Super space-time businessman

Chapter 113 I'm not here to discuss with you

Soon the dish was removed. At this time, Jiang Yong's stomach began to grunt, but at this time, the table was empty: "Brother, everything has been solved?"

"Ye, it's solved!"

Lin Yifan nodded. Today is destined to be a good day for him. All his dreams will set sail from today, so he drank so much this night that he forgot how he got home at night.

The next morning, when Lin Yifan woke up, he received a phone call from Dong Maolin. Chen Dexin wanted to see him. Lin Yifan thought that it was probably for Lin Tianye's business, so he did not dare to delay and stopped a taxi to the municipal government building.

Compared with Tang Mingjun's office, Chen Dexin's office is slightly inferior, but it is very clean and well organized. At this time, there are only Lin Yifan and Chen Dexin in the whole room. To be honest, Lin Yifan, the mayor of a city, is still a little reserved.

"Not bad."

Chen Dexin looked at Lin Yifan a few times and highlighted the word "good" from time to time. Lin Yifan didn't know what this was meant, and it was difficult to ask, so he had to sit there a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, the Provincial Department of Education has decided to revoke the punishment of expeling you from studying and cancel the punishment of prohibiting you from taking the college entrance examination for life, and Yunhai University has also decided to re-admission you."

Chen Dexin didn't talk too much nonsense: "So, the city decided to make up a celebration for you to celebrate that you have won such a great honor for Yunhai City."

Lin Yifan scratched his head: "Mayor Chen, don't waste it so much..."

"Listen to me first."

Chen Dexin interrupted Lin Yifan's words: "I want to bring your father and son back together at the celebration and break those rumors. What do you think now?"


Lin Yifan is no longer awkward. He knows that Chen Dexin must have a deeper meaning in doing so. Lin Yifan initially guessed that it might be to restore the surplus of Juye Group, raise the stock price of Juye Group, and at the same time to effectively promote the economic development of Yunhai City.

However, Lin Yifan quickly read another meaning from Chen Dexin's words: "You mean Lin Tianye can come out?"

"Well, the big trouble has been solved. Zheng Haitian is now overwhelmed, and the pressure exerted by the province is not so great, but some people are unwilling to give up and stare at the Juye Group and not to mess up the good economic situation in Yunhai City."

Chen Dexin looked at Lin Yifan and said earnestly.

"I understand, Mayor Chen!"

Lin Yifan knew what Chen Dexin meant. As the mayor, he could not speak too blatantly, but obviously he also expressed his displeasure with some people from his words. Lin Yifan understood that some people in Chen Dexin's mouth were referring to Fang Manchuan, Wang Boju and others.

The most effective way to get Lin Tianye out of prison is to revoke Fang Manchuan's accusation against Lin Tianye, and Fang Manchuan has not yet brought out the evidence yet. He is waiting for Lin Tianye to spit it out, otherwise even if he takes out the evidence, he will not get what he wants.

Out of the municipal government compound, Lin Yifan no longer delayed. He went directly to Fang Manchuan's house and opened the door. Wang Boju and Zhang Minqing were also there.

Seeing the three people looking at him with hatred, Lin Yifan did not talk nonsense and directly put a file bag over: "Can you look at this thing first?"

Fang Manchuan suspiciously picked it up from the table * file bag and slowly tore it open, but when he saw the contents inside, his face changed greatly: "You... Where did you get it?"

Lin Yifan said, "You don't need to know this. If you don't withdraw the accusation against Lin Tianye tomorrow, these materials will lie on Mayor Chen's desk."

Fang Manchuan is worthy of being an old man who has been wandering in the mall for many years, and soon regained his composure: "Kid, how dare you threaten me? Don't think that only you can send the information. We can do it. At worst, let's fight for a dead net, but you can't think of it in your life."

"I'm not threatening, it's just a kind reminder."

Lin Yifan smiled. In Fang Manchuan's eyes, his smile was very cheap. At the same time, when they saw Lin Yifan's smile, their hearts were also sinking. Sure enough, Lin Yifan quickly said what they were most worried about: "If you still want a son, just do as I said."

"You... Sure enough... This really has something to do with you."

Although such a fact has already been affirmed, hearing what Lin Yifan said in person, it still shocked them, but Fang Manchuan still clenched his teeth and said, "You release the three of them first, and we will immediately withdraw the accusation against Lin Tianye, and we will burn all the materials."

Lin Yifan said word by word as if he hadn't heard it, "Remember, I'm not discussing with you now. You can continue to accuse Lin Tianye and even submit those materials, but your son..."

Lin Yifan has long been tired of dealing with such cowhide candy-like people and directly release his own conditions, and then regardless of whether they agree to turn around and leave. With Fang Ming, Zhang Jiaqi and Wang Long in their hands, Lin Yifan is not afraid that they will not comply.

He ate them.

Looking at Lin Yifan's departure, the three of them sat on the sofa decadently. I don't know how long it took before Zhang Minqing said, "Mr. Fang, what should we do? I only have one son!"

Wang Boju was also in a mess at this time: "Yes, Mr. Fang, what should we do?"

Fang Manchuan looked up at the ceiling and planned for so long. He was really unwilling to release Lin Tianye like this, but after listening to Zhang Minqing and Wang Long, he still sighed helplessly:

"Then revoke it."

Although money is important to them, their son is more important.

When Lin Yifan called Sun Ning out and handed the TR gene potion to Sun Ning, Sun Ning's face was suspicious: "What is this?"

"Good things, you will know when you drink them."


I absolutely believe in Lin Yifan and Sun Ning. If even Lin Yifan harms himself, there is really no one in the world who can be trusted.

However, when a bottle of genetic medicine was underwater, Sun Ning felt that his body became weak: "What's going on? I rely on Lin Yifan, you won't murder me, will you?"

"What do you have to deserve my murder?"

Lin Yifan punched him with a smile and said, "This is normal. You can punch a cow to death at this time tomorrow."

Sun Ning looked at Lin Yifan contemptuously: "Just blow you."

Lin Yifan said, "Go back to rest now and come back at this time tomorrow to see if I lied to you."

The next afternoon, Lin Yifan waited for Sun Ning in a secluded place in the community. The phone rang without warning. It was a strange number. Lin Yifan picked it up, and a familiar voice came from the opposite horse: "Lin Yifan, I canceled the accusation against Lin Tianye. Can you now make Fang Ming Did they let it go?"

Lin Yifan could hear that the owner of this voice was Fang Manchuan: "I didn't promise you at the beginning. If you withdrew the accusation against Lin Tianye, I will let Fang Ming go."

As soon as he hung up the phone, he saw Sun Ning rushing in his direction.