of the loss is about 10 million."

Manager Yang has already said the prepared words in his heart, and Lin Yifan has told him to say harshly before, but judging from Lin Yifan's current expression, it seems that he is still not too satisfied with this price.

This Lin Shao is too cruel. This is Manager Yang's most real idea at this time!

"Fuck, why don't you grab it!"

The two hoodlums were also shocked by the price said by Manager Yang, but at this time, their foreheads were already sweating coldly, and they also understood that they were trapped!

Lin Yifan said, "Manager Yang, since they don't believe it, you can calculate it for them in front of so many people. I didn't blackmail them in Yunhai Hotel."


If you can get to this level, Manager Yang is also an old-fried dough stick. First, he pointed to a bunch of vase residues and said, "This is a blue and white vase, and the price is two million."

"This is..."

Manager Yang pointed to a pile of smashed things and slowly spit out the price out of his mouth. Hearing this, everyone was shocked and finally laughed, "All the prices add up to 10 million yuan. Hello, Mr. Lin, let me remove the fraction of 500,000 yuan."

"You think I'm a fool. Will you put two million things in the hall?"

Although the two gangsters are impulsive, they are not stupid.

"We are a five-star hotel. All we have done is to improve the taste of our hotel. Besides, are the security guards at the door of our hotel and the surveillance in the hotel dead?"

Manager Yang's words were reasonable and won the favor of many onlookers, but the faces of the two hoodlums turned pale in an instant, but they still forced themselves to say, "I just don't have money. What can you do!"

He was about to go out, but was quickly stopped by the security guard. Lin Yifan said, "Call you Brother Guang to come?"

Micro people disperse when they see no good play.

The two hoodlums cried, which was even worse than their dead mother, but now there is no better way but to call Brother Guang. Now they just want to settle the matter in front of them.

The gap between the two hoodlums on the phone, Lin Yifan said with a little pain, "Manager Yang, the thing they smashed is really worth so much money?"

Manager Yang approached and said, "Except for the most expensive Yuan Qinghua, the others are all fake, and the loss is only about three million."


Lin Yifan couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Manager Yang. That's how the profiteers and profiteers came from. Even if they didn't believe Manager Yang's words, they would definitely identify the most expensive one. At that time, they found that Yuan Qinghua was real and naturally couldn't say anything.

However, he still felt that Manager Yang had a little less pits. If he had, he would definitely follow tens of millions of pits. Although these two bastards couldn't get the money, the other party could get it!

This is also a little compensation for Lin Tianye's imprisonment for so long.