Super Network Manager

Chapter 1 I'm the network manager

After receiving 300 yuan again, Niu Ben was in a good mood.

Three hundred plus two hundred and five, so easy to get more than half a month's salary*, which makes Niu Ben feel that this is a wonderful afternoon, and at the same time, he has to sigh that the charm of legendary beauty is really extraordinary.

Of course, if you really want to make this money into a pocket, Niu Ben still needs to get things done.

With the convenience of network management, I really want to get the QQ number of Internet guests in Internet cafes, but there are actually many means and methods. Just like Niu Ben now, after collecting the money, he did not tremble at all and went straight to the computer room to find Zhang Chunhua, the fat supervisor.

"Brother Zhang, let me use the server!"

"What are you doing with the server?" Zhang Pang immediately looked wary about Niu Ben's request. You should know that the server in the computer room has always been in his hands. As a supervisor, in addition to counting the attendance and salary of Internet cafe staff, the most important thing is to maintain the main server of the whole Internet cafe. Because it is related to his own responsibilities, Zhang Fatty does not allow the small network management below to use the server in the computer room at all.

Otherwise, improper operation will not only cause losses to the Internet cafe, but also increase its workload.

Another most important point is that small network management is not allowed to operate servers, which prevents small network management from learning deeper Internet cafe management and maintenance techniques, thus threatening his position in Internet cafes.

Niu Ben has been working in this Internet cafe for a year, and naturally he knows that Fatty Zhang cares heavily about servers. However, today he is not afraid to provoke Fatty Zhang's guard against himself: "Brother Zhang, didn't I fail just now? Now I come up with a new idea that I can definitely get the QQ number of that beautiful woman."

"What's the trick?!" As soon as Fatty Zhang heard about this, he immediately put down his vigilance.

But Niu Ben smiled and sold a key: "You will know later." Suddenly, seeing that Fatty Zhang still didn't let go, he had to add, "Don't worry, I know what can't be moved casually. If it really doesn't work, just stand beside me and watch it. In case I have improper operation, you can stop me in time... Let's go, it's not too late. In case that beautiful woman disengers off the plane, everything will be too late!"

Hearing Niu Ben's words, Zhang Pangzi hesitated and nodded, "Okay, then act quickly."

Niu Ben smiled and couldn't help humming proudly: Let you be like a ghost, just drink my foot washing water. Zhang Pangzi, when I learn how to maintain the server, you won't want to ride on my head!

In the bottom of his heart, Niu Ben's action was not delayed at all, and he came to the server first.

Shake the mouse to remove the screen saver mode, and Niu Ben couldn't help scolding again: This is all set the password. Zhang Fatty, you are the mother of the thief! Of course, Niu Ben naturally asked, "Brother Zhang, what's the password?"

"I'll lose." In this way, Fatty Zhang still did not answer, but came to Niu Ben, covered Niu Ben's sight with his bloated figure, and then he typed a pass on the keyboard.

When he flashed aside, the server had been opened.

Niu Ben knew that even if he scolded too much now, it was useless, so he didn't think about it the next moment. Straight to the server, he opened the main server management and found the computer identified as 121, then right-clicked the mouse button and chose to view the process in the task manager.

After a little browsing, Niu Ben has found that in addition to the system process, there is only one QQ and several game processes related to the hegemony of the Three Kingdoms in the computer used by the beauty. With a smile, Niu Ben directly chose to close the main process of the game of the Three Kingdoms.

At this time, if Fatty Zhang doesn't understand what Niu Ben is doing, then he has been doing network maintenance for so many years. He laughed and gave a thumbs up to Niu Ben and said, "Xiao Niu, Brother Zhang said, you still have a lot of flexible ideas. You can operate it back and forth like this twice. If the beautiful woman doesn't let you repair her computer, the position of my Internet cafe supervisor will do it for you."

After saying that, he seemed to feel that this method was very reliable. He immediately grabbed the mouse control from Niu Ben, stared at the process of the 122 machine, and said, "Ok, this method is absolutely feasible. In the future, if I meet a beautiful woman, I will do it like this. Maverick, you are also smart and get the beautiful woman's QQ number, you know... As for now, you go out to greet the beautiful woman first, and then tell me the QQ number.

Niu Ben saw that Zhang Pangzi ended the game process of 122 machine for a while, and then chose to close the QQ process that just appeared. He was immediately unhappy: Your mother's egg, the operation is so fast. After a while, the beautiful woman will be angry, and I have to be angry!

While cursing anx, Niu Ben quickly exited the computer room and came to the hall, and found that his expected situation had become a reality.

Seeing that the legendary beauty on the 122 plane had stood up. She even looked at the eyes of other Internet men and directly clicked the mouse, and shouted in an extremely angry tone, "Network manager, come and see if the broken machine can be finished!"

Niu Ben hurried over and said, "What's the matter? Do you have any problems to solve?"

"Look at me. I was just playing a game, and I was stuck for no reason. When I went up again and again, even QQ was stuck several times." The beautiful woman sat down angrily and stretched out her slender fingers to point on the computer screen, obviously indignant.

This situation can be understood more or less, especially for those who play competitive games. Originally, they had a good momentum of development and were wondering if they could abuse others, but unexpectedly, suddenly there was a disaster and the game was directly stuck. Even if the resentment value of people with good temper will never be too low. What's more, this legendary beauty in front of her is usually surrounded by flattery. It's really normal to lose her temper when she encounters such a thing.

Just speaking, being a network manager is originally an angry profession, especially a low-level small network manager like Niu Ben. Not only is the boss's harsh supervisor's exploitation, but also in the face of complaints and even the anger of guests, he can only smile. Otherwise, if the guest is dissatisfied and complains several times, the poor salary will be only a few hundred yuan, and I'm afraid it will shrink a lot immediately.

The suffering is really not as leisurely and relaxed as outsiders imagine, and you can also surf the Internet for free.

For good, Niu Ben is not short to be a network manager, and he has practiced the ability to filter out these grievances early. In particular, he invented this situation, so he can still maintain a very good mentality: "Don't worry, I'll debug it for you a little to ensure that such a situation will not happen again." With that, he bent down, mouse and keyboard in one hand, and carried out a dazzling operation on the computer.

After a while, he pushed the keyboard and said, "Try it again."

The beautiful woman has no doubt about him. She habitually double-clicks the QQ icon on the desktop and starts to enter her QQ number without thinking about it...


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