Super space-time businessman

Chapter 123 Can't I compensate?

The seven soldiers were divided into two roads. Fatty and the three girls in Jiang Xiaowei's dormitory took a taxi back to school. Lin Yifan, Jiang Xiaowei and Jiang Yong got on his car, which was a shabby Volkswagen in Huang Hao's eyes.

"Have you already figured it out?"

Jiang Xiaowei couldn't help laughing several times, but at this time, she pretended to be a little unhappy and questioned.

Lin Yifan looked at Jiang Xiaowei's expression and said, "Am I not trying to make him remember this lesson and not pester you in the future?"

Jiang Xiaowei's face eased, and the excitement on Jiang Yong's face did not disappear: "Brother-in-law, should we buy a car now?"

Jiang Xiaowei stared at him: "What car to buy?"

Jiang Yong was so stunned by Jiang Xiaowei that he shrank his head, and then turned his eyes to Lin Yifan for help, but Lin Yifan blinked at him and said, "Yes, what kind of car to buy at a young age."

Only then did Jiang Yong realize that it was a big mistake to ask Lin Yifan for help. He looked at Lin Yifan contemptuously and stopped talking. Jiang Xiaowei's voice sounded again: "Your task now is to study hard and take the college entrance examination. As for the car, wait for you to college."

Jiang Xiaowei's words were settled until the car drove home and Jiang Yong didn't say anything. It was already evening when Lin Yifan and Jiang Xiaowei came out of Jiang's house and returned to school again. Lin Yifan and Jiang Xiaowei finally had time alone.

On the playground, Jiang Xiaowei put her head on Lin Yifan's chest and said, "Are you too spoiled by Jiang Yong?"

Lin Yifan said, "I don't have it. He is just young and wants to buy a toy."

Lin Yifan can only say so. It can't be said that it's all caused by this evil society, right?

"Hmm, who uses cars as toys?"

Perhaps because the weather was a little cold at night, Jiang Xiaowei hugged Lin Yifan's body and tightened it again: "But thank you. Since you appeared, like a blessing god, our family's life has improved a lot. It's not only my father's legs are better, but also has a job. I don't have to go anymore..."

"Stop it!"

Lin Yifan's heart moved and imprinted Jiang Xiaowei's lips without warning.


At first, Jiang Xiaowei struggled to push away Lin Yifan, and soon immersed herself in it.

The tip of Lin Yifan's tongue wantonly invaded Jiang Xiaowei's territory. At the same time, he felt the feeling of dryness and heat in his body. His body could not help but react. His hands kept swimming on Jiang Xiaowei's body uncontrollably, but when he touched the soft twin peaks, he was pushed away by Jiang Xiaowei.


The night wind was a little cold. Looking at Jiang Xiaowei's red and bleeding cheeks, Lin Yifan woke up a lot. He only looked at Jiang Xiaowei quietly, while Jiang Xiaowei lowered her head and clenched the corners of her clothes with both hands, as if she were a child who had done something wrong.

Lin Yifan's heart moved and kissed her gently on the forehead, "Why don't we buy a house and go out to live?"


After Jiang Xiaowei finished speaking, she broke away from Lin Yifan's arms and ran away. Looking at Jiang Xiaowei's figure, Lin Yifan was in a trance. Everything seemed to be yesterday. Unexpectedly, the girl who had been able to secretly look at her back had become his girlfriend.

shook his head and wanted to wake himself up. When he returned to the dormitory, there was still only the fat man. Tomorrow is the last day of the official report. Presumably the two roommates will not arrive tomorrow.

When Lin Yifan came back, the fat man chattyed. Lin Yifan suddenly felt that he was a little like Sun Ning, but unlike his brotherhood and Sun Ning, there was always a hint of compliment in the fat man's words.

Think about it, when I met Sun Ning, the two families were similar, but now the fat man is naturally different from when I met Sun Ning.

Lin Yifan just fell asleep after asking his name Pang Dahai. It's okay for such a person to make an ordinary friend, but it is impossible to be a bosom friend like Sun Ning.

The next morning, Lin Yifan didn't expect to be woken up by Jiang Xiaowei's phone call. At 8:30 a.m., Lin Yifan rubbed his eyes and said with a little sleepiness, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Xiaowei's voice was a little anxious: "Lin Yifan, come here quickly. Is someone pestering Xiao Ou?"

"What did you say?"

Lin Yifan thought he heard it wrong. Damn it, does anyone want to dig the corner of Sun Ning?

"East Gate of Yunhai University, come here quickly and wait until you arrive."


Lin Yifan didn't talk nonsense. He got up and put on clothes and washed in less than three minutes. He went out of the boys' dormitory. If Sun Ning came back from vacation as a soldier and knew that Xue Xiaoou had been pried into the corner of the wall, he had to kill him!

When I arrived at the east gate of Yunhai University, I really saw Jiang Xiaowei and Xue Xiaoou together. There were several suitcases beside Xue Xiaoou, and several boys said attentively, "Sister, which department are you from? Do you want us to send them up and have dinner together by the way?"

Xue Xiaoou said, "No, I have a hard work force."

Xue Xiaoou said and pointed to Lin Yifan who was walking in this direction not far away. Jiang Xiaowei saw Lin Yifan and waved her hand and shouted, "Lin Yifan, here."

"Oh, he still has a little white face, which is more powerful than his older brother Kong Wu."

Speaking that several boys who surrounded Xue Xiaoou made an obscene laugh, Xue Xiaoou's face turned red: "Rague, get out!"

As he said, he was about to squeeze out of the crowd. How could those boys let Xue Xiaoou leave like this and surround her in the middle while smiling.

"Mom, Sun Ning is not here. If he knows that he can't even take care of his girlfriend, he has to turn against me."

Thinking of this, Lin Yifan rushed up with an arrow step and said coldly, "Get out!"

"Kid, you have the fucking guts."

One of them stood up, licked the blood on the corners of his mouth and said fiercely, "Do you know who the young master is hanging out with?"

"It's none of my business. All I know is that it's not as simple as slapting you next time I meet you."

Lin Yifan finally understood why these people were so arrogant. It turned out that they were not students of Yunhai University, but social gangsters, but why did the security guards here care?

However, those gangsters did not mean to leave. They stood in the front and were beaten by Lin Yifan like a pig's head, as if they were the oldest of several people staring at Lin Yifan for fear that he would leave: "Kid, don't leave if you have the guts. Brother Guang will come right away. I don't believe that I can't kill you at that time?"

Lin Yifan suddenly found that the security guard did not dare to care. It turned out to be a bald man: "It turned out to be a bald head under Tang Mingjun."

Lin Yifan, who originally wanted to leave, suddenly stopped. Since he was a bald man, he might as well solve the trouble at once.

"What's your name, Brother Jun's name!"


Lin Yifan said to the boss of these people with a few big mouths: "Clean my mouth."

The rest of the gangsters were so scared that they took a step back when they saw that the boss was beaten. They didn't want to do anything, but the man in front of them was too cruel.

However, what made them relieved was that the scene in front of them happened to fall into Brother Guang's eyes and shouted excitedly, "Brother Guang, Brother Guang!"

In their opinion, no matter how powerful this boy is, if he offends Brother Guang, he will die!

The bald head didn't think about it, but he just passed by and stopped by. He didn't want to chill the hearts of the men who followed him. However, when they saw the offended people under his men, they were immediately furious and paralyzed. It was too late to hide from this evil star, and these guys still provoked them.

He shook his hand and slapped the boss among them, and the boss was completely confused: "Light... Brother Guang..."

It was just that Brother Guang dared to speak out, and he was shocked to find that Brother Guang actually said to Lin Yifan with a little politeness, "Lin Shao, are you all right?"

Lin Yifan shook his arm and said, "I'm fine, but my friend was a little scared."

He pointed to Xue Xiaoou and Jiang Xiaowei behind him.

Brother Guang felt a lot of sweat on his forehead. What's the matter? Lin Yifan dares to blackmail 10 million people. If this boy opens his mouth to compensate for 10 million yuan for mental losses, who can he talk to his mother?

"Bight, beat me hard!"

Thinking of this, Brother Guang waved his hand even if he was angry, and several gangsters who came with him began to punch and kick the gangsters who flirted with Xue Xiaoou. Those gangsters did not dare to fight back, so they had to lie on the ground holding their heads and moan in pain.

Soon Brother Guang's behavior attracted a lot of onlookers, among which many girls were flirted by these gangsters. They clapped their hands happily when they saw this scene, which was indeed a great pleasure for them.

Lin Yifan saw the gangster lying on the ground bowing in pain and waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's almost done."

"Okay, stop fighting."

Brother Guang was overjoyed and kicked one of the gangsters lying on the ground and said, "Don't get up yet. Thank you, Master Lin!"

Only then did they know that they had offended people they couldn't afford to provoke, and they couldn't care about the severe pain that came from them. They reluctantly stood up and kept saying, "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry."

"Lin Shao, I'm sorry..."


"All's done."

Lin Yifan had a headache because of their quarrel, so Brother Guang came over and said, "Mr. Lin, have you calmed down?"

"It's gone, but..."

Lin Yifan pointed to Xue Xiaoou. Brother Guang heard Lin Yifan's but cry and said, "Mr. Lin, I'll compensate. Can't I compensate?"